Exemple #1
function displayFreeModule($module, $activatedModules)
    $activated = false;
    foreach ($activatedModules as $actMod) {
        if ($actMod == $module) {
            $activated = true;
<div class="row">
	<input type="checkbox" name="modules[]" id="module-<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\esc_attr($module);
" value="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\esc_attr($module);
" <?php 
    if ($activated) {
        echo "checked=\"true\"";
	<label for="module-<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\esc_attr($module);
    \pi18n($module, PLUGIN_NAME);
Exemple #2
function show_update($dbVer)
    \pi18n("Update notice");
<form action="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post">
    form_value_hidden("update", "update", $dbVer);
    <label for="country"><?php 
    <select id="country" name="country">
        <option value="belgique">Belgique</option>
        <option value="france">France</option>
        <option value="luxembourg">Luxembourg</option>
        <option value="united_kingdom">United Kingdom</option>
} else {
    \pi18n("%d compositions", PLUGIN_NAME, count($compositions));

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    $par = false;
    foreach ($compositions as $composition) {
        $par = !$par;
        if ($composition->hasImage) {
            $imgSrc = \Pasteque\PT::URL_ACTION_PARAM . "=img&w=product&id=" . $composition->id;
        } else {
            $imgSrc = \Pasteque\PT::URL_ACTION_PARAM . "=img&w=product";
Exemple #4
<script type="text/javascript">

	addProduct = function(productId) {
		var product = catalog.products[productId];
		if (jQuery("#line-" + productId).length > 0) {
			// Add quantity to existing line
			var qty = jQuery("#line-" + productId + "-qty");
			var currVal = qty.val();
			qty.val(parseInt(currVal) + 1);
		} else {
			// Add line
			var html = "<tr id=\"line-" + product['id'] + "\">\n";
			html += "<td><img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"" + product['img'] + "\" /></td>\n";
			html += "<td>" + product['reference'] + "</td>\n";
			html += "<td>" + product['label'] + "</td>\n";
			html += "<td class=\"qty-cell\"><input class=\"qty\" id=\"line-" + product['id'] + "-qty\" type=\"numeric\" name=\"qty-" + product['id'] + "\" value=\"1\" />\n";
			html += "<td><a class=\"btn-delete\" href=\"\" onClick=\"javascript:deleteLine('" + product['id'] + "');return false;\"><?php 
			html += "</tr>\n"; 

	deleteLine = function(productId) {
		jQuery("#line-" + productId).detach();

Exemple #5
foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    echo $currency->label;
    if ($currency->isMain) {
        \pi18n("Main", PLUGIN_NAME);
    } else {
        echo $currency->rate;
		<td class="edition">
    \Pasteque\tpl_btn("edition", \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'currency_edit', array("id" => $currency->id)), "", 'img/edit.png', \i18n('Edit'), \i18n('Edit'));
			<form action="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post"><?php 
    \Pasteque\form_delete("currency", $currency->id, \Pasteque\get_template_url() . 'img/delete.png');
Exemple #6
        $user = new \Pasteque\User($_POST['name'], null, null, $_POST['roleId'], true, false);
        $id = $srv->create($user);
        if ($id !== false) {
            $message = \i18n("User saved. <a href=\"%s\">Go to the user page</a>.", PLUGIN_NAME, \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'user_edit', array('id' => $id)));
        } else {
            $error = \i18n("Unable to save changes");
$user = null;
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $user = $srv->get($_GET['id']);
\pi18n("Edit an user", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post">
\Pasteque\form_hidden("edit", $user, "id");
        foreach ($prdCat[$category->id] as $product) {
            if (!isset($prdLevel[$product->id])) {
            // Level lines
            $par = !$par;
            $prdRef = "";
            $prdLabel = "";
            $imgSrc = "";
        $cashReg = new \Pasteque\CashRegister($_POST['label'], $_POST['locationId']);
        $id = $srv->create($cashReg);
        if ($id !== false) {
            $message = \i18n("Cash register saved. <a href=\"%s\">Go to the cash register page</a>.", PLUGIN_NAME, \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'cashregister_edit', array('id' => $id)));
        } else {
            $error = \i18n("Unable to save changes");
$cashReg = null;
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $cashReg = $srv->get($_GET['id']);
\pi18n("Edit a cash register", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
\Pasteque\form_hidden("edit", $cashReg, "id");
Exemple #9
//    Pastèque is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with Pastèque.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace BaseBackup;

