getReflectionClass() public méthode

Returns a ReflectionClass instance for this class.
public getReflectionClass ( ) : ReflectionClas\ReflectionClass
Résultat ReflectionClas\ReflectionClass
Exemple #1
  * Loads annotations data present in the class, using a Doctrine
  * annotation reader
  * @param ClassMetadata $metadata 
 public function loadClassMetadata(Mapping\ClassMetadataInterface $metadata)
     $reflClass = $metadata->getReflectionClass();
     //Iterate over properties to get annotations
     foreach ($reflClass->getProperties() as $property) {
         $this->readProperty($property, $metadata);
  * Checks if the object has interfaces and cascades parsing of annotatiosn
  * to all the interfaces
  * @param ClassMetadataInterface $metadata
 protected function loadInterfaceMetadata(ClassMetadataInterface $metadata)
     foreach ($metadata->getReflectionClass()->getInterfaces() as $interface) {