Esempio n. 1
File: App.php Progetto: qious/Hnust
 public function error()
     $content = \Hnust\input('content');
     if (!empty($content)) {
         Log::file('android', $content);
Esempio n. 2
 public function score()
     $sid = \Hnust\input('sid');
     $name = \Hnust\input('name');
     $idcard = \Hnust\input('idcard');
     $score = new \Hnust\Analyse\Score($sid, $name, $idcard);
     echo $score->getScore() && !$score->error ? 'success' : 'error';
Esempio n. 3
File: Push.php Progetto: qious/Hnust
 public function achieve()
     $id = \Hnust\input('id/d', -1);
     $push = new \Hnust\Analyse\Push();
     if ($push->achieve($this->uid, $id)) {
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_NORMAL;
     } else {
         $this->msg = '修改失败';
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct($module, $method)
     parent::__construct($module, $method);
     $this->key = \Hnust\input('key');
     $this->uid = \Hnust\input('uid');
     $this->sid = \Hnust\input('sid');
     $this->secret = \Hnust\input('secret');
     $this->passwd = \Hnust\input('passwd');
Esempio n. 5
File: Logs.php Progetto: qious/Hnust
 public function logs()
     $file = \Hnust\input('file', null);
     $files = $this->getList();
     if (in_array($file, $files)) {
         echo '<pre>' . $this->getContent($file) . '</pre>';
     } else {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             echo "<a href='/logs?file={$file}'>{$file}</a><br/>\n";
Esempio n. 6
 public function scoreAll($scope, $course, $re = true)
     if (empty($this->sid) || empty($course)) {
         throw new \Exception('参数有误', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     $sql = 'SELECT `class`, `major`, `grade`, `school` FROM `student` WHERE `sid` = ? LIMIT 1';
     $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->sid));
     $this->class = $result[0]['class'];
     $this->major = $result[0]['major'];
     $this->grade = $result[0]['grade'];
     $this->school = $result[0]['school'];
     if ('class' === $scope) {
         $sql = "SELECT `a`.`sid`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`idcard`,\n                      IF(`b`.`score` IS NULL, '[]', `b`.`score`) `score`\n                    FROM `student` `a`\n                    LEFT JOIN `score` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`\n                    WHERE `a`.`class` = ?";
         $students = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->class));
         $this->scoreName = $this->class;
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT `a`.`sid`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`idcard`,\n                      IF(`b`.`score` IS NULL, '[]', `b`.`score`) `score`\n                    FROM `student` `a`\n                    LEFT JOIN `score` `b` ON `a`.`sid` = `b`.`sid`\n                    WHERE `a`.`major` = ? AND `a`.`grade` = ? AND `a`.`school` = ?";
         $students = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->major, $this->grade, $this->school));
         $this->scoreName = $this->major;
     $failures = array();
     foreach ($students as $student) {
         $score = json_decode($student['score'], true);
         foreach ($score as $termScore) {
             foreach ($termScore as $courseScore) {
                 if ($courseScore['course'] == $course) {
                     $this->credit = empty($this->credit) ? $courseScore['credit'] : $this->credit;
                     $data[] = array("sid" => $student['sid'], "name" => $student['name'], "score" => $courseScore['mark'], 'resit' => $courseScore['resit']);
         $temp = empty($data) ? array() : end($data);
         if ($temp['sid'] != $student['sid']) {
             $failures[] = array('sid' => $student['sid'], 'name' => $student['name'], 'idcard' => $student['idcard']);
     if (\Hnust\input('re\\b', false)) {
         $failures = $students;
     if (!empty($failures) && $re) {
         $url = Config::getConfig('local_base_url') . 'Update/score';
         Http::multi($url, $failures);
         return $this->scoreAll($scope, $course, false);
     } elseif (!empty($failures)) {
         foreach ($failures as $student) {
             $data[] = array('sid' => $student['sid'], 'name' => $student['name'], 'score' => '-1', 'resit' => false);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 7