\pi18n("Backup", PLUGIN_NAME);
<div class="hint"><p><?php 
\pi18n("Backup_help", PLUGIN_NAME);
$user_id = \Pasteque\get_user_id();
$dbhost = \Pasteque\get_db_host($user_id);
$dbuser = \Pasteque\get_db_user($user_id);
$dbpasswd = \Pasteque\get_db_password($user_id);
$database = \Pasteque\get_db_name($user_id);
$dbport = \Pasteque\get_db_port($user_id);
// Looking for an existing file (we do only allow one dump per day)
// Filename scheme is pasteque-[date]-[database]-[randomstring].sql.gz
// randomstring is for security, to make URL unfindable
// Tip: create a firewall rule to ban bruteforce on this randomstring
$dir = opendir("cache");
while (($f = readdir($dir)) != false) {
    if (preg_match("/pasteque-[0-9]{8}-" . $database . "-.[a-z0-9]*.sql.gz/", $f) == 1) {
if ($category !== null && $category->hasImage) {
			<img id="img" class="image-preview" src="?<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\PT::URL_ACTION_PARAM;
    echo $category->id;
" />
			<a class="btn" id="clear" href="" onClick="javascript:clearImage(); return false;"><?php 
			<a class="btn" style="display:none" id="restore" href="" onClick="javascript:restoreImage(); return false;"><?php 
</a><br />
			<input type="file" name="image" />

	<div class="row actions">
Exemple #11
    <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>

\pi18n("Main title");


\pi18n("Download instructions");

\pi18n("Documentation instructions");
Exemple #12

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

\pi18n("%d roles", PLUGIN_NAME, count($roles));

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
foreach ($roles as $role) {
    echo $role->name;
		<td class="edition">
            <div id="product-sub-container" class="product-container"></div>
    <!-- to change -->
    <div id="product" class="row">
\pi18n('Product', PLUGIN_NAME);
            <div id="catalog-picker"></div>
            <div class="row" id="btnAddAllPrd">
                <input type="button" onclick="javascript:addAllPrd()" value="<?php 
pi18n('Add all products of the category', PLUGIN_NAME);
<input type="hidden" name="subgroupData" id="subgroupData" />

\Pasteque\init_catalog("catalog", "catalog-picker", "productPicked", $categories, $products);
Exemple #14
    echo $area->label;
		<td class="edition">
    \Pasteque\tpl_btn("edition", \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'area_edit', array("id" => $area->id)), "", 'img/edit.png', \i18n('Edit'), \i18n('Edit'));
			<form action="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post"><?php 
    \Pasteque\form_delete("area", $area->id, \Pasteque\get_template_url() . 'img/delete.png');
if (count($areas) == 0) {
<div class="alert"><?php 
    \pi18n("No area found", PLUGIN_NAME);
Exemple #15
" title="<?php 
>>>>>>> Get rid of par for odd/even, CSS RULES
// archive end

if (count($products) == 0) {
<div class="alert"><?php 
    \pi18n("No product found", PLUGIN_NAME);
\pi18n("Import products from csv file", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" method="post" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'productsManagement');
" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="row">
        <label for='csv' >
\pi18n("File", PLUGIN_NAME);
            <input type="file" name="csv">
    <div class="row actions">
        <button class="btn-send" type="submit" id="envoyer" name="envoyer" >
\pi18n("send", PLUGIN_NAME);
    <div class="row">
        <label for="barcode"><?php 
        <div style="display:inline-block; max-width:65%;">
            <img id="barcodeImg" src="" />
            <input id="barcode" type="text" name="barcode" <?php 
if ($product != NULL) {
    echo 'value="' . $product->barcode . '"';
            <a class="btn" href="" onClick="javascript:generateBarcode(); return false;"><?php 
if ($attributes) {
    \Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Product", $product, "attributeSetId", "pick", array("model" => "AttributeSet", "nullable" => true));
function tpl_menu()
    global $MENU;
    echo "<a class=\"responsive-button\" href=\"#menu-container\">&equiv;</a>";
    echo "<nav id=\"menu-container\" role=\"menu-container\">\n";
    echo "<div id=\"logo\"><a href=\"#\"><img src=\"" . get_template_url() . "img/logo.png\"></a></div>\n";
    foreach ($MENU->getSections() as $section) {
        echo "\t<div class=\"menu-section\" onclick=\"\$(this).find('.menu').slideToggle()\">\n";
        echo "\t\t<div class=\"menu-section-title\">";
        \pi18n($section->getName(), $section->getNameDomain());
        echo "</div>\n";
        echo "\t\t<ul class=\"menu\">\n";
        foreach ($section->getEntries() as $entry) {
            echo "\t\t\t<li>";
            if ($entry->getImg() !== NULL && $entry->getImg() != "") {
                $img = get_template_url() . "img/" . $entry->getImg();
            } else {
                $img = get_template_url() . "img/menu_default.png";
            $style = "style=\"background-image:url('{$img}');\"";
            switch ($entry->getType()) {
                case MenuEntry::ACTION:
                    $url = get_url_action($entry->getAction());
                case MenuEntry::REPORT:
                    $url = get_report_url($entry->getNameDomain(), $entry->getAction(), 'display');
            echo "<a {$style} href=\"" . $url . "\">" . __($entry->getName(), $entry->getNameDomain()) . "</a></li>\n";
        echo "\t\t</ul>\n";
        echo "\t</div>\n";
    echo "</nav>";
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "custTaxId", "pick", array("model" => "CustTaxCat", "nullable" => true));
if ($discounts) {
    \Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "discountProfileId", "pick", array("model" => "DiscountProfile", "nullable" => true));
if ($tariffAreas) {
    \Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "tariffAreaId", "pick", array("model" => "TariffArea", "nullable" => true));
\pi18n("Personnal data", PLUGIN_NAME);
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "firstName", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "lastName", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "email", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Customer", $cust, "phone1", "string");
\pi18n("Attribute", PLUGIN_NAME);
\Pasteque\form_hidden("edit", $attribute, "id");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Attribute", $attribute, "label", "string", array("required" => true));
	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<tbody id="list">
if ($attribute !== null) {
    foreach ($attribute->values as $value) {
		<tr id="line-<?php 
        echo $value->id;
Exemple #21
                        <td class="edition">
    \Pasteque\tpl_btn("edition", \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'provider_edit', array("id" => $printprovider->id)), "", 'img/edit.png', \i18n('Edit'), \i18n('Edit'));
                                <form action="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post"><?php 
    \Pasteque\form_delete("prov", $printprovider->id, \Pasteque\get_template_url() . 'img/delete.png');
$par = false;
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
    printprovider($provider, 0, $par);
if (count($providers) == 0) {
<div class="alert"><?php 
    \pi18n("No provider found", PLUGIN_NAME);
Exemple #22
    echo $set->label;
		<td class="edition">
    \Pasteque\tpl_btn("edition", \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'set_edit', array("id" => $set->id)), "", 'img/edit.png', \i18n('Edit'), \i18n('Edit'));
			<form action="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post"><?php 
    \Pasteque\form_delete("set", $set->id, \Pasteque\get_template_url() . 'img/delete.png');
if (count($sets) == 0) {
<div class="alert"><?php 
    \pi18n("No attribute set found", PLUGIN_NAME);
    echo $profile->label;
    echo $profile->rate;
			<td class="edition">
				<a href="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'discountprofile_edit', array('id' => $profile->id));
"><img src="<?php 
    echo \Pasteque\get_template_url();
img/edit.png" alt="<?php 
" title="<?php 

