Exemple #1
 public function compare()
     // get a list of all months:
     $months = array();
     $first = BaseController::getFirst();
     $first->modify('first day of this month midnight');
     $today = new Carbon('now');
     $today->modify('first day of this month midnight');
     $prev = clone $today;
     $prev->sub(new DateInterval('P2D'));
     $prev->modify('first day of this month midnight');
     while ($first <= $today) {
         $index = $first->format('Y-m-d');
         $months[$index] = $first->format('F Y');
         $first->add(new DateInterval('P1M'));
     // account list:
     $accs = Auth::user()->accounts()->get();
     $accounts = array(0 => '(all accounts)');
     foreach ($accs as $acc) {
         $accounts[intval($acc->id)] = Crypt::decrypt($acc->name);
     $account = Setting::getSetting('defaultCheckingAccount');
     return View::make('pages.compare')->with('months', $months)->with('thisMonth', $today)->with('prevMonth', $prev)->with('account', $account)->with('accounts', $accounts);
Exemple #2
 protected function injectCarbon()
     $dt = new Carbon(Input::get('date', Carbon::now()->subDay()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     if (NULL !== Input::get('date')) {
         $dt->modify('last day of this month');
     $dt->hour = 23;
     $dt->minute = 59;
     $dt->second = 59;
     return $dt;
Exemple #3
 public static function _determinePeriod()
     // get the period from the session:
     $sessionPeriod = Session::get('period');
     $today = new Carbon('now');
     if (is_null($sessionPeriod)) {
         // new period: today at midnight:
         $sessionPeriod = new Carbon('now');
         Session::put('period', $sessionPeriod);
     // if there is something in the URL:
     if (!is_null(Request::segment(2)) && !is_null(Request::segment(3))) {
         if (intval(Request::segment(2)) > 1000) {
             // crude check for year.
             $string = '1 ' . Request::segment(3) . ' ' . Request::segment(2);
             $date = new Carbon('now');
             try {
                 $date = new Carbon($string);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             // check if matches today:
             if ($date > $today) {
                 // in the future:
                 $date->modify('first day of this month');
             } else {
                 if ($date < $today) {
                     // in the past:
                     $date->modify('last day of this month');
                 } else {
                     if ($date == $today) {
                         $date = clone $today;
                     } else {
                         Log::error('No catch for date');
             Session::put('period', $date);
 public function homeOverviewChart($id = 0, $date = null)
     $date = is_null($date) ? Session::get('period') : $date;
     $key = cacheKey('Budget', 'homeOverviewChart', $id, $date);
     if (Cache::has($key)) {
         return Response::json(Cache::get($key));
     // 30 days into the past.
     $end = clone Session::get('period');
     $end->modify('last day of this month ');
     $today = new Carbon('now');
     $past = clone $end;
     $past->modify('first day of this month midnight');
     $budget = Auth::user()->budgets()->find($id);
     $data = array('cols' => array(array('id' => 'date', 'label' => 'Date', 'type' => 'date', 'p' => array('role' => 'domain')), array('id' => 'balance', 'label' => 'Left', 'type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'data')), array('type' => 'boolean', 'p' => array('role' => 'certainty'))), 'rows' => array());
     $index = 0;
     $balance = $budget->amount;
     // get the prediction points (if any):
     $points = $budget->budgetpredictionpoints()->get();
     $prediction = array();
     foreach ($points as $p) {
         $prediction[intval($p->day)] = floatval($p->amount);
     while ($past <= $end) {
         $month = intval($past->format('n')) - 1;
         $year = intval($past->format('Y'));
         $day = intval($past->format('j'));
         $data['rows'][$index]['c'][0]['v'] = 'Date(' . $year . ', ' . $month . ', ' . $day . ')';
         if ($past <= $today) {
             $balance = $budget->left($past);
             $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = $balance;
             $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = true;
         } else {
             $balance = $balance - (isset($prediction[$day]) ? $prediction[$day] : 0);
             $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = $balance;
             $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = false;
         $past->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
     Cache::put($key, $data, 1440);
     return Response::json($data);
 public function homeOverviewChart($id = 0, $date = null)
     $date = is_null($date) ? Session::get('period') : $date;
     $key = cacheKey('Account', 'homeOverviewChart', $id, $date);
     if (Cache::has($key)) {
         return Response::json(Cache::get($key));
     // 30 days into the past.
