public function inspect() { $inspectionDto = new InspectionDto(); $inspectionMessage = ''; if ($this->createdTasksBeforeHandling !== $this->correctlyExecuted + count($this->executedWithError)) { $this->allTasksComplete = false; $inspectionMessage .= "Not all tasks complete: " . " created (before handling): " . $this->createdTasksBeforeHandling . " correctlyExecuted: " . serialize($this->getCorrectlyExecuted()) . " executedWithError: " . serialize($this->getExecutedWithError()) . $this->loggerPostfix; } $this->logger->notice("CreatedTasks before handling: " . serialize($this->createdTasksBeforeHandling)); $this->logger->notice("CreatedTasks after handling: " . serialize($this->createdTasksNumber)); $this->logger->notice("CorrectlyExecuted: " . serialize($this->getCorrectlyExecuted())); $this->logger->notice("Executed with error: " . serialize($this->executedWithError)); if (!empty($this->executedWithError)) { switch ($this->attentionMethod) { case InspectorConstants::LOG: $this->makeAttentionLog($inspectionMessage); break; case InspectorConstants::MAIL: $this->sendAttentionMail($inspectionMessage); break; default: $this->makeAttentionLog($inspectionMessage); //$this->sendAttentionMail($inspectionMessage); } } $inspectionDto->setInspectionMessage($inspectionMessage); return $inspectionDto; }
private function workOn(CommittedJob $job, HandlerInterface $jobHandler) { try { $this->logger->notice("Starting work on {$job->getId()}"); $logProvider = new LogProvider($this->logger, $jobHandler); $this->jobExecutor->execute($job, $logProvider); $this->metro->succeed($job->getId()); $this->logger->notice("Finished work on {$job->getId()}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logException($e, $job->getId()); $this->metro->fail($job->getId()); } }
public function notice($message, array $args = [], array $context = []) { if (count($args)) { $message = vsprintf($message, $args); } return parent::notice($message, $context); }
protected function stopDaemon() { $pid = $this->getRunningPid(); if (!$pid) { $this->logger->notice("Cannot stop the daemon as it is not started"); return "notstarted"; } $this->logger->info("Trying to terminate the daemon", array('pid' => $pid)); $this->processControl->kill($pid); for ($i = 0; ($pid = $this->getRunningPid()) && $i < 5; $i++) { sleep(1); } if ($pid) { $this->logger->warning("The daemon is resiting, trying to kill it", array('pid' => $pid)); $this->processControl->kill($pid, true); for ($i = 0; ($pid = $this->getRunningPid()) && $i < 5; $i++) { sleep(1); } } if (!$pid) { $this->logger->notice("Daemon stopped"); return "stopped"; } $this->logger->error("Could not stop the daemon"); }
/** * Ping a journal, check on it's health, etc. * * @param Journal $journal * * @return PingResult * * @throws Exception */ public function ping(Journal $journal) { $this->logger->notice("Pinging {$journal}"); $url = $journal->getGatewayUrl(); $client = $this->getClient(); try { $response = $client->get($url, array('allow_redirects' => false, 'headers' => array('User-Agent' => 'PkpPlnBot 1.0;', 'Accept' => 'application/xml,text/xml,*/*;q=0.1'))); $pingResponse = new PingResult($response); if ($pingResponse->getHttpStatus() === 200) { $journal->setContacted(new DateTime()); $journal->setTitle($pingResponse->getJournalTitle('(unknown title)')); $journal->setOjsVersion($pingResponse->getOjsRelease()); $journal->setTermsAccepted($pingResponse->areTermsAccepted() === 'yes'); } else { $journal->setStatus('ping-error'); } $this->em->flush($journal); return $pingResponse; } catch (RequestException $e) { $journal->setStatus('ping-error'); $this->em->flush($journal); if ($e->hasResponse()) { return new PingResult($e->getResponse()); } throw $e; } catch (XmlParseException $e) { $journal->setStatus('ping-error'); $this->em->flush($journal); return new PingResult($e->getResponse()); } catch (Exception $e) { $journal->setStatus('ping-error'); $this->em->flush($journal); throw $e; } }
/** * Handles incoming webhook requests. */ public function index() { // set up logging to email $this->log = Log::getMonolog(); if ($to = config('auto-deploy.notify')) { $domain = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST); $msg = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Project Deployed')->setFrom(["do_not_reply@{$domain}" => "Laravel Auto-Deploy[{$domain}]"])->setTo($to)->setBody('', 'text/html'); $handler = new SwiftMailerHandler(Mail::getSwiftMailer(), $msg, Logger::NOTICE); $handler->setFormatter(new HtmlFormatter()); $this->log->pushHandler($handler); } // check to see if we should execute this event if (in_array($this->origin->event(), array_keys(config("auto-deploy.{$this->origin->name}")))) { // get the parameters for the event we're handling $configKey = "auto-deploy.{$this->origin->name}.{$this->origin->event()}"; $this->webroot = config("{$configKey}.webroot"); $this->installDir = dirname($this->webroot) . '/' . date('Y-m-d') . '_' . $this->commitId; $steps = config("{$configKey}.steps"); // execute the configured steps $this->result = ['Commit_ID' => $this->commitId, 'Timestamp' => date('r'), 'output' => '']; $whitelist = ['backupDatabase', 'pull', 'copyEnv', 'composer', 'npm', 'migrate', 'seed', 'deploy']; foreach ($steps as $step) { if (in_array($step, $whitelist) && !$this->{$step}()) { $this->log->error('Deploy failed.', $this->result); return; } } $this->log->notice('Deploy succeeded!', $this->result); } else { $this->log->error('Deploy failed.', ['Reason' => 'This event was not configured.']); } }
/** * Get the staging directory for processed deposits. * * @param Journal $journal * * @return string */ public final function getStagingDir(Journal $journal) { $path = $this->absolutePath('staged', $journal); if (!$this->fs->exists($path)) { $this->logger->notice("Creating directory {$path}"); $this->fs->mkdir($path); } return $path; }
/** * Process one deposit. Fetch the data and write it to the file system. * Updates the deposit status, and may remove the processing files if * LOCKSSOatic reports agreement. * * @param Deposit $deposit * * @return type */ protected function processDeposit(Deposit $deposit, $force = false) { if ($deposit->getPlnState() === 'agreement') { $this->logger->notice($deposit->getDepositUuid()); $this->delFileTree($this->filePaths->getHarvestFile($deposit), $force); $this->delFileTree($this->filePaths->getProcessingBagPath($deposit), $force); // $this->delFileTree($this->filePaths->getStagingBagPath($deposit), $force); } }
/** * */ public function testPushErrors() { $redis = \Mockery::mock('Predis\\Client')->shouldReceive('publish')->times(8)->with('log', \Mockery::any())->mock(); $monolog = new Logger('test'); $monolog->pushHandler(new PublishHandler(new RedisPublisher($redis))); $monolog->debug('the message was: {message}', ['DEBUG!']); $monolog->info('the message was: {message}', ['INFO!']); $monolog->notice('the message was: {message}', ['NOTICE!']); $monolog->warning('the message was: {message}', ['WARNING!']); $monolog->error('the message was: {message}', ['ERROR!']); $monolog->critical('the message was: {message}', ['CRITICAL!']); $monolog->alert('the message was: {message}', ['ALERT!']); $monolog->emergency('the message was: {message}', ['EMERGENCY!']); }
/** * Run job in singlethread mode * * @param string Job unique identifier * * @return array {[pid],[name],[success],[start],[end],[result],[id]} */ private function runMultithread($jobUid) { $job = $this->jobs[$jobUid]; // get job start timestamp $start_timestamp = microtime(true); $this->logger->notice("Starting job " . $job['name'] . "(" . $job['id'] . ")"); $name = $job['name']; $id = $job['id']; $parameters = $job['parameters']; $task = $job['task']; $task_class = $job['class']; $this->ipc_array[$jobUid] = array(); // create a comm socket $socket = socket_create_pair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $this->ipc_array[$jobUid]); if ($socket === false) { $this->logger->error("No IPC communication, aborting", array("JOBUID" => $jobUid, "ERROR" => socket_strerror(socket_last_error()), "ERRID" => null)); array_push($this->completed_processes, array(null, $name, false, $start_timestamp, microtime(true), 'No IPC communication, exiting - ' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()), $id, null)); return array("pid" => null, "name" => $name, "uid" => $jobUid, "timestamp" => $start_timestamp, "id" => $id); } list($reader, $writer) = $this->ipc_array[$jobUid]; $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $this->logger->error("Could not fok