public static function dropExpOrb__api200(Position $source, $exp = 1, Vector3 $motion = \null, $delay = 40)
     $motion = $motion === \null ? new Vector3(\lcg_value() * 0.2 - 0.1, 0.4, \lcg_value() * 0.2 - 0.1) : $motion;
     $entity = Entity::createEntity("ExperienceOrb", $source->getLevel()->getChunk($source->getX() >> 4, $source->getZ() >> 4, \true), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag("", ["Pos" => new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\ListTag("Pos", [new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $source->getX()), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $source->getY()), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $source->getZ())]), "Motion" => new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\ListTag("Motion", [new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $motion->x), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $motion->y), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\DoubleTag("", $motion->z)]), "Rotation" => new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\ListTag("Rotation", [new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\FloatTag("", \lcg_value() * 360), new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\FloatTag("", 0)]), "Health" => new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\ShortTag("Health", 20), "PickupDelay" => new \pocketmine\nbt\tag\ShortTag("PickupDelay", $delay)]));
     if ($entity instanceof ExperienceOrb) {
 public function setHome(IPlayer $player, Position $pos)
     $n = strtolower($player->getName());
     $l = "l-" . strtolower($pos->getLevel()->getName());
     $this->homes[$l][$n] = [$pos->getX(), $pos->getY(), $pos->getZ()];
Exemple #3
 public function checkMove(Position $p)
     if (!$this->cfg["mines"]) {
         return false;
     $bl = [];
     for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
         $bl[$i] = $p->getLevel()->getBlockIdAt($p->getX(), $p->getY() - $i, $p->getZ());
     for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
         if ($bl[$i] == $this->mine["block1"]) {
             if (isset($this->mine["block2"]) && $this->mine["block2"] != $bl[$i + 1]) {
             // explode!
             $p->getLevel()->setBlockIdAt($p->getX(), $p->getY() - $i, $p->getZ(), 0);
             $this->scorchit(new Position($p->getX() + 0.5, $p->getY() - $i + 0.5, $p->getZ() + 0.5, $p->getLevel()), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1);
             return false;
     return false;
  * Teleport a player near a location
  * @param Player $player - player to be teleported
  * @param Position $target - location to teleport nearby
  * @param int $rand - how far to randomize positions
  * @param int|null $dist - if not null it will make sure that new location is upto $dist
  * @return bool - true on success, false on failure
 public static function tpNearBy(Player $player, Position $target, $rand = 3, $dist = null)
     $mv = new Vector3($target->getX() + mt_rand(-$rand, $rand), $target->getY(), $target->getZ() + mt_rand(-$rand, $rand));
     $pos = $target->getLevel()->getSafeSpawn($mv);
     if ($dist !== null) {
         $newdist = $pos->distance($target);
         if ($newdist > $dist) {
             return false;
         // Will not get close enough!
     return true;
 public function __construct(Position $a, Vector3 $b)
     $this->raw0 = $a;
     if (!$b instanceof Position) {
         $b = new Position($b->getX(), $b->getY(), $b->getZ(), $a->getLevel());
     $this->raw1 = $b;
     if ($a->getLevel()->getName() !== $b->getLevel()->getName()) {
         trigger_error("Positions of different levels (\"" . $a->getLevel()->getName() . "\" and \"" . $b->getLevel()->getName() . "\" passed to constructor of " . get_class($this), E_USER_WARNING);
     // call this at the last because it has to bake before acquiring
 public function explode(Position $pos)
     $aabb = new AxisAlignedBB($pos->getX() - self::RANGE, $pos->getY() - self::RANGE, $pos->getZ() - self::RANGE, $pos->getX() + self::RANGE, $pos->getY() + self::RANGE, $pos->getZ() + self::RANGE);
     $nearbyEntities = $this->getPlayer()->getLevel()->getNearbyEntities($aabb, null);
     $pk = new ExplodePacket();
     $pk->x = $pos->x;
     $pk->y = $pos->y;
     $pk->z = $pos->z;
     $pk->radius = 10;
     $pk->records = [new Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z)];
     Server::broadcastPacket($this->getPlayer()->getLevel()->getChunkPlayers($pos->x >> 4, $pos->z >> 4), $pk->setChannel(Network::CHANNEL_BLOCKS));
     foreach ($nearbyEntities as $entity) {
         if (!$entity instanceof Player) {
