fromObject() public static méthode

public static fromObject ( Vector3 $pos, Level $level = null )
$pos pocketmine\math\Vector3
$level Level
  * Really starts the duel after countdown
 public function startDuel()
     $player1 = $this->players[0];
     $player2 = $this->players[1];
     $pos_player1 = Position::fromObject($this->position, $this->position->getLevel());
     $pos_player1->x += self::PLAYER_1_OFFSET_X;
     $pos_player2 = Position::fromObject($this->position, $this->position->getLevel());
     $pos_player2->x += self::PLAYER_2_OFFSET_X;
     $player1->teleport($pos_player1, 90, 0);
     $player2->teleport($pos_player2, -90, 0);
     // Give kit
     foreach ($this->players as $player) {
     // Fix start time
     $this->startTime = new DateTime('now');
     // Launch the end round task
     $task = new RoundCheckTask(OneVsOne::getInstance());
     $task->arena = $this;
     $this->taskHandler = Server::getInstance()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask($task, self::ROUND_DURATION * 20);
  * Really starts the duel after countdown
 public function startDuel()
     $player1 = $this->players[0];
     $player2 = $this->players[1];
     $pos_player1 = Position::fromObject($this->position, $this->position->getLevel());
     $pos_player1->x += self::PLAYER_1_OFFSET_X;
     $pos_player2 = Position::fromObject($this->position, $this->position->getLevel());
     $pos_player2->x += self::PLAYER_2_OFFSET_X;
     $player1->teleport($pos_player1, 90, 0);
     $player2->teleport($pos_player2, -90, 0);
     // Fix start time
     $this->startTime = new DateTime('now');
     $player1->sendTip(TextFormat::RED . "You are strarting a duel !");
     $player1->sendMessage(" ");
     $player1->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . TextFormat::BOLD . "++++++++=++++++++");
     $player1->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " You're starting a duel against : " . $player2->getName() . " !");
     $player1->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " You have 3min !");
     $player1->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " Good luck :) !");
     $player1->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . TextFormat::BOLD . "++++++++=++++++++");
     $player1->sendMessage(" ");
     $player1->sendTip(TextFormat::RED . "You are strarting a duel !");
     $player2->sendMessage(" ");
     $player2->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . TextFormat::BOLD . "++++++++=++++++++");
     $player2->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " You're starting a duel against : " . $player1->getName() . " !");
     $player2->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " You have 3min !");
     $player2->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . ">" . TextFormat::RESET . " Good luck :) !");
     $player2->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . TextFormat::BOLD . "++++++++=++++++++");
     $player2->sendMessage(" ");
     // Launch the end round task
     $task = new RoundCheckTask(OneVsOne::getInstance());
     $task->arena = $this;
     $this->taskHandler = Server::getInstance()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask($task, self::ROUND_DURATION * 20);
 public function onRun($currentTicks)
     /** @var EntityManager $owner */
     $owner = $this->owner;
     $rand = explode("/", $owner->getData("spawn.rand", "1/4"));
     foreach (EntityManager::$spawn as $key => $data) {
         if (mt_rand(...$rand) > $rand[0]) {
         if (count($data["mob-list"]) === 0) {
         $radius = (int) $data["radius"];
         $pos = Position::fromObject(new Vector3(...$vec = explode(":", $key)), ($k = Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName((string) array_pop($vec))) == null ? Server::getInstance()->getDefaultLevel() : $k);
         $pos->y = $pos->getLevel()->getHighestBlockAt($pos->x += mt_rand(-$radius, $radius), $pos->z += mt_rand(-$radius, $radius));
         EntityManager::create($data["mob-list"][mt_rand(0, count($data["mob-list"]) - 1)], $pos);
     if (!$owner->getData("autospawn.turn-on", true)) {
     foreach ($this->owner->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
         if (mt_rand(...$rand) > $rand[0]) {
         $radius = (int) $owner->getData("autospawn.radius", 25);
         $pos = $player->getPosition();
         $pos->y = $player->level->getHighestBlockAt($pos->x += mt_rand(-$radius, $radius), $pos->z += mt_rand(-$radius, $radius)) + 2;
         $ent = [["Cow", "Pig", "Sheep", "Chicken", "Slime", "Wolf", "Ocelot", "Rabbit"], ["Zombie", "Creeper", "Skeleton", "Spider", "PigZombie", "Enderman", "", ""]];
         $entity = EntityManager::create($ent[mt_rand(0, 1)][mt_rand(0, 7)], $pos);
         if ($entity != null) {
 public function onRun(array $args, Player $player)
     if (!isset($args[0])) {
         return self::WRONG_USE;
