	 * Get the template for this page's skin.
	 * @return \TemplatePHTML
	protected function getTemplate() {
		if($this->_template === null){

			$c = get_called_class();
			$template = str_replace('Core\\Installer\\', '', $c);
			$template = strtolower($template);
			$this->_template = Templates\Template::Factory(ROOT_PDIR . 'install/templates/' . $template . '.phtml');

		return $this->_template;
	 * Get this result entry as rendered HTML.
	 * @return string
	public function fetch(){
		$modelname = get_class($this->_model);
		// Trim off the "Model" part
		$modelname = substr($modelname, 0, -5);
		// And lowercase it.
		$modelname = strtolower($modelname);

		if(!Template::ResolveFile('search/model/' . $modelname . '.tpl')){
			$out = parent::fetch();
				$out .= '<p class="message-error">Unable to find template [/search/model/' . $modelname . '.tpl] !</p>';
			return $out;

		$tpl = Template::Factory('search/model/' . $modelname . '.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('result', $this);
		$tpl->assign('model', $this->_model);
		return $tpl->fetch();
 public static function _SaveEditorHandler(Form $form)
     $newmodel = $form->getModel();
     $file = $form->getElement('file')->get('value');
     $activefile = $form->getElement('filetype')->get('value');
     // The inbound file types depends on how to read the file.
     switch ($activefile) {
         case 'template':
             $filename = \Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile($file);
             $customfilename = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/' . $file;
         case 'file':
             $filename = $file;
             // It'll get transposed.
             $customfilename = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/' . $file;
             \Core\set_message('Unsupported file type: ' . $activefile, 'error');
             return false;
     $customfh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($customfilename);
     if ($customfh->exists()) {
         // If the custom one exists... this will be the source file too!
         $sourcefh = $customfh;
     } else {
         $sourcefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($filename);
     // Check and see if they're the same, ie: no change.  I don't want to create a bunch of moot revisions.
     if ($newmodel->get('content') == $sourcefh->getContents()) {
         \Core\set_message('No changes performed.', 'info');
         return '/theme';
     // Before I overwrite this file, check and see if the original has been snapshot first!
     $c = ThemeTemplateChangeModel::Count(['filename = ' . $file]);
     if (!$c) {
         $original = new ThemeTemplateChangeModel();
         $original->setFromArray(['comment' => 'Original File', 'filename' => $file, 'content' => $sourcefh->getContents(), 'content_md5' => $sourcefh->getHash(), 'updated' => $sourcefh->getMTime()]);
     // All destination files get written to the custom directory!
     $hash = $customfh->getHash();
     		// What happens now is based on the type of the inbound file.
     			case 'skin':
     				// Just replace the contents of that file.
     				$hash = $fh->getHash();
     			case 'template':
     				// This gets written into the current theme directory.
     				$themefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File(ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/' . $file);
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     			case 'style':
     			case 'file':
     				// This gets written into the current theme directory.
     				$themefh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File(ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/' . $file);
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     				// This is required to get assets updated to the CDN correctly.
     				$theme = ThemeHandler::GetTheme();
     				$hash = $themefh->getHash();
     				$theme->addAssetFile(array('file' => $file, 'md5' => $hash));
     // Make a record of this change too!
     $change = new ThemeTemplateChangeModel();
     $change->setFromArray(['comment' => $newmodel->get('comment'), 'filename' => $file, 'content' => $newmodel->get('content'), 'content_md5' => $hash]);
     if ($activefile == 'file') {
         // Reinstall all assets too!
         foreach (Core::GetComponents() as $component) {
         // And the current theme.
     \Core\set_message('Updated file successfully', 'success');
     return '/theme';
Exemple #4
	 * Load all the components in the system, replacement for the Core.
	 * @throws CoreException
	private function _loadComponents() {
		// cannot reload components.
		if ($this->_components) return null;

		$this->_components = array();
		$this->_libraries  = array();
		$tempcomponents    = false;
		Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug('Starting loading of component metadata');

		// If the site is in DEVELOPMENT mode, component caching would probably be a bad idea; ie: the developer probably wants
		// those component files loaded everytime.
			$enablecache = false;
			$enablecache = true;

		// Is there a cache of elements available?  This is a primary system cache that greatly increases performance,
		// since it will no longer have to run through each component.xml file to register each one.
			Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug('Checking core-components cache');
			// Try to load up the cached components and check them first.
			$tempcomponents = \Core\Cache::Get('core-components', (3600 * 24));

			if($tempcomponents !== false){
				// Cached components only need to be loaded.
				foreach ($tempcomponents as $c) {
					try {
					catch (Exception $e) {
						// Don't completely bail out here, just invalidate the cache and continue on.
						$tempcomponents = false;

		if(!$enablecache || $tempcomponents == false){
			\Core\Utilities\Profiler\Profiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->record('Scanning for component.xml files manually');
			Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug('Scanning for component.xml files manually');

			// Core is first, (obviously)
			$tempcomponents['core'] = ComponentFactory::Load(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/component.xml');
			Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug('Core component loaded');

			// First, build my cache of components, regardless if the component is installed or not.
			$dh = opendir(ROOT_PDIR . 'components');
			if (!$dh) throw new CoreException('Unable to open directory [' . ROOT_PDIR . 'components/] for reading.');

			// This will read through every directory in 'components', which is
			// where all components in the system are installed to.
			while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
				// skip hidden directories.
				if ($file{0} == '.') continue;

				// skip non-directories
				if (!is_dir(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file)) continue;

				// Skip directories that do not have a readable component.xml file.
				if (!is_readable(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file . '/component.xml')) continue;

				//Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug(' * Loading component ' . $file);
				$c = ComponentFactory::Load(ROOT_PDIR . 'components/' . $file . '/component.xml');
				Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug('Opened component ' . $file);

				// All further operations are case insensitive.
				// The original call to Component needs to be case sensitive because it sets the filename to pull.
				$file = strtolower($file);

				// If the component was flagged as invalid.. just skip to the next one.
				if (!$c->isValid()) {
						\Core\set_message('Component ' . $c->getName() . ' appears to be invalid.');

				$tempcomponents[$file] = $c;
			\Core\Utilities\Profiler\Profiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->record('Component XML files scanned');

			// Now I probably could actually load the components!

			foreach ($tempcomponents as $c) {
				/** @var Component_2_1 $c */
				try {
					// Load some of the data in the class so that it's available in the cached version.
					// This is because the component 2.1 has built-in caching for many of the XML requests.
					// by calling them once, that lookup data is cached in that component, which in turn gets
					// copied to the cache version here!
				catch (Exception $e) {

			// Cache this list!
				Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug(' * Caching core-components for next pass');
				\Core\Cache::Set('core-components', $tempcomponents, (3600 * 24));