         if ($this->getPlugin()->isEnemy($this->getPlayer()->getName(), $entity->getName())) {
             $event = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent($this->getPlayer(), $entity, 16, 15);
             $entity->attack($event->getFinalDamage(), $event);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $this->getPlayer()->getLevel()->addParticle(new CriticalParticle(new Vector3($pos->x + mt_rand(-self::RANGE, self::RANGE), $pos->y + mt_rand(-self::RANGE, self::RANGE), $pos->z + mt_rand(-self::RANGE, self::RANGE))));
 public function isInside(Vector3 $v)
     $out = true;
     switch ($this->axis) {
         case self::X:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getX() <= $v->getX() and $v->getX() <= $this->base->getX() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($v->getX(), $this->base->getY(), $this->base->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
         case self::Y:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getY() <= $v->getY() and $v->getY() <= $this->base->getY() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($this->base->getX(), $v->getY(), $this->base->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
         case self::Z:
             $out = ($out and $this->base->getZ() <= $v->getZ() and $v->getZ() <= $this->base->getZ() + $this->height);
             $out = ($out and $v->distance(new Vector3($this->base->getX(), $this->base->getY(), $v->getZ())) <= $this->radius);
     if ($v instanceof Position) {
         $out = ($out and $v->getLevel()->getName() === $this->base->getLevel()->getName());
     return $out;
 public function getLocationByPosition(Position $pos)
     return $pos->getLevel()->getFolderName() . ";" . $pos->getX() . ";" . $pos->getY() . ";" . $pos->getZ();
Exemple #9
 public function setSpawnPoint(Position $pos)
     $this->plugin->warDB["spawn"]["red-team"]["pos"] = (int) $pos->getX() . "." . (int) $pos->getY() . "." . (int) $pos->getZ();
     $this->plugin->warDB["spawn"]["red-team"]["level"] = $pos->getLevel()->getName();
Exemple #10
 public function setLobby(Position $pos)
     $this->plugin->warDB["spawn"]["lobby"]["pos"] = (int) $pos->getX() . "." . (int) $pos->getY() . "." . (int) $pos->getZ();
     $this->plugin->warDB["spawn"]["lobby"]["level"] = $pos->getLevel()->getName();
Exemple #11
 public function onBreak(BlockBreakEvent $event)
     if ($this->active == false and isset($this->players[$event->getPlayer()->getName()])) {
     if (isset($this->players[$event->getPlayer()->getName()])) {
         if ($event->getBlock()->getID() != $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("surface")) {
         } else {
             if ($this->active == true) {
                 $block = $event->getBlock();
                 $block = new Position($block->getX(), $block->getY(), $block->getZ(), $block->getLevel());
                 $this->broken[] = $block;
Exemple #12
 public function areaPosCast(Position $pos1, Position $pos2)
     $startX = (int) $pos1->getX();
     $startZ = (int) $pos1->getZ();
     $endX = (int) $pos2->getX();
     $endZ = (int) $pos2->getZ();
     if ($startX > $endX) {
         $backup = $startX;
         $startX = $endX;
         $endX = $backup;
     if ($startZ > $endZ) {
         $backup = $startZ;
         $startZ = $endZ;
         $endZ = $backup;
     return [$startX, $endX, $startZ, $endZ];
 protected function writePosition(Position $pos)
     $this->buffer .= Bin::writeInt($pos->getX() >> 4);
     $this->buffer .= Bin::writeInt($pos->getZ() >> 4);
     $this->buffer .= Bin::writeByte(($pos->getX() & 0xf) << 4 & ($pos->getZ() & 0xf));
     $this->buffer .= Bin::writeByte(strlen($pos->getLevel()->getName()));
     $this->buffer .= $pos->getLevel()->getName();
  * @param Position $pos
  * @return static
 public static function fromObject(Position $pos)
     return new self($pos->getX() >> 4, $pos->getZ() >> 4, $pos->getLevel());
     // don't refer to the object directly, else clone it
 public function snowShoot(Position $pos)
     $player = Entity::Human;
     $nbt = new Compound("", [new Enum("Pos", [new Double("", $pos->getX()), new Double("", $pos->getY()), new Double("", $pos->getZ())]), new Enum("Motion", [new Double("", 0.0), new Double("", 1.0), new Double("", 0.0)])]);
     $snow = Entity::createEntity('Snowball', $pos->getLevel()->getChunk($pos->getX() >> 4, $pos->getY() >> 4, $pos->getZ() >> 4, $nbt));
     return $snow->getId();
Exemple #16
 public function insideLevelEntracePortal($pos)
     $p1 = new Position($this->portalEnterPos1->x, $this->portalEnterPos1->y, $this->portalEnterPos1->z);
     $p2 = new Position($this->portalEnterPos2->x, $this->portalEnterPos2->y + 1, $this->portalEnterPos2->z);
