public function show($id)
     $member = Member::find($id);
     $birthDate = $member->birthday;
     $birthDate = explode("-", $birthDate);
     $member->age = Carbon::createFromDate($birthDate[0], $birthDate[1], $birthDate[2])->age;
     $meses = array("Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre");
     $dias = array("Domingo", "Lunes", "Martes", "Miercoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", "Sabado");
     $currentdate = Carbon::today();
     $sumaAffiliations = $member->affiliations->sum('price');
     $affiliations = $member->affiliations;
     $affiliationActives = \App\Affiliation::orderBy('finalization', 'DEC')->where('member_id', $member->id)->where('finalization', '>=', $currentdate)->get();
     $affiliationInactives = \App\Affiliation::orderBy('finalization', 'DEC')->where('member_id', $member->id)->where('finalization', '<', $currentdate)->get();
     $member->affiliations = $affiliationActives;
     if ($affiliationActives->first() != null) {
         $memshipactiva = $affiliationActives->last();
         $initiation = new Carbon($memshipactiva->initiation);
         $finalization = new Carbon($memshipactiva->finalization);
         $corrido = $initiation->diffInDays($currentdate);
         if ($initiation->lt($currentdate)) {
             $diference = $initiation->diffInDays($finalization);
             $porcentaje = $corrido / $diference * 100;
         } else {
             $porcentaje = 0;
         $memshipactiva->porcentaje = $porcentaje;
     } else {
         $memshipactiva = null;
     $saldo = $sumaAffiliations - $member->payments->sum('amount');
     $member->saldo = $saldo;
     $member->sumaPagos = $member->payments->sum('amount');
     $member->sumaAffiliations = $sumaAffiliations;
     if ($member->sumaPagos == 0 and $sumaAffiliations == 0) {
         //no tiene pagos ni afiliaciones
         $member->difUltimoPago = -1;
     } elseif ($member->sumaPagos <= 0 and $sumaAffiliations > 0) {
         //no tiene pagos pero si tiene afiliaciones
         $fechaUltimoPago = \App\Affiliation::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->where('member_id', $member->id)->first();
         $fechaUltimoPago = new Carbon($fechaUltimoPago->created_at);
         $difUltimoPago = $fechaUltimoPago->diffInDays($currentdate);
         $member->difUltimoPago = $difUltimoPago;
     } elseif ($member->sumaPagos > 0 and $sumaAffiliations > 0) {
         // tiene afiliaciones y pagos
         $fechaUltimoPago = new Carbon($member->payments->first()->created_at);
         $difUltimoPago = $fechaUltimoPago->diffInDays($currentdate);
         $member->difUltimoPago = $difUltimoPago;
     return view('', ['member' => $member, 'meses' => $meses, 'dias' => $dias, 'activa' => $memshipactiva, 'inactivas' => $affiliationInactives]);
  * @param Carbon $time
  * @return Carbon
 protected function shiftEndTime($time)
     if ($time->lt($this->day_shift_end_time)) {
         return $this->day_shift_end_time;
     return $this->night_shift_end_time;
Exemple #3
 function scopeScheduledBetween($q, \Carbon\Carbon $date1 = null, \Carbon\Carbon $date2 = null)
     if (!$date1 && !$date2) {
         return $q;
     } elseif (!$date1 || !$date2) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid date range", 1);
     } else {
         if ($date2->lt($date1)) {
             $tmp = $date1;
             $date1 = $date2;
             $date2 = $tmp;
         return $q->where(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
             $q->where(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                 $q->whereNull('departure_until')->where('departure', '>=', $date1)->where('departure', '<=', $date2);
             })->orWhere(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                 $q->whereNotNull('departure_until')->where(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                     $q->where(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                         $q->where('departure', '<=', $date1)->where('departure_until', '>=', $date1);
                     })->orWhere(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                         $q->where('departure', '>=', $date1)->where('departure_until', '<=', $date2);
                     })->orWhere(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                         $q->where('departure', '>=', $date1)->where('departure', '<=', $date2)->where('departure_until', '>=', $date2);
                     })->orWhere(function ($q) use($date1, $date2) {
                         $q->where('departure', '<=', $date1)->where('departure_until', '>=', $date2);
 private function eventHasPassed(Slot $slot)
     $start_date = new Carbon($slot->start_date);
     if ($start_date->lt(Carbon::now())) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Datetime exact match check as well as between check
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $search
  * @param string $type
  * @return bool
 public function filter($content, $search, $type)
     $search = is_array($search) ? $search : [$search];
     $search = array_map(function ($searchValue) {
