Exemple #1
 public function __construct($connection = null, $username = null, $password = null)
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     // make it a member variable so other functions can get it easier
     $this->registry = $objRegistry;
     // set primary language
     $languages = $this->registry->getConfig("languages");
     if ($languages != "") {
         $this->primary_language = (string) $languages->language["code"];
     // searchable fields
     $this->searchable_fields = explode(",", $this->registry->getConfig("DATABASE_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS", false, "title_display,title_full,description,keyword,title_alternate"));
     // pdo can't tell us which rdbms we're using exactly, especially for
     // ms sql server, since we'll be using odbc driver, so we make this
     // explicit in the config
     $this->rdbms = $this->registry->getConfig("RDBMS", false, "mysql");
     // take conn and credentials from config, unless overriden in constructor
     if ($connection == null) {
         $connection = $objRegistry->getConfig("DATABASE_CONNECTION", true);
     if ($username == null) {
         $username = $objRegistry->getConfig("DATABASE_USERNAME", true);
     if ($password == null) {
         $password = $objRegistry->getConfig("DATABASE_PASSWORD", true);
     $this->init($connection, $username, $password);
Exemple #2
  * Get an instance of the file; Singleton to ensure correct data
  * @return Xerxes_Framework_Registry
 public static function getInstance()
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new Xerxes_Framework_Registry();
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #3
  * Constructor
  * @param $objRequest request object
 public function __construct(Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest)
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $this->request = $objRequest;
     $configAuthPage = $this->request->url_for(array("base" => "authenticate", "action" => "login"));
     $this->ip_range = $objRegistry->getConfig("LOCAL_IP_RANGE", false, null);
     // if the return url has a querystring mark in it, then append
     // return url to other params, otherwise it is sole param
     if (strstr($configAuthPage, "?")) {
         $this->strReturn = "{$configAuthPage}&return=";
     } else {
         $this->strReturn = "{$configAuthPage}?return=";
Exemple #4
  * Initialize the object by picking up and processing the ISO 639 xml file
  * @exception 	will throw exception if no file can be found
 public function init()
     // first, see if Getttext functions are installed
     if (function_exists('bindtextdomain')) {
         $this->gettext = true;
     // set full path to local copy
     $this->languages_file_xerxes = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->languages_file_xerxes);
     $this->gettext_domain_xerxes = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->gettext_domain_xerxes);
     // if the iso-codes is not installed, use our copy
     $file = "";
     if (file_exists($this->languages_file_system)) {
         $file = $this->languages_file_system;
     } elseif (file_exists($this->languages_file_xerxes)) {
         $file = $this->languages_file_xerxes;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("could not find file with the ISO 639 language list");
     // load the languages file
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
     // which language shall we display?
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $objRequest = Xerxes_Framework_Request::getInstance();
     $lang = $objRequest->getProperty("lang");
     if ($lang == null) {
         $lang = $objRegistry->defaultLanguage();
     $this->locale = $objRegistry->getLocale($lang);
     // bindings
     if ($this->gettext == true) {
         $gettext_domain_path = "";
         if (file_exists($this->gettext_domain_xerxes)) {
             $gettext_domain_path = $this->gettext_domain_xerxes;
         } elseif (file_exists($this->gettext_domain_system)) {
             $gettext_domain_path = $this->gettext_domain_system;
         bindtextdomain($this->domain, $gettext_domain_path);
         // this works on windows too?
         bind_textdomain_codeset($this->domain, 'UTF-8');
         // assume UTF-8, all the .po files in iso_639 use it
 public function map()
     $leader = $this->leader();
     ## source database
     $sid = $this->datafield("SID");
     $this->metalib_id = $sid->subfield("d")->__toString();
     $this->record_number = $sid->subfield("j")->__toString();
     $this->result_set = $sid->subfield("s")->__toString();
     $this->database_name = $sid->subfield("t")->__toString();
     $this->source = $sid->subfield("b")->__toString();
     ## metalib weirdness
     // puts leader in control field
     $strLeaderMetalib = $this->controlfield("LDR")->__toString();
     if ($strLeaderMetalib != "") {
         $leader->value = $strLeaderMetalib;
     $demunge = array("1XX", "6XX");
     // character entity references de-munging code -- thanks a lot metalib!
     foreach ($demunge as $field) {
         $got_one = true;
         do {
             $authors = $this->datafield($field);
             $got_one = false;
             // whether we found any in the list
             for ($x = 0; $x < $authors->length(); $x++) {
                 $this_datafield = $authors->item($x);
                 $this_value = $this_datafield->subfield()->__toString();
                 // we found an un-terminated char entity ref
                 $matches = array();
                 if (preg_match('/\\&\\#\\d{3}$/', $this_value, $matches)) {
                     $got_one = true;
                     $new_value = "";
                     // grab the value out of the next field
                     // hopefully we aren't at the end?
                     if ($x < $authors->length()) {
                         // nope, so grab the next field's value
                         $next_datafield = $authors->item($x);
                         $next_value = $next_datafield->subfield()->__toString();
                         // add back in the terminating semi-colon
                         $new_value = "{$this_value};{$next_value}";
                         // blank it so we don't re-process it
                         $next_datafield->tag = "XXX";
                     } else {
                         // yup, just add a terminating char to the value
                         $new_value = $this_value . ";";
                     // now create a new datafield composed of both old and new values
                     $fixed_datafield = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
                     $fixed_datafield->tag = $this_datafield->tag;
                     // we'll just assume this is |a
                     $fixed_subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
                     $fixed_subfield->code = "a";
                     $fixed_subfield->value = $new_value;
                     // add it to the main record
                     // now blank the old ones
                     $this_datafield->tag = "XXX";
                 } else {
                     // we need to shift this to the end to keep field order in tact
                     // (critical for authors) so the above code works right
                     $new_field = clone $this_datafield;
                     $this_datafield->tag = "XXX";
             // if we found one, cycle back again to see if our now-combined
             // field(s) *also* have un-terminated references since there may have
             // been more than one broken char reference for a single author, e.g.