		$list = $tempcomponents;

		\Core\Utilities\Profiler\Profiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->record('Component metadata loaded, starting registration');
		Core\Utilities\Logger\write_debug(' * Component metadata loaded, starting registration');

		// The core component at a minimum needs to be loaded and registered.
		//		$this->_registerComponent($list['core']);
		//		$this->_components['core']->loadFiles();
		//		unset($list['core']);

		// Now that I have a list of components available, copy them into a list of 
		//	components that are installed.

		do {
			$size = sizeof($list);
			foreach ($list as $n => $c) {
				/** @var $c Component_2_1 */

				// Disabled components don't get recognized.
				if($c->isInstalled() && !$c->isEnabled()){
					// But they do get sent to the disabled list!
					$this->_componentsDisabled[$n] = $c;


				// Clear out the temporary class list
				$this->_tmpclasses = [];

				// If it's loaded, register it and remove it from the list!
				if ($c->isInstalled() && $c->isLoadable() && $c->loadFiles()) {

						// Allow for on-the-fly package upgrading regardless of DEV mode or not.
						if ($c->needsUpdated()) {

							// Load this component's classes in case an upgrade operation requires one.
							// This allows a component to be loaded partially without completely being loaded.
							$this->_tmpclasses = $c->getClassList();

							// Lock the site first!
							// This is because some upgrade procedures take a long time to upgrade.
							file_put_contents(TMP_DIR . 'lock.message', 'Core Plus is being upgraded, please try again in a minute. ');
							unlink(TMP_DIR . 'lock.message');
					catch(Exception $e){
						SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/core/component/failedupgrade', 'Ignoring component [' . $n . '] due to an error during upgrading!', $e->getMessage());

						unlink(TMP_DIR . 'lock.message');
						$this->_componentsDisabled[$n] = $c;

						$this->_components[$n] = $c;
					catch(Exception $e){
						SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/core/component/failedregister', 'Ignoring component [' . $n . '] due to an error during registration!', $e->getMessage());

						$this->_componentsDisabled[$n] = $c;


				// Allow for on-the-fly package upgrading regardless of DEV mode or not.
				// Guess this is needed for the loadFiles part...
				if ($c->isInstalled() && $c->needsUpdated() && $c->isLoadable()) {
					// Lock the site first!
					// This is because some upgrade procedures take a long time to upgrade.
					file_put_contents(TMP_DIR . 'lock.message', 'Core Plus is being upgraded, please try again in a minute. ');

					$this->_components[$n] = $c;
					unlink(TMP_DIR . 'lock.message');


				// Allow packages to be auto-installed if in DEV mode.
				// If DEV mode is not enabled, just install the new component, do not enable it.
				if (!$c->isInstalled() && $c->isLoadable()) {
					// Load this component's classes in case an install operation requires one.
					// This allows a component to be loaded partially without completely being loaded.
					$this->_tmpclasses = $c->getClassList();

					// w00t
					// BLAH, until I fix the disabled-packages-not-viewable bug...
					$this->_components[$n] = $c;

						$this->_components[$n] = $c;
		while ($size > 0 && ($size != sizeof($list)));

		// If dev mode is enabled, display a list of components installed but not loadable.

		foreach ($list as $n => $c) {

			//$this->_components[$n] = $c;
			$this->_componentsDisabled[$n] = $c;

			// Ignore anything with the execmode different, those should be minor notices for debugging if anything.
			if ($c->error & Component_2_1::ERROR_WRONGEXECMODE) continue;

				SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/core/component/missingrequirement', 'Could not load installed component ' . $n . ' due to requirement failed.', $c->getErrors());

		// Don't forget to load the themes too!
			foreach(ThemeHandler::GetAllThemes() as $theme){
				/** @var $theme Theme */

		// Lastly, make sure that the template path cache is updated!
Exemple #5
  * Generate and print the rendered login markup to STDOUT.
  * @param array $form_options
  * @return void
 public function renderLogin($form_options = [])
     if (!FACEBOOK_APP_ID) {
         echo 'Please configure Facebook with your APP_ID.';
         echo 'Please configure Facebook with your APP_SECRET.';
     $facebook = new \Facebook(['appId' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'secret' => FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET]);
     // User was already logged in.
     try {
         $user = $facebook->getUser();
         if ($user) {
             $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
             $facebooklink = false;
         } else {
             $facebooklink = $facebook->getLoginUrl();
     } catch (\Exception $c) {
         $facebooklink = $facebook->getLoginUrl();
     // $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
     $tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory('includes/user/facebook_login.tpl');
     $tpl->assign('facebooklink', $facebooklink);
Exemple #6
	 * Render this table's head content, (everything above the records).
	 * @return string Full HTML Markup.
	private function _renderHead(){

		$template = Template::Factory('includes/listingtable/head.tpl');

		$f = $this->getFilters();

			// One final check for if these filters are sortable.
			$f->hassort = false;

		$tableclasses = ['listing'];
			$tableclasses[] = 'listing-table-sortable';
		$atts = [];
		$atts['class'] = implode(' ', $tableclasses);
		$atts['data-table-name'] = $this->_name;
		$atts['data-table-sortable'] = ($this->_hassort ? 1 : 0);
		$tableAttributes = '';
		foreach($atts as $k => $v){
			$tableAttributes .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"';

		if($this->_editform !== null){
					'link' => '#',
					'class' => 'control-edit-toggle',
					'icon' => 'pencil-square-o',
					'title' => 'Quick Edit',

		$template->assign('filters', $f);
		$template->assign('filters_rendered', $this->_renderFilters());
		$template->assign('pagination_rendered', $this->_renderPagination());
		$template->assign('table_attributes', $tableAttributes);
		$template->assign('edit_form', $this->_editform);
		$template->assign('columns', $this->_columns);
		$template->assign('controls', $this->getControls());

		return $template->fetch();
Exemple #7
	 * Set a template filename to be remembered if fetch or render are called with null parameters.
	 * @param string $template Filename to remember for this template.
	 * @return void
	public function setFilename($template) {
		// Make sure it's resolved first.
		$this->_filename = Templates\Template::ResolveFile($template);
	 * Render this form element and return the HTML content.
	 * @return string
	public function render() {
		$file = $this->getTemplateName();

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($file);

			/** @var UserModel $user */
			$user = UserModel::Construct($this->get('value'));
			$user = null;

		$tpl->assign('element', $this);
		$tpl->assign('can_lookup', \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/search/autocomplete'));
		$tpl->assign('username', ($user ? $user->getDisplayName() : ''));

		return $tpl->fetch();
	 * Display a listing of all widgets registered in the system.
	public function admin(){
		$view = $this->getView();
		$request = $this->getPageRequest();