File: User.php Progetto: qious/Hnust
 public function update()
     $oldPasswd = \Hnust\input('oldPasswd');
     $newPasswd = \Hnust\input('newPasswd');
     $mail = \Hnust\input('mail');
     $phone = \Hnust\input('phone');
     if (!empty($oldPasswd) && !empty($newPasswd)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `passwd` = ? LIMIT 1';
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid, \Hnust\passwdEncrypt($this->uid, $oldPasswd)));
         if (empty($result)) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `error` = (`error` + 1) WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
             Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
             $this->code = Config::RETURN_ALERT;
             $this->msg = '原密码错误';
             return false;
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM `weak` WHERE `md5` = ? LIMIT 1';
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($newPasswd));
         if ('0' != $result[0]['count']) {
             $this->code = Config::RETURN_ALERT;
             $this->msg = '您的密码过于简单';
             return false;
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `passwd` = ?, `error` = 0 WHERE `uid` = ?';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array(\Hnust\passwdEncrypt($this->uid, $newPasswd), $this->uid));
         $tokens = $this->authCache->smembers($this->uid);
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if ($token === $this->token) {
             $this->authCache->hdelete('token', $token);
             $this->authCache->sdelete($this->uid, $token);
         $this->data = '修改成功,请牢记您的密码';
     $sql = "UPDATE `user` `u`,`student` `s`\n                SET `s`.`mail` = IF(? = '', `s`.`mail`, ?),\n                    `s`.`phone` = IF(length(?) <> 11, `s`.`phone`, ?)\n                WHERE `s`.`sid` = `u`.`uid` AND `u`.`uid` = ?";
     Mysql::execute($sql, array($mail, $mail, $phone, $phone, $this->uid));
     $this->msg = '系统提示';
     $this->data = empty($this->data) ? '已保存您的修改' : $this->data;
     $this->code = Config::RETURN_CONFIRM;
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
 public function electiveQueue()
     $this->logFileName = 'elective';
     if ('是' !== Config::getConfig('is_elective')) {
         return false;
     $id = \Hnust\input('id/d', null);
     if (is_null($id)) {
         $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `elective_queue`\n                    WHERE `result` = '' OR `result` IS NULL\n                    AND `upTime` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MINUTE) LIMIT 50";
         if ($result = Mysql::execute($sql)) {
             $baseUrl = Config::getConfig('local_base_url');
             foreach ($result as $item) {
                 try {
                     $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $baseUrl . 'remind/electiveQueue?id=' . $item['id'], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->record("=== 执行未处理的选课队列" . count($result) . '条');
         return true;
     $sql = 'SELECT `s`.`sid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`mail`, `e`.`title`, `e`.`url`
             FROM `elective_queue` `e`
             LEFT JOIN `student` `s` ON `e`.`sid` = `s`.`sid`
             WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1';
     if ($queue = Mysql::execute($sql, array($id))) {
         $queue = $queue[0];
         $elective = new \Hnust\Analyse\Elective($queue['sid']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
             try {
                 $queue['result'] = $elective->doAction($queue['url']);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (!empty($queue['result'])) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE `elective_queue` SET `result` = ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1';
             $sqlArr = array($queue['result'], $id);
             Mysql::execute($sql, $sqlArr);
             $this->remind($queue, $queue['title'], $queue['result'], '#/elective', '1100');
Esempio n. 9
 public function rank()
     $by = \Hnust\input('by', 'term');
     $scope = \Hnust\input('scope', 'class');
     $term = \Hnust\input('term');
     if (empty($term) || !in_array(strlen($term), array(9, 11))) {
         $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     } elseif ('term' === $by && 11 !== strlen($term)) {
