public static function give($to, $amt) { $ramt = $amt; $rem = mine::countcoins($coins); if ($rem < $amt) { gio::output("Not enough coins"); return false; } $paths = Tools::address($to); if (!$paths) { gio::output("The destination account is invalid"); return false; } $getcoins = array(); $c = 1; if (!is_array($coins)) { return false; } $vals = array_keys($coins); rsort($vals); foreach ($vals as $val) { if ($amt < $val) { continue; } if ($amt <= 0) { break; } $ch[$val] = floor($amt / $val); if ($ch[$val] > count($coins[$val])) { $ch[$val] = count($coins[$val]); } $amt -= $ch[$val] * $val; } foreach ($ch as $v => $n) { while ($n > 0 && (list($id, $coin) = each($coins[$v]))) { $getcoins[$id] = $coin; unset($coins[$v][$id]); $n--; } } foreach ($getcoins as $k => $v) { $secret[$k] = Tools::makesecrets(); $getcoins[$k]['secret'] = GsonCrypt::seal($secret[$k], $paths['srakey']); } $net = new Gnet(); if (!$net->connect($paths['address'], intval($paths['port']))) { gio::output("Unable to connect to the destination account"); return false; } else { $m = Gmsg::create(Gmsg::prepare($getcoins, "deposit", $paths['account'])); $m = GsonCrypt::seal($m, $paths['bank']); if (!$m) { gio::output("Unable to send!"); gio::output("POSSIBLE CAUSES:"); gio::output("The destination bank's certificate is not avaiable!"); gio::output("Account may not be registered with sra!"); gio::output("Account may have been deregistered with sra!"); return false; } $r = $net->send($m); $s = GsonCrypt::unseal($r); $r = $s ? Gmsg::extract($s) : Gmsg::extract($r); unset($net); if (!$r || !$r['status']) { gio::output("Deposit of {$ramt} coins to {$to} Failed!"); gio::output($r['response']); return false; } else { $old = storage::load($paths['srakey']); foreach ($getcoins as $id => $coin) { $getcoins[$id]['secret'] = $secret[$id]; $val = $coin['value']; $old[$val][$id] =& $getcoins[$id]; } storage::save($old, $paths['srakey']); storage::save($coins); gio::output("Deposit of {$ramt} coins to {$to} was successful"); return true; } } }
function main($mainmsg) { gio::output(config::$walletMessage); $net = new Gnet(); $inerr = 0; while (true) { $inmsg = array(); if (account::isCreated()) { $inmsg["d"] = "Destroy Account"; $dmsg = $mainmsg + $inmsg; } else { $inmsg["c"] = "Create Wallet Account [Merchant/Client]"; $dmsg = $inmsg; } $dmsg["x"] = "Exit"; if (!$inerr) { gio::output(); foreach ($dmsg as $k => $v) { $k = strtoupper($k); gio::output("{$k} - {$v}"); } gio::output(); $msg = "Enter your choice and press enter"; } $inerr = 0; $c = gio::input("{$msg}"); if (!array_key_exists($c, $dmsg)) { $c = null; } switch ($c) { case 1: $a = account::address(); gio::output("Your wallet address is: {$a}"); break; case 2: $m = transaction::request(); gio::output($m[1]); break; case 3: transaction::grant(); break; case 4: $n = account::balance($coins); gio::output("Total value of eCash units: {$n}"); if ($n && gio::confirm("Do you wish to see their Id's")) { foreach ($coins as $val => $ccs) { foreach ($ccs as $i => $coin) { gio::output("Ecash ID: {$i}"); foreach ($coin as $id => $c) { if ($id == "token") { $c = md5($c); } if ($id == "hash") { $c = sha1($c); } if ($id == "mined") { $c = date(config::$timeFormat, $c); } gio::output("{$id}=>{$c}"); } gio::output(); } } } break; case 5: $o = gio::input("Enter the order id [EMPTY for all]"); $f = null; if (gio::confirm("Do you want to create a file on your desktop")) { do { $f = gio::input("Enter the file name"); } while (!$f); } transaction::reports($o, $f); break; case 6: transaction::clearallrequests(); break; case 7: account::merckey(gio::input("Enter the name of the file to write to your desktop")); break; case 8: $maxallowed = 1000; $v = gio::input("What value of eCash do you wish to mine", "integer"); $n = gio::input("How many eCashes do you wish to mine", "integer"); $c = mine::countcoins($null); unset($null); if ($n > $maxallowed || $c + $n > $maxallowed) { $rem = $maxallowed - $c; gio::output("You can not mine above {$maxallowed} eCashes!"); gio::output("You can mine {$rem} more eCashes!"); } else { $res = mine::ecash($n, $v); if ($res) { gio::output("You have successfully mined {$n} eCashes."); gio::output("Mining process took " . Tools::arrtostr($res, ", ")); } else { gio::output("Mining operation failed!"); } } break; case "c": account::create(); break; case "d": gio::output("This action will irreversibly destroy your wallet and its contents"); if (gio::confirm("Are you sure you want to destroy your account")) { account::destroy(); } break; case "x": $net = null; break 2; default: $inerr = 1; $msg = "Retry"; } if (!$inerr) { gio::output("\n\n\n"); } } if (isset($ret) && $ret != 0) { gio::output("An error occured while exiting..."); } gio::output(config::$exitMessage); sleep(3); }