     $center = $player->floor();
     $level = $player->getLevel();
     $radius = floatval(array_shift($args));
     $height = (int) array_shift($args);
     $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array($player->getDirection());
     while (count($args) > 0) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         switch ($arg) {
             case "a":
             case "anchor":
                 $anchor = $this->getMain()->getAnchor($player);
                 if (!$anchor instanceof Position) {
                     return self::NO_ANCHOR;
                 $center = $anchor->floor();
             case "d":
                 $d = array_shift($args);
                 switch (strtolower($d)) {
                     case "m":
                     case "me":
                     case "u":
                     case "up":
                         $axis = [CylinderSpace::Y, CylinderSpace::PLUS];
                     case "d":
                     case "down":
                         $axis = [CylinderSpace::Y, CylinderSpace::MINUS];
                     case "l":
                     case "left":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 3));
                     case "r":
                     case "right":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 1));
                     case "b":
                     case "back":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 2));
     $center = Position::fromObject($center, $level);
     $space = new CylinderSpace($axis[0], $radius, $center, $height * $axis[1]);
     $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, $space);
     return "Your selection is now {$space}.";
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $commandLabel, array $args)
     $dist = 0;
     if (count($args) === 0) {
         $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /dtp [from] <to>[-<distance behind <to>>]");
     } elseif (count($args) === 1) {
         if (!($from = $sender) instanceof Player) {
             $sender->sendMessage("Please run this command in-game.");
         $toName = $args[0];
         $pos = strpos($toName, "-");
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $dist = (int) substr($toName, $pos + 1);
             $toName = substr($toName, 0, $pos);
         $to = $sender->getServer()->getPlayer($toName);
         if (!$to instanceof Player) {
             $sender->sendMessage("{$toName} isn't online!");
     } else {
         $from = $sender->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]);
         if (!$from instanceof Player) {
             $sender->sendMessage("{$args['0']} isn't online!");
         $toName = $args[1];
         $pos = strpos($toName, "-");
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $dist = (int) substr($toName, $pos + 1);
             $toName = substr($toName, 0, $pos);
         $to = $sender->getServer()->getPlayer($toName);
         if (!$to instanceof Player) {
             $sender->sendMessage("{$toName} isn't online!");
     $l = $to->getLevel();
     $v3 = $to->subtract($to->getDirectionVector()->multiply($dist))->floor();
     for ($i = $v3->y; $i < 128; $v3->y = ++$i) {
         $b = $l->getBlock($v3);
         $id = $b->getId();
         if ($id === 0 or 8 <= $id and $id <= 11) {
     $from->teleport(Position::fromObject($v3, $l));
     $from->sendMessage("Teleported to {$to->getName()}");
Exemple #6
  * @param Block $sourceBlock a Block with the absolute X, Y and Z from the original level
 public function addEntry(Block $sourceBlock)
     if (!$this->isWritable) {
         throw new \InvalidStateException("This clip is not writable");
     if (!$sourceBlock->isValid()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Source block must contain a level and absolute coords");
     if ($sourceBlock->getLevel()->getName() !== $this->levelName) {
         throw new \InvalidStateException("Block is not from the level clip is being written in");
     $delta = $sourceBlock->subtract($this->anchor);
     $insert = Block::get($sourceBlock->getId(), $sourceBlock->getDamage(), Position::fromObject($delta->subtract($this->anchor)));
     $this->entries[] = $insert;
 public function __construct($axis, $radius, Position $base, $height)
     $this->base = Position::fromObject($base->floor(), $base->getLevel());
     $this->height = $height;
     $this->radius = $radius;
     $this->axis = $axis % 3;
     if ($this->axis === self::Y) {
         $y = [$this->base->getY(), $this->base->getY() + $height];
         $maxY = max($y);
         $minY = min($y);
     } else {
         $y = [$this->base->getY() + $radius, $this->base->getY() - $radius];
         $maxY = max($y);
         $minY = min($y);
     $maxHeight = 127;
     if (defined($path = "pemapmodder\\worldeditart\\MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT")) {
         $maxHeight = constant($path);
