writeCompressed() public méthode

public writeCompressed ( $compression = ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP, $level = 7 )
 public function saveMacro($name, Macro $macro)
     $tag = new tag\Compound();
     $tag["author"] = new tag\String("author", $macro->getAuthor());
     $tag["description"] = new tag\String("description", $macro->getDescription());
     $tag["ops"] = new tag\Enum("ops");
     foreach ($macro->getOperations() as $i => $log) {
         $tag["ops"][$i] = $log->toTag();
     $nbt = new NBT();
     $file = $this->getFile($name);
     $stream = fopen($file, "wb");
     if (!is_resource($stream)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to open stream. Maybe the macro name is not a valid filename?");
     $compression = $this->getMain()->getConfig()->getAll()["data providers"]["macro"]["mcr"]["compression"];
     if ($compression === 0) {
         $data = $nbt->write();
     } else {
         $data = $nbt->writeCompressed($compression);
     fwrite($stream, chr($compression) . $data);
 public function generateChunk($x, $z)
     $nbt = new Compound("Level", []);
     $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->getX() * 32 + $x);
     $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->getZ() * 32 + $z);
     $nbt->LastUpdate = new Long("LastUpdate", 0);
     $nbt->LightPopulated = new Byte("LightPopulated", 0);
     $nbt->TerrainPopulated = new Byte("TerrainPopulated", 0);
     $nbt->V = new Byte("V", self::VERSION);
     $nbt->InhabitedTime = new Long("InhabitedTime", 0);
     $biomes = str_repeat(Binary::writeByte(-1), 256);
     $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", $biomes);
     $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", array_fill(0, 156, Binary::readInt("…²J")));
     $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", array_fill(0, 256, 127));
     $nbt->Sections = new Enum("Sections", []);
     $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", []);
     $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", []);
     $nbt->TileTicks = new Enum("TileTicks", []);
     $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt]));
     $chunkData = $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL);
     $this->saveChunk($x, $z, $chunkData);
Exemple #3
 public static function generate($path, $name, $seed, $generator, array $options = [])
     @mkdir($path, 0777, true);
     @mkdir($path . "/region", 0777);
     //TODO, add extra details
     $levelData = new Compound("Data", ["hardcore" => new Byte("hardcore", 0), "initialized" => new Byte("initialized", 1), "GameType" => new Int("GameType", 0), "generatorVersion" => new Int("generatorVersion", 1), "SpawnX" => new Int("SpawnX", 128), "SpawnY" => new Int("SpawnY", 70), "SpawnZ" => new Int("SpawnZ", 128), "version" => new Int("version", 19133), "DayTime" => new Int("DayTime", 0), "LastPlayed" => new Long("LastPlayed", microtime(true) * 1000), "RandomSeed" => new Long("RandomSeed", $seed), "SizeOnDisk" => new Long("SizeOnDisk", 0), "Time" => new Long("Time", 0), "generatorName" => new String("generatorName", Generator::getGeneratorName($generator)), "generatorOptions" => new String("generatorOptions", isset($options["preset"]) ? $options["preset"] : ""), "LevelName" => new String("LevelName", $name), "GameRules" => new Compound("GameRules", [])]);
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $nbt->setData(new Compound(null, ["Data" => $levelData]));
     $buffer = $nbt->writeCompressed();
     @file_put_contents($path . "level.dat", $buffer);
Exemple #4
  * @param string   $name
  * @param Compound $nbtTag
  * @param bool $async
 public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag, $async = false)
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     try {
         if ($async) {
             $this->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask(new FileWriteTask($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed()));
         } else {
             file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->critical($this->getLanguage()->translateString("pocketmine.data.saveError", [$name, $e->getMessage()]));
         if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->logger instanceof MainLogger) {
Exemple #5
 public function toBinary()
     $nbt = clone $this->getNBT();
     $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->x);
     $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->z);
     if ($this->isGenerated()) {
         $nbt->Blocks = new ByteArray("Blocks", $this->getBlockIdArray());