function main($mainmsg) { gio::output(config::$walletMessage); $serv = popen("service.ecsh", 'r'); $net = new Gnet(); $inerr = 0; while (true) { if (!$inerr) { gio::output(); foreach ($mainmsg as $k => $v) { gio::output("{$k} - {$v}"); } gio::output(); $msg = "Enter your choice and press enter"; } $inerr = 0; $c = gio::input("{$msg}"); switch ($c) { case 1: $tid = gio::input("Enter the transaction Id"); $st = transaction::status($tid); if (!$st) { gio::output("Transaction reference '{$tid}' not found"); } else { $rpt['order id'] = $st['order id']; $rpt['order amount'] = $st['amount']; $rpt['from'] = $st['client']; $rpt['to'] = $st['merchant']; $rpt['transaction time'] = date(config::$timeFormat, $st['acknowledgement']['completed']); $rpt['description'] = $st['description']; $rpt['transaction reference'] = $st['acknowledgement']['id']; $rpt['response code'] = $st['acknowledgement']['status']; $rpt['response message'] = $st['acknowledgement']['message']; $rpt['ecash value tendered'] = $st['acknowledgement']['amount']; $rpt['ecash tendered'] = $st['acknowledgement']['ecashids']; gio::display($rpt); if (gio::confirm("Do you want to save the report to a file")) { $dest = gio::input("Enter full path to the file"); gio::display($rpt, $x); if (!gio::saverawfile(join("\r\n", $x), $dest)) { gio::output("Could not save the report to {$dest}"); } else { gio::output("Report successfully saved to {$dest}"); } unset($x); } } break; case 2: $maxallowed = 1000; $v = gio::input("What value of eCash do you wish to mine", "integer"); $n = gio::input("How many eCashes do you wish to mine", "integer"); $c = mine::countcoins($null); unset($null); if ($n > $maxallowed || $c + $n > $maxallowed) { $rem = $maxallowed - $c; gio::output("You can not mine above {$maxallowed} eCashes!"); gio::output("You can mine {$rem} more eCashes!"); } else { $res = mine::coins($n, $v); if ($res) { gio::output("You have successfully mined {$n} eCashes."); gio::output("Mining process took " . Tools::arrtostr($res, ", ")); } else { gio::output("Mining operation failed!"); } } break; case 3: $n = mine::countcoins($coins); gio::output("A total of {$n} eCash value is available"); if ($n && gio::confirm("Do you wish to see their Id's")) { foreach ($coins as $val => $ccs) { foreach ($ccs as $i => $coin) { gio::output("Ecash ID: {$i}"); foreach ($coin as $id => $c) { if ($id == "token") { $c = md5($c); } if ($id == "hash") { $c = sha1($c); } if ($id == "mined") { $c = date(config::$timeFormat, $c); } gio::output("{$id}=>{$c}"); } gio::output(); } } } break; case 4: $to = gio::input("Enter the wallet address"); $amt = gio::input("Enter the amount to give"); $res = account::give($to, $amt); break; case "x": $net->connect(config::$serviceAddress, intval(config::$servicePort)); $net->send("shutdown"); if ($serv) { $ret = pclose($serv); } break 2; default: $inerr = 1; $msg = "Retry"; } if (!$inerr) { gio::output("\n\n\n"); } } if (isset($ret) && $ret != 0) { gio::output("An error occured while exiting..."); } gio::output(config::$exitMessage); sleep(3); }
public static function splitvalue($amt, $truesplit = true) { $bal = mine::countcoins($coins); if ($bal < $amt) { return false; } $vals = array_keys($coins); rsort($vals); $ch = array(); foreach ($vals as $val) { if ($amt <= 0) { break; } if ($val > $amt) { continue; } if ($truesplit && $val >= $amt) { continue; } $ch[$val] = floor($amt / $val); if ($ch[$val] > count($coins[$val])) { $ch[$val] = count($coins[$val]); } $amt -= $ch[$val] * $val; } if ($amt > 0) { return false; } return $ch; }