         } while ($got_one == true);
     // z3950/sutrs and some screen-scrapers have multiple authors in repeating 100 fields;
     // invalid marc, so switch all but first to 700
     $authors = $this->datafield("100");
     if ($authors->length() > 1) {
         for ($x = 1; $x < $authors->length(); $x++) {
             $author = $authors->item($x);
             $author->tag = "700";
     // there are often multiple 773's, just combine them into one so we don't
     // have to iterate over all of them in other code
     $obj773 = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
     $obj773->tag = "773";
     foreach ($this->datafield("773") as $linked_entry) {
         // add all of its subfields to the new one
         foreach ($linked_entry->subfield() as $linked_entry_subfield) {
         // now blank this one to take it out of the mix
         $linked_entry->tag = "XXX";
     // add our new one to the document
     ## ebsco format
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
         // leader appears to be hard-wired; useless
         $leader->value = "";
         // format
         array_push($this->format_array, $this->datafield("656")->subfield("a")->__toString());
         array_push($this->format_array, $this->datafield("514")->subfield("a")->__toString());
         $strEbscoType = $this->datafield("072")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PSY") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PDH")) {
             $strEbscoType = "";
         array_push($this->format_array, $strEbscoType);
         // ebsco book chapter
         $strEbscoBookTitle = $this->datafield("771")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if ($strEbscoBookTitle != "") {
             array_push($this->format_array, "Book Chapter");
     // gale puts issn in 773b
     if (strstr($this->source, 'GALE')) {
         $strGaleIssn = $this->datafield("773")->subfield("b")->__toString();
         if ($strGaleIssn != null) {
             array_push($this->issns, $strGaleIssn);
     // eric doc number
     $this->eric_number = $this->datafield("ERI")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     ## full-text
     // some databases have full-text but no 856
     // will capture these here and add to links array
     // pychcritiques -- no indicator of full-text either, assume all to be (9/5/07)
     // no unique metalib config either, using psycinfo, so make determination based on name. yikes!
     if (stristr($this->database_name, "psycCRITIQUES")) {
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text in HTML", array("001" => $this->controlfield("001")->__toString()), "html"));
     // factiva -- no indicator of full-text either, assume all to be (9/5/07)
     if (stristr($this->source, "FACTIVA")) {
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text Available", array("035_a" => $this->datafield("035")->subfield("a")->__toString()), "online"));
     // eric -- document is recent enough to likely contain full-text;
     // 340000 being a rough approximation of the document number after which they
     // started digitizing
     // EBSCO provides an indication of Full text available in 037 (jdwyn 01/12/2012)
     if (strstr($this->source, "ERIC") && strlen($this->eric_number) > 3) {
         $strEricType = substr($this->eric_number, 0, 2);
         $strEricNumber = (int) substr($this->eric_number, 2);
         $strEricAvailabilityNote = $this->datafield("037")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if ($strEricType == "ED") {
             if ($strEricNumber >= 340000 || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO_ERIC") && $strEricAvailabilityNote != "Not available from ERIC" && $strEricAvailabilityNote != "Available on microfiche only") {
                 $strFullTextPdf = "http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=" . $this->eric_number;
                 array_push($this->links, array("Full-text at ERIC.gov", $strFullTextPdf, "pdf"));
     // 7 Apr 09, jrochkind. Gale Biography Resource Center
     // No 856 is included at all, but a full text link can be
     // constructed from the 001 record id.
     if (stristr($this->source, "GALE_ZBRC")) {
         $url = "http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/bic1/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=K12-Reference&action=e&windowstate=normal&mode=view&documentId=GALE|" . $this->controlfield("001")->__toString();
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text in HTML", $url, "html"));
     // special handling of 856
     $notes = $this->fieldArray("500", "a");
     // needed for gale
     foreach ($this->datafield("856") as $link) {
         $strDisplay = $link->subfield("z")->__toString();
         $strUrl = $link->subfield("u")->__toString();
         // bad links
         // records that have 856s, but are not always for full-text; in that case, specify them
         // here as original records, and remove 856 so parent code doesn't process them as full-text links
         // springer (metapress): does not distinguish between things in your subscription or not (9/16/08)
         // cinahl (bzh): not only is 856 bad, but link missing http://  bah! thanks greg at upacific! (9/10/08)
         // wilson: 901|t shows an indication of full-text (9/16/10)
         // cabi: just point back to site (10/30/07)
         // google scholar: just point back to site (3/26/07)
         // amazon: just point back to site (3/20/08)
         // abc-clio: just point back to site (7/30/07)
         // engineering village (evii): has unreliable full-text links in a consortium environment (4/1/08)
         // wiley interscience: wiley does not limit full-text links only to your subscription (4/29/08)
         // oxford: only include the links that are free, otherwise just a link to abstract (5/7/08)
         // gale: only has full-text if 'text available' note in 500 field (9/7/07) BUT: Not true of Gale virtual reference library (GALE_GVRL). 10/14/08 jrochkind.
