public function submitFilesAPI()
     $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
     $dataArr = (array) json_decode($data);
     if (empty($dataArr)) {
         ZDebug::my_echo('Error: Json format error!');
         //header('HTTP/1.1 500 Json format error');
     // $dataArr['folderFullName'] cannot be null
     if (!isset($dataArr['folderFullName']) || empty($dataArr['folderFullName'])) {
         ZDebug::my_echo('Error: folderFullName cannot be null!');
     if (!isset($dataArr['files']) || count($dataArr['files']) == 0) {
         ZDebug::my_echo('Error: no file in the submit!');
     // Build folder and sub folders in file root if not exist
     // Adding files
     foreach ($dataArr['files'] as $fileItem) {
         $myFile['url'] = $fileItem->url;
         $myFile = array_merge($myFile, (array) json_decode($fileItem->fields));
         // Get folder real full name - absolute path
         $folderABSName = FILE_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dataArr['folderFullName'];
         // Download file to folder
         $fileFullName = $this->downloadFile($myFile['url'], $folderABSName);
         if (!$fileFullName) {
             ZDebug::my_echo('Download failed! URL: ' . $myFile['url']);
         // Import this file to DB
         // Update the file info with data in json
         $file = new File();
         $fileToSave = $file->getFile($fileFullName);
         if ($fileToSave) {
             $fileToSave['page_title'] = $myFile['Text'];
             $fileToSave['page_meta'] = $fileItem->fields;
         } else {
             ZDebug::my_echo('Import to DB failed! ' . $fileFullName);
         // Build thumbnails here?
         //$myThumb = imageCache::cacheImage($fileFullName, 160, 120);
         //if(!$myThumb) ZDebug::my_echo ('error build thumbnail for ' . $fileFullName);
         ZDebug::my_print($myFile, 'Adding file');
     ZDebug::my_echo('Success to add ' . count($dataArr['files']) . ' files to folder: ' . $dataArr['folderFullName']);
Exemple #2
 public function deleteFolder($id)
     if (!isId($id)) {
         ZDebug::my_echo('Param error in deleteFolder!');
         return FALSE;
     $res = DB::$dbInstance->query("DELETE FROM folders WHERE fd_id = " . $id . "");
     $res = DB::$dbInstance->query("DELETE FROM folders WHERE parent_id = " . $id . "");
     $res = DB::$dbInstance->query("DELETE FROM files WHERE fd_id = " . $id . "");
     return $res;
Exemple #3
 public static function syncFolders($folderToSync)
     $debug = self::$debug;
     $mode = self::$mode;
     $folder = new Folder();
     $file = new File();
     $folderFullName = $folderToSync['path'];
     $folderId = $folderToSync['fd_id'];
     // If folder is locked, ignore. Unless set mode greater than 0.
     if ($folderToSync['locked'] && $mode == 0) {
         if ($debug) {
             ZDebug::my_echo('Ignore locked folder: ' . $folderFullName . '(' . $folderId . ')');
         return TRUE;
     // Step 1: If folder is not physically exist, set to deleted in DB.
     if (!is_dir($folderFullName)) {
         if ($debug) {
             ZDebug::my_echo('Delete folder in DB: ' . $folderFullName . '(' . $folderId . ')');
         return TRUE;
     // Step 2: Get the result set of files under this folder
     $filesInFolder = $folder->getFilesInFolder($folderId);
     $fileNameArr = array();
     foreach ($filesInFolder as $theFile) {
         // Step 3: If a file is not physically exist, delete it in table files.
         if (!file_exists($theFile['path'])) {
             if ($debug) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Delete file in DB: ' . $theFile['path'] . '(' . $theFile['fid'] . ')');
         } elseif ($theFile['last_modified'] != my_filemtime($theFile['path'])) {
             $theFile['last_modified'] = my_filemtime($theFile['path']);
             if ($debug) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Update file in DB: ' . $theFile['path'] . '(' . $theFile['fid'] . ')');
         } elseif ($mode > 1) {
             if ($debug) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Update file in DB: ' . $theFile['path'] . '(' . $theFile['fid'] . ')');
         } else {
         $fileNameArr[] = $theFile['name'];
     // Step 5: Get result set of sub-folders under this folder
     $subFoldera = $folder->getSubFolder($folderId);
     $folderNameArr = array();
     foreach ($subFoldera as $theFolder) {
         // Step 6: If a folder is not physically exist, set deleted flag in table folders.
         if (!file_exists($theFolder['path'])) {
             if ($debug) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Delete folder in DB: ' . $theFolder['path'] . '(' . $theFolder['fd_id'] . ')');
         } elseif ($theFolder['last_modified'] != my_filemtime($theFolder['path'])) {
             $theFolder['last_modified'] = my_filemtime($theFolder['path']);
             if ($debug) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Update folder in DB: ' . $theFolder['path'] . '(' . $theFolder['fd_id'] . ')');
         } else {
         $folderNameArr[] = $theFolder['name'];
     $hdl = opendir($folderFullName);
     while ($item = readdir($hdl)) {
         $itemFullName = $folderFullName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item;
         // Step 8: If physical file is not in DB file result set, then add a file
         if ($item != "." && $item != ".." && is_file($itemFullName) && !in_array($item, $fileNameArr)) {
             $file->saveFile(array('path' => $itemFullName, 'fd_id' => $folderId));
             if ($debug > 1) {
                 ZDebug::my_echo('Adding new file in DB: ' . $itemFullName);
         // Step 9: if physical folder is not in DB folder result set, then add a folder
         if ($item != "." && $item != ".." && is_dir($itemFullName) && !in_array($item, $folderNameArr)) {
             self::addFolder($itemFullName, $folderId);
 public function start()
     ZDebug::my_echo("I'm pageNotFound controller, I'm gonna call model and view.");
} elseif ($_SERVER['argc'] == 3) {
    $start_fid = trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
    $end_fid = trim($_SERVER['argv'][2]);
} else {
function show_error()
    global $enclose;
    echo "Wrong Parameter! " . $enclose;
    echo "Usage via command line: " . $enclose;
    echo "  ---- buildThumbnails.php <start_fid> <end_fid>" . $enclose;
    echo "Usage via browser: " . $enclose;
    echo "  ----" . $enclose;
include_once '../';
$files = array();
$files = DB::$dbInstance->getRows('SELECT * FROM `files` where image_type>0 and fid>' . $start_fid . ' and fid<' . $end_fid);
foreach ($files as $file) {
    $fileFullName = $file['path'];
    $myThumb = imageCache::cacheImage($fileFullName, 160, 120, TRUE);
    if (!$myThumb) {
        ZDebug::my_echo('error build thumbnail for ' . $fileFullName);
    $myThumb = imageCache::cacheImage($fileFullName, 120, 90, TRUE);
    if (!$myThumb) {
        ZDebug::my_echo('error build thumbnail for ' . $fileFullName);