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##Get Composer

First of all we need Composer, it will handle all our dependencies. The best thing is to install it globally, that way it's easier to run it from the command-line.

$ curl -sS | php
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

(if you can't run composer from the terminal you may need to do sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/composer )

##Get ZF2

Navigate to your workspace directory. Then run the following command. It will use composer to fetch the latest version of the ZF2 Skeleton App which is just a simple git repository holding the correct folder structure for a MVC ZF2 Application.

$ composer create-project --stability="dev" zendframework/skeleton-application Stjornvisi

(Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history? [Y,n]? Y)

This will fetch the skeleton application and store it under Stjornvisi directory. Now remove all rubbish

$ cd Stjornvisi
$ rm .gitignore
$ rm -Rf .gitmodules
$ rm -Rf public/css
$ rm -Rf public/fonts
$ rm -Rf public/img
$ rm -Rf public/js
$ rm -Rf module/Application

##Get Stjornvisi

Now we are ready to get the actual Stjornvisi module code.

$ cd module
$ git clone Stjornvisi

This will clone our Stjornvisi module into the module directory. When we start to develop, this is what we will change and commit back to GitHub.

Now we need to config out system so that it can connect to Database, Facebook, RabbitMQ and other services. ZF2 MVC applications looks for files that follow this naming pattern <workspace>/Stjornvisi/config/autoload/*.local.php and load them in as config files. We want to make our own.

Create a new file <workspace>/Stjornvisi/config/autoload and call it stjornvisi.local.php, add this to it:


return array(
	'db' => array(
		'dns' => 'mysql:dbname=stjornvisi_production;host=',
		'user' => 'root',
		'password' => ''
	'queue' => array(
		'host' => 'localhost',
		'port' => 5672,
		'user' => 'guest',
		'password' => 'guest',
	'facebook' => array(
		'appId' => '1429359840619871',
		'secret' => '40bd72b736684cf4bc1ee786d1786da0',
		'fileUpload' => false, // optional
		'allowSignedRequest' => false, // optional, but should be set to false for non-canvas apps
	'linkedin' => array(
		'appId' => '7710a9lfze4o6b',
		'secret' => '7RMpNiWE6Y4V1X7J',

Now we want to to tell our system about our module and that we want our 3rd party libraries to be loaded from its vendor directory, not in the root.

Open </workspace>/Stjornvisi/config/application.config.php and change accordingly.

return array(
    // This should be an array of module namespaces used in the application.
    'modules' => array(

    // These are various options for the listeners attached to the ModuleManager
    'module_listener_options' => array(
        // This should be an array of paths in which modules reside.
        // If a string key is provided, the listener will consider that a module
        // namespace, the value of that key the specific path to that module's
        // Module class.
        'module_paths' => array(

Change this file as well init_autoloader.php, so it says:

if (file_exists('module/Stjornvisi/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    $loader = include 'module/Stjornvisi/vendor/autoload.php';

We have to create a config directory for our testing environment.

Copy/paste the whole <workspace>/Stjornvisi/config/autoload directory and name it test, change stjornvisi.local.php in that directory to reflect testing environment.

Now go into the module and get all dependencies

$ cd module/Stjornvisi
$ composer install

Since (Apache's) httpd folder is <workspace>/Stjornvisi/public but all our js/css code is located in <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjonvisi/public, we have to connect the resources folder to the httpd folder.

$ ln -s <full/path/to/workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/public/stjornvisi <full/path/to/workspace>/Stjornvisi/public/stjornvisi

Create a new directory in the root of your workspace directory. you can call it images, have the structure like this. The idea here is to keep images in a neutral place. That way we can have many instances of Stjonvisi running on our computer that all reference the same image folder (since the image folder can get huge).

	+ --- 60
	+ --- 100
	+ --- 300
	+ --- 300-square
	+ --- original

Make sure that it's read and writable

$ chmod -R a+x  <workspace>/images

and connect that to the resources folder

$ ln -s <full/path/to/workspace>/images <full/path/to/workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/public/stjornvisi/images

##Get resources

Make sure you have Bower set up, and the go to

$ cd <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/public/stjornvisi/
$ bower install
$ bower install bootstrap-sass-official

##Get database Go to the running production server and do mysqldump on the old database. Copy it to your local machine and install it. (make sure that there exists a database called stjornvisi_production)

$ mysql -u root stjornvisi_production < /<path/to/dump.sql>

Then run the migration script on top of it

$ mysql -u root stjornvisi_production < <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/assets/db/migrate.sql

Now you need the testing database (make sure that there exists a database called stjornvisi_test)

$ mysql -u root stjornvisi_test < <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/assets/db/stjornvisi-empty.sql

##RabbitMQ The Stjornvisi module is dependent on RabbitMQ to do it's long running tasks. Installing RabbitMQ is easily done with brew.

###Install the Server Before installing make sure you have the latest brews:

$ brew update

Then, install RabbitMQ server with:

$ brew install rabbitmq

####Run RabbitMQ Server

$ rabbitmq-server

The RabbitMQ server scripts are installed into /usr/local/sbin. This is not automatically added to your path, so you may wish to add PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin to your .bash_profile or .profile. The server can then be started with rabbitmq-server.

All scripts run under your own user account. Sudo is not required.


Now go back to the root public folder and run the builtin-server

$ cd <workspace>/Stjornvisi/public
$ php -S

###PHPStorm I find it better to run the builtin-server from PHPStorm. This is how my config looks like alt

###Other services But Stjonvisi is a complicated application and it need more processes that just the WebService one. Every time a notify event is fired from a controller, a message is sent to a queue (RabbitMQ). A php process needs to be started that pulls messages out of this queue. To start that process, create a Run Configuration for PHPStorm that looks like this alt and then actually start it. You can and should read more about all the processes


It is really important to be able to unit-test this code. Do the following:

###Database Make sure you have database called stjornvisi_test and that it's exactly the same as the production database except that's empty.

One way of doing this is to import the stjornvisi-empty.sql located in assets

$ mysql -u root stjornvisi_tests < <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/assets/stjornvisi-empty.sql

This may, or may not be the most up to date version of the schema. To make sure that the schemas are up to date you have to import the migration script. This can be done my running the migration script.

$ mysql -u root stjornvisi_tests < <workspace>/Stjornvisi/module/Stjornvisi/assets/migrate.sql

This can on the other hand produce errors. The only way to make sure that all migration commands have run is to open migrate.sql in MySQL Workbench and run each statement one by one, just to make sure that all of them get executed.

###Config Next we have to make sure that the system is set up for unit-test environment. Under the skeleton root there should be a folder called <workspace>/Stjornvisi/config/test, it should mimic the autoload folder.

Make sure that stjornvisi.local.php file is pointing to the test database


return array(
	'db' => array(
		'dns' => 'mysql:dbname=stjornvisi_test;host=',
		'user' => 'root',
		'password' => ''

###PHPStorm Now it's time to config PHPStorm to run PHPUnit tests. Go to Preferences and point to autoloader and phpunit config file

alt Now you can right-click on any test file and run it as a PHPUnit



This module comes with some command line actions.

To run command-line actions you only have to point your PHP runtime to the index file.

$ php <workspace>/Stjornvisi/public/index.php [arguments]

and then you can pass in some arguments.

You can read the Process documentation for detailed examples.




Stjornvisi web module






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