function avatar($size = "24") { $_dir = ceil(self::$userid / 500); $avatar = 'avatar/' . $_dir . '/' . self::$userid . '_' . $size . '.gif'; if (file_exists(iFS::fp($avatar, '+iPATH'))) { return iFS::fp($avatar); } else { return iCMS_PUBLIC_URL . '/common/avatar_' . $size . '.gif'; } }
/** * @package iCMS * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> * @$Id: push.tpl.php 1392 2013-05-20 12:28:08Z coolmoo $ */ function push_list($vars) { $maxperpage = isset($vars['row']) ? (int) $vars['row'] : "100"; $cache_time = isset($vars['time']) ? (int) $vars['time'] : "-1"; $where_sql = "WHERE `status`='1'"; isset($vars['userid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `userid`='{$vars['userid']}'"); if (isset($vars['cid!'])) { $ncids = explode(',', $vars['cid!']); $vars['sub'] && ($ncids += iCMS::get_category_ids($ncids, true)); $where_sql .= iPHP::where($ncids, 'cid', 'not'); } if (isset($vars['cid'])) { $cid = explode(',', $vars['cid']); $vars['sub'] && ($cid += iCMS::get_category_ids($cid, true)); $where_sql .= iPHP::where($cid, 'cid'); } isset($vars['pid']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `type` ='{$vars['pid']}'"); isset($vars['pic']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `haspic`='1'"); isset($vars['nopic']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `haspic`='0'"); isset($vars['startdate']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `addtime`>='" . strtotime($vars['startdate']) . "'"); isset($vars['enddate']) && ($where_sql .= " AND `addtime`<='" . strtotime($vars['enddate']) . "'"); $by = $vars['by'] == "ASC" ? "ASC" : "DESC"; switch ($vars['orderby']) { case "id": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` {$by}"; break; case "addtime": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `addtime` {$by}"; break; case "disorder": $order_sql = " ORDER BY `ordernum` {$by}"; break; default: $order_sql = " ORDER BY `id` DESC"; } if ($vars['cache']) { $cache_name = iPHP_DEVICE . '/push/' . md5($where_sql); $resource = iCache::get($cache_name); } if (empty($resource)) { $resource = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__push` {$where_sql} {$order_sql} LIMIT {$maxperpage}"); iPHP_SQL_DEBUG && iDB::debug(1); if ($resource) { foreach ($resource as $key => $value) { $value['pic'] && ($value['pic'] = iFS::fp($value['pic'], '+http')); $value['pic2'] && ($value['pic2'] = iFS::fp($value['pic2'], '+http')); $value['pic2'] && ($value['pic2'] = iFS::fp($value['pic2'], '+http')); $value['metadata'] && ($value['metadata'] = unserialize($value['metadata'])); $resource[$key] = $value; } } $vars['cache'] && iCache::set($cache_name, $resource, $cache_time); } return $resource; }
function do_iCMS() { $res = iFS::folder('template', array('htm', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'jpg', 'gif')); $dirRs = $res['DirArray']; $fileRs = $res['FileArray']; $pwd = $res['pwd']; $parent = $res['parent']; $URI = $res['URI']; $navbar = true; $file_edit = true; include iACP::view("files.explorer"); }
function get_pic($src, $size = 0, $thumb = 0) { if (empty($src)) { return array(); } $data = array('src' => $src, 'url' => iFS::fp($src, '+http')); if ($size) { $data['width'] = $size['w']; $data['height'] = $size['h']; } if ($size && $thumb) { $data += bitscale(array("tw" => (int) $thumb['width'], "th" => (int) $thumb['height'], "w" => (int) $size['w'], "h" => (int) $size['h'])); } return $data; }
public static function init() { self::check_seccode(); //验证码验证 iMember::checkLogin(); //用户登陆验证 self::$menu = new iMenu(); //初始化菜单 self::MP('ADMINCP', 'page'); //检查是否有后台权限 self::MP('__MID__', 'page'); //检查菜单ID self::$apps = array('home', 'category', 'pushcategory', 'tagcategory', 'article', 'push', 'prop', 'setting', 'filter', 'cache', 'tags', 'editor'); iFS::$userid = iMember::$userid; }
public static function delete($frp) { if (!self::$config['enable']) { return false; } foreach ((array) self::$config['sdk'] as $vendor => $conf) { $fp = ltrim(iFS::fp($frp, '-iPATH'), '/'); $client = self::yun($vendor); if ($client) { $res = $client->delete($conf['Bucket'], $fp); $res = json_decode($res, true); if ($res['error']) { self::$error[$vendor] = array('action' => 'delete', 'code' => 0, 'state' => 'Error', 'msg' => $res['msg']); } } } }
public static function router($uid, $type, $size = 0) { switch ($type) { case 'avatar': return iCMS_FS_URL . get_user_pic($uid, $size); break; case 'url': return iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); break; case 'coverpic': $dir = get_user_dir($uid, 'coverpic'); return array('pc' => iFS::fp($dir . '/' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http'), 'mo' => iFS::fp($dir . '/m_' . $uid . ".jpg", '+http')); break; case 'urls': return array('inbox' => iPHP::router(array('/user/inbox/{uid}', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'home' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'comment' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/comment/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'favorite' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/favorite/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'fans' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/fans/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE), 'follower' => iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/follower/', $uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE)); break; } }