         return is_a($searchValue, Carbon::class) ? $searchValue : new Carbon($searchValue);
     }, $search);
     $current = new Carbon($content);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'in':
             return $current->gte($search[0]) && $current->lt($search[1]);
             return $current->eq($search[0]);
 public function validateBeforeField($attribute, $value, $parameters)
     $this->requireParameterCount(1, $parameters, 'before_field');
     $value2 = array_get($this->data, $parameters[0]);
     // make them Carbon dates
     if (!$value instanceof Carbon) {
         if (strtotime($value) === false) {
             return false;
         $value = new Carbon($value);
     if (!$value2 instanceof Carbon) {
         if (strtotime($value2) === false) {
             return false;
         $value2 = new Carbon($value2);
     return $value->lt($value2);
 public function checkPurchasability(Carbon $now = null)
     if (!is_null($this->purchasable) && !$this->purchasable) {
         throw new NotForSaleException($this->getDesignation(), 2);
     if (!is_null($this->min_purch_quantity) && $this->quantity < $this->min_purch_quantity) {
         throw new PurchaseQuantityException($this->getDesignation(), $this->min_purch_quantity, 1);
     if (!is_null($this->max_purch_quantity) && $this->quantity > $this->max_purch_quantity) {
         throw new PurchaseQuantityException($this->getDesignation(), $this->max_purch_quantity, 2);
     if (is_null($now)) {
         $now = new Carbon('now');
     if (!is_null($this->start_time) & !is_null($this->end_time)) {
         if (!$now->between($this->start_time, $this->end_time)) {
             throw new OutsideSaleTimeException($this->getDesignation(), $this->start_time, $this->end_time, 1);
     } else {
         if (!is_null($this->start_time) & is_null($this->end_time)) {
             if ($now->lt($this->start_time)) {
                 throw new OutsideSaleTimeException($this->getDesignation(), $this->start_time, null, 2);
         } else {
             if (is_null($this->start_time) & !is_null($this->end_time)) {
                 if ($now->gt($this->end_time)) {
                     throw new OutsideSaleTimeException($this->getDesignation(), $now, $this->end_time, 3);
     if ($this->isSoldOut()) {
         throw new NotForSaleException($this->getDesignation(), 1);
     return true;
Exemple #8
     * Export report to xls or pdf
     * @param unknown $type
     * @param unknown $report
    public function exportReport($type, $report, $offset = 0)
        if (!in_array($type, $this->validExportTypes)) {
        ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
        $records = [];
        $columns = [];
        $theadRaw = '';
        $rows = [];
        $summary = [];
        $header = '';
        $filters = [];
        $previous = [];
        $current = [];
        $currentSummary = [];
        $previousSummary = [];
        $filename = 'Report';
        $scr = '';
        $area = '';
        $prepare = '';
        $fontSize = '12px';
        $textSize = '12px';
        $vaninventory = false;
        $salesSummary = false;
        $limit = in_array($type, ['xls', 'xlsx']) ? config('system.report_limit_xls') : config('system.report_limit_pdf');
        $offset = $offset == 1 || !$offset ? 0 : $offset - 1;
        switch ($report) {
            case 'salescollectionreport':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report, $type);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesCollection();
                $prepare->orderBy('collection.invoice_date', 'desc');
                $collection1 = $prepare->get();
                $referenceNum = [];
                $invoiceNum = [];
                foreach ($collection1 as $col) {
                    $referenceNum[] = $col->reference_num;
                    $invoiceNum[] = $col->invoice_number;
                $except = $referenceNum ? ' AND tas.reference_num NOT IN(\'' . implode("','", $referenceNum) . '\') ' : '';
                $except .= $invoiceNum ? ' AND coltbl.invoice_number NOT IN(\'' . implode("','", $invoiceNum) . '\') ' : '';
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesCollection2(false, $except);
                $collection2 = $prepare->get();
                $collection = array_merge((array) $collection1, (array) $collection2);
                $current = $this->formatSalesCollection($collection);
                $currentSummary = [];
                if ($current) {
                    $currentSummary = $this->getSalesCollectionTotal($current);
                $current = array_splice($current, $offset, $limit);
                $hasDateFilter = false;
                if ($this->request->has('collection_date_from')) {
                    $from = new Carbon($this->request->get('collection_date_from'));
                    $endOfWeek = (new Carbon($this->request->get('collection_date_from')))->endOfWeek();
                    $to = new Carbon($this->request->get('collection_date_to'));
                    $hasDateFilter = true;
                if ($hasDateFilter && $from->eq($to)) {