     if ($maxY > $maxHeight or $minY < 0) {
         throw new SelectionExceedWorldException("CylinderSpace");
Exemple #8
  * @param Vector3|Position|Location $pos
  * @param float                     $yaw
  * @param float                     $pitch
  * @return bool
 public function teleport(Vector3 $pos, $yaw = \null, $pitch = \null)
     if ($pos instanceof Location) {
         $yaw = $yaw === \null ? $pos->yaw : $yaw;
         $pitch = $pitch === \null ? $pos->pitch : $pitch;
     $from = Position::fromObject($this, $this->level);
     $to = Position::fromObject($pos, $pos instanceof Position ? $pos->getLevel() : $this->level);
     $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityTeleportEvent($this, $from, $to));
     if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
         return \false;
     $this->ySize = 0;
     $pos = $ev->getTo();
     $this->setMotion(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
     if ($this->setPositionAndRotation($pos, $yaw === \null ? $this->yaw : $yaw, $pitch === \null ? $this->pitch : $pitch, \true) !== \false) {
         $this->onGround = \true;
         $this->lastX = $this->x;
         $this->lastY = $this->y;
         $this->lastZ = $this->z;
         $this->lastYaw = $this->yaw;
         $this->lastPitch = $this->pitch;
         foreach ($this->hasSpawned as $player) {
             $player->addEntityMovement($this->getId(), $this->x, $this->y + $this->getEyeHeight(), $this->z, $this->yaw, $this->pitch, $this->yaw);
         return \true;
     return \false;
Exemple #9
  * Returns a side Vector
  * @param int $side
  * @param int $step
  * @return Position
  * @throws LevelException
 public function getSide($side, $step = 1)
     return Position::fromObject(parent::getSide($side, $step), $this->level);
Exemple #10
 public function onUpdate($type)
     return false;
     $newId = $this->id;
     $level = $this->meta & 0x7;
     if ($type !== Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL) {
         return false;
     $falling = $this->meta >> 3;
     $down = $this->getSide(0);
     $from = $this->getFrom();
     //Has Source or Its Source
     if ($from !== null || $level == 0x0) {
         if ($level !== 0x7) {
             if ($down instanceof Air || $down instanceof Water) {
                 $this->getLevel()->setBlock($down, new Water(0x1), false, false, true);
                 //Server::getInstance()->api->block->scheduleBlockUpdate(Position::fromObject($down, $this->level), 10, Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL);
             } else {
                 for ($side = 2; $side <= 5; ++$side) {
                     $b = $this->getSide($side);
                     if ($b instanceof Water) {
                         if ($this->getSourceCount() >= 2 && $level != 0x0) {
                             $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, new Water(0), false, false, true);
                     } elseif ($b->isFlowable === true) {
                         $this->getLevel()->setBlock($b, new Water($level + 1), false, false, true);
                         //Server::getInstance()->api->block->scheduleBlockUpdate(Position::fromObject($b, $this->level), 10, Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL);
     } else {
         //Extend Remove for Left Waters
         for ($side = 2; $side <= 5; ++$side) {
             $sb = $this->getSide($side);
             if ($sb instanceof Water) {
                 $tlevel = $sb->meta & 0x7;
                 if ($tlevel != 0x0) {
                     for ($s = 0; $s <= 5; $s++) {
                         $ssb = $sb->getSide($s);
                         Server::getInstance()->api->block->scheduleBlockUpdate(Position::fromObject($ssb, $this->level), 10, Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL);
                     $this->getLevel()->setBlock($sb, new Air(), false, false, true);
             $b = $this->getSide(0)->getSide($side);
             if ($b instanceof Water) {
                 $tlevel = $b->meta & 0x7;
                 if ($tlevel != 0x0) {
                     for ($s = 0; $s <= 5; $s++) {
                         $ssb = $sb->getSide($s);
                         Server::getInstance()->api->block->scheduleBlockUpdate(Position::fromObject($ssb, $this->level), 10, Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL);
                     $this->getLevel()->setBlock($b, new Air(), false, false, true);
             //Server::getInstance()->api->block->scheduleBlockUpdate(Position::fromObject($b, $this->level), 10, Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL);
         $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, new Air(), false, false, true);
     return false;
Exemple #11
  * Returns a Position pointing to the spawn
  * @return Position
 public function getSpawnLocation()
