/** * @return array */ public function getResults($offset, $itemCountPerPage) { $query = $this->createSearchQuery($offset, $itemCountPerPage); $adapter = new Http\Client\Adapter\Curl(); $adapter->setOptions(array('curloptions' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false))); $client = new Http\Client(); $client->setAdapter($adapter); $client->setMethod('GET'); $client->setUri($this->getOptions()->getSearchEndpoint() . $query); $response = $client->send(); if (!$response->isSuccess()) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Invalid response received from CloudSearch.\n" . $response->getContent()); } $results = Json::decode($response->getContent(), Json::TYPE_ARRAY); $this->count = $results['hits']['found']; if (0 == $this->count) { return array(); } if ($this->getOptions()->getReturnIdResults()) { $results = $this->extractResultsToIdArray($results); } foreach ($this->getConverters() as $converter) { $results = $converter->convert($results); } return $results; }
function setPostRut($ruts) { foreach ($ruts as $rut) { $busqueda[] = explode('-', $rut[0]); } echo '<pre>'; print_r($busqueda); echo '</pre>'; $client = new Client('http://reca.poderjudicial.cl/', array('maxredirects' => 100, 'timeout' => 600, 'keepalive' => true)); $headers = $client->getRequest()->getHeaders(); $cookies = new Zend\Http\Cookies($headers); $client->setMethod('GET'); $response = $client->send(); $client->setUri('http://reca.poderjudicial.cl/RECAWEB/AtPublicoViewAccion.do?tipoMenuATP=1'); $cookies->addCookiesFromResponse($response, $client->getUri()); $response = $client->send(); $client->setUri("http://reca.poderjudicial.cl/RECAWEB/AtPublicoDAction.do"); foreach ($busqueda as $rut) { $parametros = array('actionViewBusqueda' => '2', 'FLG_Busqueda' => '2', 'FLG_User_Valid' => '0', 'TIP_Lengueta' => 'tdDos', 'COD_Competencia' => 'C', 'tribunal_aux' => '-1', 'username_aux' => '', 'password_aux' => '', 'aux_codlibro' => '', 'aux_rolinterno' => '', 'aux_eracausa' => '', 'aux_codcorte' => '', 'RUT_Cod_Competencia' => 'C', 'RUT_Rut' => $rut[0], 'RUT_Rut_Db' => $rut[1], 'RIT_Cod_Competencia' => '0', 'RIT_Tip_Causa' => '0', 'RIT_Rol_Interno' => '', 'RIT_Era_Causa' => '', 'corte_Cod_Tribunal' => '-1', 'corte_Cod_Libro' => '0', 'corte_Rol_Interno' => '', 'corte_Era_Causa' => '', 'OPC_Cod_Corte' => '-1', 'OPC_Cod_Tribunal' => '-1', 'username' => '', 'password' => ''); $client->setParameterPost($parametros); echo '<pre>'; print_r($parametros); echo '</pre>'; $response = $client->setMethod('POST')->send(); $data = $response->getContent(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->getContent()); echo '</pre>'; die; $rut = $rut[0] . '-' . $rut[1]; $dom = new Query($data); $resultados = $dom->execute('#divRecursos tr'); $rols = $this->busquedaRut($resultados, $rut); } }
/** * Fetch Links * * Fetches a set of links corresponding to an OpenURL * * @param string $openURL openURL (url-encoded) * * @return string raw XML returned by resolver */ public function fetchLinks($openURL) { // Make the call to SFX and load results $url = $this->baseUrl . '?sfx.response_type=multi_obj_detailed_xml&svc.fulltext=yes&' . $openURL; $feed = $this->httpClient->setUri($url)->send()->getBody(); return $feed; }
/** * Sets request handler * * @param \Zend\Http\Client $handler * @return RemoteCompiler */ public function setRequestHandler($handler) { $this->requestHandler = $handler; $this->requestHandler->setUri($this->url)->setMethod($this->method); $this->requestHandler->getUri()->setPort($this->port); return $this; }
/** * @param ProgressAdapter|null $progressAdapter */ public function updateAddressFormats(ProgressAdapter $progressAdapter = null) { $localeDataUri = $this->options->getLocaleDataUri(); $dataPath = $this->options->getDataPath(); $locales = json_decode($this->httpClient->setUri($localeDataUri)->send()->getContent()); foreach (scandir($dataPath) as $file) { if (fnmatch('*.json', $file)) { unlink($dataPath . '/' . $file); } } $countryCodes = isset($locales->countries) ? explode('~', $locales->countries) : []; $countryCodes[] = 'ZZ'; if ($progressAdapter !== null) { $progressBar = new ProgressBar($progressAdapter, 0, count($countryCodes)); } foreach ($countryCodes as $countryCode) { file_put_contents($dataPath . '/' . $countryCode . '.json', $this->httpClient->setUri($localeDataUri . '/' . $countryCode)->send()->getContent()); if (isset($progressBar)) { $progressBar->next(); } } if (isset($progressBar)) { $progressBar->finish(); } // We clearly don't want the "ZZ" in the array! array_pop($countryCodes); $writer = new PhpArrayWriter(); $writer->setUseBracketArraySyntax(true); $writer->toFile($this->options->getCountryCodesPath(), $countryCodes, false); }