job, aborting"); array_push($this->completed_processes, array(null, $name, false, $start_timestamp, microtime(true), 'Could not fok job', $id, null)); } elseif ($pid) { //PARENT will take actions on processes later self::adjustNiceness($pid, $this->logger); } else { socket_close($reader); $thetask = new $task_class($parameters, $this->logger, null, $name, $start_timestamp, true, $id); try { $result = $thetask->start(); $return = serialize(array("success" => $result["success"], "result" => $result["result"], "timestamp" => $result["timestamp"], "worklogid" => $result["worklogid"])); $exit = 0; } catch (TaskException $te) { $return = serialize(array("success" => false, "result" => $te->getMessage(), "timestamp" => $te->getEndTimestamp(), "worklogid" => $te->getWorklogId())); $exit = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $return = serialize(array("success" => false, "result" => $e->getMessage(), "timestamp" => microtime(true), "worklogid" => null)); $exit = 1; } if (socket_write($writer, $return, strlen($return)) === false) { $this->logger->error("socket_write() failed ", array("ERROR" => socket_strerror(socket_last_error($writer)))); } socket_close($writer); exit($exit); } return array("pid" => $pid == -1 ? null : $pid, "name" => $name, "uid" => $jobUid, "id" => $id, "timestamp" => $start_timestamp); }
/** * Fetch one deposit from LOCKSSOMatic. * * @param Deposit $deposit * @param string $href */ public function fetch(Deposit $deposit, $href) { $client = $this->getHttpClient(); $filepath = $this->filePaths->getRestoreDir($deposit->getJournal()) . '/' . basename($href); $this->logger->notice("Saving {$deposit->getJournal()->getTitle()} vol. {$deposit->getVolume()} no. {$deposit->getIssue()} to {$filepath}"); try { $client->get($href, array('allow_redirects' => false, 'decode_content' => false, 'save_to' => $filepath)); $hash = strtoupper(hash_file($deposit->getPackageChecksumType(), $filepath)); if ($hash !== $deposit->getPackageChecksumValue()) { $this->logger->warning("Package checksum failed. Expected {$deposit->getPackageChecksumValue()} but got {$hash}"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->logger->error($ex->getMessage()); } }
/** * Execute une requete curl * * @param string $url * @param string $method * @param array $data * * @return array * * @author Benjamin Levoir <*****@*****.**> */ private function sendRequest($url, $method, $data) { // Initialisation du curl $curl = curl_init($url); $this->logger->info('API CALL'); $this->logger->info('API ' . $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $json = json_encode($data); $this->logger->info('API ' . $json); switch ($method) { case 'POST': curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($json))); break; default: break; } // Nombre d'essai max $try = 5; do { $error = false; $curl_response = curl_exec($curl); $this->logger->info('API ' . $curl_response); // Erreur sur requete curl if ($curl_response === false) { $info = curl_getinfo($curl); $this->logger->notice('API ' . $info); curl_close($curl); break; } $decoded = json_decode($curl_response); if (isset($decoded->status)) { if (isset($decoded->status->status_code) && $decoded->status->status_code == '429') { $error = true; sleep(2); $try--; } else { // Erreur autre $this->logger->error($curl_response); return null; } } } while ($try && $error); curl_close($curl); return $decoded; }
/** * Get all the queued changes that are for unpublished videos. * If the video has become published set the correct time to execute based * on the videos' publish time. * * @return null */ public function checkForPublishedVideos() { // First get all videos (one result per video) where its excute time has not yet been set $pendingVideos = DescriptionChange::whereNotNull('execute_mins_after_publish')->whereNull('executed_at')->groupBy('video_id')->get(); $pendingVideoCount = count($pendingVideos); if ($pendingVideoCount === 1) { $this->log->info("1 video needs checking if it's published yet."); } else { $this->log->info($pendingVideoCount . " videos need checking if they're published yet."); } foreach ($pendingVideos as $pendingVideo) { /** @var DescriptionChange $pendingVideo */ $user = $pendingVideo->getUser(); if (!