function avatar($size = "24") { $_dir = ceil(self::$userid / 500); $avatar = 'avatar/' . $_dir . '/' . self::$userid . '_' . $size . '.gif'; if (file_exists(iFS::fp($avatar, '+iPATH'))) { return iFS::fp($avatar); } else { return iCMS_PUBLIC_URL . '/common/avatar_' . $size . '.gif'; } }
/** * @package iCMS * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @$Id: push.tpl.php 1392 2013-05-20 12:28:08Z coolmoo $ */ function push_list($vars) { $maxperpage = isset($vars['row']) ? (int) $vars['row'] : "100"; $cache_time = isset($vars['time']) ? (int) $vars['time'] : "-1"; $where_sql = "WHERE `status`='1'"; isset($vars['userid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `userid`='{$vars['userid']}'"); if (isset($vars['cid!'])) { $ncids = explode(',', $vars['cid!']); $vars['sub'] && ($ncids += iCMS::get_category_ids($ncids, true)); $where_sql .= iPHP::where($ncids, 'cid', 'not'); } if (isset($vars['cid'])) { $cid = explode(',', $vars['cid']); $vars['sub'] && ($cid += iCMS::get_category_ids($cid, true)); $where_sql .= iPHP::where($cid, 'cid'); } isset($vars['pid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `type` ='{$vars['pid']}'"); isset($vars['pic']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `haspic`='1'"); isset($vars['nopic']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `haspic`='0'"); isset($vars['startdate']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `addtime`>='" . strtotime($vars['startdate']) . "'"); isset($vars['enddate']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `addtime`<='" . strtotime($vars['enddate']) . "'"); $by = $vars['by'] == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC"; switch ($vars['orderby']) { case "id": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` {$by}"; break; case "addtime": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `addtime` {$by}"; break; case "disorder": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `ordernum` {$by}"; break; default: $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` DESC"; } if ($vars['cache']) { $cache_name = iPHP_DEVICE . '/push/' . md5($where_sql); $resource = iCache::get($cache_name); } if (empty($resource)) { $resource = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__push` {$where_sql} {$order_sql} LIMIT {$maxperpage}"); iPHP_SQL_DEBUG && iDB::debug(1); if ($resource) { foreach ($resource as $key => $value) { $value['pic'] && ($value['pic'] = iFS::fp($value['pic'], '+http')); $value['pic2'] && ($value['pic2'] = iFS::fp($value['pic2'], '+http')); $value['pic2'] && ($value['pic2'] = iFS::fp($value['pic2'], '+http')); $value['metadata'] && ($value['metadata'] = unserialize($value['metadata'])); $resource[$key] = $value; } } $vars['cache'] && iCache::set($cache_name, $resource, $cache_time); } return $resource; }
function get_pic($src, $size = 0, $thumb = 0) { if (empty($src)) { return array(); } $data = array('src' => $src, 'url' => iFS::fp($src, '+http')); if ($size) { $data['width'] = $size['w']; $data['height'] = $size['h']; } if ($size && $thumb) { $data += bitscale(array("tw" => (int) $thumb['width'], "th" => (int) $thumb['height'], "w" => (int) $size['w'], "h" => (int) $size['h'])); } return $data; }
public static function delete($frp) { if (!self::$config['enable']) { return false; } foreach ((array) self::$config['sdk'] as $vendor => $conf) { $fp = ltrim(iFS::fp($frp, '-iPATH'), '/'); $client = self::yun($vendor); if ($client) { $res = $client->delete($conf['Bucket'], $fp); $res = json_decode($res, true); if ($res['error']) { self::$error[$vendor] = array('action' => 'delete', 'code' => 0, 'state' => 'Error', 'msg' => $res['msg']); } } } }
public static function router($uid, $type, $size = 0) { switch ($type) { case 'avatar': return iCMS_FS_URL . get_user_pic($uid, $size); break; case 'url': return iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); break; case 'coverpic': $dir = get_user_dir($uid, 'coverpic'); return array('pc' => iFS::fp($dir . '/' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http'), 'mo' => iFS::fp($dir . '/m_' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http')); break; case 'urls': return array('inbox' => iPHP::router(array('/user/inbox/{uid}', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'home' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'comment' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/comment/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'favorite' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/favorite/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'fans' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/fans/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'follower' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/follower/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE)); break; } }