         // ieee xplore: does not distinguish between things in your subscription or not (2/13/09)
         // elsevier links are not based on subscription (6/2/10)
         // harvard business: these links in business source premiere are not part of your subscription (5/26/10)
         // proquest (umi): these links are not full-text (thanks jerry @ uni) (5/26/10)
         // proquest (gateway): there doesn't appear to be a general rule to this, so only doing it for fiaf (5/26/10)
         // primo central: no actual links here
         if (stristr($this->source, "METAPRESS_XML") || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO_RZH") || stristr($this->source, "WILSON_") && $this->datafield("901")->subfield("t")->__toString() == "" || stristr($this->source, "CABI") || stristr($this->source, "SCOPUS4") || stristr($this->source, "GOOGLE_SCH") || stristr($this->source, "AMAZON") || stristr($this->source, "ABCCLIO") || stristr($this->source, "EVII") || stristr($this->source, "WILEY_IS") || stristr($this->source, "OXFORD_JOU") && !strstr($strUrl, "content/full/") || strstr($this->source, "GALE") && !strstr($this->source, "GALE_GVRL") && !in_array("Text available", $notes) || stristr($this->source, "IEEE_XPLORE") || stristr($this->source, "ELSEVIER_SCOPUS") || stristr($this->source, "ELSEVIER_SCIRUS") || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO") && $strUrl != "" && !strstr($strUrl, "epnet") || strstr($strUrl, "proquest.umi.com") && strstr($strUrl, "Fmt=2") || strstr($strUrl, "gateway.proquest.com") && strstr($strUrl, "xri:fiaf:article") || stristr($this->source, "NEWPC")) {
             // take it out so the parent class doesn't treat it as full-text
             $link->tag = "XXX";
             array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, $strUrl, "original_record"));
         } elseif (stristr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
             $strEbscoFullText = $link->subfield("i")->__toString();
             $ebsco_fulltext_type = "";
             // html
             // there is (a) an indicator from ebsco that the record has full-text, or
             // (b) an abberant 856 link that doesn't work, but the construct link will work,
             // so we take that as something of a full-text indicator
             if (strstr($strEbscoFullText, "T") || strstr($strDisplay, "View Full Text")) {
                 $ebsco_fulltext_type = "html";
             } elseif (strstr($link->subfield("az")->__toString(), "PDF")) {
                 $ebsco_fulltext_type = "pdf";
             if ($ebsco_fulltext_type != "") {
                 $str001 = $this->controlfield("001")->__toString();
                 $str016 = $this->datafield("016")->subfield("a")->__toString();
                 // see if the id number is 'dirty'
                 $bolAlpha001 = preg_match('/^\\W/', $str001);
                 // if so, and there is a 016, use that instead, if not go ahead and use
                 // the 001; if neither do nothing
                 if ($bolAlpha001 == true && $str016 != "") {
                     array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, array("016" => $str016), $ebsco_fulltext_type));
                 } elseif ($bolAlpha001 == false) {
                     array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, array("001" => $str001), $ebsco_fulltext_type));
                 $link->tag = "XXX";
                 array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, $strUrl, "original_record"));
     // Gale title clean-up, because for some reason unknown to man they put weird
     // notes and junk at the end of the title. so remove them here and add them to notes.
     if (strstr($this->source, 'GALE_')) {
         $arrMatches = array();
         $strGaleRegExp = '/\\(([^)]*)\\)/';
         $title = $this->datafield("245");
         $title_main = $title->subfield("a");
         $title_sub = $title->subfield("b");
         $note_field = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
         $note_field->tag = "500";
         if ($title_main != null) {
             if (preg_match_all($strGaleRegExp, $title_main->value, $arrMatches) != 0) {
                 $title_main->value = preg_replace($strGaleRegExp, "", $title_main->value);
             foreach ($arrMatches[1] as $strMatch) {
                 $subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
                 $subfield->code = "a";
                 $subfield->value = "From title: " . $strMatch;
         // sub title is only these wacky notes
         if ($title_sub != null) {
             $subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
             $subfield->code = "a";
             $subfield->value = "From title: " . $title_sub->value;
             $title_sub->value = "";
         if ($note_field->subfield("a")->length() > 0) {
     // psycinfo and related databases
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PDH") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PSYH") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_LOH")) {
         // includes a 502 that is not a thesis note -- bonkers!