         $nbt->Data = new ByteArray("Data", $this->getBlockDataArray());
         $nbt->SkyLight = new ByteArray("SkyLight", $this->getBlockSkyLightArray());
         $nbt->BlockLight = new ByteArray("BlockLight", $this->getBlockLightArray());
         $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", $this->getBiomeIdArray());
         $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", $this->getBiomeColorArray());
         $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", $this->getHeightMapArray());
     $entities = [];
     foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) {
         if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) {
             $entities[] = $entity->namedtag;
     $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", $entities);
     $tiles = [];
     foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) {
         $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag;
     $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", $tiles);
     $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt]));
     return $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL);
Exemple #6
 public function toBinary()
     $nbt = clone $this->getNBT();
     $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->x);
     $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->z);
     $nbt->Sections = new Enum("Sections", []);
     foreach ($this->getSections() as $section) {
         if ($section instanceof EmptyChunkSection) {
         $nbt->Sections[$section->getY()] = new Compound(\null, ["Y" => new Byte("Y", $section->getY()), "Blocks" => new ByteArray("Blocks", $section->getIdArray()), "Data" => new ByteArray("Data", $section->getDataArray()), "BlockLight" => new ByteArray("BlockLight", $section->getLightArray()), "SkyLight" => new ByteArray("SkyLight", $section->getSkyLightArray())]);
     $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", $this->getBiomeColorArray());
     $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", $this->getHeightMapArray());
     $entities = [];
     foreach ($this->getEntities() as $entity) {
         if (!$entity instanceof Player and !$entity->closed) {
             $entities[] = $entity->namedtag;
     $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", $entities);
     $tiles = [];
     foreach ($this->getTiles() as $tile) {
         $tiles[] = $tile->namedtag;
     $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", $tiles);
     $extraData = new BinaryStream();
     foreach ($this->getBlockExtraDataArray() as $key => $value) {
     $nbt->ExtraData = new ByteArray("ExtraData", $extraData->getBuffer());
     $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt]));
     return $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, RegionLoader::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL);
 public function saveLevelData()
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $nbt->setData(new Compound("", ["Data" => $this->levelData]));
     $buffer = $nbt->writeCompressed();
     file_put_contents($this->getPath() . "level.dat", $buffer);
  * Called when the user logs out
  * @param PlayerQuitEvent $event        	
 public function onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent $event)
     if (isset($this->standbyAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())])) {
     if (isset($this->needAuth[strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName())])) {
     if ($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("servermode", null) != "slave") {
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     try {
         $nbtFile = mb_convert_encoding($nbt->writeCompressed(), "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
         // itemSyncro
         // slave->master = [passcode, itemSyncro, username, itemData]
         $data = [$this->plugin->getConfig()->get("passcode"), "itemSyncro", $event->getPlayer()->getName(), $nbtFile];
         CPAPI::sendPacket(new DataPacket($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterip"), $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterport"), json_encode($data)));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->plugin->getLogger()->critical($this->plugin->getServer()->getLanguage()->translateString("pocketmine.data.saveError", [$event->getPlayer()->getName(), $e->getMessage()]));
         if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->plugin->getServer()->getLogger() instanceof MainLogger) {
     // logoutRequest
     // slave->master = [passcode, logoutRequest, username, IP, isUserGenerate]
