/** * @return void */ public function registerServerAliases() { $values = $this->server->getCommandAliases(); foreach ($values as $alias => $commandStrings) { if (strpos($alias, ":") !== false or strpos($alias, " ") !== false) { $this->server->getLogger()->warning($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.command.alias.illegal", [$alias])); continue; } $targets = []; $bad = ""; foreach ($commandStrings as $commandString) { $args = explode(" ", $commandString); $command = $this->getCommand($args[0]); if ($command === null) { if (strlen($bad) > 0) { $bad .= ", "; } $bad .= $commandString; } else { $targets[] = $commandString; } } if (strlen($bad) > 0) { $this->server->getLogger()->warning($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.command.alias.notFound", [$alias, $bad])); continue; } //These registered commands have absolute priority if (count($targets) > 0) { $this->knownCommands[strtolower($alias)] = new FormattedCommandAlias(strtolower($alias), $targets); } else { unset($this->knownCommands[strtolower($alias)]); } } }
/** * @param Plugin $plugin */ public function disablePlugin(Plugin $plugin) { if ($plugin instanceof PluginBase and $plugin->isEnabled()) { $this->server->getLogger()->info($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.plugin.disable", [$plugin->getDescription()->getFullName()])); $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent(new PluginDisableEvent($plugin)); $plugin->setEnabled(false); } }
/** * Registers all the events in the given Listener class * * @param Listener $listener * @param Plugin $plugin * * @throws PluginException */ public function registerEvents(Listener $listener, Plugin $plugin) { if (!$plugin->isEnabled()) { throw new PluginException("Plugin attempted to register " . get_class($listener) . " while not enabled"); } $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($listener)); foreach ($reflection->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { if (!$method->isStatic()) { $priority = EventPriority::NORMAL; $ignoreCancelled = false; if (preg_match("/^[\t ]*\\* @priority[\t ]{1,}([a-zA-Z]{1,})/m", (string) $method->getDocComment(), $matches) > 0) { $matches[1] = strtoupper($matches[1]); if (defined(EventPriority::class . "::" . $matches[1])) { $priority = constant(EventPriority::class . "::" . $matches[1]); } } if (preg_match("/^[\t ]*\\* @ignoreCancelled[\t ]{1,}([a-zA-Z]{1,})/m", (string) $method->getDocComment(), $matches) > 0) { $matches[1] = strtolower($matches[1]); if ($matches[1] === "false") { $ignoreCancelled = false; } elseif ($matches[1] === "true") { $ignoreCancelled = true; } } $parameters = $method->getParameters(); if (count($parameters) === 1 and $parameters[0]->getClass() instanceof \ReflectionClass and is_subclass_of($parameters[0]->getClass()->getName(), Event::class)) { $class = $parameters[0]->getClass()->getName(); $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class); if (strpos((string) $reflection->getDocComment(), "@deprecated") !== false and $this->server->getProperty("settings.deprecated-verbose", true)) { $this->server->getLogger()->warning($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.plugin.deprecatedEvent", [$plugin->getName(), $class, get_class($listener) . "->" . $method->getName() . "()"])); } $this->registerEvent($class, $listener, $priority, new MethodEventExecutor($method->getName()), $plugin, $ignoreCancelled); } } } }
public function unloadChunk($x, $z, $safe = true, $trySave = true) { if ($safe === true and $this->isChunkInUse($x, $z)) { return false; } if (!$this->isChunkLoaded($x, $z)) { return true; } $this->timings->doChunkUnload->startTiming(); $index = Level::chunkHash($x, $z); $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z); if ($chunk !== null and $chunk->getProvider() !== null) { $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new ChunkUnloadEvent($chunk)); if ($ev->isCancelled()) { $this->timings->doChunkUnload->stopTiming(); return false; } } try { if ($chunk !== null) { if ($trySave and $this->getAutoSave()) { $entities = 0; foreach ($chunk->getEntities() as $e) { if ($e instanceof Player) { continue; } ++$entities; } if ($chunk->hasChanged() or count($chunk->getTiles()) > 0 or $entities > 0) { $this->provider->setChunk($x, $z, $chunk); $this->provider->saveChunk($x, $z); } } foreach ($this->getChunkLoaders($x, $z) as $loader) { $loader->onChunkUnloaded($chunk); } } $this->provider->unloadChunk($x, $z, $safe); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger = $this->server->getLogger(); $logger->error($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.level.chunkUnloadError", [$e->getMessage()])); if ($logger instanceof MainLogger) { $logger->logException($e); } } unset($this->chunks[$index]); unset($this->chunkTickList[$index]); unset($this->chunkCache[$index]); $this->timings->doChunkUnload->stopTiming(); return true; }
public function processInterfaces() { foreach ($this->interfaces as $interface) { try { $interface->process(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger = $this->server->getLogger(); if (\BukkitPE\DEBUG > 1) { if ($logger instanceof MainLogger) { $logger->logException($e); } } $interface->emergencyShutdown(); $this->unregisterInterface($interface); $logger->critical($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.server.networkError", [get_class($interface), $e->getMessage()])); } } }