/** * Called when this object is called as a function * * @param Context $context * @param OptionsFactory $optionsFactory * @throws \Exception if haltOnError setting is true */ public function __invoke(Context $context, OptionsFactory $optionsFactory) { $getopt = $context->getopt(array_keys(self::$options)); // Get directory list $dirListFactory = new DirectoryListFactory(); $dirListFactory->loadFromCommandline($getopt->get(), 2); $dirListFactory->loadFromStdin(new StdinReader(3)); $dirList = $dirListFactory->getList(); $this->logger->addDebug('Found directories', [count($dirList)]); // Load base options $baseOptions = $optionsFactory->newInstance(); $baseOptions->validateAllRequired(); if ($baseOptions->preview) { $this->logger->addNotice('PREVIEW MODE'); } foreach ($dirList as $dir) { try { $this->logger->addNotice('In directory', [$dir]); $this->processDirectory($dir, $baseOptions, $optionsFactory); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($baseOptions->haltOnError) { throw $e; } elseif ($baseOptions->verbosity == 2) { $this->logger->addError($e, []); } else { $this->logger->addError($e->getMessage(), []); } } } }
protected function writeEntry($level, $message, $indent, $category = "", $additionalData = []) { $message = str_pad($category, 16, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "\t" . str_repeat(" ", $indent) . $message; switch ($level) { case Log::BULK_DATA_LEVEL: $this->logger->addDebug($message, $additionalData); break; case Log::DEBUG_LEVEL: $this->logger->addDebug($message, $additionalData); break; case Log::ERROR_LEVEL: $this->logger->addError($message, $additionalData); break; case Log::PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: $this->logger->addNotice($message, $additionalData); break; case Log::WARNING_LEVEL: $this->logger->addWarning($message, $additionalData); break; case Log::REPOSITORY_LEVEL: $this->logger->addNotice($message, $additionalData); break; default: $this->logger->addNotice($message, $additionalData); } }
public function log($message, $priority = self::INFO) { if ($message instanceof \Exception) { $message = $message->getMessage(); $context = []; } elseif (is_string($message)) { $context = []; } else { $context = $message; unset($context[0]); unset($context[1]); if (isset($message[1])) { $message = preg_replace('#\\s*\\r?\\n\\s*#', ' ', trim($message[1])); } } switch ($priority) { case self::DEBUG: return $this->monolog->addDebug($message, $context); case self::CRITICAL: return $this->monolog->addCritical($message, $context); case self::ERROR: return $this->monolog->addError($message, $context); case self::EXCEPTION: return $this->monolog->addEmergency($message, $context); case self::WARNING: return $this->monolog->addWarning($message, $context); case 'access': return $this->monolog->addNotice($message, $context); case 'emergency': return $this->monolog->addEmergency($message, $context); default: return $this->monolog->addInfo($message, $context); } }
/** * Log a message * * @param string $message * @param int $level * @param array $context * @return void */ public function log($message, $level = Logger::INFO, array $context = []) { if (!$this->logger) { return; } if (null === $level) { $level = Logger::INFO; } switch ($level) { case Logger::DEBUG: $this->logger->addDebug($message, $context); break; case Logger::INFO: $this->logger->addInfo($message, $context); break; case Logger::NOTICE: $this->logger->addNotice($message, $context); break; case Logger::WARNING: $this->logger->addWarning($message, $context); break; case Logger::ERROR: $this->logger->addError($message, $context); break; case Logger::CRITICAL: $this->logger->addCritical($message, $context); break; case Logger::EMERGENCY: $this->logger->addEmergency($message, $context); break; default: break; } }
protected function findTextByKey($steps, $count) { $node = $this->source; foreach (explode('.', $steps) as $step) { if (!isset($node[$step])) { $this->log->addWarning("Translation for '{$steps}' not found, missing key '{$step}'", [$this->language]); return NULL; } $node = $node[$step]; } if (!is_array($node)) { if ($count !== NULL) { $this->log->addNotice("Translation for '{$steps}' has no plurals, but count '{$count}' was passed", [$this->language]); } return $node; } if ($count === NULL) { $this->log->addNotice("Translation for '{$steps}' has plurals, but no count was passed", [$this->language]); } $keys = $this->countToKey($count); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($node[$key])) { return $node[$key]; } } $this->log->addWarning("Translation for '{$steps}' is missing plurals", [$this->language]); return NULL; }
