Exemple #1
  * @param \Zend\Uri\Uri $uri
 public function parse(Uri $uri)
     $this->url = $uri->toString();
     $html = \OpenGraph::fetch($uri->toString());
     // open graph
     $this->id = basename($uri->getPath());
     $this->title = $html->title;
     $this->description = $html->description;
     $this->image = urlencode($html->image);
Exemple #2
  * @param \Zend\Uri\Uri $uri
  * @return mixed False if service or namespace nofound
 public function analyse(Uri $uri)
     $service = $this->serviceManager->searchService($uri->toString());
     if (false === $service) {
         return false;
     $namespace = $this->serviceManager->getServiceNamespace($service);
     if (null === $namespace || $namespace === '') {
         return false;
     $clear = $namespace::clearUri($uri);
     if (false === $clear) {
         return false;
     $keyCache = $uri->toString();
     // cache because the analyse process requires a lot of resources
     $analyser = $this->cache->get($keyCache);
     if (null !== $analyser) {
         return $analyser;
     // analyse process
     $analyser = new $namespace();
     return $this->cache->set($keyCache, $analyser);
Exemple #3
  * @param \Zend\Uri\Uri $uri
 public function parse(Uri $uri)
     $this->url = $uri->toString();
     $html = \OpenGraph::fetch($this->url);
     $query = $uri->getQueryAsArray();
     // open graph
     $this->id = $query['v'];
     $this->title = $html->title;
     $this->description = $html->description;
     $this->image = urlencode($html->image);
Exemple #4
  * Get Url
  * @return string
 public function getUrl()
     if ($this->uri instanceof Uri) {
         $url = array('href' => $this->uri->toString());
         $query = $this->uri->getQueryAsArray();
         if (sizeof($query) > 0) {
             $url['query'] = $query;
         return $url;
 private function validateUrl($config, $name, $base = '')
     if (!isset($config['idp_url'][$name])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('universibo_sso.idp_url.' . $name . ' is not set!');
     try {
         $uri = new Uri($base . $config['idp_url'][$name]);
         return $uri->toString();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('universibo_sso.idp_url.' . $name . ' is not valid!');
  * Send request to the proxy server with streaming support
  * @param string        $method
  * @param \Zend\Uri\Uri $uri
  * @param string        $http_ver
  * @param array         $headers
  * @param string        $body
  * @return string Request as string
 public function write($method, $uri, $http_ver = '1.1', $headers = array(), $body = '')
     // If no proxy is set, throw an error
     if (!$this->config['proxy_host']) {
         throw new Adapter\Exception('No proxy host set!');
     // Make sure we're properly connected
     if (!$this->socket) {
         throw new Adapter\Exception('Trying to write but we are not connected');
     $host = $this->config['proxy_host'];
     $port = $this->config['proxy_port'];
     if ($this->connected_to[0] != $host || $this->connected_to[1] != $port) {
         throw new Adapter\Exception('Trying to write but we are connected to the wrong proxy ' . 'server');
     // Add Proxy-Authorization header
     if ($this->config['proxy_user'] && !isset($headers['proxy-authorization'])) {
         $headers['proxy-authorization'] = \Zend\Http\Client::encodeAuthHeader($this->config['proxy_user'], $this->config['proxy_pass'], $this->config['proxy_auth']);
     // if we are proxying HTTPS, preform CONNECT handshake with the proxy
     if ($uri->getScheme() == 'https' && !$this->negotiated) {
         $this->connectHandshake($uri->getHost(), $uri->getPort(), $http_ver, $headers);
         $this->negotiated = true;
     // Save request method for later
     $this->method = $method;
     // Build request headers
     $request = "{$method} {$uri->toString()} HTTP/{$http_ver}\r\n";
     // Add all headers to the request string
     foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
         if (is_string($k)) {
             $v = "{$k}: {$v}";
         $request .= "{$v}\r\n";
     $request .= "\r\n";
     // Send the request headers
     if (!@fwrite($this->socket, $request)) {
         throw new Adapter\Exception('Error writing request to proxy server');
     //read from $body, write to socket
     while ($body->hasData()) {
         if (!@fwrite($this->socket, $body->read(self::CHUNK_SIZE))) {
             throw new Adapter\Exception('Error writing request to server');
     return 'Large upload, request is not cached.';
Exemple #7
  * @param \Zend\Uri\Uri $uri
 public function parse(Uri $uri)
     $this->url = $uri->toString();
     $paths = explode('/', $uri->getPath());
     $pathsCount = count($paths);
     $id = $paths[$pathsCount - 1];
     $type = $paths[$pathsCount - 2];
     $data = json_encode(file_get_contents('http://api.deezer.com/2.0/' . $type . '/' . $id));
     if (!isset($data['id'])) {
     $this->id = $data['id'];
     $this->title = $data['title'];
     $this->description = $data['album']['link'];
     $this->image = $data['album']['cover'];
Exemple #8
  * Call a remote REST web service URI and return the Zend_Http_Response object
  * @param  string $path            The path to append to the URI
  * @throws Zend\Rest\Client\Exception\UnexpectedValueException
  * @return void
 private final function _prepareRest($path)
     // Get the URI object and configure it
     if (!$this->_uri instanceof Uri\Uri) {
         throw new Exception\UnexpectedValueException('URI object must be set before performing call');
     $uri = $this->_uri->toString();
     if ($path[0] != '/' && $uri[strlen($uri) - 1] != '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
      * Get the HTTP client and configure it for the endpoint URI.  Do this 
      * each time as the Zend\Http\Client instance may be shared with other 
      * Zend\Service\AbstractService subclasses.