/** * Fetch Links * * Fetches a set of links corresponding to an OpenURL * * @param string $openURL openURL (url-encoded) * * @return string raw XML returned by resolver */ public function fetchLinks($openURL) { // Make the call to SerialsSolutions and load results $url = $this->baseUrl . (substr($this->baseUrl, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . 'openurlxml?version=1.0&' . $openURL; $feed = $this->httpClient->setUri($url)->send()->getBody(); return $feed; }
public function __construct($config) { if (!isset($config['yql_base_url'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing yql_base_url in config'); } $this->client = new Client(); $this->client->setUri($config['yql_base_url']); $this->client->setOptions(array('maxredirects' => 0, 'timeout' => 10)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getContent($url) { try { $response = $this->client->setUri($url)->send(); $content = $response->isSuccess() ? $response->getBody() : null; } catch (\Exception $e) { $content = null; } return $content; }
/** * Call ja.is service and convert address to lat and lng * * @param string $address * @return object */ public function request($address) { $response = $this->client->setUri("http://ja.is/kort/leit")->setMethod('GET')->setParameterGet(['q' => $address])->send(); if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) { $json = json_decode($response->getBody()); return isset($json->items[0]->coordinates) ? (object) ['lat' => (double) $json->items[0]->coordinates->lat, 'lng' => (double) $json->items[0]->coordinates->lon] : (object) ['lat' => null, 'lng' => null]; } else { return (object) ['lat' => null, 'lng' => null]; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function get($uri, array $headers = []) { $this->client->resetParameters(); $this->client->setMethod('GET'); $this->client->setHeaders(new Headers()); $this->client->setUri($uri); if (!empty($headers)) { $this->injectHeaders($headers); } $response = $this->client->send(); return new Response($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getBody(), $this->prepareResponseHeaders($response->getHeaders())); }
/** * Fetch an image from either a URL or the cache (as appropriate). * * @param string $url URL to fetch * * @return Response */ public function fetch($url) { $file = $this->getCacheFile($url); $cacheAllowed = $this->onWhitelist($url); if (!$cacheAllowed || !($response = $this->fetchCache($file))) { $response = $this->client->setUri($url)->send(); if ($cacheAllowed) { $this->setCache($file, $response); } } return $response; }
public static function query($api, $command, $options = null) { // Validate configuration if (!self::getApiKey()) { throw new \Exception('Echonest has not been configured'); } $http = new Client(); $http->setUri(self::$source . $api . '/' . $command); $http->setOptions(array('sslverifypeer' => false)); $http->setMethod('GET'); $format = 'json'; if (is_array($options)) { $http->setUri(self::$source . $api . '/' . $command); $options['api_key'] = self::getApiKey(); if (!isset($options['format'])) { $options['format'] = $format; } else { $format = $options['format']; } // Build query manually as $http->setParameterGet builds arrays properly: // echonest api is not standard :/ // We need ?bucket=audio_summary&bucket=artist_discovery NOT ?bucket[0]=audio_summary&bucket[1]=artist_discovery //strip array indexes $http_query = preg_replace('/%5B[0-9]+%5D/simU', '', http_build_query($options)); $http->setUri(self::$source . $api . '/' . $command . '?' . $http_query); } else { #options as a query string if (!$options) { throw new \Exception("The options must be an array or a non empty string"); } if (!strpos($options, 'api_key')) { $options .= '&api_key=' . self::getApiKey(); } #find format in query string preg_match('/format=([^&]+)&/', $options, $matches); if (is_array($matches)) { $format = $matches[1] ? $matches[1] : 'json'; } $http->setUri(self::$source . $api . '/' . $command . '?' . $options); } $response = $http->send(); #output response according to format if ($format == 'xml') { return simplexml_load_string($response->getBody()); } else { return Json::decode($response->getBody()); } }
