global $es, $book, $rating; $params['index'] = $index; $params['type'] = $type; $params['body'] = $body; $bookPages = $es->search($params); foreach ($bookPages['hits']['hits'] as $bookPage) { //echo "||||" + $bookPage['_source']['bookSettings']['id']; $params = ['index' => $index, 'type' => $type, 'id' => $bookPage['_id'], 'body' => ["doc" => ["bookSettings" => ["rating" => $rating]]]]; $page = $es->update($params); } } $json = '{ "fields" : [""], "query" : { "filtered" : { "filter" : { "bool" : { "must" : [ {"term" : {"" : ["' . $data->bookId . '"]}} ] } } } } }'; updatePages('books', 'pages_working', $json); updatePages('books', 'pages', $json); } if ($abort) { echo json_encode(array("error" => $errorArray)); }
function makeUpdate() { $update_page_files = array(); if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf')) { updateConf(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf'); } if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf.php')) { global $gallery_plugin; $gallery_plugin = new Properties(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf.php'); } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'update')) { $cms_confs = array("basic", "main", "passwords", "gallery", "version", "logindata", "downloads", "catpage", "syntax", "user"); $files = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . 'update', array(".conf"), "none"); if (count($files) > 0) { global $GALLERY, $SYNTAX; $SYNTAX = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . '/syntax.conf.php'); $GALLERY = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . '/gallery.conf.php'); foreach ($files as $datei) { if (in_array(str_replace(".conf", "", $datei), $cms_confs)) { updateCMSConf($datei); mo_unlink(BASE_DIR . 'update/' . $datei); } } } } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'galerien') and is_readable(BASE_DIR . 'galerien')) { foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) { $tmp_conf = false; if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf')) { updateConf(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf'); } else { newConf(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . "/texte.conf.php"); } if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf.php')) { $tmp_conf = new Properties(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . "/texte.conf.php"); } $update_text = array(); foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei, "file", "none") as $img) { if ($img == 'texte.conf') { continue; } if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($img, "file", true))) { $status = updateRename($img, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/"); if ($status) { $newname = $status; } if ($tmp_conf !== false and $tmp_conf->keyExists($img)) { $tmp_conf->set($newname, toUtf($tmp_conf->get($img))); $tmp_conf->delete($img); } $update_page_files[$img] = $newname; if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/" . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $img)) { updateRename($img, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/" . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/"); } } } unset($tmp_conf); if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($datei, false, true))) { updateRename($datei, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/"); } } } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'kategorien')) { $sort_array = array(); $cats = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME, "dir", "sort"); $cats = sort_cat_page($cats, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME, "dir"); foreach ($cats as $cat) { #echo $cat."<br />\n"; if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($cat, "catpage", true))) { updateRename($cat, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/"); $cat = $newname; } $sort_array[$cat] = "null"; if (substr($cat, -EXT_LENGTH) == EXT_LINK) { continue; } $sort_array[$cat] = array(); $pages = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat, "file", "sort"); $pages = sort_cat_page($pages, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat, "file"); foreach ($pages as $page) { if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($page, "catpage", true))) { updateRename($page, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/" . $cat . "/"); $page = $newname; } $sort_array[$cat][$page] = "null"; } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat . '/' . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME)) { foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat . '/' . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME, "file", "none") as $file) { if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($file, "file", true))) { $status = updateRename($file, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/" . $cat . "/" . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME . "/"); if ($status) { $newname = $status; } $tmp_file = cleanUploadFile(changeMoziloOldSpecialChars($file, false)); $update_page_files[rawurldecode($cat)][$tmp_file] = $newname; } } } } $sort_array = var_export($sort_array, true); file_put_contents(SORT_CAT_PAGE, "<?php if(!defined('IS_CMS')) die();\n\$cat_page_sort_array = " . $sort_array . ";\n?>", LOCK_EX); if (isset($_POST['update_pages']) and $_POST['update_pages'] == "true") { updatePages($update_page_files); } } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'plugins')) { foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) { if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf')) { updateConf(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf'); } if ($datei == "CONTACT") { makeCONTACTSetings(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf.php'); } } } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'layouts')) { foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) { if (is_file(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/layoutsettings.conf') and is_file(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/template.html')) { updateTemplate(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/'); } if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/css')) { updateTemplateCSS(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/'); } if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($datei, false, true))) { updateRename($datei, $newname, BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . "/"); } } } }