     if (min($p1->getX(), $p2->getX()) <= $pos->getX() && max($p1->getX(), $p2->getX()) >= $pos->getX() && min($p1->getY(), $p2->getY()) <= $pos->getY() && max($p1->getY(), $p2->getY()) >= $pos->getY() && min($p1->getZ(), $p2->getZ()) <= $pos->getZ() && max($p1->getZ(), $p2->getZ()) >= $pos->getZ()) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #17
  * Creates a new spawnpoint at a position
  * @param Position $position
  * @param $id
 public function addSpawnpoint(Position $position, Player $sender, $id)
     //create an array for the spawnpoint
     $spawnpoint = array('x' => $position->getX(), 'y' => $position->getY(), 'z' => $position->getZ(), 'level' => $position->getLevel()->getName());
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->config->arenas); $i++) {
         $arenas = $this->config->arenas;
         $arena = $arenas[$i];
         if ($arena['id'] == $id) {
             $arena['spawnpoints'][] = $spawnpoint;
             $arenas[$i] = $arena;
             $this->config->set('arenas', $arenas);
             $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::DARK_BLUE . "[HungerGames]" . TextFormat::WHITE . " Spawn added!");
             $arenaSet = true;
     if (!isset($arenaSet)) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::DARK_BLUE . "[HungerGames]" . TextFormat::WHITE . " This arena id does not exist");
 private function getPos(Position $pos)
     $pos->x = (int) $pos->getX();
     $pos->y = (int) $pos->getY();
     $pos->z = (int) $pos->getZ();
     return $pos;
 public function placeJail(Position $pos, $type = "default", $key = null)
     $blocks = $this->getJailBlocks($type);
     if ($blocks !== false) {
         $x = (int) $pos->getX();
         $y = (int) $pos->getY();
         $z = (int) $pos->getZ();
         $level = $pos->getLevel();
         $log = array($level);
         foreach ($blocks as $data) {
             //data[0] x座標, data[1] y座標, data[2] z座標, data[3] blockid, data[4] meta値
             $pos = new Vector3($x + $data[0], $y + $data[1], $z + $data[2]);
             $block = Block::get($data[3], $data[4]);
             if ($key !== null) {
                 $log[] = array($pos, $level->getBlock($pos));
             $level->setBlock($pos, $block);
         if ($key !== null) {
             $this->logs[$key][] = $log;
         return true;
     return false;
 public function setWarp($name, Position $pos)
     $n = strtolower($name);
     if ($n == "version") {
         return false;
     $this->warps[$n] = [$pos->getX(), $pos->getY(), $pos->getZ(), $pos->getLevel()->getName()];
     return $this->saveWarps();
Exemple #21
  * @param Position $p
  * @param $cmd
  * @return Block
 public function addBlock(Position $p, $cmd)
     $block = new Block(new Position($p->getX(), $p->getY(), $p->getZ(), $p->getLevel()), [$cmd], $this, count($this->config->get("blocks")));
     return $block;
  * Create a warp or override its position
  * @param string $warp
  * @param Position $pos
  * @param int $yaw
  * @param int $pitch
  * @return bool
 public function setWarp($warp, Position $pos, $yaw = 0, $pitch = 0)
     if (!$this->validateName($warp, false)) {
         return false;
     if ($pos instanceof Location) {
         $yaw = $pos->getYaw();
         $pitch = $pos->getPitch();
     $this->warps[$warp] = new BaseLocation($warp, $pos->getX(), $pos->getY(), $pos->getZ(), $pos->getLevel(), $yaw, $pitch);
     return true;
Exemple #23
 public function calculateVector(Vector3 $vector, Position $position, $maxStep, $size, $yOffset)
     $motionX = $vector->getX();
     $motionY = $vector->getY();
     $motionZ = $vector->getZ();
     $x = $position->getX();
     $y = $position->getY() + $yOffset;
     $z = $position->getZ();
     $return = ["stack" => array(), "final" => null];
     $return["stack"] = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $maxStep; $i++) {
         $x += $motionX;
         $y += $motionY;
         $z += $motionZ;
         $aabb = new AxisAlignedBB($x - $size, $y - $size, $z - $size, $x + $size, $y + $size, $z + $size);
         $currentPos = new Position($x, $y, $z, $position->getLevel());
         array_push($return["stack"], $currentPos);
         $collidingEntities = $position->getLevel()->getCollidingEntities($aabb);
         foreach ($collidingEntities as $entity) {
             if ($entity instanceof Player && $this->getPlugin()->isEnemy($this->player->getName(), $entity->getName())) {
                 $return["final"] = $currentPos;
         $block = $position->getLevel()->getBlock($currentPos);
         if ($block->getId() !== 0 || $y < 0) {
             $return["final"] = $currentPos;