		$viewer = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');
		$manager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');
		if(!($viewer || $manager)){

		// Build a list of create pages for all registered components.
		$components    = Core::GetComponents();
		$pages         = [];
		$skins         = [];
		$selected      = null;
		$selectedtype  = null;
		$baseurl       = null;
		$selectoptions = [];
		$links         = [];
		$theme         = ThemeHandler::GetTheme();
		$formtheme     = null;
		$formskin      = null;
		$formtemplate  = null;

		foreach($components as $c){
			/** @var Component_2_1 $c */

			$viewdir = $c->getViewSearchDir();
				$dirlen = strlen($viewdir);
				$component = $c->getName();

				$dh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::Directory($viewdir);
				//$pagetplfiles = $dh->ls('tpl', true);
				$pagetplfiles = $dh->ls(null, true);

				// not sure why getFilename(path) isn't working as expected, but this works too.
				foreach($pagetplfiles as $obj){

					// I don't want directories.
					if($obj instanceof \Core\Filestore\Directory) continue;

					/** @var $obj \Core\Filestore\File */
					$file = substr($obj->getFilename(), $dirlen);

					// Since this is a template, it may actually be in a different location than where the package maintainer put it.
					// ie: user template user/templates/pages/user/view.tpl may be installed to themes/myawesometheme/pages/user/view.tpl instead.
					$tpl = Core\Templates\Template::Factory($file);

						$pagetitle = $file;
						if(strpos($pagetitle, 'pages/') === 0){
							$pagetitle = substr($pagetitle, 6);
						// Replace directory slashes with a space
						$pagetitle = str_replace(['/', '-'], ' ', $pagetitle);
						// Capitalize them
						$pagetitle = ucwords($pagetitle);
						// And trim off the ".tpl" suffix.
						$pagetitle = substr($pagetitle, 0, -4);
						$pages[$file] = $pagetitle;

			foreach($c->getXML()->getElements('/widgets/widgetcreate') as $node){
				/** @var DOMElement $node */

					$nodebaseurl = $node->getAttribute('baseurl');
					$image = '';
					/** @var Widget_2_1 $obj */
					$obj = Widget_2_1::Factory($node->getAttribute('class'));
					$nodebaseurl = '/widget/create?class=' . $node->getAttribute('class');
						$image = $obj->getPreviewImage();
						\Core\set_message('Invalid "widgetcreate" found in ' .$node->getAttribute('class') . ', ' . $node->getAttribute('title'), 'error');
						$image = '';
					\Core\set_message('Invalid "widgetcreate" found in ' . $c->getName() . ', ' . $node->getAttribute('title'), 'error');

				$links[] = [
					'baseurl' => $nodebaseurl,
					'title' => $node->getAttribute('title'),
				    'preview' => $image,

		// Build the array of skins for the current theme
		$themeskins  = $theme->getSkins();
		$defaultskin = null;
		foreach($themeskins as $dat){

			$skins[ 'skins/' . $dat['file'] ] = $dat['title'];

				$defaultskin = 'skins/' . $dat['file'];

		// Now that the various templates have been loaded into a flat array, I need to sort them.

		foreach($skins as $k => $v){
			$selectoptions[ $k ] = 'Skin: ' . $v;
		foreach($pages as $k => $v){
			$selectoptions[ $k ] = 'Page: ' . $v;

			// It's a URL-specific request, lookup which template that page used last.
			$baseurl  = $request->getParameter('baseurl');
			$page     = PageModel::Construct($baseurl);

			if(!isset($pages[ $page->get('last_template') ])){
				\Core\set_message('Requested page template does not seem to contain any widget areas.', 'error');

			$selected = $page->get('last_template');
			$selectedtype = 'url';
			$formtemplate = $selected;
			$selected = $request->getParameter('template');

			if(isset($pages[ $selected ])){
				$selectedtype = 'page';
				$formtemplate = $selected;
				$selectedtype = 'skin';
				$formtheme = $theme->getKeyName();
				$formskin  = $selected;
			// Just use the default theme skin.
			$selected = $defaultskin;
			$selectedtype = 'skin';$formtheme = $theme->getKeyName();
			$formskin  = $selected;

		$template     = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($selected);
		$areas        = $template->getWidgetAreas();
		$installables = [0 => ''];

		foreach($areas as $k => $dat){
			// Ensure that each area has a widgets array, (even if it's empty)
			$areas[$k]['widgets'] = [];
			$installables[] = $dat['installable'];
		$installables = array_unique($installables);

		$factory = new ModelFactory('WidgetInstanceModel');
		if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled()){
			$factory->whereGroup('or', ['site = -1', 'site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()]);

		if($selectedtype == 'skin'){
			// First, the skin-level where clause.
			$skinwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause();
			//$skinwhere->addWhere('theme = ' . $theme->getKeyName());
			$skinwhere->addWhere('template = ' . $selected);
		elseif($selectedtype == 'page'){
			$factory->where('template = ' . $selected);
		elseif($selectedtype == 'url'){
			$factory->where('page_baseurl = ' . $baseurl);
			\Core\set_message('Invalid/unknown template type', 'error');

		foreach($factory->get() as $wi){
			/** @var $wi WidgetInstanceModel */

			$a = $wi->get('widgetarea');
			$areas[$a]['widgets'][] = $wi;

		$available = WidgetModel::Find(['installable IN ' . implode(', ', $installables)]);

		$table = new Core\ListingTable\Table();
		// Add in all the columns for this listing table.
		$table->addColumn('Title', 'title');
		if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('enterprise') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled() && \Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')){
			$table->addColumn('Site', 'site', false);
			$ms = true;
			$ms = false;
		$table->getModelFactory()->where('installable IN ' . implode(', ', $installables));
		$table->addColumn('Base URL', 'baseurl');
		$table->addColumn('Installable', 'installable');
		$table->addColumn('Created', 'created');


		$view->mastertemplate = 'admin';
		$view->title = 'All Widgets';
		//$view->assign('table', $table);
		$view->assign('available_widgets', $available);
		$view->assign('links', $links);
		$view->assign('manager', $manager);
		$view->assign('theme', $formtheme);
		$view->assign('skin', $formskin);
		$view->assign('template', $selected);
		$view->assign('page_template', $formtemplate);
		$view->assign('page_baseurl', $baseurl);
		$view->assign('options', $selectoptions);
		$view->assign('selected', $selected);
		$view->assign('areas', $areas);
		//$view->assign('multisite', $ms);
	 * Standard render function for this form element
	 * @return string
	public function render() {
		static $renderedcount = 0;

		$this->_targetname = '_formaccessstring' . $renderedcount . \Core\random_hex(8);