/** * Отправляет сообщение в лог * * @param string $message сообщение * @param int $level уровень * * @return void */ public function log($message, $level = AbstractLogger::NOTICE) { if ($level < $this->severity) { return; } switch ($level) { case AbstractLogger::EMERGENCY: $this->impl->addEmergency($message); break; case AbstractLogger::ALERT: $this->impl->addAlert($message); break; case AbstractLogger::CRITICAL: $this->impl->addCritical($message); break; case AbstractLogger::ERROR: $this->impl->addError($message); break; case AbstractLogger::WARNING: $this->impl->addWarning($message); break; case AbstractLogger::NOTICE: $this->impl->addNotice($message); break; case AbstractLogger::INFO: $this->impl->addInfo($message); break; case AbstractLogger::DEBUG: $this->impl->addDebug($message); break; } }
public function run(Message $message, Discord $discord, WebSocket $webSocket, Logger $log, &$audioStreams, Channel $channel, cURL $curl) { $exp = explode(" ", $message->content); unset($exp[0]); $youtubeLink = implode(" ", $exp); // URL Checker $parts = parse_url($youtubeLink); if (!stristr($parts["host"], "youtube.com")) { return $message->reply("Error, you can only use youtube links!"); } // Generate song md5 $md5 = md5($youtubeLink); // Now get the mp3 from the cache $songFile = __DIR__ . "/../../../../../cache/songs/{$md5}.mp3"; $dl = new YoutubeDl(["extract-audio" => true, "audio-format" => "mp3", "audio-quality" => 0, "output" => $songFile]); $title = ""; try { $video = $dl->download($youtubeLink); $title = $video->getTitle(); $log->addNotice("Downloading {$title} from YouTube"); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $log->addError("Error: the song was not found: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("Error: the song was not found: {$e->getMessage()}"); } catch (PrivateVideoException $e) { $log->addError("Error: song has been made private: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("Error: song has been made private: {$e->getMessage()}"); } catch (CopyrightException $e) { $log->addError("Error: song is under copyright: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("Error: song is under copyright: {$e->getMessage()}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $log->addError("Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } $webSocket->joinVoiceChannel($channel)->then(function (VoiceClient $vc) use($message, $discord, $webSocket, $log, &$audioStreams, $channel, $curl, $songFile, $title) { $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id; if (file_exists($songFile)) { // Add this audio stream to the array of audio streams $audioStreams[$guildID] = $vc; $vc->setFrameSize(40)->then(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID, $songFile, $log, $message, $title, $channel) { $vc->setBitrate(128000); $message->reply("Now playing **{$title}** in {$channel->name}"); $vc->playFile($songFile, 2)->done(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID) { unset($audioStreams[$guildID]); $vc->close(); }); }); } }); }
/** * @test */ public function it_correctly_identifies_the_info() { $bugsnag = new Bugsnag_Client(self::APIKEY); $logger = new Logger('my_logger'); $logger->pushHandler(new BugsnagHandler(Logger::INFO, true, 'BugsnagMonolog', $bugsnag)); $logger->addInfo('info', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addError('error', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addAlert('alert', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addCritical('critical', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addDebug('debug', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addWarning('warning', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addEmergency('emergency', ['some' => 'message']); $logger->addNotice('notice', ['some' => 'message']); $this->assertTrue(true); }
/** * Writes log in file. Do NOT actually saves the task run * @return bool */ public function saveTaskRun() { //if monolog not found does nothing if (!class_exists('Monolog\\Logger')) { return false; } $logger = new Logger('cron_logger'); $logger->pushHandler(new RotatingFileHandler($this->logs_folder . $this->log_name)); $task = TaskFile::taskGet($this->task_id); if (self::RUN_STATUS_STARTED == $this->status) { $message = 'task ' . $task->getCommand() . ' just started'; } else { $message = 'task ' . $task->getCommand() . ' ended with status ' . $this->status . ', execution time ' . $this->execution_time . ', output: ' . PHP_EOL . $this->output; } return $logger->addNotice($message); }