         // need to make this a basic note, otherwise xerxes will assume this is a thesis
         foreach ($this->datafield("502") as $thesis) {
             $thesis->tag = "500";
     ######## PARENT MAPPING ###########
     // metalib's own year, issue, volume fields
     $year = $this->datafield("YR ")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     if ($year != "") {
         $this->year = $year;
     if ($this->issue == null) {
         $this->issue = $this->datafield("ISS")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     if ($this->volume == null) {
         $this->volume = $this->datafield("VOL")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     // book chapters
     if ($this->journal_title != "" && count($this->isbns) > 0 && count($this->issns) == 0) {
         $this->book_title = $this->journal_title;
         $this->journal_title = "";
         $this->format = "Book Chapter";
     ## ebsco 77X weirdness
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
         // pages in $p (abbreviated title)
         $pages = $this->datafield("773")->subfield('p')->__toString();
         if ($pages != "") {
             $this->short_title = "";
         // book chapter
         $btitle = $this->datafield("771")->subfield('a')->__toString();
         if ($btitle != "") {
             $this->book_title = $btitle;
             $this->format = "Book Chapter";
     ## oclc dissertation abstracts
     // (HACK) 10/1/2007 this assumes that the diss abs record includes the 904, which means
     // there needs to be a local search config that performs an 'add new' action rather than
     // the  'remove' action that the parser uses by default
     if (strstr($this->source, "OCLC_DABS")) {
         $this->degree = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("j")->__toString();
         $this->institution = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("h")->__toString();
         $this->journal_title = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("c")->__toString();
         $this->journal = $this->journal_title . " " . $this->journal;
         if ($this->journal_title == "MAI") {
             $this->format = "Thesis";
         } else {
             $this->format = "Dissertation";
     // random format related changes
     if (strstr($this->source, 'ERIC') && strstr($this->eric_number, 'ED') && !stristr($this->title, "proceeding")) {
         $this->format = "Report";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'ERIC') && !strstr($this->eric_number, 'ED')) {
         $this->format = "Article";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'OCLC_PAPERS')) {
         $this->format = "Conference Paper";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'PCF1')) {
         $this->format = "Conference Proceeding";
     } elseif (stristr($this->source, "GOOGLE_B")) {
         $this->format = "Book";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_LOH")) {
         $this->format = "Tests & Measures";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "OXFORD_MUSIC_ONLINE")) {
         $this->format = "Article";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "ESPACENET")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "WIPO_PCT")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "USPA")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DEPATIS")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DART")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DDI")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "ETHOS")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DIVA_EXTR")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "UNION_NDLTD")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     // JSTOR book review correction: title is meaningless, but subjects
     // contain the title of the books, so we'll swap them to the title here
     if (strstr($this->source, 'JSTOR') && $this->title == "Review") {
         $this->title = "";
         $this->sub_title = "";
         foreach ($this->subjects as $subject) {
             $this->title .= " " . $subject->value;
         $this->title = trim($this->title);
         $this->subjects = null;
         $this->format = "Book Review";
     // jstor links are all pdfs
     if (strstr($this->source, 'JSTOR')) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->links); $x++) {
             $link = $this->links[$x];
             $link[2] = "pdf";
             $this->links[$x] = $link;
     // CSA subject term clean-up,
     // since they put an asterick in front of each term (2009-09-30)
     if (strstr($this->source, 'CSA_')) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->subjects); $x++) {
             $subject_object = $this->subjects[$x];
             $subject_object->value = str_replace("*", "", $subject_object->value);
             $this->subjects[$x] = $subject_object;
     // demote links based on config
     $objConfig = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $configIgnoreFullText = $objConfig->getConfig("FULLTEXT_IGNORE_SOURCES", false);
     $configIgnoreFullText = str_replace(" ", "", $configIgnoreFullText);
     $arrIgnore = explode(",", $configIgnoreFullText);
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->links); $x++) {
         $link = $this->links[$x];
         if (in_array($this->source, $arrIgnore) || in_array($this->metalib_id, $arrIgnore)) {
             $link[2] = "original_record";
         $this->links[$x] = $link;
 public static function execute()
     // calculate current file, this directory
     $this_directory = dirname(__FILE__);
     // calculate root directory of the app ../../ from here
     $path_to_parent = $this_directory;
     $path_to_parent = str_replace("\\", "/", $path_to_parent);
     $arrPath = explode("/", $path_to_parent);
     $path_to_parent = implode("/", $arrPath);
     // here so other framework files can reference it
     self::$parent_directory = $path_to_parent;
     // register framework any main xerxes class files
     self::registerClasses("{$path_to_parent}/lib/framework", "Xerxes_Framework");
     // initialize the configuration setting (Registry),
     // command-view mapping (ControllerMap), and
     // language translation (Languages) objects
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $objControllerMap = Xerxes_Framework_ControllerMap::getInstance();
     // set the version number, for interface or other places
     $objRegistry->setConfig("XERXES_VERSION", $objControllerMap->getVersion(), true);
     // dynamically set the web path, if config says so,
     // doesn't work on all webserver/php set-ups, so an
     // explicit web path from config is preferred
     if ($objRegistry->getConfig("base_web_path", false) == '{dynamic}') {
         if (isset($_SERVER)) {
             $script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
             $script_name = str_replace("/index.php", "", $script_name);
             $objRegistry->setConfig("base_web_path", $script_name);
     // give our session a name to keep sessions distinct between multiple
     // instances of xerxes on one server.  use base_path (preferably) or
     // application_name config directives.
     $path_base = $objRegistry->getConfig("base_web_path", false);
     $path_key = preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $path_base);
     $session_name = "xerxessession_" . $path_key;
     if ($path_base == "") {
         $path_base = "/";
     $session_path = $objRegistry->getConfig("session_path", false, $path_base);
     $session_domain = $objRegistry->getConfig("session_domain", false, null);
     session_set_cookie_params(0, $session_path, $session_domain);
     // processes the incoming request
     $objRequest = Xerxes_Framework_Request::getInstance();
     // utility classes
     // assists with basic paging/navigation elements for the view
     $objPage = new Xerxes_Framework_Page($objRequest, $objRegistry);
     // functions for special logging or handling of errors
     $objError = new Xerxes_Framework_Error();
     // language names
     $objLanguage = Xerxes_Framework_Languages::getInstance();
     // we'll put the remaining code in a try-catch block in order to show friendly error page
     // for any uncaught exceptions
     try {
         #  DISPLAY ERRORS  #
         if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS") == true) {
             ini_set('display_errors', '1');
         #   DEFAULTS       #
         // labels
         $objLabels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance();
         $lang = $objRequest->getProperty("lang");
         // make sure application_name is passthrough, and has a value.