function getpic($path) { $uri = parse_url(iCMS_FS_URL); $pic = iS::escapeStr($path); if (stripos($pic, $uri['host']) === false) { stripos($pic, 'http://') === false or $pic = iFS::http($pic); } else { $pic = iFS::fp($pic, "-http"); } return $pic; }
echo $rs[$i]['name']; ?> </a> </div> <?php if ($rs[$i]['haspic']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo APP_URI; ?> &do=preview&id=<?php echo $rs[$i]['id']; ?> " data-toggle="modal" title="预览"><img src="<?php echo iFS::fp($rs[$i]['pic']); ?> " style="height:120px;"/></a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo APP_DOURI; ?> &cid=<?php echo $rs[$i]['cid']; echo $uri; ?> "><?php echo $C['name'];
<thead> <tr> <th><i class="fa fa-arrows-v"></i></th> <th>ID</th> <th style="width:50px;">关联ID</th> <th style="width:50px;">用户ID</th> <th >路径</th> <th style="width:80px;">文件大小</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $_count; $i++) { $filepath = $rs[$i]['path'] . $rs[$i]['filename'] . '.' . $rs[$i]['ext']; $href = iFS::fp($filepath, "+http"); ?> <tr id="tr<?php echo $rs[$i]['id']; ?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php echo $rs[$i]['id']; ?> " /></td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['id']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['indexid'];
public function API_mobileUp() { $this->auth or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:!login', 0, 'json'); $F = iFS::upload('upfile'); $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); iPHP::js_callback(array('url' => $url, 'code' => $F['code'])); }
&frame=iPHP" class="tip-bottom" target="iPHP_FRAME" title="生成静态文件"><i class="fa fa-file"></i></a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($value['pic'] && iCMS::$config['publish']['showpic']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo APP_URI; ?> &do=preview&id=<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " data-toggle="modal" title="预览"><img src="<?php echo iFS::fp($value['pic']); ?> " style="height:120px;"/></a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($value['pubdate']) { echo get_date($value['pubdate'], 'Y-m-d H:i'); } ?> <br /> <?php if ($value['postime']) { echo get_date($value['postime'], 'Y-m-d H:i');
function do_uploadscrawl() { if ($_GET["action"] == "tmpImg") { // 背景上传 iFS::$callback = false; $F = iFS::upload('upfile', 'scrawl/tmp'); $F === false && exit; $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); echo "<script>parent.ue_callback('" . $url . "','SUCCESS')</script>"; } else { iFS::$callback = true; $F = iFS::base64ToFile($_POST['upfile'], 'scrawl/' . get_date(0, 'Y/md')); $F === false && exit(iFS::$ERROR); $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); $tmp = iFS::get_dir() . "scrawl/tmp/"; iFS::rmdir($tmp); iPHP::json(array("url" => $url, "state" => 'SUCCESS')); } }
function picdata($pic = '', $mpic = '', $spic = '') { $picdata = array(); if ($pic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($pic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['b'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } if ($mpic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($mpic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['m'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } if ($spic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($spic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['s'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } return $picdata ? addslashes(serialize($picdata)) : ''; }