  * Generates an URI representing the authorization request.
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
 public function createAuthorizationRequestUri(Request $request)
     /* @var $clientInfo \InoOicClient\Client\ClientInfo */
     $clientInfo = $request->getClientInfo();
     if (!$clientInfo) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Missing client info in request');
     if (($endpointUri = $clientInfo->getAuthorizationEndpoint()) === null) {
         throw new Exception\MissingEndpointException('No endpoint specified');
     $uri = new Uri($endpointUri);
     $params = array(Param::CLIENT_ID => $clientInfo->getClientId(), Param::REDIRECT_URI => $clientInfo->getRedirectUri(), Param::RESPONSE_TYPE => $this->arrayToSpaceDelimited($request->getResponseType()), Param::SCOPE => $this->arrayToSpaceDelimited($request->getScope()), Param::STATE => $request->getState());
     foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
         if (in_array($name, $this->requiredParams) && empty($value)) {
             throw new Exception\MissingFieldException($name);
     return $uri->toString();
Exemple #10
  * Test that makeRelative() works as expected
  * @dataProvider commonBaseUriProvider
 public function testMakeRelative($base, $url, $expected)
     $url = new Uri($url);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $url->toString());
Exemple #11
  * Execute geocoding
  * @param  Request $request
  * @return Response
 public function geocode(Request $request)
     if (null === $request) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('request');
     $uri = new Uri();
     $urlParameters = $request->getUrlParameters();
     if (null === $urlParameters) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Invalid URL parameters');
     $client = $this->getHttpClient();
     $stream = $client->send();
     $body = Json::decode($stream->getBody(), Json::TYPE_ARRAY);
     $hydrator = new ArraySerializable();
     $response = new Response();
     if (!isset($body['status'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Invalid status');
     if (!isset($body['results'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Invalid results');
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     foreach ($body['results'] as $data) {
         $result = new Result();
         $hydrator->hydrate($data, $result);
     return $response;
Exemple #12
 public function toString()
     if ($this->host && !$this->scheme) {
     $url = parent::toString();
     if (true === $this->htmlEncode) {
         $url = htmlentities($url, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     if (true === $this->urlEncode) {
         $url = urldecode($url);
     return $url;
Exemple #13
  * Compose the URI into a string
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception\InvalidUriException
 public function toString()
     return $this->uri->toString();
Exemple #14
  * Start the server
 public function bind()
     $err = $errno = 0;
     $this->flashPolicyFile = str_replace('to-ports="*', 'to-ports="' . $this->uri->getPort() ?: 80, $this->flashPolicyFile);
     $serverSocket = stream_socket_server($this->uri->toString(), $errno, $err, STREAM_SERVER_BIND | STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN, $this->context);
     $this->logger->notice(sprintf("phpws listening on %s", $this->uri->toString()));
     if ($serverSocket == false) {
         $this->logger->err("Error: {$err}");
     $timeOut =& $this->purgeUserTimeOut;
     $sockets = $this->streams;
     $that = $this;
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $this->loop->addReadStream($serverSocket, function ($serverSocket) use($that, $logger, $sockets) {
         $newSocket = stream_socket_accept($serverSocket);
         if (false === $newSocket) {
         stream_set_blocking($newSocket, 0);
         $client = new WebSocketConnection($newSocket, $that->loop, $logger);
         $client->on("handshake", function (Handshake $request) use($that, $client) {
             $that->emit("handshake", [$client->getTransport(), $request]);
         $client->on("connect", function () use($that, $client, $logger) {
             $con = $client->getTransport();
             $that->emit("connect", ["client" => $con]);
         $client->on("message", function ($message) use($that, $client, $logger) {
             $connection = $client->getTransport();
             $that->emit("message", ["client" => $connection, "message" => $message]);
         $client->on("close", function () use($that, $client, $logger, &$sockets, $client) {
             $connection = $client->getTransport();
             if ($connection) {
                 $that->emit("disconnect", ["client" => $connection]);
         $client->on("flashXmlRequest", function () use($that, $client) {
     $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(5, function () use($timeOut, $sockets, $that) {
         # Lets send some pings
         foreach ($that->getConnections() as $c) {
             if ($c instanceof WebSocketTransportHybi) {
         $currentTime = time();
         if ($timeOut == null) {
         foreach ($sockets as $s) {
             if ($currentTime - $s->getLastChanged() > $timeOut) {