         $objRegistry->setConfig("application_name", $objRegistry->getConfig("APPLICATION_NAME", false, "Xerxes", $lang), true);
         #     SET PATHS    #
         ### reverse proxy
         // check to see if xerxes is running behind a reverse proxy and swap
         // host and remote ip here with their http_x_forwarded counterparts;
         // but only if configured for this, since client can spoof the header
         // if xerxes is not, in fact, behind a reverse proxy
         if ($objRegistry->getConfig("REVERSE_PROXY", false, false) == true) {
             $forward_host = $objRequest->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST');
             $forward_address = $objRequest->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
             if ($forward_host != "") {
                 $objRequest->setServer('SERVER_NAME', $forward_host);
             // last ip address is the user's
             if ($forward_address != "") {
                 $arrIP = explode(",", $forward_address);
                 $objRequest->setServer('REMOTE_ADDR', trim(array_pop($arrIP)));
         // the working directory is the instance, so any relative paths will
         // be executed in relation to the root directory of the instance
         $working_dir = getcwd();
         $working_dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $working_dir);
         // full web path
         // NOTE :if you change this code  make sure you make a corresponding
         // change in lib/framework/Error.php, since there is redundant code
         // there in case something goes horribly wrong and we need to set the
         // web path for proper display of a (friendly) error page
         $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, "");
         $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
         // check for a non-standard port
         $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT');
         if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) {
             $port = "";
         } else {
             $port = ":" . $port;
         $protocol = "http://";
         if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) {
             $protocol = "https://";
         $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port;
         // register these values
         $objRegistry->setConfig("SERVER_URL", $web);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY", $path_to_parent);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("APP_DIRECTORY", $working_dir);
         $objRegistry->setConfig("BASE_URL", $web . $base_path, true);
         #   INSTRUCTIONS   #
         // ControllerMap contains instructions for commands and views
         // based on the url parameters 'base' and 'action'
         $strBase = $objRequest->getProperty("base");
         $strAction = $objRequest->getProperty("action");
         $objControllerMap->setAction($strBase, $strAction, $objRequest);
         #  ACCESS CONTROL  #
         // if this part of the application is restricted to a local ip range, or requires a named login, then the
         // Restrict class will check the user's ip address or if they have logged in; failure stops the flow
         // and redirects user to a login page with the current request passed as 'return' paramater in the url
         $objRestrict = new Xerxes_Framework_Restrict($objRequest);
         // command line scripts will ignore access rules
         if ($objRequest->isCommandLine() != true) {
             if ($objControllerMap->isRestricted() == true) {
                 if ($objControllerMap->requiresLogin() == true) {
                     // resource requires a valid named username
                 } else {
                     // resource is resricted, but local ip range is okay
             } else {
                 // go ahead and register local users, but don't prompt for login
         // if this action is set to only be run via the command line, in order to prevent
         // web execution of potentially long-running tasks, then restrict it here
         if (!$objRequest->isCommandLine() && $objControllerMap->restrictToCLI()) {
             throw new Exception("cannot run command from web");
         #     INCLUDES     #
         // files and directories that have been set to be included by the config file
         foreach ($objControllerMap->getIncludes() as $path_to_include) {
             self::registerClasses($path_to_parent . "/{$path_to_include}");
         #       DATA       #
         // set-up the data by defining the root element
         $strDocumentElement = $objControllerMap->getDocumentElement();
         // pass config values that should be made available to the XSLT
         // the data will be built-up by calling one or more command classes
         // which will fetch their data based on other parameters supplied in
         // the request; returning that data as xml to a master xml dom document
         // inside the Xerxes_Framework_Request class, or in some cases specififying
         // a url to redirect the user out
         $commands = $objControllerMap->getCommands();
         foreach ($commands as $arrCommand) {
             $strDirectory = $arrCommand[0];
             // directory where the command class is located
             $strNamespace = $arrCommand[1];
             // prefix namespace of the command class
             $strClassFile = $arrCommand[2];
             // suffix name of the command class
             // directory where commands live
             $command_path = "{$path_to_parent}/commands/{$strDirectory}";
             // allow for a local override, even
             $local_command_path = "commands/{$strDirectory}";
             // echo "<h3>$strClassFile</h3>";
             // first, include any parent class, assuming that the parent class will
             // follow the naming convention of having the same name as the directory
             $strParentClass = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtoupper(substr($strDirectory, 0, 1)) . substr($strDirectory, 1);
             if (file_exists("{$local_command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php")) {
                 require_once "{$local_command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php";
             } elseif (file_exists("{$command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php")) {
                 require_once "{$command_path}/{$strParentClass}.php";
             // if the specified command class exists in the distro or local commands folder, then
             // instantiate an object and execute it
             $strClass = $strNamespace . "_Command_" . $strClassFile;
             $local_command = file_exists("{$local_command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php");
             if (file_exists("{$command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php") || $local_command) {
                 // if the instance has a local version, take it!
                 if ($local_command) {
                     require_once "{$local_command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php";
                 } else {
                     require_once "{$command_path}/{$strClassFile}.php";
                 // instantiate the command class and execute it, but only
                 // if it extends xerxes_framework_command
                 $objCommand = new $strClass();
                 if ($objCommand instanceof Xerxes_Framework_Command) {
                     $objCommand->execute($objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("command classes must be instance of Xerxes_Framework_Command");
             } else {
                 // if no command but a view was specified, then go ahead and show the view
                 // minus any data, since the view is doin' its own thang
                 if (!file_exists($objControllerMap->getView())) {
                     throw new Exception("invalid command {$strClass}");
         #     COOKIES      #
         // any cookies specified in the reuqest object? if so, set em now.