		$v               = trim($this->get('value'));
		$checked         = 'advanced';
		$advanced_groups = array();
		$type            = 'whitelist';

		if ($v == '*') {
			$checked = 'basic_anyone';
		} elseif ($v == '!*') {
			$checked = 'basic_admin';
		elseif (!$v) {
			// Blank value
			$checked = 'advanced';
		elseif ($v == 'g:anonymous') {
			$checked = 'basic_anonymous';
		elseif ($v == 'g:authenticated') {
			$checked = 'basic_authenticated';
		elseif ($v == 'none') {
			// Allow for a blank value.
			$checked = null;
			$type    = null;
		else {
			// Determine the sub groups checked.
			$checked = 'advanced';
			$parts   = array_map('trim', explode(';', $v));
			foreach ($parts as $p) {
				if ($p == '*') {
					// If a wildcard is present, mark the groups as ones to blacklist.
					$type = 'blacklist';
				list($t, $tv) = explode(':', $p);
				// Trim off the '!' in front of it, it'll be picked up by the presence of the '*' at the end.
				if ($tv{0} == '!') $tv = substr($tv, 1);
				$advanced_groups[] = $tv;

		$groups = array();

		// Tack on the system groups.
		$anongroup = new UserGroupModel();
				'id'   => 'anonymous',
				'name' => 'Anonymous Users'

		$authgroup = new UserGroupModel();
				'id'   => 'authenticated',
				'name' => 'Authenticated Users'
		$groups[] = $anongroup;
		$groups[] = $authgroup;

		// Find all the groups currently on the site.
		$groups = array_merge($groups, UserGroupModel::Find(null, null, 'name'));
		foreach ($groups as $k => $v) {
			if (in_array($v->get('id'), $advanced_groups)) $v['checked'] = true;

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($this->getTemplateName());
		$tpl->assign('element', $this);
		$tpl->assign('groups', $groups);
		$tpl->assign('dynname', $this->_targetname);
		$tpl->assign('main_checked', $checked);
		$tpl->assign('advanced_type', $type);

		return $tpl->fetch();
Exemple #11
	 * Fetch this view as an HTML string.
	 * @return mixed|null|string
	public function fetch() {

		if($this->_fetchCache !== null){
			// w00t ;)
			return $this->_fetchCache;

			$body = $this->fetchBody();
				'Fetched application content from within View->fetch() for ' . $this->templatename
		catch(Exception $e){
			$this->error = View::ERROR_SERVERERROR;
			\Core\ErrorManagement\exception_handler($e, ($this->mode == View::MODE_PAGE));
			$body = '';

		// If there's no template, I have nothing to even do!
		if ($this->mastertemplate === false) {
			return $body;
		// Else if it's null, it's just not set yet :p
		// @deprecated here!
		elseif ($this->mastertemplate === null) {
			$this->mastertemplate = ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/default_template');

		// Whee!
		//var_dump($this->templatename, Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile($this->templatename));
		// Content types take priority on controlling the master template.
		if ($this->contenttype == View::CTYPE_JSON) {
			$mastertpl = false;
		else {
			// Master template depends on the render mode.
			switch ($this->mode) {
				case View::MODE_PAGEORAJAX:
					if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest'){
						$mastertpl = false;
						$this->mode = View::MODE_AJAX;
						$mastertpl = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/skins/' . $this->mastertemplate;
						$this->mode = View::MODE_PAGE;
				case View::MODE_NOOUTPUT:
				case View::MODE_AJAX:
					$mastertpl = false;
				case View::MODE_PAGE:
					$mastertpl = Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile('skins/' . $this->mastertemplate);
					//$mastertpl = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/skins/' . $this->mastertemplate;
				case View::MODE_WIDGET:
					$mastertpl = Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile('widgetcontainers/' . $this->mastertemplate);

		// If there's *still* no template, I still have nothing to do.
		if (!$mastertpl) return $body;

		$template = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($mastertpl);
		// Ensure that the template is linked to this View correctly.
		//$template = new Core\Templates\Template();
		// Page-level views have some special variables.
		if ($this->mode == View::MODE_PAGE) {
			$template->assign('breadcrumbs', $this->getBreadcrumbs());
			$template->assign('controls', $this->controls);
			$template->assign('messages', Core::GetMessages());

			// Tack on the pre and post body variables from the current page.
			//$body = CurrentPage::GetBodyPre() . $body . CurrentPage::GetBodyPost();
		// Widgets need some special variables too.
		//if($this->mode == View::MODE_WIDGET){
		//	//var_dump($this->getVariable('widget')); die();
		//	$template->assign('widget', $this->getVariable('widget'));

		// This logic is needed for the SEO title, since that's usually completely human unfriendly.
		if(isset($this->meta['title']) && $this->meta['title']){
			$template->assign('seotitle', $this->meta['title']);
			$template->assign('seotitle', $this->getTitle());
		$template->assign('title', $this->getTitle());
		$template->assign('body', $body);

		// The body needs some custom classes for assisting the designers.
		// These are mainly pulled from the UA.
		$ua = \Core\UserAgent::Construct();

		$this->bodyclasses = array_merge($this->bodyclasses, $ua->getPseudoIdentifier(true));

		// Provide a way for stylesheets to target this page specifically.
		switch ($this->error) {
			case View::ERROR_NOTFOUND:
			case View::ERROR_CONFLICT:
			case View::ERROR_GONE:
				$url = 'error-' . $this->error;
			case 403:
				$url = "error-403 page-user-login";
				$url  = strtolower(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-]*/i', '', str_replace('/', '-', $this->baseurl)), '-'));

		while($url != ''){
			$this->bodyclasses[] = 'page-' . $url;
			$url = substr($url, 0, strrpos($url, '-'));

		$bodyclasses = strtolower(implode(' ', $this->bodyclasses));
		$template->assign('body_classes', $bodyclasses);

			$data = $template->fetch();
		catch(SmartyException $e){
			$this->error = View::ERROR_SERVERERROR;
			error_log('[view error]');
			error_log('Template name: [' . $mastertpl . ']');
			require(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/templates/halt_pages/fatal_error.inc.html');
		catch(TemplateException $e){
			$this->error = View::ERROR_SERVERERROR;
			error_log('[view error]');
			error_log('Template name: [' . $mastertpl . ']');
			require(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/templates/halt_pages/fatal_error.inc.html');

		if($this->mode == View::MODE_EMAILORPRINT && $this->contenttype == View::CTYPE_HTML){
			// Inform other elements that the page is just about to be rendered.
			HookHandler::DispatchHook('/core/page/rendering', $this);