     return Position::fromObject($this->provider->getSpawn(), $this);
 public function onRun(array $args, Player $player)
     $flag = 0;
     // 0 for me, 1 for anchor, 2 for crosshair
     if (isset($args[0])) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         switch ($arg) {
             case "a":
             case "anchor":
                 $flag = 1;
             case "c":
             case "crosshair":
                 $flag = 2;
     $selected = $player->getPosition();
     if ($flag === 1) {
         $selected = $this->getMain()->getAnchor($player);
         if (!$selected instanceof Position) {
             return self::NO_ANCHOR;
     if ($flag === 2) {
         $selected = WorldEditArt::getCrosshairTarget($player);
         if (!$selected instanceof Position) {
             return "The block is too far/in the void/in the sky.";
     if ($selected->y < 0 or $selected->y > (defined($path = "pemapmodder\\worldeditart\\MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT") ? constant($path) : 127)) {
         return "The selected point is too high/too low.";
     $selected->getLevel()->loadChunk($selected->x >> 4, $selected->z >> 4);
     $selected = Position::fromObject($selected->floor(), $selected->getLevel());
     $space = $this->getMain()->getSelection($player);
     if ($space instanceof CuboidSpace and $space->getLevel() === $selected->getLevel()) {
         if ($this->is2) {
         } else {
         goto end;
     $temp = $this->getMain()->getTempPos($player);
     if (is_array($temp) and $temp["#"] !== $this->is2) {
         /** @var Position $pos */
         $pos = $temp["position"];
         if ($pos->getLevel() === $selected->getLevel()) {
             if ($this->is2) {
                 $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, new CuboidSpace($pos, $selected));
             } else {
                 $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, new CuboidSpace($selected, $pos));
             goto end;
     $this->getMain()->setTempPos($player, $selected, $this->is2);
     $space = $this->getMain()->getSelection($player);
     if ($space instanceof Space) {
         $cnt = count($space);
     return ($this->is2 ? "Second" : "First") . " position set to " . "({$selected->x}, {$selected->y}, {$selected->z})." . (isset($cnt) ? "\n  (Cuboid selected with {$cnt} blocks)" : "");
Exemple #13
  * Adds a player to an arena
  * @param Player $player
 public function spawnPlayerToArena(Player $player)
     if ($this->getPlayerArena($player) == null) {
         foreach ($this->arenas as $arena) {
             if (!$arena->inUse) {
                 if (count($arena->players) != $arena->capacity && count($arena->spawnpoints) >= count($arena->players)) {
                     foreach ($arena->spawnpoints as $spawn) {
                         //What the heck is this
                         if (!in_array($spawn, $arena->usedSpawnpoints)) {
                             $spawnString = json_encode($spawn);
                             $spawnArray = json_decode($spawnString, true);
                             $vector = new Vector3($spawnArray['x'], $spawnArray['y'], $spawnArray['z']);
                             $pos = Position::fromObject($vector, Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName($spawnArray['level']));
                             array_push($arena->players, $player);
                             $arena->playerSpawns[$player->getName()] = $pos;
                             $arena->usedSpawnpoints[] = $spawn;
                             break 2;
Exemple #14
 public function teleport(Vector3 $pos, $yaw = null, $pitch = null)
     $from = Position::fromObject($this, $this->getLevel());
     $to = Position::fromObject($pos, $pos instanceof Position ? $pos->getLevel() : $this->getLevel());
     $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityTeleportEvent($this, $from, $to));
     if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
         return false;
     $this->ySize = 0;
     $pos = $ev->getTo();
     $this->setMotion(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
     if ($this->setPositionAndRotation($pos, $yaw === null ? $this->yaw : $yaw, $pitch === null ? $this->pitch : $pitch, true) !== false) {
         $this->fallDistance = 0;
         $this->onGround = true;
         return true;
     return false;
  * @param string $name
  * @param Position $pos
 public function setHome($name = "default", Position $pos)
     $this->homes[$name] = Position::fromObject($pos, $pos->getLevel());
     $db = $this->getMain()->getFList()->getDb();
     $op = $db->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO factions_homes (x, y, z, name, fid) VALUES (:x, :y, :z, :name, :id);");
     $op->bindValue(":x", $pos->getX());
     $op->bindValue(":y", $pos->getY());
     $op->bindValue(":z", $pos->getZ());
     $op->bindValue(":name", $name);
