// to be delivered to clients/browsers via websocket; $logger->debug('Instantiating main "Server" socket object'); $server = new React\Socket\Server($loop); // Let's define some very-basic code to be run when something is // received on the main socket (the one supposed to RECEIVE the // data to be sent to websocket clients... $logger->debug('Setting [onConnection/onData] callback'); $server->on('connection', function ($conn) use($chat, $logger) { $logger->info('[onConnection] New client connected'); //I'm not going to broadcast anything, as it's not a JSON-formattted data to be shown on dashboard //$chat->broadcast ( "[onCONNECTION] Client arrivato..." . PHP_EOL ); // Please note that the onDATA callback is defined INSIDE the outer onCONNECTION one! $conn->on('data', function ($data) use($conn, $chat, $logger) { $logger->debug('[onData] Got data from socket [' . $data . ' bytes]'); // passo ai client un JSON "puro", altrimenti genero problemi di parsing... $chat->broadcast($data . PHP_EOL); //$conn->write("I just got: [".$data."]"); }); }); // Let's run the main server socket $logger->debug('Spinning main server socket'); $server->listen(1337, ''); // Let's run the main websocket $logger->debug('Instantiating main WebSocket object'); $webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $logger->debug('Spinning main websocket'); $webSock->listen(8888, ''); // This is not clear... (to me, at least), unfortunately !!!! $logger->debug('instantiating main webserver (?)'); $webServer = new Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(new Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer($chat)), $webSock); // Let's add some periodic trigger, just to check that everything is running fine
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); // this is our main object, handling communications // with connected browsers, via websockets; $logger->debug('Instantiating main Chat object'); $chat = new Chat(); // this is our TCP-server that will receive messages // to be delivered to clients/browsers via websocket; $logger->debug('Instantiating main "Server" socket object'); $server = new React\Socket\Server($loop); // Let's define some very-basic code to be run when something is // received on the main socket (the one supposed to RECEIVE the // data to be sent to websocket clients... $logger->debug('Setting [onConnection/onData] callback'); $server->on('connection', function ($conn) use($chat, $logger) { $logger->info('[onConnection] New client connected'); $chat->broadcast("[onCONNECTION] Client arrivato..." . PHP_EOL); // Please note that the onDATA callback is defined INSIDE the outer onCONNECTION one! $conn->on('data', function ($data) use($conn, $chat, $logger) { $logger->debug('[onData] Got data from socket [' . count($data) . ' bytes]'); // passo ai client un JSON "puro", altrimenti genero problemi di parsing... $chat->broadcast($data . PHP_EOL); //$conn->write("I just got: [".$data."]"); }); }); // Let's run the main server socket $logger->debug('Spinning main server socket'); $server->listen(1337, ''); // Let's run the main websocket $logger->debug('Instantiating main WebSocket object'); $webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $logger->debug('Spinning main websocket');