			// Replace the </head> tag with the head data from the current page
			// and the </body> with the foot data from the current page.
			// This is needed to be done at this stage because some element in
			// the template after rendering may add additional script to the head.
			// Also tack on any attributes for the <html> tag.
			if(preg_match('#</head>#i', $data)){
				// I need to do preg_replace because I only want to replace the FIRST instance of </head>
				$data = preg_replace('#</head>#i', $this->getHeadContent() . "\n" . '</head>', $data, 1);
		elseif ($this->mode == View::MODE_PAGE && $this->contenttype == View::CTYPE_HTML) {
			// Inform other elements that the page is just about to be rendered.
			HookHandler::DispatchHook('/core/page/rendering', $this);

			// Metadata!  w00t

			// Replace the </head> tag with the head data from the current page
			// and the </body> with the foot data from the current page.
			// This is needed to be done at this stage because some element in
			// the template after rendering may add additional script to the head.
			// Also tack on any attributes for the <html> tag.
			if(preg_match('#</head>#i', $data)){
				// I need to do preg_replace because I only want to replace the FIRST instance of </head>
				$data = preg_replace('#</head>#i', $this->getHeadContent() . "\n" . '</head>', $data, 1);
			if(preg_match('#</body>#i', $data)){
				// I need to use strrpos because I only want the LAST instance of </body>
				$match = strrpos($data, '</body>');

				$foot = $this->getFootContent();

				if(defined('ENABLE_XHPROF') && function_exists('xhprof_disable')){
					require_once('xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php'); #SKIPCOMPILER
					require_once('xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php'); #SKIPCOMPILER
					$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
					$namespace = trim(str_replace(['.', '/'], '-', HOST . REL_REQUEST_PATH), '-');
					$xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();
					$run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, $namespace);

					define('XHPROF_RUN', $run_id);
					define('XHPROF_SOURCE', $namespace);

					$xhprof_link = sprintf(
						'<a href="' . SERVERNAME . '/xhprof/index.php?run=%s&source=%s" target="_blank">View XHprof Profiler Report</a>' . "\n",
					$xhprof_link = '';

				// If the viewmode is regular and DEVELOPMENT_MODE is enabled, show some possibly useful information now that everything's said and done.
					$legend = '<div class="fieldset-title">%s<i class="icon-chevron-down expandable-hint"></i><i class="icon-chevron-up collapsible-hint"></i></div>' . "\n";

					$debug = '';
					$debug .= '<pre class="xdebug-var-dump screen">';
					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible" id="debug-section-template-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Template Information');
					$debug .= "<span>";
					$debug .= 'Base URL: ' . $this->baseurl . "\n";
					$debug .= 'Template Requested: ' . $this->templatename . "\n";
					$debug .= 'Template Actually Used: ' . \Core\Templates\Template::ResolveFile($this->templatename) . "\n";
					$debug .= 'Master Skin: ' . $this->mastertemplate . "\n";
					$debug .= "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible" id="debug-section-performance-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Performance Information');
					$debug .= "<span>";
					$debug .= $xhprof_link;
					$debug .= "Database Reads: " . \Core\Utilities\Profiler\DatamodelProfiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->readCount() . "\n";
					$debug .= "Database Writes: " . \Core\Utilities\Profiler\DatamodelProfiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->writeCount() . "\n";
					//$debug .= "Number of queries: " . DB::Singleton()->counter . "\n";
					//$debug .= "Amount of memory used by PHP: " . \Core\Filestore\format_size(memory_get_usage()) . "\n";
					$debug .= "Amount of memory used by PHP: " . \Core\Filestore\format_size(memory_get_peak_usage(true)) . "\n";
					$profiler = Core\Utilities\Profiler\Profiler::GetDefaultProfiler();
					$debug .= "Total processing time: " . $profiler->getTimeFormatted() . "\n";
					$debug .= "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible" id="debug-section-profiler-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Core Profiler');
					$debug .= "<span>";
					$debug .= $profiler->getEventTimesFormatted();
					$debug .= "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-components-information">';
					// Tack on what components are currently installed.
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Available Components');
					$debugcomponents = array_merge(Core::GetComponents(), Core::GetDisabledComponents());
					$debug .= "<span>";
					// Give me sorting!
					foreach ($debugcomponents as $l => $v) {
						if($v->isEnabled() && $v->isReady()){
							$debug .= '[<span style="color:green;">Enabled</span>]';
						elseif($v->isEnabled() && !$v->isReady()){
							$debug .= '[<span style="color:red;">!ERROR!</span>]';
							$debug .= '[<span style="color:red;">Disabled</span>]';

						$debug .= $v->getName() . ' ' . $v->getVersion() . "<br/>";
					$debug .= "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-hooks-information">';
					// I wanna see what hooks are registered too!
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Registered Hooks');
					foreach(HookHandler::GetAllHooks() as $hook){
						$debug .= "<span>";
						/** @var $hook Hook */
						$debug .= $hook->name;
						if($hook->description) $debug .= ' <em> - ' . $hook->description . '</em>';
						$debug .= "\n" . '<span style="color:#999;">Return expected: ' . $hook->returnType . '</span>';
						$debug .= "\n" . '<span style="color:#999;">Attached by ' . $hook->getBindingCount() . ' binding(s).</span>';
						foreach($hook->getBindings() as $b){
							$debug .= "\n" . ' * ' . $b['call'];
						$debug .= "\n\n";
						$debug .= "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					// Display the licensed content on this application
					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-licenser-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Licensed Information');
					$lic = \Core\Licenser::GetRaw();
					$debug .= '<div>';
					foreach($lic as $dat){
						$debug .= $dat['url'] . '::' . $dat['feature'] . ' => ' . $dat['value'] . "\n";
					$debug .= '</div></fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-includes-information">';
					// I want to see how many files were included.
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Included Files');
					$debug .= '<span>Number: ' . sizeof(get_included_files()) . "</span>";
					$debug .= '<span>'. implode("<br/>", get_included_files()) . "</span>";
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-query-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'Query Log');
					$profiler = \Core\Utilities\Profiler\DatamodelProfiler::GetDefaultProfiler();
					$debug .= '<div>' . $profiler->getEventTimesFormatted() . '</div>';
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';

					// Display all the i18n strings available on the system.
					$debug .= '<fieldset class="debug-section collapsible collapsed" id="debug-section-i18nstrings-information">';
					$debug .= sprintf($legend, 'I18N Strings Available');
					$strings = \Core\i18n\I18NLoader::GetAllStrings();
					$debug .= '<ul>';
					foreach($strings as &$s){
						$debug .= '<li>' . $s['key'] . '</li>';
					$debug .= '</ul>';
					$debug .= '</fieldset>';
					$debug .= '</pre>';