                    $scr = $this->request->get('salesman') . '-' . $from->format('mdY');
                } elseif ($hasDateFilter && $from->lt($to) && $to->lte($endOfWeek) && $to->diffInDays($from) < 8) {
                    $golive = new Carbon(config('system.go_live_date'));
                    $numOfWeeks = $to->diffInWeeks($golive) + 1;
                    $code = str_pad($numOfWeeks, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                    $scr = $this->request->get('salesman') . '-' . $code;
                $prepareArea = $this->getPreparedSalesmanList($this->request->get('salesman'));
                $resultArea = $prepareArea->first();
                $area = $resultArea ? $resultArea->area_name : '';
                $pdf = !in_array($type, ['xls', 'xlsx']);
                $rows = $this->getSalesCollectionSelectColumns($pdf);
                $header = 'Sales & Collection Report';
                $filters = $this->getSalesCollectionFilterData(true);
                $filename = 'Sales & Collection Report';
                $vaninventory = true;
                $fontSize = '7px';
            case 'salescollectionposting':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesCollectionPosting();
                $collection1 = $prepare->get();
                $referenceNum = [];
                foreach ($collection1 as $col) {
                    $referenceNum[] = $col->reference_num;
                $except = $referenceNum ? ' AND tas.reference_num NOT IN(\'' . implode("','", $referenceNum) . '\') ' : '';
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesCollectionPosting2($except);
                $collection2 = $prepare->get();
                $collection = array_merge((array) $collection1, (array) $collection2);
                $invoices = [];
                foreach ($collection as $col) {
                    $invoices[] = $col->invoice_number;
                sort($invoices, SORT_NATURAL);
                $records = [];
                $reference = [];
                foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
                    foreach ($collection as $col) {
                        if (isset($col->invoice_number) && $invoice == $col->invoice_number && !in_array($col->reference_num, $reference)) {
                            $records[] = $col;
                            $reference[] = $col->reference_num;
                $records = array_splice($records, $offset, $limit);
                $rows = $this->getSalesCollectionPostingSelectColumns();
                $header = 'Sales & Collection Posting Date';
                $filters = $this->getSalesCollectionFilterData();
                $filename = 'Sales & Collection Posting Date Report';
                $vaninventory = true;
            case 'salescollectionsummary':
                //$columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $theadRaw = '
							<th rowspan="2" align="center">SCR#</th>
							<th colspan="2" align="center">Invoice Number</th>
							<th rowspan="2" align="center">Invoice Date</th>
							<th rowspan="2" align="center" style="wrap-text:true">Total Collected Amount</th>
							<th rowspan="2" align="center" style="wrap-text:true">12% Sales Tax</th>
							<th rowspan="2" align="center" style="wrap-text:true">Amount Subject To Commission</th>
                if (in_array($type, ['xls', 'xlsx'])) {
                    $theadRaw .= '<th align="center"></th>';
                $theadRaw .= '
    						<th align="center">From</th>
							<th align="center">To</th>    						
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesCollectionSummary();
                $rows = $this->getSalesCollectionSummarySelectColumns();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedSalesCollectionSummary(true)->first();
                $header = 'Monthly Summary of Sales';
                $filters = $this->getSalesCollectionSummaryFilterData();
                $filename = 'Monthly Summary of Sales';
                $salesSummary = true;
            case 'bir':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedBir(true);
                $summary = $this->getPreparedBir(true, true)->first();
                $rows = $this->getBirSelectColumns();
                $header = 'BIR Report';
                $filters = $this->getBirFilterData();
                $filename = 'BIR Report';
            case 'unpaidinvoice':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedUnpaidInvoice();
                $rows = $this->getUnpaidSelectColumns();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedUnpaidInvoice(true)->first();
                $header = 'Unpaid Invoice Report';
                $filters = $this->getUnpaidFilterData();
                $filename = 'Unpaid Invoice Report';
                $textSize = '14px';
                $fontSize = '15px';
            case 'vaninventorycanned':
                $vaninventory = true;
                $columns = $this->getVanInventoryColumns('canned');
                $params = $this->request->all();
                $from = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($params['transaction_date_from']));