public function pesquisaCep($strCEP) { $httpClient = new Client(); $httpClient->setUri('http://webservice.kinghost.net/web_cep.php')->setParameterGet(array('auth' => $this->auth, 'formato' => 'json', 'cep' => $strCEP)); $response = (object) json_decode($httpClient->send()->getBody(), true); return array('uf' => $response->uf, 'cidade' => $response->cidade, 'bairro' => $response->bairro, 'logradouro' => $response->logradouro, 'status' => $response->resultado ? true : false, 'message' => !$response->resultado ? 'CEP não encontrado' : ''); }
/** * @param MessageInterface|Message $message * @return mixed|void * @throws RuntimeException */ public function send(MessageInterface $message) { $config = $this->getSenderOptions(); $serviceURL = "http://letsads.com/api"; $body = new \SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request></request>'); $auth = $body->addChild('auth'); $auth->addChild('login', $config->getUsername()); $auth->addChild('password', $config->getPassword()); $messageXML = $body->addChild('message'); $messageXML->addChild('from', $config->getSender()); $messageXML->addChild('text', $message->getMessage()); $messageXML->addChild('recipient', $message->getRecipient()); $client = new Client(); $client->setMethod(Request::METHOD_POST); $client->setUri($serviceURL); $client->setRawBody($body->asXML()); $client->setOptions(['sslverifypeer' => false, 'sslallowselfsigned' => true]); try { $response = $client->send(); } catch (Client\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to send sms", null, $e); } try { $responseXML = new \SimpleXMLElement($response->getBody()); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse response", null, $e); } if ($responseXML->name === 'error') { throw new RuntimeException("LetsAds return error (" . $responseXML->description . ')'); } }
/** * @return CasResult */ public function validate() { try { $uri = $this->createValidateUri(); } catch (Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return new CasResult(CasResult::FAILURE, '', array($e->getMessage())); } $this->httpClient->resetParameters(); $this->httpClient->setUri($uri); try { $response = $this->httpClient->send(); } catch (Http\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { return new CasResult(CasResult::FAILURE_UNCATEGORIZED, '', array($e->getMessage())); } if (!$response->isSuccess()) { return new CasResult(CasResult::FAILURE_UNCATEGORIZED, '', array('HTTP response did not indicate success.'), $response->getBody()); } $body = $response->getBody(); $explodedResponse = explode("\n", $body); if (count($explodedResponse) < 2) { return new CasResult(CasResult::FAILURE_UNCATEGORIZED, '', array('Got an invalid CAS 1.0 response.'), $body); } $status = $explodedResponse[0]; $identity = $explodedResponse[1]; if ($status !== 'yes') { return new CasResult(CasResult::FAILURE_UNCATEGORIZED, '', array('Authentication failed.'), $body); } return new CasResult(CasResult::SUCCESS, $identity, array(), $body); }
/** * Load image from URL, store in cache if requested, display if possible. * * @param string $url URL to load image from * @param string $cache Boolean -- should we store in local cache? * * @return bool True if image loaded, false on failure. */ protected function processImageURL($url, $cache = true) { // Attempt to pull down the image: $result = $this->client->setUri($url)->send(); if (!$result->isSuccess()) { $this->debug("Failed to retrieve image from " + $url); return false; } $image = $result->getBody(); if ('' == $image) { return false; } // Figure out file paths -- $tempFile will be used to store the // image for analysis. $finalFile will be used for long-term storage if // $cache is true or for temporary display purposes if $cache is false. $tempFile = str_replace('.jpg', uniqid(), $this->localFile); $finalFile = $cache ? $this->localFile : $tempFile . '.jpg'; // Write image data to disk: if (!@file_put_contents($tempFile, $image)) { throw new \Exception("Unable to write to image directory."); } // Move temporary file to final location: if (!$this->validateAndMoveTempFile($image, $tempFile, $finalFile)) { return false; } // Display the image: $this->contentType = 'image/jpeg'; $this->image = file_get_contents($finalFile); // If we don't want to cache the image, delete it now that we're done. if (!$cache) { @unlink($finalFile); } return true; }