function getpic($path) { $uri = parse_url(iCMS_FS_URL); $pic = iS::escapeStr($path); if (stripos($pic, $uri['host']) === false) { stripos($pic, 'http://') === false or $pic = iFS::http($pic); } else { $pic = iFS::fp($pic, "-http"); } return $pic; }
/** * 抓取资源 * @param [string] $html [抓取结果] * @param [array] $data [数据项] * @param [array] $rule [规则] * @param [array] $responses [已经抓取资源] * @return [array] [返回处理结果] */ public static function crawl($html, $data, $rule, $responses) { if (trim($data['rule']) === '') { return; } $name = $data['name']; if (spider::$dataTest) { print_r('<b>[' . $name . ']规则:</b>' . iS::escapeStr($data['rule'])); echo "<hr />"; } if (strpos($data['rule'], 'RULE@') !== false) { spider::$rid = str_replace('RULE@', '', $data['rule']); $_urls = trim($html); if (spider::$dataTest) { print_r('<b>使用[rid:' . spider::$rid . ']规则抓取</b>:' . $_urls); echo "<hr />"; } return spiderUrls::crawl('DATA@RULE', false, spider::$rid, $_urls); } /** * RAND@10,0 * 返回随机数 */ if (strpos($data['rule'], 'RAND@') !== false) { $random = str_replace('RAND@', '', $data['rule']); list($length, $numeric) = explode(',', $random); return random($length, empty($numeric) ? 0 : 1); } $contentArray = array(); $contentHash = array(); $_content = null; $_content = spiderContent::match($html, $data, $rule); $cmd5 = md5($_content); $contentArray[] = $_content; $contentHash[$cmd5] = true; if ($data['page']) { if (empty($rule['page_url'])) { $rule['page_url'] = $rule['list_url']; } if (empty(spider::$allHtml)) { $page_url_array = array(); $page_area_rule = trim($rule['page_area_rule']); if ($page_area_rule) { if (strpos($page_area_rule, 'DOM::') !== false) { iPHP::import(iPHP_LIB . '/phpQuery.php'); $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($html, 'UTF-8'); $pq_dom = str_replace('DOM::', '', $page_area_rule); $pq_array = phpQuery::pq($pq_dom); foreach ($pq_array as $pn => $pq_val) { $href = phpQuery::pq($pq_val)->attr('href'); if ($href) { if ($rule['page_url_rule']) { if (strpos($rule['page_url_rule'], '<%') !== false) { $page_url_rule = spiderTools::pregTag($rule['page_url_rule']); if (!preg_match('|' . $page_url_rule . '|is', $href)) { continue; } } else { $cleanhref = spiderTools::dataClean($rule['page_url_rule'], $href); if ($cleanhref) { $href = $cleanhref; unset($cleanhref); } else { continue; } } } $href = str_replace('<%url%>', $href, $rule['page_url']); $page_url_array[$pn] = spiderTools::url_complement($rule['__url__'], $href); } } phpQuery::unloadDocuments($doc->getDocumentID()); } else { $page_area_rule = spiderTools::pregTag($page_area_rule); if ($page_area_rule) { preg_match('|' . $page_area_rule . '|is', $html, $matches, $PREG_SET_ORDER); $page_area = $matches['content']; } else { $page_area = $html; } if ($rule['page_url_rule']) { $page_url_rule = spiderTools::pregTag($rule['page_url_rule']); preg_match_all('|' . $page_url_rule . '|is', $page_area, $page_url_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($page_url_matches as $pn => $row) { $href = str_replace('<%url%>', $row['url'], $rule['page_url']); $page_url_array[$pn] = spiderTools::url_complement($rule['__url__'], $href); gc_collect_cycles(); } } unset($page_area); } } else { // 逻辑方式 if ($rule['page_url_parse'] == '<%url%>') { $page_url = str_replace('<%url%>', $rule['__url__'], $rule['page_url']); } else { $page_url_rule = spiderTools::pregTag($rule['page_url_parse']); preg_match('|' . $page_url_rule . '|is', $rule['__url__'], $matches, $PREG_SET_ORDER); $page_url = str_replace('<%url%>', $matches['url'], $rule['page_url']); } if (stripos($page_url, '<%step%>') !== false) { for ($pn = $rule['page_no_start']; $pn <= $rule['page_no_end']; $pn = $pn + $rule['page_no_step']) { $page_url_array[$pn] = str_replace('<%step%>', $pn, $page_url); gc_collect_cycles(); } } } //URL去重清理 if ($page_url_array) { $page_url_array = array_filter($page_url_array); $page_url_array = array_unique($page_url_array); $puk = array_search($rule['__url__'], $page_url_array); if ($puk !