                $to = $params['transaction_date_to'];
                while (strtotime($from) <= strtotime($to)) {
                    $params['transaction_date'] = $from;
                    $from = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($from)));
                    $records = array_merge($records, (array) $this->getVanInventory(true, $offset));
                $rows = $this->getVanInventorySelectColumns('canned');
                $header = 'Canned & Mixes Van Inventory and History Report';
                $filters = $this->getVanInventoryFilterData();
                $filename = 'Van Inventory and History Report(Canned & Mixes)';
            case 'vaninventoryfrozen':
                $vaninventory = true;
                $columns = $this->getVanInventoryColumns('frozen');
                $params = $this->request->all();
                $from = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($params['transaction_date_from']));
                $to = $params['transaction_date_to'];
                while (strtotime($from) <= strtotime($to)) {
                    $params['transaction_date'] = $from;
                    $from = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($from)));
                    $records = array_merge($records, (array) $this->getVanInventory(true, $offset));
                $rows = $this->getVanInventorySelectColumns('frozen');
                $header = 'Frozen & Kassel Van Inventory and History Report';
                $filters = $this->getVanInventoryFilterData();
                $filename = 'Van Inventory and History Report(Frozen & Kassel)';
            case 'salesreportpermaterial':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $rows = $this->getSalesReportMaterialSelectColumns();
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesReportMaterial();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedSalesReportMaterial(true)->first();
                $prepare = $prepare->skip($offset)->take($limit);
                $records = $prepare->get();
                $header = 'Sales Report Per Material';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Sales Report Per Material';
                $fontSize = '7px';
            case 'salesreportperpeso':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesReportPeso();
                $rows = $this->getSalesReportPesoSelectColumns();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedSalesReportPeso(true)->first();
                $header = 'Sales Report Per Peso';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Sales Report Per Peso';
                $fontSize = '7px';
            case 'returnpermaterial':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedReturnMaterial();
                $rows = $this->getReturnReportMaterialSelectColumns();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedReturnMaterial(true)->first();
                $header = 'Return Per Material';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Return Per Material';
                $fontSize = '8px';
            case 'returnperpeso':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedReturnPeso();
                $rows = $this->getReturnReportPesoSelectColumns();
                $summary = $this->getPreparedReturnPeso(true)->first();
                $header = 'Return Per Peso';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Return Per Peso';
                $fontSize = '10px';
            case 'customerlist':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedCustomerList();
                $rows = $this->getCustomerSelectColumns();
                $header = 'Customer List';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Customer List';
            case 'salesmanlist':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedSalesmanList();
                $rows = $this->getSalesmanSelectColumns();
                $header = 'Salesman List';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Salesman List';
            case 'materialpricelist':
                $columns = $this->getTableColumns($report);
                $prepare = $this->getPreparedMaterialPriceList();
                $rows = $this->getMaterialPriceSelectColumns();
                $header = 'Material Price List';
                $filters = $this->getSalesReportFilterData($report);
                $filename = 'Material Price List';
        if (!$vaninventory) {
            if ($this->request->get('sort') && $this->request->get('order')) {
                $prepare->orderBy($this->request->get('sort'), $this->request->get('order'));
            $prepare = $prepare->skip($offset)->take($limit);
            $records = $prepare->get();
            if ($salesSummary) {
                $records = $this->populateScrInvoice($records);
        /* $this->view->columns = $columns;    	    
          	$this->view->rows = $rows;
          	$this->view->header = $header;
          	$this->view->theadRaw = $theadRaw;
          	$this->view->filters = $filters;
          	$this->view->records = $records; 
          	$this->view->summary = $summary;
          	$this->view->previous = $previous;
          	$this->view->scr = $scr;