					// And append!
					$foot .= "\n" . $debug;
				$data = substr_replace($data, $foot . "\n" . '</body>', $match, 7);
			$data = preg_replace('#<html#', '<html ' . $this->getHTMLAttributes(), $data, 1);

			// This logic has been migrated to the {$body_classes} variable.
			if(preg_match('/<body[^>]*>/', $data, $matches)){
				// body is $matches[0].
				$fullbody = $matches[0];
				if($fullbody == '<body>'){
					$body = '<body class="' . $bodyclass . '">';
				elseif(strpos($fullbody, 'class=') === false){
					// Almost as easy, other elements but no class.
					$body = substr($fullbody, 0, -1) . ' class="' . $bodyclass . '">';
					// parsing HTML is far easier with XML objects.
					$node = new SimpleXMLElement($fullbody . '</body>');
					$body = '<body';
					foreach($node->attributes() as $k => $v){
						if($k == 'class'){
							$body .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $bodyclass . ' ' . $v . '"';
							$body .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"';
					$body .= '>';

				// And replace!
				$data = preg_replace('#<body[^>]*>#', $body, $data, 1);

		$this->_fetchCache = $data;

		return $data;
	 * Hook into /core/page/rendering to add the control link for this page if necessary and the user has the appropriate permissions.
	public static function HookPageRender(){
		$viewer = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');
		$manager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage');

		if(!($viewer || $manager)){
			// User does not have access to view nor to edit widgets, simply return out of here.
			return true;

		$request  = \Core\page_request();
		$view     = \Core\view();
		$page     = $request->getPageModel();
		$tmplName = $page->get('last_template') ? $page->get('last_template') : $view->templatename;
			// This page has no templates, ergo no widget areas.
			return true;
		$template = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($tmplName);
		$areas    = $template->getWidgetAreas();

			// Selected template does not have any widget areas defined, no need to display the option then!
			return true;

		// Otherwise...
		$view->addControl('Page Widgets', '/admin/widgets?baseurl=' . $page->get('baseurl'), 'cog');
		return true;
Exemple #13
 * Inject a CSS file or snippet into the head of a page.
 * This is the recommended way to inject stylesheets into your application.
 * Any inline styles or links to stylesheets added via the `{css}` smarty block are automatically moved into the head of the document.
 * Redundant file includes and inline styles are omitted automatically.
 * CSS files have their minified version sent automatically when the Core config option is set to do so.
 * #### Smarty Parameters
 *  * media
 *    * (string) The media attribute, defaults to "all".
 *  * href
 *    * The source of the linked CSS asset.
 *    * Can be fully resolved or a Core asset/* path.
 *  * link
 *    * alias of href.
 *  * src
 *    * alias of href.
 *  * optional
 *    * Set to "1" if this is an optional stylesheet where the admin can toggle on/off its inclusion.
 *    * Currently only supported in theme skins.
 *  * default
 *    * If optional="1", this is if the file is included by default or not.
 *  * title
 *    * If optional="1", this is an optional title displayed for the admin.
 * #### Example Usage
 * Include an asset file located in css/ called styles.css.
 * <pre>
 * {css src="css/styles.css"}{/css}
 * </pre>
 * (For a theme skin), provide the admin with the option to include this stylesheet
 * <pre>
 * {css src="css/opt/full-width.css" optional="1" default="0" title="Set the page to be full width"}{/css}
 * </pre>
 * Inject these styles into the page
 * <pre>
 * {css}
 *     &lt;style&gt;
 *         .blah {
 *             width: auto;
 *         }
 *     &lt;/style&gt;
 * {/css}
 * </pre>
 * @param array       $params  Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template
 * @param string|null $content Null on opening pass, rendered source of the contents inside the block on closing pass
 * @param Smarty      $smarty  Parent Smarty template object
 * @param boolean     $repeat  True at the first call of the block-function (the opening tag) and
 * false on all subsequent calls to the block function (the block's closing tag).
 * Each time the function implementation returns with $repeat being TRUE,
 * the contents between {func}...{/func} are evaluated and the function implementation
 * is called again with the new block contents in the parameter $content.
function smarty_block_css($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat){
	// This only needs to be called once.
	if($repeat) return;

	// media type is the first parameter to check for.
	$media  = (isset($params['media'])) ? $params['media'] : 'all';
	$inline = isset($params['inline']) && $params['inline'] == '1' ? true : false;
	$tmpl   = $smarty->getTemplateVars('__core_template');
	$view   = ($tmpl instanceof \Core\Templates\TemplateInterface) ? $tmpl->getView() : \Core\view();

	// See if there's a "href" set.  If so, that's probably an asset.
	// I have a tendency of calling this different things, since things in the head all have
	// different names for this crap!
	// as such, support a bunch of different properties....
	$href = null;
	if(isset($params['href'])) $href = $params['href'];
	elseif(isset($params['link'])) $href = $params['link'];
	elseif(isset($params['src'])) $href = $params['src'];

	// Standard include from an asset.
	if($href !== null){

		// If optional is set, then look up the data to see if it's set.
		if(isset($params['optional']) && $params['optional']){
			$file = $smarty->template_resource;
			// Trim off the base directory.
			$paths = \Core\Templates\Template::GetPaths();
			foreach($paths as $p){
				if(strpos($file, $p) === 0){
					$file = substr($file, strlen($p));

			// Look up and see if this css is requested to be loaded by the user.
			$model = TemplateCssModel::Construct($file, $href);
			$enabled = $model->exists() ? $model->get('enabled') : (isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : 0);

			if(!$enabled) return;

			// Allow stylesheets to be rendered "in-line" in the code.
			// This is only really useful for emails and other HTML fragments.

			$file = Core\Filestore\resolve_asset_file($href);

				// Remove the extension from the filename, (makes the logic cleaner).
				$dir      = $file->getDirectoryName();
				$filename = $file->getBaseFilename(true);
				$ext      = $file->getExtension();

				// Core is set to use minified css and javascript assets, try to locate those!
				// I need to do the check based on the base $filename, because 'assets/css/reset.css' may reside in one
				// of many locations, and not all of them may have a minified version.