$user) { $this->log->error("User {$pendingVideo->user_id} not found in database."); continue; } $this->log->info("Checking if video {$pendingVideo->video_id} (user {$user->name}) is published yet."); // We need to login as the user that owns this video in order to query it try { /** @var \Google_Client $googleClient */ $googleClient = App::make('Google_Client'); $googleClient->setAccessToken($user->access_token); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log->error("Exception setting Google access token: " . $e->getMessage()); continue; } $video = $pendingVideo->getVideo(); if ($video->isPublished()) { $this->log->info("Video {$pendingVideo->video_id} was published at " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $video->getPublishedTimestamp())); $thisVideoChanges = DescriptionChange::where('video_id', $pendingVideo->video_id)->whereNotNull('execute_mins_after_publish')->whereNull('executed_at')->get(); foreach ($thisVideoChanges as $thisVideoChange) { $publishedAt = $video->getPublishedTimestamp(); $executeAt = $publishedAt + $thisVideoChange->execute_mins_after_publish * 60; $thisVideoChange->execute_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $executeAt); $thisVideoChange->execute_mins_after_publish = null; $thisVideoChange->save(); $this->log->info("Set execute time for change {$thisVideoChange->id} to " . $thisVideoChange->execute_at); } } else { $this->log->notice("Video {$pendingVideo->video_id} is not published."); } } }
/** * Normal but significant events. * * @param string $message * @param array $params * @param array $context * @return null */ public function notice($message, array $params = array(), array $context = array()) { $logMessage = $this->createMessage($message, $params); $this->logger->notice($logMessage, $context); }
protected function logMessage($message, array $context = array(), $severity) { $adminLevel = $this->helper->getConfigValue('shqlogmenu/shqlogger/admin_level'); $systemLogLevel = $this->helper->getConfigValue('shqlogmenu/shqlogger/system_level'); $emailLevel = $this->helper->getConfigValue('shqlogmenu/shqlogger/email_level'); if ($adminLevel > 0 && $adminLevel >= $severity) { $this->logAdmin($message, $context, $severity); } if ($systemLogLevel > 0 && $systemLogLevel >= $severity) { $message = is_string($message) ? $message : var_export($message, true); switch ($severity) { case self::SEVERITY_NOTICE: parent::debug($message, $context); break; case self::SEVERITY_MINOR: parent::notice($message, $context); break; case self::SEVERITY_MAJOR: parent::warning($message, $context); break; case self::SEVERITY_CRITICAL: parent::critical($message, $context); break; } } if ($emailLevel > 0 && $emailLevel >= $severity) { $this->logEmail($message, $context, $severity); } return true; }
private function cycle() { // fire extender ready event $this->events->fire("extender", "VOID", $this); // dispatch signals (if multithread active) if ($this->getMultithreadMode()) { pcntl_signal_dispatch(); } // if extender is paused (SIGINT), skip to extend if ($this->paused) { return; } // fix relative timestamp $this->timestamp = microtime(true); // fire tasktable event $this->tasks = $this->events->fire("extender.tasks", "TASKSTABLE", $this->tasks); // get the next planned activity interval $plans = Planner::get(); if (!is_null($plans) and $this->timestamp < $plans) { // nothing to do right now, still waiting if in daemon mode $this->logger->info("Next planned job: " . date('c', $plans)); $this->logger->notice("Extender completed\n"); if ($this->getDaemonMode() === false) { $this->shutdown(true); self::end(0); } return; } // if no plan is retrieved, try to retrieve it from scheduler try { // get schedules and dispatch schedule event list($schedules, $planned) = Scheduler::getSchedules($this->logger, $this->timestamp); // write next planned activity interval if (!is_null($planned) and $planned != 0) { Planner::set($planned); } $scheduled = new Schedule(); $scheduled->setSchedules($schedules); // expose the current shcedule via events $scheduled = $this->events->fire("extender.schedule", "SCHEDULE", $scheduled); // if no jobs in queue, exit gracefully if ($scheduled->howMany() == 0) { $this->logger->info("No jobs to process right now, exiting"); $this->logger->notice("Extender completed\n"); if ($this->getDaemonMode() === false) { $this->shutdown(true); self::end(0); } return; } // compose jobs foreach ($scheduled->getSchedules() as $schedule) { if ($this->tasks->isRegistered($schedule['task'])) { $job = new Job(); $job->setName($schedule['name'])->setId($schedule['id'])->setParameters(unserialize($schedule['params']))->setTask($schedule['task'])->setClass($this->tasks->getClass($schedule['task'])); $this->runner->addJob($job); } else { $this->logger->warning("Skipping job due to unknown task", array("ID" => $schedule['id'], "NAME" => $schedule['name'], "TASK" => $schedule['task'])); } } // lauch runner $result = $this->runner->run(); // free runner for next cycle $this->runner->free(); // compose results $results = new JobsResult($result); // update schedules Scheduler::updateSchedules($this->logger, $result); // increment counters foreach ($result as $r) { if ($r[2]) { $this->completed_processes++; } else { $this->failed_processes++; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error($e->getMessage()); if ($this->getDaemonMode() === false) { self::end(1); } } // fire result event $this->events->fire("extender.result", "VOID", $results); $this->logger->notice("Extender completed\n"); // show summary (if -s) if ($this->summary_mode) { self::showSummary($this->timestamp, $result, $this->color); } Status::dump($this->timestamp_absolute, $this->parent_pid, $this->completed_processes, $this->failed_processes, $this->paused); if ($this->getDaemonMode() === false) { $this->shutdown(true); self::end(0); } }
<?php include 'basics.php'; use unreal4u\MonologHandler; use unreal4u\TgLog; use Monolog\Logger; #$monologTgLogger = new MonologHandler(new TelegramLog(BOT_TOKEN), A_USER_CHAT_ID, Logger::DEBUG); // Sends from DEBUG+ $monologTgLogger = new MonologHandler(new TgLog(BOT_TOKEN), A_USER_CHAT_ID, Logger::ERROR); // Sends ERROR+ //Create logger $logger = new Logger('TelegramLogger'); $logger->pushHandler($monologTgLogger); //Now you can use the logger, and further attach additional information $logger->debug('Nobody gives a dime for debug messages', ['moreInfo' => 'Within here']); $logger->info('A user has logged in'); $logger->notice('Something unusual has happened!', ['it did indeed']); $logger->warning('Somebody should attend this', ['some', 'extra' => 'information']); $logger->error('Something really bad happened'); $logger->critical('A critical message', ['please' => 'Check this out']); $logger->alert('This is an alert', ['oh no...' => 'This might be urgent']); $logger->emergency('Run for your lives!', ['this is it' => 'everything has stopped working']);
/** * @inheritdoc * @return boolean Whether the record has been processed. */ public function notice($message, array $context = []) { return $this->_monolog->notice($message, $context); }
public function notice($msg) { $this->logger->notice($msg); }
/** * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return bool */ public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { return parent::notice($message, $context); }
/** * Adds a log record at the INFO level. * * @param string $message The log message * @param array $context The log context * @return Boolean Whether the record has been processed */ public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->_logger->notice($message, $context); }
} catch (Exception $e) { $logger->alert("Unable to connect to DynamoDB (and validate the table)", ['exception' => $e]); exit(1); } //------------------------------------ // Create the process handler #TODO - This will become a config option so custom Handlers can be used. $handler = new \DynamoQueue\Worker\Handler\Autoloader(); //------------------------------------ // Create the (a) Worker $worker = new \DynamoQueue\Worker\Worker($queue, $handler, $logger); //--- declare (ticks=1); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($worker, 'stop')); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($worker, 'stop')); pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, array($worker, 'stop')); //--- try { $logger->notice("Worker started"); $okay = $worker->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->emergency("An unknown exception has caused the queue to terminate", ['exception' => $e]); exit(1); } //--- $logger->notice("Worker stopped"); if ($okay) { exit(0); } else { exit(1); }