== false) { unset($page_url_array[$puk]); } } if (spider::$dataTest) { echo "<b>内容页网址:</b>" . $rule['__url__'] . "<br />"; echo "<b>分页:</b>" . $rule['page_url'] . "<br />"; echo iS::escapeStr($page_url_rule); echo "<hr />"; } if (spider::$dataTest) { echo "<b>分页列表:</b><pre>"; print_r($page_url_array); echo "</pre><hr />"; } spider::$content_right_code = trim($rule['page_url_right']); spider::$content_error_code = trim($rule['page_url_error']); spider::$curl_proxy = $rule['proxy']; $pageurl = array(); foreach ($page_url_array as $pukey => $purl) { //usleep(100); $phtml = spiderTools::remote($purl); if (empty($phtml)) { break; } $md5 = md5($phtml); if ($pageurl[$md5]) { break; } $check_content = spiderTools::check_content_code($phtml); if ($check_content === false) { unset($check_content, $phtml); break; } $_content = spiderContent::match($phtml, $data, $rule); $cmd5 = md5($_content); if ($contentHash[$cmd5]) { break; } $contentArray[] = $_content; $contentHash[$cmd5] = true; $pageurl[$md5] = $purl; spider::$allHtml[$md5] = $phtml; } gc_collect_cycles(); unset($check_content, $phtml); if (spider::$dataTest) { echo "<b>最终分页列表:</b><pre>"; print_r($pageurl); echo "</pre><hr />"; } } else { foreach ((array) spider::$allHtml as $ahkey => $phtml) { $contentArray[] = spiderContent::match($phtml, $data, $rule); } } } $content = implode('#--iCMS.PageBreak--#', $contentArray); $html = null; unset($html, $contentArray, $contentHash, $_content); $content = stripslashes($content); if (spider::$dataTest) { print_r('<b>[' . $name . ']匹配结果:</b>' . htmlspecialchars($content)); echo "<hr />"; } if ($data['cleanbefor']) { $content = spiderTools::dataClean($data['cleanbefor'], $content); } /** * 在数据项里调用之前采集的数据[DATA@name][DATA@name.key] */ if (strpos($content, '[DATA@') !== false) { $content = spiderTools::getDATA($responses, $content); } if ($data['cleanhtml']) { $content = stripslashes($content); $content = preg_replace('/<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>/is', '', $content); } if ($data['format'] && $content) { $content = autoformat($content); } if ($data['img_absolute'] && $content) { // $content = stripslashes($content); preg_match_all("/<img.*?src\\s*=[\"|'](.*?)[\"|']/is", $content, $img_match); if ($img_match[1]) { $_img_array = array_unique($img_match[1]); $_img_urls = array(); foreach ((array) $_img_array as $_img_key => $_img_src) { $_img_urls[$_img_key] = spiderTools::url_complement($rule['__url__'], $_img_src); } $content = str_replace($_img_array, $_img_urls, $content); } unset($img_match, $_img_array, $_img_urls, $_img_src); } if ($data['trim']) { $content = trim($content); } if ($data['capture']) { // $content = stripslashes($content); $content = spiderTools::remote($content); } if ($data['download']) { // $content = stripslashes($content); $content = iFS::http($content); } if ($data['cleanafter']) { $content = spiderTools::dataClean($data['cleanafter'], $content); // $content = stripslashes($content); } if ($data['autobreakpage']) { $content = spiderTools::autoBreakPage($content); } if ($data['mergepage']) { $content = spiderTools::mergePage($content); } if ($data['empty'] && empty($content)) { $emptyMsg = '[' . $name . ']规则设置了不允许为空.当前抓取结果为空!请检查,规则是否正确!'; if (spider::$dataTest) { exit('<h1>' . $emptyMsg . '</h1>'); } if (spider::$work) { echo "\n{$emptyMsg}\n"; return false; } else { iPHP::alert($emptyMsg); } } if ($data['json_decode']) { $content = json_decode($content, true); } if ($data['array']) { return (array) $content; } if (spider::$callback['content'] && is_callable(spider::$callback['content'])) { $content = call_user_func_array(spider::$callback['content'], array($content)); } return $content; }
function pinyin($str, $split = "", $pn = true) { if (!isset($GLOBALS["iPHP.PY"])) { $GLOBALS["iPHP.PY"] = unserialize(gzuncompress(iFS::read(iPHP_PATH . '/pinyin.table'))); } preg_match_all('/[\\x01-\\x7f]|[\\xc2-\\xdf][\\x80-\\xbf]|[\\xe0-\\xef][\\x80-\\xbf]{2}|[\\xf0-\\xff][\\x80-\\xbf]{3}/', trim($str), $match); $s = $match[0]; $c = count($s); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $uni = strtoupper(dechex(utf2uni($s[$i]))); if (strlen($uni) > 2) { $pyArr = $GLOBALS["iPHP.PY"][$uni]; $py = is_array($pyArr) ? $pyArr[0] : $pyArr; $pn && ($py = str_replace(array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'), '', $py)); $zh && $split && ($R[] = $split); $R[] = strtolower($py); $zh = true; $az09 = false; } else { if (preg_match("/[a-z0-9]/i", $s[$i])) { $zh && $i != 0 && !$az09 && $split && ($R[] = $split); $R[] = $s[$i]; $zh = true; $az09 = true; } else { $sp = true; if ($split) { if ($s[$i] == ' ') { $R[] = $sp ? '' : $split; $sp = false; } else { $R[] = $sp ? $split : ''; $sp = true; } } else { $R[] = ''; } $zh = false; $az09 = false; } } } return str_replace(array('Üe', 'Üan', 'Ün', 'lÜ', 'nÜ'), array('ue', 'uan', 'un', 'lv', 'nv'), implode('', (array) $R)); }
echo $rs[$i]['name']; ?> </a> </div> <?php if ($rs[$i]['haspic']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo APP_URI; ?> &do=preview&id=<?php echo $rs[$i]['id']; ?> " data-toggle="modal" title="预览"><img src="<?php echo iFS::fp($rs[$i]['pic']); ?> " style="height:120px;"/></a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo APP_DOURI; ?> &cid=<?php echo $rs[$i]['cid']; echo $uri; ?> "><?php echo $C['name'];
function do_del() { $this->bakdir or iPHP::alert('请选择要删除的备份卷'); $backupdir = iPHP_APP_CACHE . '/backup/' . $this->bakdir; if (iFS::rmdir($backupdir)) { iPHP::success('备份文件已删除!', 'js:parent.$("#' . md5($this->bakdir) . '").remove();'); } }