				// Try to load the minified version instead.
				$minified = $filename . '.min.' . $ext;
				$minfile = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($dir . $minified);
					// Overwrite the $file variable so it's returned instead.
					$file = $minfile;

			$view->addStyle('<style media="' . $media . '">' . $file->getContents() . '</style>');
			$view->addStylesheet($href, $media);
	// Styles defined inline, fine as well.  The styles will be displayed in the head.
Exemple #14
	 * Generate and print the rendered registration markup to STDOUT.
	 * @return void
	public function renderRegister() {
		/** @var \Form $form */
		$form = new \Form();
		$form->set('callsmethod', 'GPGAuthController::RegisterHandler');

		$form->addElement('hidden', ['name' => 'redirect', 'value' => CUR_CALL]);

		$key = \NonceModel::Generate('5 minutes', null, ['original_redirect' => CUR_CALL]);

		$url = \Core\resolve_link('/gpgauth/rawupload');
		$cmd = <<<EOD
gpg --list-secret-keys; \\
echo -n "Please enter the 8-characters of the key to use (the part after the '/' on the 'sec' line: "; \\
read IN; \\
gpg --export -a \$IN 2&gt;/dev/null | curl --data-binary @- \\
--header "X-Core-Nonce-Key: $key" \\


				'name' => 'email',
				'required' => true,
				'title' => 'Email Address',
				'description' => 'Your email address, MUST be included in the GPG key!',
				'name' => 'key',
				'required' => true,
				'title' => 'GPG Public Key',
		$form->addElement('submit', ['value' => 'Continue With GPG']);

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory('includes/user/gpg_register.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('form', $form);
		$tpl->assign('cmd', $cmd);
		$tpl->assign('nonce', $key);
		$tpl->assign('is_manager', \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/users/manage'));
	private function _render($readonly = false){
		$filterset = $this->hasSet();

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory('forms/filters.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('filtersset', $filterset);
		$tpl->assign('elements', $this->_elements);
		$tpl->assign('hassort', $this->hassort);
		$tpl->assign('sortkey', $this->getSortKey());
		$tpl->assign('sortdir', $this->getSortDirection());
		$tpl->assign('readonly', $readonly);
		$tpl->assign('records_total', $this->_total);
		$tpl->assign('records_current', min($this->_limit, $this->_total));
		return $tpl->fetch();
Exemple #16
	 * Render this form and all inside elements to valid HTML.
	 * This will also save the form to the session data for post-submission validation.
	 *  (if called with null or "foot")
	 * @param mixed $part "body|head|foot| or null
	 *        Render just a specific part of the form.  Useful for advanced usage.
	 *        null: Render all of the form and its element.
	 *        "head": Render just the beginning of the form, including the <form> opening tag.
	 *        "body": Render just the body of the form, specifically the elements.
	 *        "foot": Render just the end of the form, including the </form> closing tag.
	 * @return string (valid HTML)
	public function  render($part = null) {

		// Check and see if there are any elements in this form that require a fileupload.
		foreach ($this->getElements() as $e) {
			if ($e->requiresupload) {
				$this->set('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');

		// Will be used to know if the errors in elements should be removed prior to rendering.
		$ignoreerrors = false;

		// Slip in the formid tracker to remember this submission.
		if (($part === null || $part == 'body') && $this->get('callsmethod')) {
			/*$e               = new FormHiddenInput(array('name'  => '___formid',
			                                             'value' => $this->get('uniqueid')));
			$this->_elements = array_merge(array($e), $this->_elements);

			// I need to ensure a repeatable but unique id for this form.
			// Essentially when this form is submitted, I need to be able to know that it's the same form upon re-rendering.
			if (!$this->get('uniqueid')) {
				$hash = $this->generateUniqueHash();
				$this->set('uniqueid', $hash);
				$this->getElementByName('___formid')->set('value', $hash);

			// Was this form already submitted, (and thus saved in the session?
			// If so, render that form instead!  This way the values get transported seamlessly.

			// I need the hash at present, regardless if all elements have been rendered to the screen or not.
			$hash = ($this->get('uniqueid') ? $this->get('uniqueid') : $this->generateUniqueHash());

			if (($savedform = \Core\Session::Get('FormData/' . $hash)) !== null) {
				if (($savedform = unserialize($savedform))) {

					/** @var Form $savedform */
					// If this form is not set as persistent, then don't restore the values!
						foreach($this->_elements as $k => $element){
							/** @var FormElement $element */
								$this->_elements[$k] = $savedform->_elements[$k];
				else {
					$ignoreerrors = true;
			else {
				$ignoreerrors = true;

		if(($part == null || $part == 'foot') && $this->get('callsmethod')){
			// I need to ensure a repeatable but unique id for this form.
			// Essentially when this form is submitted, I need to be able to know that it's the same form upon re-rendering.
			if (!$this->get('uniqueid')) {
				$hash = $this->generateUniqueHash();
				$this->set('uniqueid', $hash);

		if ($ignoreerrors) {
			foreach ($this->getElements(true) as $el) {

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory('forms/form.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('group', $this);
		if ($part === null || $part == 'body') {
			$els = '';
			// Fill in the elements
			foreach ($this->_elements as $e) {
				$els .= $e->render();
			$tpl->assign('elements', $els);

		switch ($part) {
			case null:
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.tpl');
			case 'head':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.head.tpl');
			case 'body':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.body.tpl');
			case 'foot':
				$out = $tpl->fetch('forms/form.foot.tpl');
				if(($el = $this->getElement($part)) !== false){
					$out = $el->render();

		// Save it
		$this->referrer = \Core\page_request()->referrer;
		$this->originalurl = CUR_CALL;
		$this->persistent = false;
		if (($part === null || $part == 'foot') && $this->get('callsmethod')) {

		return $out;
	 * Get an array of alternative display templates for this instance.
	 * This is based on the widget's baseurl.
	 * @return array
	public function getAlternativeTemplateOptions(){
		$parts = $this->splitParts();

		// Figure out the template directory for custom pages, (if it exists)
		// In order to get the types, I need to sift through all the potential template directories and look for a directory
		// with the matching name.
		$tmpname = 'widgets' . strtolower('/' . substr($parts['controller'], 0, -6) . '/' . $parts['method']);

		$matches = [];

		foreach(\Core\Templates\Template::GetPaths() as $d){
			if(is_dir($d . $tmpname)){
				// Yay, sift through that and get the files!
				$dir = \Core\Filestore\Factory::Directory($d . $tmpname);
				foreach($dir->ls('tpl') as $file){
					// Skip directories
					if($file instanceof \Core\Filestore\Directory) continue;

					/** @var $file \Core\Filestore\File */
					//$fullpath = $tmpname . $file->getBaseFilename();
					$name = $fullpath = $file->getBaseFilename();
					// Do some template updates and make it a little more friendlier to read.
					$name = ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', substr($name, 0, -4))) . ' Template';
					$matches[ $fullpath ] = $name;

		return ['' => '-- Default Template --'] + $matches;
Exemple #18
	 * Generate and print the rendered registration markup to STDOUT.
	 * @return void
	public function renderRegister() {
		$form = new \Form();

		$complexity  = $this->getPasswordComplexityAsHTML();
		$usermanager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/users/manage');

			$password_desc = 'Please set a secure password that <br/>' . $complexity;
			$password_desc = t('MESSAGE_PLEASE_SET_SECURE_PASSWORD');