     $today = new Carbon(Session::get('period')->format('Y-m-d'));
     // we do some fixing in case we're in the future:
     $actuallyToday = new Carbon('now');
     if ($today > $actuallyToday) {
         $today->modify('last day of this month');
     $past = clone $today;
     $account = Auth::user()->accounts()->find($id);
     $data = array('cols' => array(array('id' => 'date', 'label' => 'Date', 'type' => 'date', 'p' => array('role' => 'domain')), array('id' => 'balance', 'label' => 'Balance', 'type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'data'))), 'rows' => array());
     $bdp_q = $account->balancedatapoints()->where('date', '>=', $past->format('Y-m-d'))->where('date', '<=', $today->format('Y-m-d'))->get();
     $bdp = array();
     foreach ($bdp_q as $b) {
         $bdp[$b->date] = floatval($b->balance);
     $index = 0;
     while ($past <= $today) {
         $month = intval($past->format('n')) - 1;
         $year = intval($past->format('Y'));
         $day = intval($past->format('j'));
         $data['rows'][$index]['c'][0]['v'] = 'Date(' . $year . ', ' . $month . ', ' . $day . ')';
         $balance = isset($bdp[$past->format('Y-m-d')]) ? $bdp[$past->format('Y-m-d')] : null;
         $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = $balance;
         $past->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
     Cache::put($key, $data, 1440);
     return Response::json($data);
 public function predictionChart()
     // in order to predict the future, we look at the past.
     //$baseAccount = ?;
     //$startBalance = ?;
     $setting = Auth::user()->settings()->where('name', '=', 'defaultAmount')->first();
     $balance = intval(Crypt::decrypt($setting->value));
     $account = Auth::user()->accounts()->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->first();
     $debug = Input::get('debug') == 'true' ? true : false;
     $this->_debug = $debug;
     $key = $debug ? cacheKey('prediction', Session::get('period'), rand(1, 10000)) : cacheKey('prediction', Session::get('period'));
     // a setting related to corrections:
     $doCorrect = Setting::getSetting('correctPredictionChart') == 'true' ? true : false;
     if (Cache::has($key)) {
         $data = Cache::get($key);
     } else {
         $data = array('cols' => array(array('id' => 'day', 'label' => 'Day of the month', 'type' => 'string', 'p' => array('role' => 'domain')), array('id' => 'actualbalance', 'label' => 'Current balance', 'type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'data')), array('type' => 'boolean', 'p' => array('role' => 'certainty')), array('id' => 'predictedbalance', 'label' => 'Predicted balance', 'type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'data')), array('type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'interval')), array('type' => 'number', 'p' => array('role' => 'interval'))), 'rows' => array());
         // set the data array:
         // some working vars:
         $first = BaseController::getFirst();
         $this->_e('FIRST is ' . $first->format('d M Y'));
         $today = new Carbon('now');
         $this->_e('Today is ' . $today->format('d M Y'));
         $chartdate = new Carbon('now');
         $chartdate->modify('first day of this month');
         $index = 0;
         $diff = $first->diff($today);
         $months = $diff->y * 12 + $diff->m;
         $specificAmount = Auth::user()->settings()->where('name', '=', 'monthlyAmount')->where('date', '=', $today->format('Y-m-d'))->first();
         if ($specificAmount) {
             $balance = floatval(Crypt::decrypt($specificAmount->value));
         $this->_e('Opening balance: ' . $balance);
         // loop over each day of the month:
         $this->_e('start month loop');
         for ($i = 1; $i <= intval($today->format('t')); $i++) {
             $this->_e('Now at day #' . $i);
             // this array will be used to collect average amounts:
             $this->_e('Chartdate is: ' . $chartdate->format('Y-m-d'));
             $this->_e('Today is: ' . $today->format('Y-m-d'));
             if ($doCorrect && $chartdate > $today || !$doCorrect) {
                 $average = array();
                 // loop over each month:
                 // get all transaction results for this day of the month:
                 $transactions = Auth::user()->transactions()->where('amount', '<', 0)->where('onetime', '=', 0)->where(DB::Raw('DATE_FORMAT(`date`,"%e")'), '=', $i)->orderBy('amount', 'ASC')->get();
                 // lets see what we have
                 if (count($transactions) > 0) {
                     $min = floatval($transactions[count($transactions) - 1]->amount) * -1;
