Exemple #1
 public function __construct(&$config)
 public function generateAll()
     echo '<' . '?' . "php\n";
     //echo "/**\n";
     //echo " * @license Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Robert Frunzke. All rights reserved.\n";
     //echo " * For licensing, see LICENSE.md\n";
     //echo " */\n";
     //echo "\n";
     echo "// this file was generated automatically\n";
     echo "\n";
     $all_fks = $this->db->getForeignKeys();
     $root_class_name = $this->get_ORM_class_name('root', false);
     // item objects
     foreach ($this->db->getTables() as $table_name => $table) {
         if (!$this->get_ORM_use_class($table_name)) {
         $table_fks = $table->getForeignKeys();
         $columns = $table->getColumns();
         echo "/**\n";
         echo " * ORM wrapper class for items of DB " . ($table->isView() ? "view" : "table") . " " . $table_name . ".\n";
         echo " * \n";
         echo " * DB Schema:\n";
         foreach (explode("\n", (string) $table) as $line) {
             echo " * " . $line . "\n";
         echo " */\n";
         echo "class " . $this->get_ORM_class_name($table_name, false) . " extends " . $this->item_base_class . " {\n";
         echo "\n";
         // table meta data
         echo "\tprivate static \$_metadata = [ 'table_name' => '" . $table->getName() . "',\n";
         echo "\t                               'is_view'    => " . ($table->isView() ? 'true' : 'false') . ",\n";
         echo "\t                               'columns'    => [\n";
         foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column) {
             echo "\t                                                ['" . $column_name . "','" . $this->getPHPTypeForColumn($column) . "','" . $column->getType() . "'],\n";
         echo "\t                                               ]\n";
         echo "\t                             ];\n";
         echo "\n";
         // column value members
         foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column) {
             echo "\t/**\n";
             echo "\t * @var " . $this->getPHPTypeForColumn($column) . "\n";
             echo "\t */\n";
             echo "\tprivate \$" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column) . ";\n";
         echo "\n";
         // constructor - sets normalized values, according to sql column data type (e.g. ints, bigints, ...)
         echo "\t/**\n";
         echo "\t * constructor\n";
         echo "\t * @param " . $root_class_name . " \$root\n";
         echo "\t * @param array \$data\n";
         echo "\t */\n";
         echo "\tpublic function __construct( " . $root_class_name . " \$root, array \$data ) {\n";
         echo "\t\tparent::__construct(\$root);\n";
         foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column) {
             echo "\t\t\$this->" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column) . " = " . $this->getPHPCastCodeForColumn($column, "\$data['" . $column_name . "']") . ";\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         // toArray() - return data in an associative array
         echo "\t/**\n";
         echo "\t * return all properties in plain array\n";
         echo "\t * @return array\n";
         echo "\t */\n";
         echo "\tpublic function toArray() {\n";
         echo "\t\treturn [\n";
         foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column) {
             echo "\t\t\t'" . $column_name . "'=>\$this->" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column) . ",\n";
         echo "\t\t];\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         echo "\t/" . "**\n";
         echo "\t * return class metadata (i.e. table metadata)\n";
         echo "\t * @return array\n";
         echo "\t *" . "/\n";
         echo "\tpublic static function _getMetadata() {\n";
         echo "\t\treturn self::\$_metadata;\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         echo "\t/" . "**\n";
         echo "\t * return item class metadata (i.e. table metadata)\n";
         echo "\t * @return array\n";
         echo "\t *" . "/\n";
         echo "\tpublic function _getClassMetadata() {\n";
         echo "\t\treturn self::\$_metadata;\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         echo "\t// --- column value getter --- \n\n";
         foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column) {
             echo "\t/**\n";
             echo "\t * @return " . $this->getPHPTypeForColumn($column) . "\n";
             echo "\t */\n";
             echo "\tpublic function get" . $this->get_ORM_item_name($column_name, false) . "() {\n";
             //echo "\t\treturn \$this->_data['".$column_name."'];\n";
             echo "\t\treturn \$this->" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column) . ";\n";
             echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         echo "\t// --- common column value getter (legacy: will be deprecated) --- \n\n";