         $term = Config::getConfig('current_term');
     $term = 'term' !== $by ? substr($term, 0, 9) : $term;
     $isDownload = \Hnust\input('download/b', false);
     $rank = new \Hnust\Analyse\Rank($this->sid);
     if ($isDownload) {
         $rank->getExcel($this->uid, $term, $scope, $by);
     } else {
         $this->data = $rank->getRank($term, $scope, $by);
         $this->info = array('sid' => $this->sid, 'by' => $by, 'scope' => $scope, 'term' => $term, 'class' => $rank->class, 'major' => $rank->major, 'terms' => $rank->terms, 'courses' => $rank->courses, 'rankName' => $rank->rankName);
Esempio n. 10
 public function time()
     $week = \Hnust\input('week/d');
     $gid = \Hnust\input('group/d');
     $list = \Hnust\input('list');
     if ($week < 1 || $week > 20) {
         $this->msg = '周次有误,请重新选择';
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
     $student = array();
     if ($gid) {
         $group = new Group();
         $result = $group->getMember($gid);
         if ($result) {
             foreach ($result as $item) {
                 $student[] = $item['sid'];
     $list = trim($list);
     if ($list) {
         $list = explode("\n", $list);
         if ($list) {
             $student = array_merge($student, $list);
     $student = array_unique($student);
     if (empty($student)) {
         $this->msg = '学号不能为空,请选择群组或者输入学号';
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
     $schedule = new \Hnust\Analyse\Schedule('1301010101');
     $result = $schedule->getFreeTime($student, $week);
     $this->data = $result['data'];
     $this->info = array('week' => $week, 'list' => $list, 'error' => $result['error']);
Esempio n. 11
File: Auth.php Progetto: qious/Hnust
 public function login()
     $passwd = \Hnust\input('passwd');
     $sql = 'SELECT `error`, `passwd`, `rank` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = ?';
     $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
     if (empty($result)) {
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
         $this->msg = '该用户不存在,请检查用户名是否正确或长期未使用(长期未使用账号会被系统自动清理)';
         return false;
     if ($result[0]['error'] >= Config::getConfig('max_passwd_error')) {
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
         $this->msg = '您的错误次数过多,已被限制使用';
         return false;
     if ($result[0]['passwd'] !== \Hnust\passwdEncrypt($this->uid, $passwd)) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `error` = (`error` + 1) WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
         $this->msg = '您输入的密码有误';
         return false;
     $loginInfo = array('uid' => $this->uid, 'time' => time(), 'ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     do {
         $this->token = \Hnust\randStr(32);
     } while (!$this->authCache->hadd('token', $this->token, $loginInfo));
     $this->authCache->sadd($this->uid, $this->token);
     $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `error` = 0, `lastTime` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE `uid` = ?';
     Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
     $cookieTime = time() + Config::getConfig('max_remember_time');
     setcookie('token', $this->token, $cookieTime, Config::WEB_PATH . '/');
     $this->msg = '登陆成功';
     $this->code = Config::RETURN_RECORD_PAGE;
     $this->info = $this->user();
     return true;
Esempio n. 12
 public function deleteMember()
     $gid = \Hnust\input('gid');
     if (empty($gid)) {
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_ERROR;
         $this->msg = '参数不能为空';
         return false;
     $this->group->deleteMember($gid, $this->sid);
     $this->msg = "已删除学号{$this->sid}";
Esempio n. 13
 public function update()
     $type = \Hnust\input('type');
     $start = \Hnust\input('start');
     $cookie = \Hnust\input('cookie');
     $cache = new Cache('update');
     $cacheData = $cache->get($type);
     $cacheData = empty($cacheData) ? array() : $cacheData;
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $cacheData['start'] = $start;
     if (!empty($cookie)) {
         $cacheData['cookie'] = $cookie;
     $cache->set($type, $cacheData);
     $url = Config::getConfig('local_base_url') . 'update/' . $type;
     try {
         new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->msg = '已加入更新队列,请通过实时日志查看更新进度';