/** * Executes a call to the QBank API. * @internal Uses Curl to communicate. * @param string $function The name of the API-function to call. * @param array $data The data to be sent to the called API-function. Usually normal PHP-arrays or objects. * @param bool $log Whether to log the call. Mainly used for debugging. * @param string $pathToFile A path to a file to send. Used when uploading. * @throws ConnectionException Thrown if something went wrong with the connection. * @throws CommunicationException Thrown if the call returned an exception. * @throws APIException Thrown when $pathToFile is on the wrong format. * @author Björn Hjortsten * @return mixed The result of a successfull call in the form of an object or array where applicable. If buffering is enabled, it will return the ticket name. */ protected function call($function, $data, $log = false, $pathToFile = null) { if (!empty($this->hash) && strtolower($function) != 'login') { $data['hash'] = $this->hash; } $json = json_encode($data); if ($pathToFile != null) { $path = realpath($pathToFile); if (!is_file($path)) { $this->wrapperLog->critical('Error while uploading. The supplied path is not a path to a file!', array('path' => $path)); throw new APIException('The supplied path "' . $pathToFile . '" is not a path to a file!'); } if (!is_readable($path)) { $this->wrapperLog->critical('Error while uploading. The supplied path is not readable!', array('path' => $path)); throw new APIException('The supplied path "' . $pathToFile . '" is not readable!'); } if (function_exists('curl_file_create')) { // PHP 5.5+ $file = curl_file_create($path); } else { $file = '@' . $path; } $data = array('data' => $json, 'file' => $file); } else { $data = array('data' => $json); } $url = sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $this->apiAddress, $this->qbankAddress, $function); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->requestTimeout); if ($this->useSSL === true) { curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'QBankAPIWrapper ' . BaseAPI::VERSION); $resultJSON = curl_exec($this->curlHandle); $this->lastCallInfo = curl_getinfo($this->curlHandle); if ($resultJSON === false) { $error = sprintf('Error while comunicating with QBank: %s', curl_error($this->curlHandle)); $this->lastCall = $error; curl_close($this->curlHandle); $this->curlHandle = curl_init(); $this->callLog->critical($error, array('address' => $this->apiAddress . '/' . $this->qbankAddress . '/' . $function, 'request' => $json)); throw new ConnectionException($error, curl_errno($this->curlHandle)); } else { $this->lastCall = $resultJSON; $result = json_decode($resultJSON); if (!isset($result->success) || $result->success === false) { if (isset($result->error)) { $this->callLog->critical('Error response from the API. ' . $result->error->message, array('code' => $result->error->code, 'type' => $result->error->type, 'address' => $this->apiAddress . '/' . $this->qbankAddress . '/' . $function, 'request' => $json, 'response' => $resultJSON)); throw new CommunicationException($result->error->message, $result->error->code, $result->error->type); } else { $this->callLog->critical('Non-successful call to QBank API and no specified error.', array('address' => $this->apiAddress . '/' . $this->qbankAddress . '/' . $function, 'request' => $json, 'response' => $resultJSON)); throw new CommunicationException('Unknown error! Non-successful call to QBank API and no specified error. Please note the time and report this to', 99, 'UnknownError'); } } if ($log === true) { $this->callLog->notice('API call.', array('address' => $this->apiAddress . '/' . $this->qbankAddress . '/' . $function, 'request' => $json, 'response' => $resultJSON)); } else { $this->callLog->debug('API call.', array('address' => $this->apiAddress . '/' . $this->qbankAddress . '/' . $function, 'request' => $json, 'response' => $resultJSON)); } return $result; } }
/** * Adds a log record at the NOTICE level. * * @param string $message The log message * @param array $context The log context * @return Boolean Whether the record has been processed * @static */ public static function notice($message, $context = array()) { return \Monolog\Logger::notice($message, $context); }
/** * Normal but significant events. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { $this->monolog->notice($message, $context); }