/** * Make an API call * * @param string $method GET or POST * @param array $params Parameters to send * * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ protected function call($method = 'GET', $params = null) { if ($params) { $query = []; foreach ($params as $function => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $additional) { $additional = urlencode($additional); $query[] = "{$function}={$additional}"; } } else { $value = urlencode($value); $query[] = "{$function}={$value}"; } } $queryString = implode('&', $query); } $dbs = explode(',', $this->dbs); $dblist = ''; foreach ($dbs as $db) { $dblist .= "&db=" . $db; } $this->debug('Connect: ' . print_r($this->base . '?' . $queryString . $dblist, true)); // Send Request $this->client->resetParameters(); $this->client->setUri($this->base . '?' . $queryString . $dblist); $result = $this->client->setMethod($method)->send(); $body = $result->getBody(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($body); $this->debug(print_r($xml, true)); return $body; }
/** * This method is responsible for obtaining an image URL based on a name. * * @param string $imageName The image name to look up * * @return mixed URL on success, false on failure */ protected function getWikipediaImageURL($imageName) { $url = "http://{$this->lang}.wikipedia.org/w/api.php" . '?prop=imageinfo&action=query&iiprop=url&iiurlwidth=150&format=php' . '&titles=Image:' . urlencode($imageName); try { $result = $this->client->setUri($url)->setMethod('GET')->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } if (!$result->isSuccess()) { return false; } if ($response = $result->getBody()) { if ($imageinfo = unserialize($response)) { if (isset($imageinfo['query']['pages']['-1']['imageinfo'][0]['url'])) { $imageUrl = $imageinfo['query']['pages']['-1']['imageinfo'][0]['url']; } // Hack for wikipedia api, just in case we couldn't find it // above look for a http url inside the response. if (!isset($imageUrl)) { preg_match('/\\"http:\\/\\/(.*)\\"/', $response, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $imageUrl = 'http://' . substr($matches[1], 0, strpos($matches[1], '"')); } } } } return isset($imageUrl) ? $imageUrl : false; }
/** * Call MetaLib X-server * * @param string $operation X-Server operation * @param array $params URL Parameters * * @return mixed simpleXMLElement * @throws \Exception */ protected function call($operation, $params) { $this->debug("Call: {$this->host}: {$operation}: " . var_export($params, true)); // Declare UTF-8 encoding so that SimpleXML won't encode characters. $xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><x_server_request/>'); $op = $xml->addChild($operation); $this->paramsToXml($op, $params); $this->client->resetParameters(); $this->client->setUri($this->host); $this->client->setParameterPost(['xml' => $xml->asXML()]); $result = $this->client->setMethod('POST')->send(); if (!$result->isSuccess()) { throw new \Exception($result->getBody()); } $xml = $result->getBody(); // Remove invalid XML fields (these were encountered in record Ppro853_304965 // from FIN05707) $xml = preg_replace('/<controlfield tag=" ">.*?<\\/controlfield>/', '', $xml); if ($xml = simplexml_load_string($xml)) { $errors = $xml->xpath('//local_error | //global_error'); if (!empty($errors)) { if ($errors[0]->error_code == 6026) { throw new \Exception('Search timed out'); } throw new \Exception($errors[0]->asXML()); } $result = $xml; } return $result; }
public function indexAction() { $client = new HttpClient(); $client->setAdapter('Zend\\Http\\Client\\Adapter\\Curl'); $method = $this->params()->fromQuery('method', 'get'); $client->setUri('http://api-rest/san-restful'); switch ($method) { case 'get': $id = $this->params()->fromQuery('id'); $client->setMethod('GET'); $client->setParameterGET(array('id' => $id)); break; case 'get-list': $client->setMethod('GET'); break; case 'create': $client->setMethod('POST'); $client->setParameterPOST(array('name' => 'samsonasik')); break; case 'update': $data = array('name' => 'ikhsan'); $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $adapter->connect('localhost', 80); $uri = $client->getUri() . '?id=1'; // send with PUT Method, with $data parameter $adapter->write('PUT', new \Zend\Uri\Uri($uri), 1.1, array(), http_build_query($data)); $responsecurl = $adapter->read(); list($headers, $content) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $responsecurl, 2); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); $response->setContent($content); return $response; case 'delete': $adapter = $client->getAdapter(); $adapter->connect('localhost', 80); $uri = $client->getUri() . '?id=1'; //send parameter id = 1 // send with DELETE Method $adapter->write('DELETE', new \Zend\Uri\Uri($uri), 1.1, array()); $responsecurl = $adapter->read(); list($headers, $content) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $responsecurl, 2); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); $response->setContent($content); return $response; } //if get/get-list/create $response = $client->send(); if (!$response->isSuccess()) { // report failure $message = $response->getStatusCode() . ': ' . $response->getReasonPhrase(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setContent($message); return $response; } $body = $response->getBody(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setContent($body); return $response; }
/** * Make a remote call to freegeoip.net to detect country of current customer session and store it into session * * @return $this */ public function saveVisitorData($observer) { $clientIP = $this->_request->getClientIp(); $httpClient = new Client(); $clientIP = $this->getRandomeIp($clientIP); $uri = self::URL_GEO_IP_SITE . $clientIP; $httpClient->setUri($uri); $httpClient->setOptions(array('timeout' => 30)); try { $response = JsonDecoder::decode($httpClient->send()->getBody()); $this->_customerSession->setVisitorData($response); //save to database $currenttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model = $this->_objectManager->create('Bluecom\\Freegeoip\\Model\\Visitor'); $model->setData('visitor_ip', $response->ip); $model->setData('country_code', $response->country_code); $model->setData('country_name', $response->country_name); $model->setData('region_code', $response->region_code); $model->setData('region_name', $response->region_name); $model->setData('city', $response->city); $model->setData('zip_code', $response->zip_code); $model->setData('latitude', $response->latitude); $model->setData('longitude', $response->longitude); $model->setData('metro_code', $response->metro_code); $model->setData('browser', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $model->setData('os', php_uname()); $model->setData('created', $currenttime); $model->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_logger->critical($e); } return $this; }
/** * * @param string $uri * @return \Zend\Http\Client */ protected function getHttpClient($uri) { $client = new Client(); $client->setUri($uri); $client->setOptions(['maxredirects' => 5, 'timeout' => 30])->setHeaders(['Accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'X-Powered-By: OClient']); return $client; }
public function citation() { parent::results(); $style = $this->request->getParam("style", false, "mla"); $items = array(); $results = $this->response->get("results"); // header("Content-type: application/json"); $x = 1; foreach ($results->getRecords() as $result) { $id = "ITEM={$x}"; $record = $result->getXerxesRecord()->toCSL(); $record["id"] = $id; $items[$id] = $record; $x++; } $json = json_encode(array("items" => $items)); // header("Content-type: application/json"); echo $json; exit; $url = "{$style}"; $client = new Client(); $client->setUri($url); $client->setHeaders("Content-type: application/json"); $client->setHeaders("Expect: nothing"); $client->setRawData($json)->setEncType('application/json'); $response = $client->request('POST')->getBody(); echo $response; exit; }
/** * @dataProvider providerHellCookies() */ public function testZendClient($url) { $client = new Zend_Http_Client(); $client->setUri($url); //$response = $client->request(); $this->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.'); }
