Exemple #1
 * Perform standard authentication with a given username and password.
 * Returns an ElggUser object for use with login.
 * @see login
 * @param string $username The username, optionally (for standard logins)
 * @param string $password The password, optionally (for standard logins)
 * @return ElggUser|false The authenticated user object, or false on failure.
function authenticate($username, $password)
    if (pam_authenticate(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password))) {
        return get_user_by_username($username);
    return false;
 public function testApiAuthenticate()
     $this->assertFalse(pam_authenticate(null, "api"));
Exemple #3
// Check to see if the api is available
if (isset($CONFIG->disable_api) && $CONFIG->disable_api == true) {
    throw new SecurityException(elgg_echo('SecurityException:APIAccessDenied'));
// Register some default PAM methods, plugins can add their own
// Command must either be authenticated by a hmac or the user is already logged in
register_pam_handler('pam_auth_usertoken', 'required');
// Either token present and valid OR method doesn't require one.
// Support anonymous functions
// Get parameter variables
$method = get_input('method');
$result = null;
// Authenticate session
if (pam_authenticate()) {
    // Authenticated somehow, now execute.
    $token = "";
    $params = get_parameters_for_method($method);
    // Use $CONFIG->input instead of $_REQUEST since this is called by the pagehandler
    if (isset($params['auth_token'])) {
        $token = $params['auth_token'];
    $result = execute_method($method, $params, $token);
} else {
    throw new SecurityException(elgg_echo('SecurityException:NoAuthMethods'));
// Finally output
if (!$result instanceof GenericResult) {
    throw new APIException(elgg_echo('APIException:ApiResultUnknown'));
Exemple #4
function profile_manager_authenticate($username, $password)
    $result = false;
    if (pam_authenticate(array("username" => $username, "password" => $password))) {
        if (($users = get_user_by_email($username)) && count($users) == 1) {
            $result = $users[0];
        } elseif ($user = get_user_by_username($username)) {
            $result = $user;
    return $result;
 * Check that the method call has the proper API and user authentication
 * @param string $method The api name that was exposed
 * @return true or throws an exception
 * @throws APIException
function authenticate_method($method)
    global $API_METHODS;
    // method must be exposed
    if (!isset($API_METHODS[$method])) {
        throw new APIException(sprintf(elgg_echo('APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented'), $method));
    // make sure that POST variables are available if relevant
    if (get_call_method() === 'POST') {
    // check API authentication if required
    if ($API_METHODS[$method]["require_api_auth"] == true) {
        if (pam_authenticate(null, "api") == false) {
            throw new APIException(elgg_echo('APIException:APIAuthenticationFailed'));
    // check user authentication if required
    if ($API_METHODS[$method]["require_user_auth"] == true) {
        if (pam_authenticate() == false) {
            throw new APIException(elgg_echo('APIException:UserAuthenticationFailed'));
    return true;