/** * Execution d'un plugin * * @param string $name Nom de l'étape * @param Command $command Command courante * * @return self * @throws Exception Des plugins * @throws Stop Lors d'une demande d'arret de l'aspiration * @throws Abort Pour une annulation de l'ordre d'aspi courant */ private function execPlugin($name, Command $command = null) { try { foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { if (method_exists($plugin, $name)) { $plugin->{$name}($command, $this->curContent, $this); } } } catch (Abort $exc) { $this->log->addNotice('Annulation ordre', [$command, $exc]); throw $exc; } catch (Stop $exc) { $this->stop(); throw $exc; } return $this; }
/** * Scan entire website * @return void */ public function scan() { // Add the root URL to the list of pages if ($this->rootUrl != '*') { $this->pages[] = $this->rootUrl; } // Give feedback on the CLI $this->logger->addNotice('Scanning ' . $this->rootUrl); // Current index at $this->pages $curPageIndex = 0; // Start looping while (true) { // Get the current pageUrl $curPageUrl = $this->pages[$curPageIndex]; // Scan a single page. Returns the mixed content (if any) $mixedContent = $this->scanPage($curPageUrl); // Got mixed content if ($mixedContent) { // Add an alert for the URL $this->logger->addError(sprintf('%05d', $curPageIndex) . ' - ' . $curPageUrl); foreach ($mixedContent as $url) { $this->logger->addWarning($url); } } else { $this->logger->addInfo(sprintf('%05d', $curPageIndex) . ' - ' . $curPageUrl); } // Done scanning all pages? Then quit! Otherwise: scan the next page if ($curPageIndex + 1 == sizeof($this->pages)) { break; } else { $curPageIndex++; } } // Give feedback on the CLI $this->logger->addNotice('Scanned ' . sizeof($this->pages) . ' pages for Mixed Content'); }
use sforsman\Rest\Server; use sforsman\Rest\AbstractJsonService; use League\Event\Emitter; use League\Event\AbstractEvent; use League\Event\CallbackListener; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; // Setup a logger $log = new Logger('API'); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('/tmp/api_log.txt', Logger::WARNING)); // We are interested in some events generated by the server $emitter = new Emitter(); // This will be emitted right before control is dispatched to the actual service $callback = function (AbstractEvent $event, $param = null) use($log) { // In the real world, you would (for an example) validate OAuth2 headers here $log->addNotice(serialize($param)); }; $emitter->addListener('dispatch', CallbackListener::fromCallable($callback)); // This will be emitted when an exception is going to be processed and "converted" into JSON $callback = function ($event, $param) use($log) { $log->addError($param['exception']->getMessage()); }; $emitter->addListener('exception', CallbackListener::fromCallable($callback)); // This will be emitted when an PHP error (warning, notice, fatal) has happened and the processing $callback = function ($event, $errorStr) use($log) { $log->addWarning($errorStr); }; $emitter->addListener('error', CallbackListener::fromCallable($callback)); // Create the actual REST server $api = new Server($emitter); // Use the built-in error handlers that prevent any default PHP behavior and ensure all errors are
public function matchReportAction(Logger $log, Request $request) { $log->addNotice("Match data received from " . $request->getClientIp()); $teamOneBZIDs = $this->params->get('teamOnePlayers'); $teamTwoBZIDs = $this->params->get('teamTwoPlayers'); $teamOnePlayers = $this->bzidsToIdArray($teamOneBZIDs); $teamTwoPlayers = $this->bzidsToIdArray($teamTwoBZIDs); $teamOne = $this->getTeam($teamOnePlayers); $teamTwo = $this->getTeam($teamTwoPlayers); // If we fail to get the the team ID for either the teams or both reported teams are the same team, we cannot // report the match due to it being illegal. // An invalid team could be found in either or both teams, so we need to check both teams and log the match // failure respectively. $error = true; if (!$teamOne->isValid()) { $log->addNotice("The BZIDs ({$teamOneBZIDs}) were not found on the same team. Match invalidated."); } elseif (!$teamTwo->isValid()) { $log->addNotice("The BZIDs ({$teamTwoBZIDs}) were not found on the same team. Match invalidated."); } else { $error = false; } if ($error) { throw new ForbiddenException("An invalid player was found during the match. Please message a referee to manually report the match."); } if ($teamOne->getId() == $teamTwo->getId()) { $log->addNotice("The '" . $teamOne->getName() . "' team played against each other in an official match. Match invalidated."); throw new ForbiddenException("Holy sanity check, Batman! The same team can't play against each other in an official match."); } $match = Match::enterMatch($teamOne->getId(), $teamTwo->getId(), $this->params->get('teamOneWins'), $this->params->get('teamTwoWins'), $this->params->get('duration'), null, $this->params->get('matchTime'), $teamOnePlayers, $teamTwoPlayers, $this->params->get('server'), $this->params->get('port'), $this->params->get('replayFile'), $this->params->get('mapPlayed')); $log->addNotice("Match reported automatically", array('winner' => array('name' => $match->getWinner()->getName(), 'score' => $match->getScore($match->getWinner())), 'loser' => array('name' => $match->getLoser()->getName(), 'score' => $match->getScore($match->getLoser())), 'eloDiff' => $match->getEloDiff())); // Output the match stats that will be sent back to BZFS return $match->getName(); }