		// I can utilize this form, but tweak the necessary options as necessary.
		// Replace the password field with a text input for the GPG key.
		$form->set('callsmethod', 'DatastoreAuthController::RegisterHandler');

		$form->addElement('hidden', ['name' => 'redirect']);
				'required' => true,
				'name' => 'email',
				'title' => t('STRING_EMAIL'),
				'description' => ($usermanager ? 'The email address of the user to create' : 'Your email address'),
				'checkbox', [
					'name' => 'pwgen',
					'value' => '1',
					'description' => t('MESSAGE_GENERATE_SECURE_PASSWORD'),
				'required' => ($usermanager ? false : true),
				'name' => 'pass',
				'title' => t('STRING_PASSWORD'),
				'description' => $password_desc,
				'required' => ($usermanager ? false : true),
				'name' => 'pass2',
				'title' => t('STRING_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'),
				'description' => t('MESSAGE_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'),
		$form->addElement('submit', ['value' => t('STRING_CONTINUE')]);

		$tpl = Template::Factory('includes/user/datastore_register.tpl');
		$tpl->assign('is_manager', $usermanager);
		$tpl->assign('form', $form);

Exemple #19
	public function render(){

			throw new Exception('Unable to render pageselectinput element without templatename set!');
		// Figure out the template directory for custom pages, (if it exists)
		// In order to get the types, I need to sift through all the potential template directories and look for a directory
		// with the matching name.
		$tmpname = substr($this->get('templatename'), 0, -4) . '/';

		$matches = array();

		foreach(\Core\Templates\Template::GetPaths() as $d){
			if(is_dir($d . $tmpname)){
				// Yay, sift through that and get the files!
				$dir = \Core\Filestore\Factory::Directory($d . $tmpname);
				foreach($dir->ls('tpl') as $file){
					// Skip directories
					if($file instanceof \Core\Filestore\Directory) continue;

					/** @var $file \Core\Filestore\File */
					//$fullpath = $tmpname . $file->getBaseFilename();
					$fullpath = $file->getBaseFilename();
					$name = $file->getBaseFilename();
					// Do some template updates and make it a little more friendlier to read.
					$name = ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', substr($name, 0, -4))) . ' Template';
					$matches[ $fullpath ] = $name;

		// Are there any matches?  If not just return a blank string.
			return '';

		$options = array_merge(array('' => '-- Default Page Template --'), $matches);
		$this->set('options', $options);

		return parent::render();
	 * @return string
	 * @throws Exception
	public function render() {
		if (!$this->get('id')) {
			// This system requires a valid id.
			$this->set('id', 'formfileinput-' . self::$_AutoID);

		if (!$this->get('basedir')) {
			throw new Exception('FormFileInput cannot be rendered without a basedir attribute!');

		// If multiple is set, but the name does not have a [] at the end.... add it.
		if ($this->get('multiple') && !preg_match('/.*\[.*\]/', $this->get('name'))) $this->_attributes['name'] .= '[]';

		$file = $this->getTemplateName();

		$tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($file);

		$mediaavailable = Core::IsComponentAvailable('media-manager');
		$browsable      = ( $mediaavailable && \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/mediamanager/browse') && ($this->get('browsable') || $this->get('browseable')) );
		//var_dump($file, $this); die();
		$tpl->assign('element', $this);
		$tpl->assign('browsable', $browsable);

		return $tpl->fetch();
Exemple #21
  * Get all the email skins registered for this theme.
  * Each template can be a different site skin, ie: 2-column, 3-column, etc.
  * @return array
 public function getEmailSkins()
     $out = [];
     $default = null;
     $currenttheme = false;
     // If this theme is currently selected, check the default template too.
     if ($this->getKeyName() == \ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected')) {
         $default = \ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/default_email_template');
         $currenttheme = true;
     foreach ($this->_xmlloader->getElements('//emailskins/file') as $f) {
         $basefilename = $f->getAttribute('filename');
         $filename = $this->getBaseDir() . 'emailskins/' . $basefilename;
         $skin = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($filename);
         $title = $basefilename;
         // The return is expecting an array.
         $out[] = ['filename' => $filename, 'file' => $basefilename, 'title' => $title, 'default' => $default == $basefilename, 'current_theme' => $currenttheme];
     // Tack on the main default... no skin!
     $out[] = ['filename' => '', 'file' => '', 'title' => '-- No Skin --', 'default' => $default == '', 'current_theme' => $currenttheme];
     return $out;
 public function render()
     // Make sure that some defaults are set first.
     if (!$this->get('name')) {
         $this->set('name', 'address');
     if ($this->_model && ($this->_model->exists() || $this->_model->changed())) {
         // There is a valid model set, I can pull all the values from that!
         // This should also be used if the model was created but doesn't exist in the database, but was changed.
         // ie: a user entered information on a new model, but had an error that kicked it back.
         // that model may not exist, but it has been changed with the user's data, and so needs to be preserved.
         $v = $this->_model->getAsArray();
     } else {
         // There is no model currently set, fine... I'll just use some defaults.
         $v = ['id' => '', 'label' => '', 'address1' => '', 'address2' => '', 'city' => REMOTE_CITY, 'province' => REMOTE_PROVINCE, 'postal' => '', 'country' => REMOTE_COUNTRY];
     $id = $v['id'];
     $label = $v['label'];
     $address1 = $v['address1'];
     $address2 = $v['address2'];
     $city = $v['city'];
     $province = $v['province'];
     $postal = $v['postal'];
     $country = $v['country'];
     // Get the provinces for the given selected country, (to save an ajax call)
     $provinces = GeoProvinceModel::Find(['country = ' . $country]);
     $countries = GeoCountryModel::Find(null, null, 'name');
     // Convert the provinces to JSON data so the javascript
     // can use it as if it had loaded from the server.
     $provincejs = [];
     foreach ($provinces as $p) {
         /** @var GeoProvinceModel $p */
         $provincejs[] = $p->getAsArray();
     $file = $this->getTemplateName();
     $tpl = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($file);
     $tpl->assign('id', $id);
     $tpl->assign('use_label', $this->_attributes['use_label']);
     $tpl->assign('label', $label);
     $tpl->assign('address1', $address1);
     $tpl->assign('address2', $address2);
     $tpl->assign('city', $city);
     $tpl->assign('province', $province);
     $tpl->assign('postal', $postal);
     $tpl->assign('country', $country);
     $tpl->assign('provinces', $provinces);
     $tpl->assign('province_json', json_encode($provincejs));
     $tpl->assign('countries', $countries);
     $tpl->assign('element', $this);
     $tpl->assign('req', $this->get('required'));
     return $tpl->fetch();