public static function http($http, $ret = '', $times = 0) { list($RootPath, $FileDir) = self::mk_udir($udir); // 文件保存目录方式 $frs = self::getFileData('ofilename', $http); if ($frs) { if ($ret == 'array') { return self::_array(1, $frs, $RootPath); } return $frs->filepath; } $FileExt = self::valid_ext($http); //判断过滤文件类型 if ($FileExt === false) { return false; } $fdata = self::remote($http); if ($fdata) { $file_md5 = md5($fdata); $frs = self::getFileData('filename', $file_md5); if ($frs) { $FilePath = $frs->filepath; $FileRootPath = iFS::fp($FilePath, "+iPATH"); if (!is_file($FileRootPath)) { self::mkdir(dirname($FileRootPath)); self::write($FileRootPath, $fdata); self::watermark($FileExt, $FileRootPath); self::yun_write($FileRootPath); } if ($ret == 'array') { return self::_array(1, $frs, $RootPath); } } else { $FileName = $file_md5 . "." . $FileExt; $FilePath = $FileDir . $FileName; $FileRootPath = $RootPath . $FileName; self::write($FileRootPath, $fdata); self::watermark($FileExt, $FileRootPath); self::yun_write($FileRootPath); $FileSize = @filesize($FileRootPath); empty($FileSize) && ($FileSize = 0); $fid = self::insFileData(array('filename' => $file_md5, 'ofilename' => $http, 'path' => $FileDir, 'intro' => $intro, 'ext' => $FileExt, 'size' => $FileSize), 1); if ($ret == 'array') { return array('code' => 1, 'fid' => $fid, 'md5' => $file_md5, 'size' => $FileSize, 'oname' => $http, 'name' => $FileName, 'fname' => $FileName . "." . $FileExt, 'dir' => $FileDir, 'ext' => $FileExt, 'RootPath' => $FileRootPath, 'path' => $FilePath, 'dirRootPath' => $RootPath); } } return $FilePath; } else { // if ($times < 3) { // $times++; // return self::http($http,$ret,$times); // } else { return false; // } } }
function do_delfile() { iACP::MP('FILE.DELETE', 'alert'); $_GET['path'] or iPHP::alert("请选择要删除的文件"); strpos($_GET['path'], '..') !== false && iPHP::alert("文件路径中带有.."); $hash = md5($_GET['path']); $FileRootPath = iFS::fp($_GET['path'], '+iPATH'); if (iFS::del($FileRootPath)) { $msg = 'success:#:check:#:文件删除完成!'; $_GET['ajax'] && iPHP::json(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => $msg)); } else { $msg = 'warning:#:warning:#:找不到相关文件,文件删除失败!'; $_GET['ajax'] && iPHP::json(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => $msg)); } iPHP::dialog($msg, 'js:parent.$("#' . $hash . '").remove();'); }
public static function folder($dir = '', $type = NULL) { $dir = trim($dir, '/'); $sDir = $dir; $_GET['dir'] && ($gDir = trim($_GET['dir'], '/')); // print_r('$dir='.$dir.'<br />'); // print_r('$gDir='.$gDir.'<br />'); //$gDir && $dir = $gDir; //strstr($dir,'.')!==false && self::alert('What are you doing?','',1000000); //strstr($dir,'..')!==false && self::alert('What are you doing?','',1000000); $sDir_PATH = iFS::path_join(iPATH, $sDir); $iDir_PATH = iFS::path_join($sDir_PATH, $gDir); // print_r('$sDir_PATH='.$sDir_PATH."\n"); // print_r('$iDir_PATH='.$iDir_PATH."\n"); strpos($iDir_PATH, $sDir_PATH) === false && self::alert("对不起!您访问的目录有问题!"); if (!is_dir($iDir_PATH)) { return false; } $url = buildurl(false, 'dir'); if ($handle = opendir($iDir_PATH)) { while (false !== ($rs = readdir($handle))) { // print_r('$rs='.$rs."\n"); $filepath = iFS::path_join($iDir_PATH, $rs); $filepath = rtrim($filepath, '/'); // print_r('$filepath='.$filepath."\n"); $sFileType = @filetype($filepath); // print_r('$sFileType='.$sFileType."\n"); // var_dump($sDir_PATH,$filepath); $path = str_replace($sDir_PATH, '', $filepath); $path = ltrim($path, '/'); if ($sFileType == "dir" && !in_array($rs, array('.', '..', 'admincp'))) { $dirArray[] = array('path' => $path, 'name' => $rs, 'url' => $url . urlencode($path)); } if ($sFileType == "file" && !in_array($rs, array('..', '.iPHP'))) { $filext = iFS::get_ext($rs); $fileinfo = array('path' => $path, 'dir' => dirname($path), 'url' => iFS::fp($path, '+http'), 'name' => $rs, 'modified' => get_date(filemtime($filepath), "Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'md5' => md5_file($filepath), 'ext' => $filext, 'size' => iFS::sizeUnit(filesize($filepath))); if ($type) { in_array(strtolower($filext), $type) && ($fileArray[] = $fileinfo); } else { $fileArray[] = $fileinfo; } } } } $a['DirArray'] = (array) $dirArray; $a['FileArray'] = (array) $fileArray; $a['pwd'] = str_replace($sDir_PATH, '', $iDir_PATH); $a['pwd'] = trim($a['pwd'], '/'); $pos = strripos($a['pwd'], '/'); $a['parent'] = ltrim(substr($a['pwd'], 0, $pos), '/'); $a['URI'] = $url; // var_dump($a); // exit; return $a; }