     $op->bindValue(":id", $this->id);
Exemple #16
  * Returns the Block on the side $side, works like Vector3::side()
  * @param int $side
  * @param int $step
  * @return Block
 public function getSide($side, $step = 1)
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         return $this->getLevel()->getBlock(Vector3::getSide($side, $step));
     return Block::get(Item::AIR, 0, Position::fromObject(Vector3::getSide($side, $step)));
  * Returns a side Vector
  * @param int $side
  * @param int $step
  * @return Position
  * @throws LevelException
 public function getSide($side, $step = 1)
     if (!$this->isValid()) {
         throw new LevelException("Undefined Level reference");
     return Position::fromObject(parent::getSide($side, $step), $this->level);
Exemple #18
  * @param CommandSender $sender
  * @param Command $command
  * @param string $label
  * @param array $args
  * @return bool
 public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, $label, array $args)
     if ($command->getName() != "izone" || !$sender instanceof Player) {
         return false;
     switch (strtolower(array_shift($args))) {
         case "pos1":
             $this->positions1[spl_object_hash($sender)] = Position::fromObject($sender, $sender->getLevel());
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Registered Position #1");
             return true;
         case "pos2":
             $this->positions2[spl_object_hash($sender)] = Position::fromObject($sender, $sender->getLevel());
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Registered Position #2");
             return true;
         case "create":
             if (!$sender->isOp() && !$this->getConfig()->get("non-op-create", false)) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You don't have the right to create a private zone");
                 return true;
             $name = array_shift($args);
             if ($name == null || empty($name) || isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone already exist or name cannot be empty");
                 return true;
             if (!isset($this->positions1[spl_object_hash($sender)]) || !isset($this->positions2[spl_object_hash($sender)])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Set two positions with /izone pos1 and /izone pos2");
                 return true;
             $pos1 = $this->positions1[spl_object_hash($sender)];
             $pos2 = $this->positions2[spl_object_hash($sender)];
             if (strtolower(array_shift($args)) == "noheight") {
                 $pos1->y = 0;
                 $pos2->y = 256;
             if (!$sender->isOp()) {
                 if (abs($pos1->getX() - $pos2->getX()) > $this->getConfig()->get("maximum-x", 30)) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The area has exceeded the maximum x-length!");
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     if (abs($pos1->getY() - $pos2->getY()) > $this->getConfig()->get("maximum-y", 30)) {
                         $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The area has exceeded the maximum y-height!");
                         return true;
                     } else {
                         if (abs($pos1->getZ() - $pos2->getZ()) > $this->getConfig()->get("maximum-z", 30)) {
                             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The area has exceeded the maximum z-width!");
                             return true;
             $zone = new Zone($this, $name, $sender, $pos1, $pos2);
             foreach ($this->zones as $z) {
                 if ($z->intersectsWith($zone)) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You can not interfere with other zones");
                     return true;
             $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ZoneCreatedEvent($this, $zone));
             if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
                 return false;
             $this->zones[$name] = $zone;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} have been have successfully created");
             return true;
         case "remove":
             $name = array_shift($args);
             if ($name == null || empty($name) || !isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone doesn't exist");
                 return true;
             if ($sender->isOp() || $sender->hasPermission($name . OWNER)) {
                 $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ZoneRemovedEvent($this, $this->zones[$name], $sender));
                 if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
                     return false;
                 $owner = $this->zones[$name]->getOwner();
                 $owner = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($owner);
                 if ($owner == null) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} have been removed");