/** * Fetch Links * * Fetches a set of links corresponding to an OpenURL * * @param string $openURL openURL (url-encoded) * * @return string raw XML returned by resolver */ public function fetchLinks($openURL) { // Unfortunately the EZB-API only allows OpenURL V0.1 and // breaks when sending a non expected parameter (like an ISBN). // So we do have to 'downgrade' the OpenURL-String from V1.0 to V0.1 // and exclude all parameters that are not compliant with the EZB. // Parse OpenURL into associative array: $tmp = explode('&', $openURL); $parsed = []; foreach ($tmp as $current) { $tmp2 = explode('=', $current, 2); $parsed[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp2[1]; } // Downgrade 1.0 to 0.1 if ($parsed['ctx_ver'] == 'Z39.88-2004') { $openURL = $this->downgradeOpenUrl($parsed); } // make the request IP-based to allow automatic // indication on institution level $openURL .= '&pid=client_ip%3D' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Make the call to the EZB and load results $url = $this->baseUrl . '?' . $openURL; $feed = $this->httpClient->setUri($url)->send()->getBody(); return $feed; }
/** * @param Struct\SMS $item * @return Client */ protected function makeClient(Struct\SMS $item) { $client = new Client(); $client->setUri($this->prepareUrl($item)); $client->setMethod('GET'); return $client; }
/** * Submit REST Request * * @param string $method HTTP Method to use: GET or POST * @param array $params An array of parameters for the request * @param bool $process Should we convert the MARCXML? * * @return string|SimpleXMLElement The response from the XServer */ protected function call($method = 'GET', $params = null, $process = true) { if ($params) { $query = ['version=' . $this->sruVersion]; foreach ($params as $function => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $additional) { $additional = urlencode($additional); $query[] = "{$function}={$additional}"; } } else { $value = urlencode($value); $query[] = "{$function}={$value}"; } } $queryString = implode('&', $query); } $this->debug('Connect: ' . print_r($this->host . '?' . $queryString, true)); // Send Request $this->client->resetParameters(); $this->client->setUri($this->host . '?' . $queryString); $result = $this->client->setMethod($method)->send(); $this->checkForHttpError($result); // Return processed or unprocessed response, as appropriate: return $process ? $this->process($result->getBody()) : $result->getBody(); }
function PlanJSONManager($action, $url, $requestjson, $uid) { $request = new Request(); $request->getHeaders()->addHeaders(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')); //$url=""; try { $request->setUri($url); $request->setMethod($action); $client = new Client(); if ($action == 'PUT' || $action == 'POST') { $client->setUri($url); $client->setMethod($action); $client->setRawBody($requestjson); $client->setEncType('application/json'); $response = $client->send(); return $response; } else { $response = $client->dispatch($request); //var_dump(json_decode($response->getBody(),true)); return $response; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $e->getTrace(); } return null; }
/** * @return Model\File[] * @throws \Zend_Http_Client_Exception */ private function _upload() { $this->_client->setUri(implode('/', [self::getConfig()['uri'], 'file/upload'])); $this->_client->setMethod('POST'); $filesInfo = json_decode($this->_client->send()->getBody(), true); return $this->_convertFilesInfoToObject($filesInfo); }
/** * Get a read-stream for a file * * @param $path * @return array|bool */ public function readStream($path) { $headers = ['User-Agent' => 'testing/1.0', 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'X-Foo' => ['Bar', 'Baz'], 'custom' => 'cust']; $stream = \GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream::factory('contents...'); $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['headers' => $headers]); $resource = fopen('a.gif', 'r'); $request = $client->put($this->api_url . 'upload', ['body' => $resource]); prn($client, $request); echo $request->getBody(); exit; $location = $this->applyPathPrefix($path); $this->client->setMethod('PUT'); $this->client->setUri($this->api_url . 'upload'); $this->client->setParameterPost(array_merge($this->auth_param, ['location' => $location])); // $this->client // //->setHeaders(['path: /usr/local....']) // ->setFileUpload('todo.txt','r') // ->setRawData(fopen('todo.txt','r')); $fp = fopen('todo.txt', "r"); $curl = $this->client->getAdapter(); $curl->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_PUT, 1)->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1)->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_INFILE, $fp)->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize('todo.txt')); // prn($curl->setOutputStream($fp)); $response = $this->client->send(); prn($response->getContent(), json_decode($response->getContent())); exit; }