         echo "\tpublic function __get( \$name ) {\n";
         echo "\t\ttrigger_error('Direct access to entity properties is deprecated (while trying to get '.\$name.' on " . $this->get_ORM_class_name($table_name, false) . ")',E_USER_NOTICE);\n";
         echo "\t\tif( property_exists(\$this,\$name) ) return \$this->\$name;\n";
         echo "\t\t\$trace = debug_backtrace();\n";
         echo "\t\ttrigger_error('Undefined property via __get(): '.\$name.' in '.\$trace[0]['file'].' on line '.\$trace[0]['line'],E_USER_NOTICE);\n";
         echo "\t\treturn null;\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         echo "\t// --- common column value setter (legacy: will be deprecated) --- \n\n";
         echo "\tpublic function __set( \$name, \$value ) {\n";
         echo "\t\ttrigger_error('Direct write access to entity properties is deprecated (while trying to set '.\$name.' on " . $this->get_ORM_class_name($table_name, false) . ")',E_USER_NOTICE);\n";
         echo "\t\tif( property_exists(\$this,\$name) ) {\n";
         echo "\t\t\t\$this->\$name = \$value;\n";
         echo "\t\t\treturn;\n";
         echo "\t\t}\n";
         echo "\t\t\$trace = debug_backtrace();\n";
         echo "\t\ttrigger_error('Undefined property via __set(): '.\$name.' in '.\$trace[0]['file'].' on line '.\$trace[0]['line'],E_USER_NOTICE);\n";
         echo "\t}\n";
         echo "\n";
         if ($table->isView()) {
             // --- nothing yet ---
         } else {
             echo "\t// --- referenced objects --- \n\n";
             foreach ($table_fks as $constraint_name => $fk) {
                 $fk_ref_table = $fk->getReferencesTable();
                 $fk_ref_table_name = $fk_ref_table->getName();
                 if ($this->get_ORM_use_class($fk_ref_table_name)) {
                     $fk_col_refs = $fk->getColumnReferences();
                     echo "\t/**\n";
                     echo "\t * @return " . $this->get_ORM_class_name($fk_ref_table_name, true) . "\n";
                     echo "\t */\n";
                     echo "\tpublic function get" . $this->get_ORM_fk_name($fk) . "() {\n";
                     echo "\t\treturn \$this->_getRoot()->get" . $this->get_ORM_item_name($fk_ref_table_name, true) . "(";
                     $tmp = [];
                     // TODO: match parameter order to order of columns in primary key
                     foreach ($fk_col_refs as $column_name => $referenced_column_name) {
                         $column = $columns[$column_name];
                         $tmp[] = "\$this->" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column);
                     echo implode(',', $tmp);
                     echo ");\n";
                     echo "\t}\n";
             echo "\n";
             $use_fk_constraint_names = isset($this->table_hints[$table_name]['use_fk_constraint_names']) ? !!$this->table_hints[$table_name]['use_fk_constraint_names'] : $this->use_fk_constraint_names;
             echo "\t// --- objects referencing this one --- \n\n";
             foreach ($all_fks as $constraint_name => $fk) {
                 if ($table === $fk->getReferencesTable()) {
                     $fk_table = $fk->getTable();
                     $fk_table_name = $fk_table->getName();
                     if ($this->get_ORM_use_class($fk_table_name)) {
                         $flt_data = [];
                         foreach ($fk->getColumnReferences() as $column_name => $references_column_name) {
                             $references_column = $columns[$references_column_name];
                             $flt_data[] = "'" . $column_name . "'=>\$this->" . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($references_column);
                         echo "\t/**\n";
                         echo "\t * @return " . $this->get_ORM_class_name($fk_table_name, true) . "[]\n";
                         echo "\t */\n";
                         if ($use_fk_constraint_names) {
                             // extended style: derive getter name from constraint name...
                             $gc_name = strncmp(substr($constraint_name,-5,5),'_fkey',5)===0 ? substr($constraint_name,0,-5) : $constraint_name;
                             $fktnl = strlen($fk_table_name);
                             if( strncmp($gc_name,$fk_table_name.'_',$fktnl+1)===0 ) $gc_name = substr($gc_name,$fktnl+1);
                             $tmp_getter_name = $this->get_ORM_item_name($fk_table_name,false) . '_' . $gc_name;
                             $tmp_getter_name = $this->get_ORM_item_name($fk_table_name, false) . 'By' . $this->get_ORM_fk_name($fk);
                         } else {
                             // simple/classic style: just use fk table name in getter name
                             // --> THIS WILL NOT WORK when one table has multiple foreign key constraints to a target table
                             // --> use extended style in these cases!