         $cookieSetParams = $objRequest->cookieSetParams();
         foreach ($cookieSetParams as $cookieParams) {
             set_cookie($cookieParams[0], $cookieParams[1], $cookieParams[2], $cookieParams[3], $cookieParams[4], $cookieParams[5]);
         #     REDIRECT     #
         // if the result of the command is a redirect, we will stop the
         // flow and redirect the user out, unless overridden by the noRedirect
         // directive
         if ($objRequest->getRedirect() != null) {
             if ($objRequest->getProperty("noRedirect") == null) {
                 header("Location: " . $objRequest->getRedirect());
             } else {
                 // include in the resposne what the redirect would have been
                 $objRequest->setProperty("redirect", $objRequest->getRedirect());
         #       VIEW       #
         // we'll set the content-type, and potentially other header elements, based on the paramater 'format';
         // format must correspond to one of the pre-defined format content-types in setHeader() or can be a user-
         // defined format set in action.xml
         $format = $objRequest->getProperty("format");
         if ($objControllerMap->getFormat($format) != null) {
         } else {
         // get the xml from the request object, but exclude any server information
         // from being included if format=source
         $bolShowServer = true;
         if ($format == "xerxes") {
             $bolShowServer = false;
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml = $objRequest->toXML($bolShowServer);
         // RAW XML DISPLAY
         // you can append 'format=xerxes' to the querystring to have this controller spit back
         // the response in plain xml, which can be useful in some cases, like maybe AJAX?
         if ($format == "xerxes") {
             echo $objXml->saveXML();
         } else {
             // VIEW CODE
             // ControllerMap contains instructions on what file to include for the view; typically
             // this will be an xslt file, but could be a php file if the xslt does not
             // provide enough flexibility; php page will inherit the xml dom document and
             // can go from there
             if ($objControllerMap->getView() == "") {
                 // No view specified, no view will be executed.
             // PHP CODE
             if ($objControllerMap->getViewType() != "xsl" && $objControllerMap->getViewType() != null) {
                 $file = $objControllerMap->getView();
                 $distro_file = $objRegistry->getConfig("PATH_PARENT_DIRECTORY", true) . "/lib/{$file}";
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                     require_once $file;
                 } elseif (file_exists($distro_file)) {
                     require_once $distro_file;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Could not find non-xsl view specified to include: {$file}");
             } else {
                 // XSLT CODE
                 $output = $objPage->transform($objXml, $objControllerMap->getView(), null);
                 // you can append 'format=embed_html_js' to the querystring to output
                 // the content as a javascript source document with everything wrapped in
                 // document.write() statements
                 if ($format == "embed_html_js") {
                     // first escape any single quotes
                     $output = str_replace("'", "\\'", $output);
                     // now break the html into lines and output with document.write('')
                     $lines = explode("\n", $output);
                     $new_lines = array("// Javascript output. ");
                     foreach ($lines as $line) {
                         array_push($new_lines, "document.write('" . $line . "');");
                     $output = implode("\n", $new_lines);
                 echo $output;
             //remove the flash message, intended for one display only.
             $objRequest->setSession("flash_message", null);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $objError->handle($e, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
Exemple #7
 public static function embedNoteField($note_field)
     // description we handle special for escaping setting. Note that we
     // handle html escpaing here in controller for description, view
     // should use disable-output-escaping="yes" on value-of of description.
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $escape_behavior = $objRegistry->getConfig("db_description_html", false, "escape");
     // 'escape' ; 'allow' ; or 'strip'
     $note_field = str_replace('##', ' ', $note_field);
     if ($escape_behavior == "strip") {
         $allow_tag_list = $objRegistry->getConfig("db_description_allow_tags", false, '');
         $arr_allow_tags = explode(',', $allow_tag_list);
         $param_allow_tags = '';
         foreach ($arr_allow_tags as $tag) {
             $param_allow_tags .= "<{$tag}>";
         $note_field = strip_tags($note_field, $param_allow_tags);
         # escape ampersand literals too.
         $note_field = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $note_field);
     if ($escape_behavior == "escape") {
         $note_field = htmlspecialchars($note_field);
     return $note_field;
 public function execute(Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry)
     // if the authentication_source is set in the request, then it takes precedence
     $override = $objRequest->getProperty("authentication_source");
     if ($override == null) {
         // otherwise, see if one has been set in session from a previous login
         $session_auth = $objRequest->getSession("auth");
         if ($session_auth != "") {
             $override = $session_auth;
     // make sure it's in our list, or if blank still, we get the default
     $configAuth = $objRegistry->getAuthenticationSource($override);
     // now make it!