                     return true;
                 $owner->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} have been removed.");
                 if ($owner->getName() !== $sender->getName()) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} have been removed");
                 return true;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You don't have the right to do that");
             return true;
         case "addmember":
             $name = array_shift($args);
             $user = array_shift($args);
             $as = array_shift($args);
             if (empty($name) || $name == null || !isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone doesn't exist");
                 return true;
             if ($sender->isOp() || $sender->hasPermission($name . OWNER)) {
                 if (empty($user) || $user == null || ($user = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($user)) == null) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player doesn't exist or is offline!");
                     return true;
                 if ($user->hasPermission($name . MEMBER)) {
                     //Force them to remove the member mannually
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player is already member of this zone!");
                     return true;
                 $perm = $as == "owner" ? $name . OWNER : $name . MEMBER;
                 $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ZoneSetPermissionEvent($this, $this->zones[$name], $user, $perm));
                 if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
                     return false;
                 $this->addPermission($user, $perm);
                 $this->dataProvider->setPermission($user, $perm);
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player has been added!");
                 return true;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You don't have right to do that");
             return true;
         case "removemember":
             $name = array_shift($args);
             $user = array_shift($args);
             if ($name == null || empty($name) || !isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone doesn't exist");
                 return true;
             if ($sender->isOp() || $sender->hasPermission($name . OWNER)) {
                 if ($user == null || empty($user) || ($user = $this->getServer()->getPlayer($user)) == null) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player doesn't exist or not is offline!");
                     return true;
                 if (!$user->hasPermission($name . MEMBER)) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player is not a member of this zone!");
                     return true;
                 $ownerName = $this->zones[$name]->getOwner();
                 if ($user->getName() == $ownerName) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The owner couldn't be removed from the zone!");
                     return true;
                 $isOwner = $user->hasPermission($name . OWNER);
                 if ($isOwner && $sender->getName() != $ownerName) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You can't remove an owner!");
                     return true;
                 $permission = $isOwner ? $name . OWNER : $name . MEMBER;
                 $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ZoneRemovePermissionEvent($this, $this->zones[$name], $user, $permission));
                 if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
                     return false;
                 $this->removePermission($user, $permission);
                 $this->dataProvider->unsetPermission($user, $this->zones[$name]);
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The player has been removed!");
                 return true;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You don't have permission to do that");
             return true;
         case "leave":
             $name = array_shift($args);
             if ($name == null || empty($name) || !isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone doesn't exist");
                 return true;
             if ($sender->hasPermission($name . MEMBER)) {
                 if ($this->zones[$name]->getOwner() == $sender->getName()) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You can't leave your own zone!");
                     return true;
                 $permission = $sender->hasPermission($name . OWNER) ? $name . OWNER : $name . MEMBER;
                 $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ZoneRemovePermissionEvent($this, $this->zones[$name], $sender, $permission));
                 if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
                     return false;
                 $this->removePermission($sender, $permission);