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<th colspan="2"><?php 
\pi18n("Sales by category", PLUGIN_NAME);
foreach ($zticket->catSales as $cat) {
    \pi18n(\Pasteque\CategoriesService::get($cat['id'])->label, PLUGIN_NAME);
			<td class="numeric"><?php 
        $custTax = new \Pasteque\CustTaxCat($_POST['label'], $tax_cat_id);
        $id = \Pasteque\CustTaxCatsService::create($custTax);
        if ($id !== FALSE) {
            $message = \i18n("Tax saved. <a href=\"%s\">Go to the tax page</a>.", PLUGIN_NAME, \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'cust_tax_edit', array('id' => $id)));
        } else {
            $error = \i18n("Unable to save changes");
$custTax = NULL;
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $custTax = \Pasteque\CustTaxCatsService::get($_GET['id']);
\pi18n("Edit a customer tax", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post">
\Pasteque\form_hidden("edit", $custTax, "id");
\pi18n("Import areas from csv file", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" method="post" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'areas_import');
" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="row">
        <label for='csv' >
\pi18n("File", PLUGIN_NAME);
            <input type="file" name="csv">
    <div class="row actions">
        <button class="btn-send" type="submit" id="envoyer" name="envoyer" >
Exemple #27

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

\pi18n("%d resources", PLUGIN_NAME, count($resources));

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<ul class="resources-list">
foreach ($resources as $res) {
    echo $res->label;
        $profile = new \Pasteque\DiscountProfile($_POST['label'], $_POST['rate']);
        $id = $srv->create($profile);
        if ($id !== false) {
            $message = \i18n("Discount profile saved. <a href=\"%s\">Go to the profile page</a>.", PLUGIN_NAME, \Pasteque\get_module_url_action(PLUGIN_NAME, 'discountprofile_edit', array('id' => $id)));
        } else {
            $error = \i18n("Unable to save changes");
$profile = null;
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $profile = $srv->get($_GET['id']);
\pi18n("Edit a profile", PLUGIN_NAME);

\Pasteque\tpl_msg_box($message, $error);

<form class="edit" action="<?php 
echo \Pasteque\get_current_url();
" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
\Pasteque\form_hidden("edit", $profile, "id");
			<a class="btn" id="clear" href="" onClick="javascript:clearImage(); return false;"><?php 
			<a class="btn" style="display:none" id="restore" href="" onClick="javascript:restoreImage(); return false;"><?php 
</a><br />
			<input type="file" name="image" />
\pi18n("Contact data", PLUGIN_NAME);
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Provider", $provider, "firstName", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Provider", $provider, "lastName", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Provider", $provider, "email", "string");
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "Provider", $provider, "phone1", "string");
Exemple #30
\Pasteque\form_input("edit", "TaxCat", $taxCat, "label", "string", array("required" => true));
	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<tbody id="list">
if ($taxCat !== null) {
    foreach ($taxCat->taxes as $tax) {
        \Pasteque\form_input($tax->id, "Tax", $tax, "label", "string", array("required" => true, "nolabel" => true, "nameid" => true));