if ($parent && !$parentShow) { ?> <tr> <td></td> <td colspan="7"><a href="<?php echo $URI . $parent; ?> "><i class="fa fa-angle-double-up"></i> 返回上级</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php $_count = count($fileRs); for ($i = 0; $i < $_count; $i++) { $icon = iFS::icon($fileRs[$i]['name'], './app/admincp/ui'); ?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $fileRs[$i]['path']; ?> " url="<?php echo $fileRs[$i]['url']; ?> " data-click="file"/></td> <td><?php if (in_array(strtolower($fileRs[$i]['ext']), array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'))) { ?> <a href="###" class="tip-right" title="<img src='<?php echo $fileRs[$i]['url']; ?>
function Article($id) { $app = iCMS::run('article', 'article', 'object'); $htm = $app->article($id); $htm or iPHP::alert("文章所属栏目URL规则设置问题! 此栏目下的文章不能生成静态,请修改栏目的访问模式和URL规则"); $total = $htm[1]['page']['total']; $title = $htm[1]['title']; iFS::check_ext($htm[1]['iurl']->path) or iPHP::alert("文件类型不合法,禁止生成!<hr />请更改栏目->URL规则设置->内容规则"); iFS::mkdir($htm[1]['iurl']->dir); iFS::write($htm[1]['iurl']->path, $htm[0]); if ($total >= 2) { for ($ap = 2; $ap <= $total; $ap++) { $htm = $app->article($id, $ap); $fpath = iPHP::p2num($htm[1]['iurl']->pagepath, $ap); iFS::write($fpath, $htm[0]); } } unset($app, $htm); return $title; }
public static function config() { $site = iPHP_MULTI_SITE ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : iPHP_APP; if (iPHP_MULTI_DOMAIN) { //只绑定主域 preg_match("/[^\\.\\/][\\w\\-]+\\.[^\\.\\/]+\$/", $site, $matches); $site = $matches[0]; } iPHP_MULTI_SITE && define('iPHP_APP_SITE', $site); strpos($site, '..') === false or exit('<h1>What are you doing?(code:001)</h1>'); //config.php 中开启iPHP_APP_CONF后 此处设置无效, define('iPHP_APP_CONF', iPHP_CONF_DIR . '/' . $site); //网站配置目录 define('iPHP_APP_CONFIG', iPHP_APP_CONF . '/config.php'); //网站配置文件 @is_file(iPHP_APP_CONFIG) or exit('<h1>' . iPHP_APP . ' 运行出错.找不到"' . $site . '"网站的配置文件!(code:002)</h1>'); $config = (require iPHP_APP_CONFIG); //config.php 中开启后 此处设置无效 defined('iPHP_DEBUG') or define('iPHP_DEBUG', $config['debug']['php']); //程序调试模式 defined('iPHP_TPL_DEBUG') or define('iPHP_TPL_DEBUG', $config['debug']['tpl']); //模板调试 defined('iPHP_SQL_DEBUG') or define('iPHP_SQL_DEBUG', $config['debug']['sql']); //模板调试 defined('iPHP_TIME_CORRECT') or define('iPHP_TIME_CORRECT', $config['time']['cvtime']); defined('iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE') or define('iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE', $config['router']['rewrite']); defined('iPHP_APP_SITE') && ($config['cache']['prefix'] = iPHP_APP_SITE); define('iPHP_ROUTER_USER', $config['router']['user_url']); define('iPHP_URL_404', $config['router']['404']); //404定义 //config.php --END-- ini_set('display_errors', 'OFF'); error_reporting(0); if (iPHP_DEBUG || iPHP_TPL_DEBUG) { ini_set('display_errors', 'ON'); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } $timezone = $config['time']['zone']; $timezone or $timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai'; //设置中国时区 @ini_set('date.timezone', $timezone); function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && @date_default_timezone_set($timezone); self::multiple_device($config); iFS::init($config['FS'], $config['watermark'], 'filedata'); iCache::init($config['cache']); iPHP::template_start(); iPHP_DEBUG && (iDB::$show_errors = true); iPHP_TPL_DEBUG && self::clear_compiled_tpl(); self::$apps = $config['apps']; return $config; }
public function API_mobileUp() { $this->auth or iPHP::code(0, 'iCMS:!login', 0, 'json'); $F = iFS::upload('upfile'); $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); iPHP::js_callback(array('url' => $url, 'code' => $F['code'])); }
&frame=iPHP" class="tip-bottom" target="iPHP_FRAME" title="生成静态文件"><i class="fa fa-file"></i></a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($value['pic'] && iCMS::$config['publish']['showpic']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo APP_URI; ?> &do=preview&id=<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " data-toggle="modal" title="预览"><img src="<?php echo iFS::fp($value['pic']); ?> " style="height:120px;"/></a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($value['pubdate']) { echo get_date($value['pubdate'], 'Y-m-d H:i'); } ?> <br /> <?php if ($value['postime']) { echo get_date($value['postime'], 'Y-m-d H:i');
function do_uploadscrawl() { if ($_GET["action"] == "tmpImg") { // 背景上传 iFS::$callback = false; $F = iFS::upload('upfile', 'scrawl/tmp'); $F === false && exit; $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); echo "<script>parent.ue_callback('" . $url . "','SUCCESS')</script>"; } else { iFS::$callback = true; $F = iFS::base64ToFile($_POST['upfile'], 'scrawl/' . get_date(0, 'Y/md')); $F === false && exit(iFS::$ERROR); $F['path'] && ($url = iFS::fp($F['path'], '+http')); $tmp = iFS::get_dir() . "scrawl/tmp/"; iFS::rmdir($tmp); iPHP::json(array("url" => $url, "state" => 'SUCCESS')); } }
function picdata($pic = '', $mpic = '', $spic = '') { $picdata = array(); if ($pic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($pic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['b'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } if ($mpic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($mpic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['m'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } if ($spic) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(iFS::fp($spic, '+iPATH')); $picdata['s'] = array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height); } return $picdata ? addslashes(serialize($picdata)) : ''; }
function do_delfile() { iACP::MP('FILE.DELETE', 'alert'); $_GET['path'] or iPHP::alert("请选择要删除的文件"); strpos($_GET['path'], '..') !== false && iPHP::alert("文件路径中带有.."); $hash = md5($_GET['path']); $FileRootPath = iFS::fp($_GET['path'], '+iPATH'); if (iFS::del($FileRootPath)) { $msg = 'success:#:check:#:文件删除完成!'; $_GET['ajax'] && iPHP::json(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => $msg)); } else { $msg = 'warning:#:warning:#:找不到相关文件,文件删除失败!'; $_GET['ajax'] && iPHP::json(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => $msg)); } iPHP::dialog($msg, 'js:parent.$("#' . $hash . '").remove();'); }
public static function http($http, $ret = '', $times = 0) { list($RootPath, $FileDir) = self::mk_udir($udir); // 文件保存目录方式 $frs = self::getFileData('ofilename', $http); if ($frs) { if ($ret == 'array') { return self::_array(1, $frs, $RootPath); } return $frs->filepath; } $FileExt = self::valid_ext($http); //判断过滤文件类型 if ($FileExt === false) { return false; } $fdata = self::remote($http); if ($fdata) { $file_md5 = md5($fdata); $frs = self::getFileData('filename', $file_md5); if ($frs) { $FilePath = $frs->filepath; $FileRootPath = iFS::fp($FilePath, "+iPATH"); if (!is_file($FileRootPath)) { self::mkdir(dirname($FileRootPath)); self::write($FileRootPath, $fdata); self::watermark($FileExt, $FileRootPath); self::yun_write($FileRootPath); } if ($ret == 'array') { return self::_array(1, $frs, $RootPath); } } else { $FileName = $file_md5 . "." . $FileExt; $FilePath = $FileDir . $FileName; $FileRootPath = $RootPath . $FileName; self::write($FileRootPath, $fdata); self::watermark($FileExt, $FileRootPath); self::yun_write($FileRootPath); $FileSize = @filesize($FileRootPath); empty($FileSize) && ($FileSize = 0); $fid = self::insFileData(array('filename' => $file_md5, 'ofilename' => $http, 'path' => $FileDir, 'intro' => $intro, 'ext' => $FileExt, 'size' => $FileSize), 1); if ($ret == 'array') { return array('code' => 1, 'fid' => $fid, 'md5' => $file_md5, 'size' => $FileSize, 'oname' => $http, 'name' => $FileName, 'fname' => $FileName . "." . $FileExt, 'dir' => $FileDir, 'ext' => $FileExt, 'RootPath' => $FileRootPath, 'path' => $FilePath, 'dirRootPath' => $RootPath); } } return $FilePath; } else { // if ($times < 3) { // $times++; // return self::http($http,$ret,$times); // } else { return false; // } } }
public static function get($uri, $a = array()) { $i = new stdClass(); $sURL = self::$config['URL']; $html_dir = self::$config['html_dir']; $router = self::$config['router']; $category = array(); $array = $a; $PRI = $router[$uri]['PRI']; $rule = $router[$uri]['rule']; switch ($rule) { case '0': $i->href = $array['url']; $url = $array['urlRule']; break; case '1': $category = $array; $i->href = $category['url']; $url = $category['mode'] ? $category['categoryRule'] : '{PHP}'; $category['password'] && $category['mode'] == "1" && ($url = '{PHP}'); if ($url == '{PHP}') { $document_uri = $uri . '.php?'; $category['categoryURI'] && ($document_uri = $category['categoryURI'] . '.php?'); $document_uri .= $PRI . '=' . $category[$PRI]; } break; case '2': $array = (array) $a[0]; $category = (array) $a[1]; $i->href = $array['url']; $url = $category['mode'] ? $category['contentRule'] : '{PHP}'; $category['password'] && $category['mode'] == "1" && ($url = '{PHP}'); if ($url == '{PHP}') { $document_uri = $uri . '.php?'; $document_uri .= $PRI . '=' . $array[$PRI]; $i->pageurl = $document_uri . '&p={P}'; strpos($i->pageurl, 'http://') === false && ($i->pageurl = rtrim($sURL, '/') . '/' . $i->pageurl); } break; case '3': $array = (array) $a[0]; $category = (array) $a[1]; $_category = (array) $a[2]; $html_dir = self::$config['tag_dir']; $sURL = self::$config['tag_url']; $i->href = $array['url']; //$a = array_merge_recursive((array)$a[0],$category); $url = $category['urlRule']; $_category['urlRule'] && ($url = $_category['urlRule']); $url or $url = self::$config['tag_rule']; if ($url == '{PHP}') { $document_uri = $uri . '.php?'; $document_uri .= $PRI . '=' . $array[$PRI]; } break; default: $url = $array['urlRule']; } if ($url == '{PHP}') { strpos($document_uri, 'http://') === false && ($document_uri = rtrim($sURL, '/') . '/' . $document_uri); $i->href = $document_uri; } if ($i->href) { return $i; } if (strpos($url, '{PHP}') === false) { self::$uriArray = array($array, $category, (array) $_category); strpos($url, '{') === false or $url = preg_replace_callback("/\\{(.*?)\\}/", '__iurl_rule__', $url); $i->path = rtrim(iFS::path(iPATH . $html_dir . $url), '/'); if (strpos($html_dir, '..') === false) { $i->href = rtrim($sURL, '/') . '/' . ltrim(iFS::path($html_dir . $url), '/'); } else { $i->href = rtrim($sURL, '/') . '/' . ltrim(iFS::path($url), '/'); } $pathA = pathinfo($i->path); // if(in_array($uri,array('article','content'))) { // $i->path = FS::path($Curl->dmdir.'/'.$url); // $i->href = FS::path($Curl->domain.'/'.$url); // } $i->hdir = pathinfo($i->href, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); $i->dir = $pathA['dirname']; $i->file = $pathA['basename']; $i->name = $pathA['filename']; $i->ext = '.' . $pathA['extension']; $i->name or $i->name = $i->file; //var_dump($GLOBALS['page']); //var_dump($i); //var_dump($pathA); if (empty($i->file) || substr($url, -1) == '/' || empty($pathA['extension'])) { $i->name = 'index'; $i->ext = self::$config['html_ext']; $category['htmlext'] && ($i->ext = $category['htmlext']); $i->file = $i->name . $i->ext; $i->path = $i->path . '/' . $i->file; $i->dir = dirname($i->path); $i->hdir = dirname($i->href . '/' . $i->file); } //var_dump($i); if (strpos($i->file, '{P}') === false) { $i->pfile = $i->name . "_{P}" . $i->ext; } else { $i->pfile = $i->file; } if ($rule == '0' || strpos($url, 'http://') !== false) { $hi = new stdClass(); $hi->href = $url; $hi->ext = $i->ext; $hi->pageurl = $hi->href . '/' . $i->pfile; return $hi; } //var_dump($i); //exit; if ($rule == '1') { $m = self::domain($array['cid']); if ($m->domain) { $i->href = str_replace($i->hdir, $m->dmpath, $i->href); $i->hdir = $m->dmpath; $__dir__ = $i->dir . '/' . $m->pdir; $i->path = str_replace($i->dir, $__dir__, $i->path); $i->dir = $__dir__; $i->dmdir = iFS::path(iPATH . $html_dir . '/' . $m->pd); $bits = parse_url($i->href); $i->domain = $bits['scheme'] . '://' . $bits['host']; } else { $i->dmdir = iFS::path(iPATH . $html_dir); $i->domain = $sURL; } if (strpos($array['domain'], 'http://') !== false) { $i->href = $array['domain']; } } $i->pageurl = $i->hdir . '/' . $i->pfile; $i->pagepath = $i->dir . '/' . $i->pfile; $i->href = str_replace('{P}', 1, $i->href); $i->path = str_replace('{P}', 1, $i->path); $i->file = str_replace('{P}', 1, $i->file); $i->name = str_replace('{P}', 1, $i->name); //var_dump($i); //exit; } return $i; }
function do_import_rule() { iFS::$checkFileData = false; iFS::$config['allow_ext'] = 'txt'; iFS::$config['yun']['enable'] = false; $F = iFS::upload('upfile'); $path = $F['RootPath']; if ($path) { $data = file_get_contents($path); if ($data) { $data = base64_decode($data); $data = unserialize($data); iDB::insert("spider_rule", $data); } @unlink($path); iPHP::success('规则导入完成', 'js:1'); } }
public static function crawl($_pid = NULL, $_rid = NULL, $_url = NULL, $_title = NULL) { ini_get('safe_mode') or set_time_limit(0); $sid = spider::$sid; if ($sid) { $sRs = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__spider_url` WHERE `id`='{$sid}' LIMIT 1;"); $title = $sRs->title; $cid = $sRs->cid; $pid = $sRs->pid; $url = $sRs->url; $rid = $sRs->rid; } else { $rid = spider::$rid; $pid = spider::$pid; $title = spider::$title; $url = spider::$url; $_rid === NULL or $rid = $_rid; $_pid === NULL or $pid = $_pid; $_title === NULL or $title = $_title; $_url === NULL or $url = $_url; } if ($pid) { $project = spider::project($pid); $prule_list_url = $project['list_url']; } $ruleA = spider::rule($rid); $rule = $ruleA['rule']; $dataArray = $rule['data']; if ($prule_list_url) { $rule['list_url'] = $prule_list_url; } if (spider::$dataTest) { echo "<b>抓取规则信息</b><pre>"; print_r(iS::escapeStr($ruleA)); print_r(iS::escapeStr($project)); echo "</pre><hr />"; } spider::$curl_proxy = $rule['proxy']; $responses = array(); $html = spiderTools::remote($url); if (empty($html)) { $msg = '错误:001..采集 ' . $url . '文件内容为空!请检查采集规则'; if (spider::$work == 'shell') { echo "{$msg}\n"; return false; } else { iPHP::alert($msg); } } // $http = spider::check_content_code($html); // // if($http['match']==false){ // return false; // } // $content = $http['content']; spider::$allHtml = ""; $rule['__url__'] = spider::$url; $responses['reurl'] = spider::$url; $responses['__title__'] = $title; foreach ((array) $dataArray as $key => $data) { $content_html = $html; $dname = $data['name']; /** * [UNSET:name] * 注销[name] * @var string */ if (strpos($dname, 'UNSET:') !== false) { $_dname = str_replace('UNSET:', '', $dname); unset($responses[$_dname]); continue; } /** * [DATA:name] * 把之前[name]处理完的数据当作原始数据 * 如果之前有数据会叠加 * 用于数据多次处理 * @var string */ if (strpos($dname, 'DATA:') !== false) { $_dname = str_replace('DATA:', '', $dname); $content_html = $responses[$_dname]; unset($responses[$dname]); } /** * [PRE:name] * 把PRE:name采集到的数据 当做原始数据 * 一般用于下载内容 * @var string */ $pre_dname = 'PRE:' . $dname; if (isset($responses[$pre_dname])) { $content_html = $responses[$pre_dname]; unset($responses[$pre_dname]); } /** * [EMPTY:name] * 如果[name]之前抓取结果数据为空使用这个数据项替换 * @var string */ if (strpos($dname, 'EMPTY:') !== false) { $_dname = str_replace('EMPTY:', '', $dname); if (empty($responses[$_dname])) { $dname = $_dname; } else { //有值不执行抓取 continue; } } $content = spiderContent::crawl($content_html, $data, $rule, $responses); unset($content_html); if (strpos($dname, 'ARRAY:') !== false) { // if(strpos($data['rule'], 'RULE@')!==false){ $dname = str_replace('ARRAY:', '', $dname); // $contentArray = $responses[$dname]; // // $contentArray = $responses[$dname]; $cArray = array(); foreach ((array) $content as $k => $value) { foreach ((array) $value as $key => $val) { $cArray[$key][$k] = $val; } } if ($cArray) { $content = $cArray; unset($cArray); } } /** * [] * 采集内容做为数组 */ if (strpos($dname, '.') !== false) { $f_key = substr($dname, 0, stripos($dname, ".")); $s_key = substr(strrchr($dname, "."), 1); if (isset($responses[$f_key][$s_key])) { if (is_array($responses[$f_key][$s_key])) { $responses[$f_key][$s_key] = array_merge($responses[$f_key][$s_key], $content); } else { $responses[$f_key][$s_key] .= $content; } } else { $responses[$f_key][$s_key] = $content; } } else { /** * 多个name 内容合并 */ if (isset($responses[$dname])) { if (is_array($responses[$dname])) { $responses[$dname] = array_merge($responses[$dname], $content); } else { $responses[$dname] .= $content; } } else { $responses[$dname] = $content; } } /** * 对匹配多条的数据去重过滤 */ if (!is_array($responses[$dname]) && $data['multi']) { if (strpos($responses[$dname], ',') !== false) { $_dnameArray = explode(',', $responses[$dname]); $dnameArray = array(); foreach ((array) $_dnameArray as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value); $value && ($dnameArray[] = $value); } $dnameArray = array_filter($dnameArray); $dnameArray = array_unique($dnameArray); $responses[$dname] = implode(',', $dnameArray); unset($dnameArray, $_dnameArray); } } gc_collect_cycles(); } if (isset($responses['title']) && empty($responses['title'])) { $responses['title'] = $responses['__title__']; } spider::$allHtml = null; unset($html); gc_collect_cycles(); if (spider::$dataTest) { echo "<pre style='width:99%;word-wrap: break-word;'>"; print_r(iS::escapeStr($responses)); echo '<hr />'; echo '使用内存:' . iFS::sizeUnit(memory_get_usage()) . ' 执行时间:' . iPHP::timer_stop() . 's'; echo "</pre>"; } iFS::$CURLOPT_ENCODING = ''; iFS::$CURLOPT_REFERER = ''; iFS::$watermark_config['pos'] = iCMS::$config['watermark']['pos']; iFS::$watermark_config['x'] = iCMS::$config['watermark']['x']; iFS::$watermark_config['y'] = iCMS::$config['watermark']['y']; iFS::$watermark_config['img'] = iCMS::$config['watermark']['img']; $rule['fs']['encoding'] && (iFS::$CURLOPT_ENCODING = $rule['fs']['encoding']); $rule['fs']['referer'] && (iFS::$CURLOPT_REFERER = $rule['fs']['referer']); if ($rule['watermark_mode']) { iFS::$watermark_config['pos'] = $rule['watermark']['pos']; iFS::$watermark_config['x'] = $rule['watermark']['x']; iFS::$watermark_config['y'] = $rule['watermark']['y']; $rule['watermark']['img'] && (iFS::$watermark_config['img'] = $rule['watermark']['img']); } if (spider::$callback['data'] && is_callable(spider::$callback['data'])) { $responses = call_user_func_array(spider::$callback['data'], array($responses)); } return $responses; }
function do_save() { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $uid = (int) $_POST['uid']; $rootid = (int) $_POST['rootid']; $cid = implode(',', (array) $_POST['cid']); $tcid = implode(',', (array) $_POST['tcid']); $pid = implode(',', (array) $_POST['pid']); $_cid = iS::escapeStr($_POST['_cid']); $_tcid = iS::escapeStr($_POST['_tcid']); $_pid = iS::escapeStr($_POST['_pid']); $name = iS::escapeStr($_POST['name']); $subtitle = iS::escapeStr($_POST['subtitle']); $tkey = iS::escapeStr($_POST['tkey']); $seotitle = iS::escapeStr($_POST['seotitle']); $keywords = iS::escapeStr($_POST['keywords']); $pic = iS::escapeStr($_POST['pic']); $bpic = iS::escapeStr($_POST['bpic']); $mpic = iS::escapeStr($_POST['mpic']); $spic = iS::escapeStr($_POST['spic']); $description = iS::escapeStr($_POST['description']); $url = iS::escapeStr($_POST['url']); $related = iS::escapeStr($_POST['related']); $tpl = iS::escapeStr($_POST['tpl']); $weight = _int($_POST['weight']); $ordernum = _int($_POST['ordernum']); $status = (int) $_POST['status']; $haspic = $pic ? '1' : '0'; $pubdate = time(); $metadata = $_POST['metadata']; $uid or $uid = iMember::$userid; if ($callback) { if (empty($name)) { echo '标签名称不能为空!'; return false; } } $name or iPHP::alert('标签名称不能为空!'); $cid or iPHP::alert('请选择标签所属栏目!'); if ($metadata) { if ($metadata['key']) { $md = array(); foreach ($metadata['key'] as $_mk => $_mval) { !preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/", $_mval) && iPHP::alert($this->name_text . '附加属性名称只能由英文字母、数字或_-组成(不支持中文)'); $md[$_mval] = $metadata['value'][$_mk]; } } else { $md = $metadata; } $metadata = addslashes(json_encode($md)); } if (empty($id)) { $hasNameId = iDB::value("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__tags` where `name` = '{$name}'"); if ($hasNameId) { if (isset($_POST['spider_update'])) { $id = $hasNameId; } else { iPHP::alert('该标签已经存在!请检查是否重复'); } } } if (empty($tkey) && $url) { $tkey = substr(md5($url), 8, 16); $hasTkey = iDB::value("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__tags` where `tkey` = '{$tkey}'"); if ($hasTkey) { if (isset($_POST['spider_check_tkey'])) { echo '该自定义链接已经存在!请检查是否重复'; return false; } else { iPHP::alert('该自定义链接已经存在!请检查是否重复'); } } } $tkey or $tkey = strtolower(pinyin($name)); iFS::$forceExt = "jpg"; iFS::checkHttp($pic) && ($pic = iFS::http($pic)); iFS::checkHttp($bpic) && ($bpic = iFS::http($bpic)); iFS::checkHttp($mpic) && ($mpic = iFS::http($mpic)); iFS::checkHttp($spic) && ($spic = iFS::http($spic)); iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iMAP.class.php'); $fields = array('uid', 'rootid', 'cid', 'tcid', 'pid', 'tkey', 'name', 'seotitle', 'subtitle', 'keywords', 'description', 'metadata', 'haspic', 'pic', 'bpic', 'mpic', 'spic', 'url', 'related', 'count', 'weight', 'tpl', 'ordernum', 'pubdate', 'status'); $data = compact($fields); if (empty($id)) { $data['postime'] = $pubdate; $data['count'] = '0'; $data['comments'] = '0'; $id = iDB::insert('tags', $data); tag::cache($id, 'id'); map::init('prop', $this->appid); $pid && map::add($pid, $id); map::init('category', $this->appid); map::add($cid, $id); $tcid && map::add($tcid, $id); $msg = '标签添加完成'; } else { if (isset($_POST['spider_update'])) { // $data = array(); $hasTag = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__tags` where `id` = '{$id}'", ARRAY_A); $this->check_spider_data($data, $hasTag, 'subtitle', $subtitle); $this->check_spider_data($data, $hasTag, 'description', $description); $this->check_spider_data($data, $hasTag, 'seotitle', $seotitle); $this->check_spider_data($data, $hasTag, 'keywords', $keywords); $this->check_spider_data($data, $hasTag, 'related', $related); $hasTag['cid'] && $cid && ($data['cid'] = $cid); $_cid = $hasTag['cid']; $hasTag['tcid'] && $tcid && ($data['tcid'] = $tcid); $_tcid = $hasTag['tcid']; $hasTag['pid'] && $pid && ($data['pid'] = $pid); $_pid = $hasTag['pid']; } unset($data['count'], $data['comments']); iDB::update('tags', $data, array('id' => $id)); tag::cache($id, 'id'); map::init('prop', $this->appid); map::diff($pid, $_pid, $id); map::init('category', $this->appid); map::diff($cid, $_cid, $id); map::diff($tcid, $_tcid, $id); $msg = '标签更新完成'; } iACP::callback($id, $this); if ($this->callback['code']) { return array("code" => $this->callback['code'], 'indexid' => $id); } iPHP::success($msg, "url:" . APP_URI); }
echo iFS::icon($filepath, './app/admincp/ui'); ?> </a> <a class="tip" title="<?php echo $filepath; ?> <hr />源文件名:<?php echo $rs[$i]['ofilename']; ?> "><?php echo $rs[$i]['filename'] . '.' . $rs[$i]['ext']; ?> </a> </td> <td><?php echo iFS::sizeUnit($rs[$i]['size']); ?> <br/><?php echo get_date($rs[$i]['time'], 'Y-m-d'); ?> </td> <td> <a class="btn btn-small" href="<?php echo $href; ?> " data-toggle="modal" title="查看"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i> 查看</a> <?php if (iACP::MP('FILE.EDIT')) { ?> <a class="btn btn-small" href="<?php echo APP_FURI;
public static function run() { $updateFile = iPATH . 'update.' . self::$release . '.php'; if (iFS::ex($updateFile)) { require $updateFile; $msg = '执行升级程序<iCMS>'; $msg .= updatePatch(); $msg .= '升级顺利完成!<iCMS>删除升级程序!'; iFS::del($updateFile); } else { $msg = '升级顺利完成!'; } return $msg; }
public static function url_complement($baseUrl, $href) { $href = trim($href); if (stripos($href, 'http://') === false) { if ($href[0] == '/') { $base_uri = parse_url($baseUrl); $base_host = $base_uri['scheme'] . '://' . $base_uri['host']; return $base_host . '/' . ltrim($href, '/'); } else { if (substr($baseUrl, -1) != '/') { $info = pathinfo($baseUrl); $info['extension'] && ($baseUrl = $info['dirname']); } $baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/'); return iFS::path($baseUrl . '/' . ltrim($href, '/')); } } else { return $href; } }
public static function del_text($id, $page = 1) { iFS::rmdir(iPATH . '/' . self::get_text_dir($id) . '/'); }
?> </td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['Rows']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo iFS::sizeUnit($rs[$i]['Data_length']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo iFS::sizeUnit($rs[$i]['Index_length']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo iFS::sizeUnit($rs[$i]['Data_length'] + $rs[$i]['Index_length']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['Create_time']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['Update_time']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rs[$i]['Collation']; ?> </td> <td><?php