public function notice($message, $array = array()) { $log = new Logger($this->logName); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($this->logFile, Logger::NOTICE)); $log->addNotice($message, $array); }
/** * Adds a log record at the NOTICE level. * * @param string $message The log message * @param array $context The log context * @return Boolean Whether the record has been processed * @static */ public static function addNotice($message, $context = array()) { return \Monolog\Logger::addNotice($message, $context); }
/** * Default log method * @param string $msg * @param array $context * @return bool */ public function defaultLog($msg = '', $context = []) { return $this->logger->addNotice($msg, $this->addMinimalContext($context)); }
/** * Prints out notice to the log * * @param $logMessage * @param $logData */ public function notice($logMessage, $logData = array()) { $this->log->addNotice($logMessage, $logData); }
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; $app = new Slim\Slim(array('view' => new Slim\Views\Twig())); $view = $app->view(); $view->parserExtensions = array(new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension()); $redis = new Predis\Client(array("scheme" => "tcp", "host" => "", "port" => 6379)); $app->get('/hello/:name', function ($name) use($app) { $logPath = '/tmp/mono.log'; $logger = new Logger('foo_test'); $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($logPath, Logger::DEBUG)); // $logger->info() $logger->addInfo('info_bar'); // $logger->notice() $logger->addNotice('notice_bar'); // $logger->warning(), $logger->warn() $logger->addWarning('warning_bar'); // $logger->error(), $logger->err() $logger->addError('error_bar'); // $logger->critical(), $logger->crit() $logger->addCritical('critical_bar'); // $logger->alert() $logger->addAlert('alert_bar'); // $logger->emergency(), $logger->emerg() $logger->addEmergency('emergency_bar'); $app->render('index.html', array('name' => $name)); }); $app->get('/redis', function () use($redis) { // PING echo $redis->ping();
public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { if (isset($this->logger)) { $this->logger->addNotice($message, $context); } }
/** * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return bool */ public function addNotice($message, array $context = array()) { return parent::addNotice($message, $context); }
<?php include '../vendor/autoload.php'; use Websoftwares\Monolog\Handler\ZMQHandler; use Monolog\Logger; try { $context = new \ZMQContext(); $publisher = new \ZMQSocket($context, \ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); $publisher->bind("tcp://"); $handler = new ZMQHandler($publisher, \ZMQ::MODE_SNDMORE, true); $log = new Logger('log-channel'); $log->pushHandler($handler); $i = 0; print "Publising on port 5556"; while (true) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { // Log something $log->addWarning("Something is going wrong..."); } else { // Log something $log->addNotice("Something is going fine :D"); } $i++; sleep(1); } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
/** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * @param ResponseInterface $response * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */ public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) { // Log the message $this->logger->addNotice(sprintf('Page %s was not found', (string) $request->getUri())); return $this->view->render($response, 'errors/404.twig')->withStatus(404); }
/** * @param $contents * * @return mixed */ public function message($contents) { return $this->log->addNotice($contents); }
<?php use Monolog\Logger; return array('logger' => function () { $logger = new Logger('HOFB'); //$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler()); $logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stderr')); //$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('/storage/logs/server.log', Logger::INFO)); // //$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('/storage/logs/server.log', Logger::DEBUG)); $logger->addNotice('da fuq!!!'); return $logger; });
/** * @param $desc * @param $file */ public static function app($desc, $file) { $log = new Logger('Project'); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__ . "/../log/{$file}.log", Logger::INFO)); $log->addNotice(json_encode($desc)); }