Exemple #1

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Using the Free Public Server' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'This sample application illustrates how to use Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge with the free, public LiveDocx server.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
// then call methods as usual
printf('Username : %s%sPassword : %s%s    WSDL : %s%s%s', $phpLiveDocx->getUsername(), PHP_EOL, $phpLiveDocx->getPassword(), PHP_EOL, $phpLiveDocx->getWsdl(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alternatively, you can pass username and password in the constructor.
$phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge(array('username' => DEMOS_ZEND_SERVICE_LIVEDOCX_USERNAME, 'password' => DEMOS_ZEND_SERVICE_LIVEDOCX_PASSWORD));
// then call methods as usual
printf('Username : %s%sPassword : %s%s    WSDL : %s%s%s', $phpLiveDocx->getUsername(), PHP_EOL, $phpLiveDocx->getPassword(), PHP_EOL, $phpLiveDocx->getWsdl(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL);

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Template, Document and Image Formats' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following formats are supported by LiveDocx:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
printf("Supported TEMPLATE file formats (input)  : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($mailMerge->getTemplateFormats()), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported DOCUMENT file formats (output) : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($mailMerge->getDocumentFormats()), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported IMAGE file formats (output)    : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($mailMerge->getImageFormats()), PHP_EOL);
print PHP_EOL;

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Template, Document and Image Formats' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following formats are supported by LiveDocx:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '(Note these method calls are cached for maximum performance. The supported formats change very infrequently, hence, they are good candidates to be cached.)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$cacheId = md5(__FILE__);
$cacheFrontendOptions = array('lifetime' => 2592000, 'automatic_serialization' => true);
$cacheBackendOptions = array('cache_dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache');
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $cacheFrontendOptions, $cacheBackendOptions);
if (!($formats = $cache->load($cacheId))) {
    // Cache miss. Connect to backend service (expensive).
    $mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
    $formats = new StdClass();
    $formats->template = $mailMerge->getTemplateFormats();
    $formats->document = $mailMerge->getDocumentFormats();
    $formats->imageImport = $mailMerge->getImageImportFormats();
    $formats->imageExport = $mailMerge->getImageExportFormats();
    $cache->save($formats, $cacheId);
} else {
    // Cache hit. Continue.
printf("Supported TEMPLATE file formats (input)  : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->template), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported DOCUMENT file formats (output) : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->document), PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported IMAGE file formats (import)    : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->imageImport), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported IMAGE file formats (export)    : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->imageExport), PHP_EOL);
print PHP_EOL;
Exemple #4

// require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Using Hosted Solution and Fully-Licensed Servers' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'This sample application illustrates how to use Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge with hosted and fully-licensed LiveDocx servers, by specifying an alternative SOAP client (must be instance of Zend_Soap_Client).' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$mailMerge = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
// then call methods as usual
printf('Username : %s%sPassword : %s%s    WSDL : %s%s%s', $mailMerge->getUsername(), PHP_EOL, $mailMerge->getPassword(), PHP_EOL, $mailMerge->getWsdl(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL);
unset($mailMerge, $mySoapClient);

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../common.php';
print Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::wrapLine(PHP_EOL . 'Template, Document and Image Formats' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'The following formats are supported by LiveDocx:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '(Note these method calls are cached for maximum performance. The supported formats change very infrequently, hence, they are good candidates to be cached.)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
$cacheId = md5(__FILE__);
$cacheFrontendOptions = array('lifetime' => 2592000, 'automatic_serialization' => true);
$cacheBackendOptions = array('cache_dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache');
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $cacheFrontendOptions, $cacheBackendOptions);
if (!($formats = $cache->load($cacheId))) {
    // Cache miss. Connect to backend service (expensive).
    $phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge();
    $formats = new StdClass();
    $formats->template = $phpLiveDocx->getTemplateFormats();
    $formats->document = $phpLiveDocx->getDocumentFormats();
    $formats->image = $phpLiveDocx->getImageFormats();
    $cache->save($formats, $cacheId);
} else {
    // Cache hit. Continue.
printf("Supported TEMPLATE file formats (input)  : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->template), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported DOCUMENT file formats (output) : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->document), PHP_EOL);
printf("Supported IMAGE file formats (output)    : %s%s", Demos_Zend_Service_LiveDocx_Helper::arrayDecorator($formats->image), PHP_EOL);
print PHP_EOL;