     $data = [$this->plugin->getConfig()->get("passcode"), "logoutRequest", $event->getPlayer()->getName(), $event->getPlayer()->getAddress(), false];
     CPAPI::sendPacket(new DataPacket($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterip"), $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("masterport"), json_encode($data)));
Exemple #9
  * @param string   $name
  * @param Compound $nbtTag
 public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag)
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed());
Exemple #10
  * @param string   $name
  * @param Compound $nbtTag
 public function saveOfflinePlayerData($name, Compound $nbtTag)
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     try {
         file_put_contents($this->getDataPath() . "players/" . strtolower($name) . ".dat", $nbt->writeCompressed());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->critical("Could not save player " . $name . ": " . $e->getMessage());
         if (\pocketmine\DEBUG > 1 and $this->logger instanceof MainLogger) {
 public function saveArea(Area $area)
     $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $data = new Compound();
     $data->CaseName = new String("CaseName", $area->getName());
     $data->SerializedShape = new String("SerializedShape", serialize($area->getShape()));
     $data->UserFlags = new Int("UserFlags", $area->getUserFlags());
     $data->NonUserFlags = new Int("NonUserFlags", $area->getNonUserFlags());
     $data->Owner = new String("Owner", $area->getOwner());
     $data->Users = new Enum("Users", array_map(function ($user) {
         return new String("", $user);
     }, $area->getUsers()));
     $file = str_replace('$${areaname}', strtolower($area->getName()), $this->areaFile);
     file_put_contents($file, $nbt->writeCompressed());
Exemple #12
 public function toBinary()
     $data = new Compound($this->name);
     // we will have trouble updating these NBT tags to PHP 7 :(
     // But hopefully it will be as simple as search & replace with regex:
     // /(String|Int|Byte|blah)/   ->    $1Tag
     // depends if shoghicp does even more destruction :P
     $data->Name = new String("Name", $this->name);
     // unique name of the WorldEditSession
     $data->Owner = new String("Owner", $this->owner);
     // OK, I know that this will no longer work after 2038 January, but who will use this plugin until 2038?
     $data->Creation = new Int("Creation", $this->creationTime);
     $entries = new Enum("Entries", array_map(function (Block $block) {
         $compound = new Compound();
         $compound->X = new Int("X", $block->x);
         $compound->Y = new Int("Y", $block->y);
         $compound->Z = new Int("Z", $block->z);
         $compound->Id = new Byte("Id", $block->getId());
         $compound->Damage = new Byte("Damage", $block->getDamage());
         return $compound;
     }, $this->entries));
     $data->Entries = $entries;
     $nbt = new NBT();
     return $nbt->writeCompressed();
 public function generateChunk($x, $z)
     $nbt = new Compound("Level", []);
     $nbt->xPos = new Int("xPos", $this->getX() * 32 + $x);
     $nbt->zPos = new Int("zPos", $this->getZ() * 32 + $z);
     $nbt->LastUpdate = new Long("LastUpdate", 0);
     $nbt->LightPopulated = new Byte("LightPopulated", 0);
     $nbt->TerrainPopulated = new Byte("TerrainPopulated", 0);
     $nbt->V = new Byte("V", self::VERSION);
     $nbt->InhabitedTime = new Long("InhabitedTime", 0);
     $nbt->Biomes = new ByteArray("Biomes", \str_repeat(\chr(-1), 256));
     $nbt->HeightMap = new IntArray("HeightMap", \array_fill(0, 256, 127));
     $nbt->BiomeColors = new IntArray("BiomeColors", \array_fill(0, 256, \PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? \unpack("N", "…²J")[1] << 32 >> 32 : \unpack("N", "…²J")[1]));
     $nbt->Blocks = new ByteArray("Blocks", \str_repeat("", 32768));
     $nbt->Data = new ByteArray("Data", $half = \str_repeat("", 16384));
     $nbt->SkyLight = new ByteArray("SkyLight", $half);
     $nbt->BlockLight = new ByteArray("BlockLight", $half);
     $nbt->Entities = new Enum("Entities", []);
     $nbt->TileEntities = new Enum("TileEntities", []);
     $nbt->TileTicks = new Enum("TileTicks", []);
     $writer = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
     $writer->setData(new Compound("", ["Level" => $nbt]));
     $chunkData = $writer->writeCompressed(ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE, self::$COMPRESSION_LEVEL);
     if ($chunkData !== \false) {
         $this->saveChunk($x, $z, $chunkData);