                             $tmp_getter_name = $this->get_ORM_item_name($fk_table_name, false);
                         echo "\tpublic function get" . $tmp_getter_name . "( array \$filter=null, \$order_by=null ) {\n";
                         echo "\t\t return \$this->_getRoot()->get" . $this->get_ORM_item_name($fk_table_name) . "List(\$filter===null?[" . implode(',', $flt_data) . "]:array_merge(\$filter,[" . implode(',', $flt_data) . "]),\$order_by);\n";
                         echo "\t}\n";
             echo "\n";
         echo "}\n\n";
     // the root object
     echo "class " . $root_class_name . " extends reOMRoot {\n";
     echo "\n";
     foreach ($this->db->getTables() as $table_name => $table) {
         if ($this->get_ORM_use_class($table_name)) {
             $table_pk_column_names = null;
             if ($table->isView()) {
                 $table_pk = isset($this->table_hints[$table_name]['pseudo_view_pk']) ? $this->table_hints[$table_name]['pseudo_view_pk'] : null;
                 if ($table_pk !== null) {
                     $table_pk_column_names = is_array($table_pk) ? $table_pk : [$table_pk];
             } else {
                 $table_pk = $table->getPrimaryKey();
                 if ($table_pk !== null) {
                     $table_pk_column_names = $table_pk->getColumnNames();
             if ($table_pk_column_names !== null) {
                 $php_para = [];
                 $sql_para = [];
                 $table_columns = $table->getColumns();
                 foreach ($table_pk_column_names as $column_name) {
                     $column = $table_columns[$column_name];
                     $php_para[] = '$' . $this->getPHPNameForColumn($column);
                     $sql_para[] = $column->getEscapedName() . '=?';
                 // get item object by primary key
                 $class_name = $this->get_ORM_class_name($table_name, true);
                 echo "\t/**\n";
                 echo "\t * @return " . $class_name . "\n";
                 echo "\t */\n";
                 echo "\tpublic function get" . $this->get_ORM_item_name($table_name, true) . "( " . implode(', ', $php_para) . " ) {\n";
                 echo "\t\treturn \$this->_createObject('" . $class_name . "','SELECT * FROM " . $table->getEscapedName() . " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $sql_para) . "',[" . implode(',', $php_para) . "]);\n";
                 echo "\t}\n";
             // get item object lists
             $lists_filter = isset($this->table_hints[$table_name]['lists_filter']) ? $this->table_hints[$table_name]['lists_filter'] : "";
             $default_order_by = $this->get_ORM_order_by($table);
             $class_name = $this->get_ORM_class_name($table_name, true);
             echo "\t/**\n";
             echo "\t * @return " . $class_name . "[] \n";
             echo "\t */\n";
             echo "\tpublic function get" . $this->get_ORM_item_name($table_name, true) . "List( array \$filter=null, \$order_by=null ) {\n";
             echo "\t\tif( \$order_by===null ) \$order_by = '" . $default_order_by . "';\n";
             echo "\t\treturn \$this->_createObjectListWithFilter('" . $class_name . "','SELECT * FROM " . $table->getEscapedName() . " WHERE true" . ($lists_filter ? " AND (" . $lists_filter . ")" : "") . "',\$order_by?' ORDER BY '.\$order_by:'',\$filter);\n";
             echo "\t}\n\n";
     echo "}\n\n";
     		echo "/"."*\n";
     		echo "source schema:\n\n";
     		echo (string)$this->db;
     		echo "*"."/\n\n";
     return ob_get_clean();
  * create & return an array of item instances, according to given class, sql and filter
  * @param string $class_name
  * @param string $sql1
  * @param string $sql2
  * @param array $filter
  * @throws reException
  * @return reOMItem[]
 public function _createObjectListWithFilter($class_name, $sql1, $sql2, array $filter = null)
     $para = [];
     if ($filter !== null) {
         foreach ($filter as $c => $v) {
             $sql1 .= ' AND ';
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 switch ($v[0]) {
                     case '=':
                     case '<':
                     case '>':
                     case '<=':
                     case '>=':
                     case '<>':
                         $sql1 .= $c . $v[0] . '?';
                         $para[] = $v[1];
                     case 'sql':
                         $sql1 .= '(' . $c . ' ' . $v[1] . ')';
                     case 'rawsql':
                         $sql1 .= '(' . $v[1] . ')';
                         throw new reException('unknown query filter operator: ' . $v[0]);
             } else {
                 $sql1 .= $c . '=?';
                 $para[] = $v;
     $objs = [];
     foreach ($this->_db->queryAssoc($sql1 . $sql2, $para) as $row) {
         $objs[] = new $class_name($this, $row);
     return $objs;