<?php $db_academic = new MySQLDatabase(); $session = new Session(); $sql_high_insti = "SELECT * FROM higher_institutions WHERE applicant_id=" . $session->applicant_id; $result_high_insti = HigherInstitutions::find_by_sql($sql_high_insti); $applicant_details = User::find_by_sql("SELECT student_status FROM personal_details WHERE applicant_id='" . $session->applicant_id . "'"); foreach ($applicant_details as $applicant) { $applicant->student_status; } ?> <h3 align="center">Academic Qualification</h3> <hr> <form action="" method="POST" class="academic_qualification" > <input type="hidden" name="applicant_status" value="<?php echo $applicant->student_status; ?> " /> <!-- Beginning of Tertiary Institution --> <?php if ($applicant->student_status == "PGA") { ?> <table class="table table-hover"> <caption><h4>Tertiary Institution</h4></caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Institution Name</th> <th>Degree Earned</th>
if ($personal_details['student_status'] == 'PGA') { ?> <h4 align="center">A-Level</h4> <table class="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <th>S/N</th> <th>Institution Name</th> <th>Class of Degree</th> <th>From</th> <th>To</th> <th>Degree Earned</th> <th>CGPA</th> <th>Course of Study</th> </thead> <?php $tertiary_institution = HigherInstitutions::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM higher_institutions WHERE applicant_id='" . $applicant_id . "'"); $index = 1; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($tertiary_institution as $higher_institution) { echo ' <tr> <td width="4%">' . $index . '</td> <td width="30%">' . $higher_institution->institution_name . '</td> <td width="15%">' . $higher_institution->class_of_degree . '</td> <td width="5%">' . $higher_institution->year_of_attendance . '</td> <td width="5%">' . $higher_institution->graduation_year . '</td> <td width="8%">' . $higher_institution->degree_earned . '</td> <td width="5%">' . $higher_institution->cgpa . '</td> <td>' . $higher_institution->course_of_study . '</td> </tr>'; $index++;
<?php require_once '../inc/initialize.php'; $error_higher_institution = false; $error_other_relevant_qualification = false; $error_secondary_school = false; $error_olevel = false; $error_academic_prizes = false; /*Update Higher Institution*/ $high_inst = new HigherInstitutions(); $high_inst->db_fields = array('high_id', 'applicant_id', 'institution_name', 'class_of_degree', 'year_of_attendance', 'graduation_year', 'degree_earned', 'cgpa', 'course_of_study'); /*loop for number of higher institution rows*/ for ($i = 1; $i < $_POST['num_of_high_insti_rows']; $i++) { $high_inst_key = 'tetiary_institution_name_' . $i; $class = 'tetiary_institution_class_' . $i; $from = 'tetiary_institution_from_' . $i; $to = 'tetiary_institution_to_' . $i; $degree = 'tetiary_institution_degree_' . $i; $cpga = 'tetiary_institution_cgpa_' . $i; $course = 'tetiary_institution_course_' . $i; $high_id = "high_id_" . $i; /*set properties for higher institution details*/ $high_inst->institution_name = $_POST[$high_inst_key]; $high_inst->class_of_degree = $_POST[$class]; $high_inst->year_of_attendance = $_POST[$from]; $high_inst->graduation_year = $_POST[$to]; $high_inst->degree_earned = $_POST[$degree]; $high_inst->cgpa = $_POST[$cpga]; $high_inst->course_of_study = $_POST[$course]; if ($high_inst->institution_name == '') { continue;
$sql = "select * from admission_status where applicant_id='" . $session->applicant_id . "'"; $admissions = Admission::find_by_sql($sql); foreach ($admissions as $admission) { $time = $admission->time_completed_application; $academic_session = $admission->academic_session; $status = $admission->status; } if ($status < 5) { redirect_to('confirmation.php'); } $student_status = $user->get_student_status(); $database = new MySQLDatabase(); ?> <?php $higher_institutions = new HigherInstitutions(); $query = "SELECT * FROM higher_institutions\r\n WHERE applicant_id='" . $session->applicant_id . "'"; $myschool = $higher_institutions->find_by_sql($query); $myschool = array_shift($myschool); ?> <?php $personal_details = $database->query("SELECT * FROM personal_details p, title t, lga l, state s, religion r, nationality n, department d, faculty f, next_of_kin next, marital mar, photographs photo WHERE p.applicant_id='" . $session->applicant_id . "' AND p.title_id=t.title_id AND p.lga_id=l.lga_id AND l.state_id=s.state_id AND p.religion_id=r.religion_id AND p.country_id=n.country_id AND p.programme_applied_id=d.department_id AND d.faculty_id=f.faculty_id AND p.applicant_id=next.applicant_id AND p.applicant_id=photo.applicant_id AND p.marital_status=mar.marital_status_id"); $personal_details = $database->fetch_array($personal_details); $admission = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `admission_letter_date` WHERE visible = 1"); $admission = $database->fetch_array($admission); // $programme = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `department` WHERE `department_id` = "); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML>