function livedocAction()
     $phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
     $phpLiveDocx->setLocalTemplate(ROOT_DIR . '/data/article-template.docx');
     $phpLiveDocx->assign('title', 'Magic Graphical Compression Suite v1.9');
     $document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument('pdf');
     file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document);
Exemple #2
    public function testPdf()
        $user = Zend_Registry::get('config')->livedocx->user;
        $password = Zend_Registry::get('config')->livedocx->password;
        $file_doc = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../var/test/pack.doc";
        $file_pdf = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../var/test/pack.pdf";
        echo $file_doc;
        $mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
        $mailMerge->assign('pack_nom', "Performer >45’")->assign('pack_intro', 'nke propose toute une gamme de capteurs et de configurations spécifiquement adaptés à la course ou à la croisière.
De l’afficheur TL25 pied de mât au kit sécurité, tout est prévu pour vous permettre d’atteindre le meilleur niveau de
performance en toute sécurité.')->assign('pack_designation', 'Pack 98-60-259');
        $lstProduct = array(array('pack_product_nb' => '3', 'pack_product_designation' => 'Multifonctions SL50'), array('pack_product_nb' => '1', 'pack_product_designation' => 'Télécommande radio'), array('pack_product_nb' => '1', 'pack_product_designation' => 'capteur Carbowind (hauteur 1,10m)'), array('pack_product_nb' => '1', 'pack_product_designation' => 'Câble Avionic (25m)'), array('pack_product_nb' => '1', 'pack_product_designation' => '1 ultrasonic speedo'), array('pack_product_nb' => '3', 'pack_product_designation' => 'capteur compas Regatta'));
        $mailMerge->assign('pack_product', $lstProduct);
        $document = $mailMerge->retrieveDocument('pdf');
        file_put_contents($file_pdf, $document);
Exemple #3

// require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
 * ALTERNATIVE: Specify username and password in constructor
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge(
    array (
$mailMerge->assign('customer_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)))->assign('invoice_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)))->assign('account_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)));
$billData = array('phone' => '+22 (0)333 444 555', 'date' => Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG), 'name' => 'James Henry Brown', 'service_phone' => '+22 (0)333 444 559', 'service_fax' => '+22 (0)333 444 558', 'month' => sprintf('%s %s', Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::MONTH_NAME), Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::YEAR)), 'monthly_fee' => '15.00', 'total_net' => '19.60', 'tax' => '19.00', 'tax_value' => '3.72', 'total' => '23.32');
$billConnections = array(array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 441', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:01', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 442', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:02', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 443', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:03', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 444', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:04', 'fee' => '1.15'));
$mailMerge->assign('connection', $billConnections);
$document = $mailMerge->retrieveDocument('pdf');
file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document);
Exemple #4

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
 * ALTERNATIVE: Specify username and password in constructor
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge(
    array (
$phpLiveDocx->assign('customer_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)))->assign('invoice_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)))->assign('account_number', sprintf("#%'10s", rand(0, 1000000000)));
$billData = array('phone' => '+22 (0)333 444 555', 'date' => Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG), 'name' => 'James Henry Brown', 'service_phone' => '+22 (0)333 444 559', 'service_fax' => '+22 (0)333 444 558', 'month' => sprintf('%s %s', Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::MONTH_NAME), Zend_Date::now()->toString(Zend_Date::YEAR)), 'monthly_fee' => '15.00', 'total_net' => '19.60', 'tax' => '19.00', 'tax_value' => '3.72', 'total' => '23.32');
$billConnections = array(array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 441', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:01', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 442', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:02', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 443', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:03', 'fee' => '1.15'), array('connection_number' => '+11 (0)222 333 444', 'connection_duration' => '00:01:04', 'fee' => '1.15'));
$phpLiveDocx->assign('connection', $billConnections);
$document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument('pdf');
file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document);
Exemple #5

// require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
 * Converting documents between supported formats
 * The primary goal of Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge is to populate templates
 * with textual data to generate word processing documents. It can, however,
 * also be used to convert word processing documents between supported formats.
 * For a list of supported file formats see:
 * In this demo application, the file 'document.doc' is converted to 'document.pdf'
 * In a future version of the LiveDocx service, a converter component will be
 * made available.
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
$mailMerge->assign('dummyFieldName', 'dummyFieldValue');
// necessary as of LiveDocx 1.2
$document = $mailMerge->retrieveDocument('pdf');
file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document);
Exemple #6

$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge(array('username' => 'myUsername', 'password' => 'myPassword'));
// necessary as of LiveDocx 1.2
$phpLiveDocx->assign('dummyFieldName', 'dummyFieldValue');
$current_filename = str_replace("." . end(explode('.', $argv[0])), $argv[1], $argv[0]);
$document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument($current_filename);
file_put_contents($current_filename, $document);

Exemple #7

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Field and Block Field Names (merge fields)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following templates contain the listed field or block field names:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-1-text-field.docx';
printf('Field names in %s:%s', $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $mailMerge->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-2-text-fields.doc';
printf('%sField names in %s:%s', PHP_EOL, $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $mailMerge->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-block-fields.doc';
printf('%sField names in %s:%s', PHP_EOL, $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $mailMerge->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
Exemple #8

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Field and Block Field Names (merge fields)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following templates contain the listed field or block field names:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-1-text-field.docx';
printf('Field names in %s:%s', $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $phpLiveDocx->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-2-text-fields.doc';
printf('%sField names in %s:%s', PHP_EOL, $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $phpLiveDocx->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$templateName = 'template-block-fields.doc';
printf('%sField names in %s:%s', PHP_EOL, $templateName, PHP_EOL);
$fieldNames = $phpLiveDocx->getFieldNames();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
    printf('- %s%s', $fieldName, PHP_EOL);
 function testLiveDocxAction()
     try {
         $phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
         //die(realpath( TEMPLATES_DIR.'\invoice_template.doc') );
         $phpLiveDocx->setLocalTemplate(realpath(TEMPLATES_DIR . '\\invoice_template.docx'));
         $phpLiveDocx->assign('phone', '11111111111');
         $document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument('pdf');
         echo realpath(TEM_DOCUMENTS . '\\document.pdf');
         file_put_contents(TEM_DOCUMENTS . '\\document.pdf', $document);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
     $this->render('blank', null, true);
Exemple #10

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
 * Converting documents between supported formats
 * The primary goal of Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge is to populate templates
 * with textual data to generate word processing documents. It can, however,
 * also be used to convert word processing documents between supported formats.
 * For a list of supported file formats see:
 * In this demo application, the file 'document.doc' is converted to 'document.pdf'
 * In a future version of the LiveDocx service, a converter component will be
 * made available.
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
$phpLiveDocx->assign('dummyFieldName', 'dummyFieldValue');
// necessary as of LiveDocx 1.2
$document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument('pdf');
file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document);