     switch ($configAuth) {
         case "ldap":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_LDAP($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "innovative":
             $iii_file = "config/authentication/innovative.php";
             if (file_exists($iii_file)) {
                 require_once $iii_file;
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_InnovativePatron_Local($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             } else {
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_InnovativePatron($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "cas":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_CAS($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "guest":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_GuestAuthentication($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "demo":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_DemoAuthentication($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "pds":
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_PDS($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "shibboleth":
             $shib_file = "config/authentication/shibboleth.php";
             if (file_exists($shib_file)) {
                 require_once $shib_file;
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_Shibboleth_Local($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             } else {
                 $this->authentication = new Xerxes_Shibboleth($objRequest, $objRegistry);
         case "custom":
             require_once "config/authentication/custom.php";
             $this->authentication = new Xerxes_CustomAuth($objRequest, $objRegistry);
             // check to see if a file exists with an authentication class that extends the framework,
             // if so, then use it; this supports multiple custom schemes
             $local_file = "config/authentication/{$configAuth}.php";
             $class_name = "Xerxes_CustomAuth_" . Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtoupper(substr($configAuth, 0, 1)) . substr($configAuth, 1);
             if (file_exists($local_file)) {
                 require_once $local_file;
                 if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
                     throw new Exception("the custom authentication scheme '{$configAuth}' should have a class called '{$class_name}'");
                 $this->authentication = new $class_name($objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 if (!$this->authentication instanceof Xerxes_Framework_Authenticate) {
                     throw new Exception("class '{$class_name}' for the '{$configAuth}' authentication scheme must extend Xerxes_Framework_Authenticate");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("unsupported authentication type");
     // we set this so we can keep track of the authentication type
     // through various requests
     $this->authentication->id = $configAuth;
     parent::execute($objRequest, $objRegistry);
  * Retrieve master XML and all request paramaters
  * @param bool $bolHideServer	[optional]	true will exclude the server variables from the response, default false
  * @return DOMDocument
 public function toXML($bolHideServer = false)
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     // add the url parameters and session and server global arrays
     // to the master xml document
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml->loadXML("<request />");
     // session and server global arrays will have parent elements
     // but querystring and cookie params will be at the root of request
     $this->addElement($objXml, $objXml->documentElement, $this->arrParams);
     // add the session global array
     $objSession = $objXml->createElement("session");
     $this->addElement($objXml, $objSession, $_SESSION);
     // we might add some calculated thigns to xml that aren't actually
     // stored in session.
     // okay, yeah, we already have group memberships listed from the session,
     // but it doesn't have all the data we need, plus we need to stick
     // group memberships by virtue of IP address.
     $objAuth = $objXml->createElement("authorization_info");
     // are they an affiliated user at all, meaning either logged in or
     // ip recognized?
     $authUser = Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($this);
     $authIP = Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isIpAddrInRanges($this->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), $objRegistry->getConfig("local_ip_range"));
     $objElement = $objXml->createElement("affiliated", $authUser || $authIP ? "true" : "false");
     $objElement->setAttribute("user_account", $authUser ? "true" : "false");
     $objElement->setAttribute("ip_addr", $authIP ? "true" : "false");
     // now each group
     $arrGroups = $objRegistry->userGroups();
     if ($arrGroups != null) {
         foreach ($objRegistry->userGroups() as $group) {
             $authUser = array_key_exists("user_groups", $_SESSION) && is_array($_SESSION["user_groups"]) && in_array($group, $_SESSION["user_groups"]);
             $authIP = Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isIpAddrInRanges($this->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), $objRegistry->getGroupLocalIpRanges($group));
             $objElement = $objXml->createElement("group", $authUser || $authIP ? "true" : "false");
             $objElement->setAttribute("id", $group);
             $objElement->setAttribute("display_name", $objRegistry->getGroupDisplayName($group));
             $objElement->setAttribute("user_account", $authUser ? "true" : "false");
             $objElement->setAttribute("ip_addr", $authIP ? "true" : "false");
     // add the server global array, but only if the request
     // asks for it, for security purposes
     if ($bolHideServer == true) {
         $objServer = $objXml->createElement("server");
         $this->addElement($objXml, $objServer, $_SERVER);
     // add to the master xml document
     // once added, now return the master xml document
     return $this->xml;
Exemple #10
 public function init()
     // facets
     $facets = $this->xml->xpath("//config[@name='facet_fields']/facet");
     if ($facets !== false) {
         foreach ($facets as $facet) {
             $this->facets[(string) $facet["internal"]] = $facet;
     // fields
     $fields = $this->xml->xpath("//config[@name='basic_search_fields']/field");
     if ($fields !== false) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $this->fields[(string) $field["internal"]] = (string) $field["public"];
Exemple #11
  * Send a request as either GET or POST
  * @param string $url			url you want to send the request to
  * @param int $timeout			[optional] seconds to wait before timing out
  * @param string $data			[optional] data to POST to the above url
  * @param string $content_type	[optional] content-type in the post, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' by default
  * @param bool $bolEncode		[optional] whether to encode the posted data, true by default
  * @return string				the response from the server
 public static function request($url, $timeout = null, $data = null, $content_type = null, $bolEncode = true)
     $objRegistry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $proxy = $objRegistry->getConfig("HTTP_PROXY_SERVER", false);
     $curl = $objRegistry->getConfig("HTTP_USE_CURL", false, false);
     if ($data == null && $proxy == null && $curl == null) {
         $ctx = null;
         if ($timeout != null) {
             $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => $timeout)));
         return file_get_contents($url, 0, $ctx);
     // these for POST requests
     $host = "";
     // just the server host name
     $port = 80;
     // just the port number
     $path = "";
     // just the uri path
     if ($data != null) {
         if ($content_type == null) {