                     $max = floatval($transactions[0]->amount) * -1;
                     // fill the array for the averages later on:
                     foreach ($transactions as $t) {
                         //$this->_e('Add to avg['.count($average).'] for transactions: ' . (floatval($t->amount) * -1));
                         $average[] = floatval($t->amount) * -1;
                 } else {
                     $min = 0;
                     $max = 0;
                 // calc avg:
                 $avg = $months > 0 ? array_sum($average) / $months : array_sum($average);
                 //$this->_e('New avg: ' . $avg);
                 $this->_e('Max: ' . $max . ', min: ' . $min . ', avg: ' . $avg);
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][0]['v'] = $chartdate->format('j F');
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = $account->balance($chartdate);
                 // actual balance
                 if ($chartdate > $today) {
                     $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = false;
                 } else {
                     $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = true;
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][3]['v'] = $balance - $avg;
                 // predicted balance
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][4]['v'] = $balance - $max;
                 // predicted max expenses.
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][5]['v'] = $balance - $min;
                 // predicted max expenses.
                 $balance = $balance - $avg;
             } else {
                 // don't predict.
                 //$balance = $account->balance($chartdate);
                 $this->_e('No prediction today!');
                 $balance = $account->balance($chartdate);
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][0]['v'] = $chartdate->format('j F');
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = $balance;
                 // actual balance
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = true;
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][3]['v'] = null;
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][4]['v'] = null;
                 $data['rows'][$index]['c'][5]['v'] = null;
             $this->_e(' ');
         Cache::put($key, $data, 1440);
     if ($debug) {
         return '<pre>' . print_r($data, true) . '</pre>';
     return Response::json($data);
Exemple #7
  * return all days of specified month
  * @param Carbon $month
  * @return mixed
 public static function daysInMonth(Carbon $month)
     return self::where(function ($query) use($month) {
         $query->where('date', '>=', clone $month);
         $query->where('date', '<=', $month->modify('last day of this month'));
         //TODO: change it for inner join
     })->where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
  * Internally used by modify method to calculate calendar-aware modifications
  * @param array $matches
  * @return string An empty string
 protected function modifyCallback($matches)
     if (!empty($matches[1])) {
     list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $this->format('Y-n-j'));
     $change = strtolower($matches[2]);
     $unit = strtolower($matches[3]);
     switch ($change) {
         case "next":
             $change = 1;
         case "last":
         case "previous":
             $change = -1;
     switch ($unit) {
         case "month":
             $m += $change;
             if ($m > 12) {
                 $y += floor($m / 12);
                 $m = $m % 12;
             } elseif ($m < 1) {
                 $y += ceil($m / 12) - 1;
                 $m = $m % 12 + 12;
         case "year":
             $y += $change;
     $this->setDate($y, $m, $d);
     return '';
Exemple #9
 protected function getQuery(Carbon $date)
     // Prevent reference link error
     $cloneDate = new Carbon($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $pszCurrentYear = $cloneDate->format('Y');
     $pszCurrentMonth = $cloneDate->format('m');
     $pszCurrentDay = $cloneDate->format('d');
     $pszPastYear = $cloneDate->subYear()->format('Y');
     $pszTailDate = $pszCurrentMonth . $pszCurrentDay;
     $pszPastYearLastDayThisMonth = $cloneDate->modify('last day of this month')->format('d');
     return str_replace(['$pszCurrentYear', '$pszCurrentMonth', '$pszCurrentDay', '$pszPastYearLastDayThisMonth', '$pszPastYear', '$pszTailDate'], [$pszCurrentYear, $pszCurrentMonth, $pszCurrentDay, $pszPastYearLastDayThisMonth, $pszPastYear, $pszTailDate], Processor::getStorageSql('RetailSales.sql'));