                 $this->dataProvider->unsetPermission($sender, $this->zones[$name]);
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You have left the zone!");
                 return true;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You are not a member of this zone!");
             return true;
         case "setpvp":
             $name = array_shift($args);
             $state = array_shift($args);
             if (!$sender->isOp() && !$sender->hasPermission($name . OWNER)) {
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] You don't have right to do that");
                 return true;
             if (strtolower($state) == "on" || $state == "1") {
                 if (isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                     $this->zones[$name]->pvpAvailable = true;
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Enabled PVP in {$name}");
                     return true;
                 $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} does not exist!");
                 return true;
             } else {
                 if (strtolower($state == "off") || $state == "0") {
                     if (isset($this->zones[$name])) {
                         $this->zones[$name]->pvpAvailable = false;
                         $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Disabled PVP in {$name}");
                         return true;
                     $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] The zone {$name} does not exist!");
                     return true;
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Unable to identify the command");
             return true;
         case "coord":
             $sender->sendMessage("[iZone] Coordinates: X: {$sender->x} Y: {$sender->y} Z: {$sender->z}");
             return true;
         case "help":
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone <command> [parameters] {optional}");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone create [name] {noheight}");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone remove [name]");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone addmember [zone] [player] {owner}");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone removemember [zone] [player]");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone leave [zone]");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone setpvp [zone] [on/off]");
             $sender->sendMessage("Usage: /izone coord");
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #19
  * @param Vector3|Position|Location $pos
  * @param float                     $yaw
  * @param float                     $pitch
  * @return bool
 public function teleport(Vector3 $pos, $yaw = null, $pitch = null)
     if ($pos instanceof Location) {
         $yaw = $yaw === null ? $pos->yaw : $yaw;
         $pitch = $pitch === null ? $pos->pitch : $pitch;
     $from = Position::fromObject($this, $this->level);
     $to = Position::fromObject($pos, $pos instanceof Position ? $pos->getLevel() : $this->level);
     $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityTeleportEvent($this, $from, $to));
     if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
         return false;
     $this->ySize = 0;
     $pos = $ev->getTo();
     $this->setMotion(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
     if ($this->setPositionAndRotation($pos, $yaw === null ? $this->yaw : $yaw, $pitch === null ? $this->pitch : $pitch, true) !== false) {
         $this->onGround = true;
         $this->lastX = $this->x;
         $this->lastY = $this->y;
         $this->lastZ = $this->z;
         $this->lastYaw = $this->yaw;
         $this->lastPitch = $this->pitch;
         return true;
     return false;
 public function onGrowRun(array $args, Player $player)
     if (!isset($args[2])) {
         return self::WRONG_USE;
     $reverse = false;
     if ($args[0] === "r" or $args[0] === "reverse") {
         $reverse = true;
     foreach ($args as $arg) {
         if (!is_numeric($arg)) {
             return self::WRONG_USE;
     $xp = (int) array_shift($args);
     $yp = (int) array_shift($args);
     $zp = (int) array_shift($args);
     $xm = $xp;
     $ym = $yp;
     $zm = $zp;
     if (isset($args[0])) {
         $xm = (int) array_shift($args);
     if (isset($args[0])) {
         $ym = (int) array_shift($args);
     if (isset($args[0])) {
         $zm = (int) array_shift($args);
     $from = new Vector3($xm, $ym, $zm);
     $to = new Vector3($xp, $yp, $zp);
     $level = $player->getLevel();
     if ($reverse) {
         $space = new CuboidSpace(Position::fromObject($to, $level), $from);
     } else {
         $space = new CuboidSpace(Position::fromObject($from, $level), $to);
     $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, $space);
     return "Cuboid selection set: {$space}";