          	$this->view->previousSummary = $previousSummary;
          	$this->view->current = $current;
          	$this->view->area = $area;
          	$this->view->currentSummary = $currentSummary;    	
          	$this->view->fontSize = '7px';
          	return $this->view('exportSalesCollectionPdf'); */
        if (empty($current)) {
            $records = $this->validateInvoiceNumber($records);
        } else {
            $current = $this->validateInvoiceNumber($current);
        if (in_array($type, ['xls', 'xlsx'])) {
            \Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($columns, $rows, $records, $summary, $header, $filters, $theadRaw, $report, $current, $currentSummary, $previous, $previousSummary, $scr, $area) {
                $excel->sheet('Sheet1', function ($sheet) use($columns, $rows, $records, $summary, $header, $filters, $theadRaw, $report, $current, $currentSummary, $previous, $previousSummary, $scr, $area) {
                    if ($report == 'bir') {
                        foreach ($records as &$record) {
                            $sheet->setColumnFormat(['A' => 'MM/DD/YYYY']);
                            $record->document_date = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(strtotime($record->document_date));
                    } elseif ($report == 'salescollectionreport') {
                        $sheet->setColumnFormat(['X' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT, 'V' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT, 'R' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT, 'J' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT, 'D' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT]);
                    } elseif ($report == 'salescollectionposting') {
                        $sheet->setColumnFormat(['J' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT, 'F' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT]);
                    $params['columns'] = $columns;
                    $params['theadRaw'] = $theadRaw;
                    $params['rows'] = $rows;
                    $params['records'] = $records;
                    $params['summary'] = $summary;
                    $params['header'] = $header;
                    $params['scr'] = $scr;
                    $params['filters'] = $filters;
                    $params['current'] = $current;
                    $params['previous'] = $previous;
                    $params['currentSummary'] = $currentSummary;
                    $params['previousSummary'] = $previousSummary;
                    $params['area'] = $area;
                    $params['report'] = $report;
                    $view = $report == 'salescollectionreport' ? 'exportSalesCollection' : 'exportXls';
                    $sheet->loadView('Reports.' . $view, $params);
        } elseif ($type == 'pdf') {
            $params['columns'] = $columns;
            $params['theadRaw'] = $theadRaw;
            $params['rows'] = $rows;
            $params['records'] = $records;
            $params['summary'] = $summary;
            $params['header'] = $header;
            $params['scr'] = $scr;
            $params['filters'] = $filters;
            $params['fontSize'] = $fontSize;
            $params['textSize'] = $textSize;
            $params['current'] = $current;
            $params['previous'] = $previous;
            $params['currentSummary'] = $currentSummary;
            $params['previousSummary'] = $previousSummary;
            $params['area'] = $area;
            $params['report'] = $report;
            $view = $report == 'salescollectionreport' ? 'exportSalesCollectionPdf' : 'exportPdf';
            if ($report == 'salescollectionsummary') {
                $pdf = \PDF::loadView('Reports.' . $view, $params)->setOrientation('portrait');
            } else {
                $pdf = \PDF::loadView('Reports.' . $view, $params);
            unset($params, $records, $prepare);
            return $pdf->download($filename . '.pdf');
Exemple #9
 public function contains(Carbon $date_time)
     return $date_time->gt($this->after) && $date_time->lt($this->before);
 public function getRaidTuesdayCountdown()
     if (Carbon::now('America/Chicago')->isSameDay(new Carbon('Tuesday 4am CST', 'America/Chicago'))) {
         $raidtuesday = new Carbon('Tuesday 4am CST', 'America/Chicago');
     } else {
         $raidtuesday = new Carbon('next Tuesday 4 AM', 'America/Chicago');
     if ($raidtuesday->lt(Carbon::now('America/Chicago'))) {
         return \Response::json(['error' => false, 'msg' => 'Today is Raid Tuesday! Get your raids in!']);
     } else {
         $countdown = $raidtuesday->diffInSeconds(Carbon::now('America/Chicago'));
         $countdown = Text::timeDuration($countdown);
         return \Response::json(['error' => false, 'msg' => $countdown]);
  * @return bool
 public function needsRefresh()
     return $this->dateExpires->lt(Carbon::now());
Exemple #12
 private function getMinDiff(Carbon $time1, Carbon $time2)
     if ($time2->lt($time1)) {
         // if timeout is less than breakout
     // add 1 day
     return $time2->diffInMinutes($time1);