             $content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
         // split the host from the path
         $arrMatches = array();
         if (preg_match('/http:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)(\\/.*)/', $url, $arrMatches) != false) {
             $host = $arrMatches[1];
             $path = $arrMatches[2];
         // extract the port number, if present
         if (strstr($host, ":")) {
             $port = (int) self::removeLeft($host, ":");
             $host = self::removeRight($host, ":");
         // regular POST requests will need to have the data urlencoded, but some special
         // POST requests, like 'text/xml' to Solr, should not, so client code should
         // set to false
         if ($bolEncode == true) {
             $data = urlencode($data);
     ### POST OR GET USING AN HTTP PROXY or need to use CURL
     if ($proxy != null || $curl != null) {
         $response = "";
         // the response
         $ch = curl_init();
         // curl object
         // basic curl settings
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         // the url we're sending the request to
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         // this returns the response to a variable
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
         // this tells curl to follow 'location:' headers
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
         // but don't follow more than 10 'location:' redirects
         if ($timeout != null) {
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
             // wait and then timeout
         // this is a post request
         if ($data != null) {
             // we do it this way, as opposed to a more typical curl post,
             // in case this is a custom HTTP POST request
             $header[] = "Host: {$host}\r\n";
             $header[] = "Content-type: {$content_type}\r\n";
             $header[] = "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n";
             $header[] = $data;
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
         // proxy settings
         if ($proxy != null) {
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
             // proxy username and password, if necessary
             $username = $objRegistry->getConfig("HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME", false);
             $password = $objRegistry->getConfig("HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD", false);
             if ($username != null && $password != null) {
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, "{$username}:{$password}");
         // return the response
         $response = curl_exec($ch);
         $responseInfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
         if ($response === false || $responseInfo["http_code"] != 200) {
             throw new Exception("Error in response, " . $responseInfo["http_code"] . " " . $response);
         return $response;
     } else {
         $buf = "";
         // the response
         $fp = fsockopen($host, $port);
         // file pointer object
         if (!$fp) {
             throw new Exception("could not connect to server");
         fputs($fp, "POST {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n");
         fputs($fp, "Host: {$host}\r\n");
         fputs($fp, "Content-type: {$content_type}\r\n");
         fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n");
         fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
         fputs($fp, $data);
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $buf .= fgets($fp, 128);
         if (!strstr($buf, "200 OK")) {
             throw new Exception("Error in response, {$buf}");
         return $buf;
Exemple #12
  * Do something with uncaught errors
 public static function handle($e, Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry)
     if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS", false, false)) {
         throw $e;
     // flag certain exception types for special handling in the xslt
     $strErrorType = get_class($e);
     // might be a sub-class, reset so view will catch.
     if ($e instanceof PDOException) {
         $strErrorType = "PDOException";
     // if this is the command line, just rethrow the error so we can see it; might
     // make this a little better formatted in the future
     if ($objRequest->isCommandLine()) {
         throw $e;
     } else {
         // translate heading and message
         $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance();
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception) {
             $heading = $e->heading();
         } else {
             $heading = "text_error";
         $heading = $labels->getLabel($heading);
         $message = $labels->getLabel($e->getMessage());
         // first output to apache error log
         error_log("Xerxes error: " . $message . ": " . $e->getTraceAsString());
         //set proper http response code
         $resultStatus = 500;
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_AccessDenied) {
             $resultStatus = 403;
         } else {
             if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_NotFound) {
                 $resultStatus = 404;
         header(' ', true, $resultStatus);
         // send back http status as internal server error or other specified status
         // for the web, we'll convert the error message to xml along with the type
         // of exception and hand display off to the error.xsl file
         $objError = new DOMDocument();
         $objError->loadXML("<error />");
         $objMessage = $objError->createElement("message", $message);
         $objMessage->setAttribute("type", $strErrorType);
         $objHeading = $objError->createElement("heading", $heading);
         // make sure we're showing the main error file
         $objRegistry->setConfig("XSL_PARENT_DIRECTORY", null);
         // set the base url for the error.xsl file's benefit; don't want to assume that
         // the earlier code to this effect was executed before an exception, so this is redundant
         $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, "");
         $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
         // check for a non-standard port
         $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT');
         if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) {
             $port = "";
         } else {
             $port = ":" . $port;
         $protocol = "http://";
         if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) {
             $protocol = "https://";
         $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port . $base_path;
         $objBaseURL = $objError->createElement("base_url", $web);
         // if it's a db denied exception, include info on dbs.
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_DatabasesDenied) {
             $excluded_xml = $objError->createElement("excluded_dbs");
             foreach ($e->deniedDatabases() as $db) {
                 $element = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 $element = $objError->importNode($element, true);
         // add in the request object's stuff
         $request_xml = $objRequest->toXML();
         $imported = $objError->importNode($request_xml->documentElement, true);
         foreach ($imported->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if ($objRequest->getProperty("format") == "xerxes") {
             header('Content-type: text/xml');
             echo $objError->saveXML();
         } else {
             // display it to the user. Transform will pick up local
             // xsl for error page too, great.
             echo Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objError, "xsl/error.xsl");
     // need to incorporate methods for doing additional actions based on the type
     // of error -- probably a config option