public function atualizarfotoAction()
     $nu_imagem = uniqid();
     if ($_FILES['Filedata']) {
         $tmpPath = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/tmp/";
         $finfo = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
         $name = $nu_imagem . '.' . $finfo['extension'];
         if (!in_array(strtolower($finfo['extension']), array('jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'))) {
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => _("Extensão não permitida!")));
         @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $tmpPath . $name);
         try {
             copy($tmpPath . $name, $tmpPath . "128_" . $name);
             $canvas = canvas::Instance($tmpPath . "128_" . $name);
             $canvas->redimensiona(128, 128, 'crop');
             $canvas->grava($tmpPath . "128_" . $name, 90);
             copy($tmpPath . $name, $tmpPath . "70_" . $name);
             $canvas = canvas::Instance();
             $canvas->carrega($tmpPath . "70_" . $name);
             $canvas->redimensiona(70, 70, 'crop');
             $canvas->grava($tmpPath . "70_" . $name, 90);
             copy($tmpPath . $name, $tmpPath . "50_" . $name);
             $canvas = canvas::Instance();
             $canvas->carrega($tmpPath . "50_" . $name);
             $canvas->redimensiona(50, 50, 'crop');
             $canvas->grava($tmpPath . "50_" . $name, 90);
             copy($tmpPath . $name, $tmpPath . "32_" . $name);
             $canvas = canvas::Instance();
             $canvas->carrega($tmpPath . "32_" . $name);
             $canvas->redimensiona(32, 32, 'crop');
             $canvas->grava($tmpPath . "32_" . $name, 90);
             @unlink($tmpPath . $name);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => 'Error!'));
             @unlink($tmpPath . "32_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "50_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "70_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "128_" . $name);
         try {
             Model_Usuario::getInstance()->cadastrarFoto(array('nu_imagem' => $nu_imagem));
             $s3 = new S3(Zend_Registry::get('application')->sys->aws_accesskey, Zend_Registry::get('application')->sys->aws_secretkey);
             $bucket = Zend_Registry::get('application')->sys->aws_s3_bucket;
             $s3->putObjectFile($tmpPath . "32_" . $name, $bucket, "32_" . $name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
             $s3->putObjectFile($tmpPath . "50_" . $name, $bucket, "50_" . $name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
             $s3->putObjectFile($tmpPath . "70_" . $name, $bucket, "70_" . $name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
             $s3->putObjectFile($tmpPath . "128_" . $name, $bucket, "128_" . $name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "32_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "50_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "70_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "128_" . $name);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => _("Erro ao processar as imagens")));
             @unlink($tmpPath . "32_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "50_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "70_" . $name);
             @unlink($tmpPath . "128_" . $name);
         $_SESSION['tw_auth']['nu_imagem'] = $nu_imagem;
         $url_imagem = General::urlImgUser(array('nu_imagem' => $nu_imagem, 'size' => 50));
         echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => 'success', 'nu_imagem' => $nu_imagem, 'url_imagem' => $url_imagem));
Exemple #2
  * Método singleton para que apenas uma instancia da classe seja utilizada no servidor.
  * @param String $origem
  * @return canvas
 public static function Instance($origem = '')
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new canvas($origem);
     } else {
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #3
 function test_set_invalid_color()
     $img = new canvas();
Exemple #4

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', true);
require_once "../canvas.php";
$file = "test_image.jpg";
$canvas = new canvas($file);
$canvas->set_rgb('#df0d32')->merge("test_image.png", array("right", "bottom"))->filter("blur", 23)->show();
Exemple #5
 function test_save_invalid_image()
     $img = new canvas(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../README.markdown");
Exemple #6

$error = null;
try {
    if (isset($_FILES['Image'])) {
        $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($_FILES['Image']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        if (!in_array($ext, array('png', 'jpg', 'bmp', 'jpeg', 'gif'))) {
            throw new Exception('Formato de imagem inválido');
        require_once "./canvas.php";
        $canvas = new canvas();
        $canvas->redimensiona(400, 400, 'crop');
        $canvas->marca('minas.png', 'topo', 'esquerda');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $error = $e->getMessage();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<meta name="description" content="">
		<meta name="author" content="">

		<title>Mariana - Minas Gerais</title>
Exemple #7
 function test_image_resize_with_percentual_width_and_height()
     $img = new canvas();
     $img->create_empty_image(200, 200);
     $img->resize("25%", "30%");
     $imagesize = getimagesize("/tmp/test_image.jpg");
     $this->assertEqual($imagesize[0], 50);
     $this->assertEqual($imagesize[1], 60);
Exemple #8

include '../canvas.php';
$img = new canvas();
$img->create_empty_image(200, 200, $_GET["format"]);
 function test_create_empty_image_with_alpha()
     $img = new canvas();
     $this->assertTrue($img->create_empty_image(200, 300, "png", 127) instanceof canvas);
 public function test_bucket_fill()
     $c = new canvas(4, 4);
     //use the tool bucket-fill to fill all area arround the given point with the char passed as arg.
     $this->assertTrue($c->bucket_fill(array(1, 1), 'c'));
Exemple #11
    move_uploaded_file($fileTmp, $pasta . $fileName);
    // Verifica se a imagem é menor que o limite máximo, mantem a largura original.
    $realWidth = getImageDimens($pasta . $fileName, "largura");
    if ($realWidth < $maxWidth) {
        $imageWidth = $realWidth;
    } else {
        $imageWidth = $maxWidth;
    // Manipula a foto principal
    $img = new canvas();
    $img->carrega($pasta . $fileName);
    $img->redimensiona($imageWidth, 0, $tipoCorte);
    $img->grava($pasta . $fileName, $qualidade);
    // Se solicitado, envia thumb manipulada
    if ($thumbs == "Sim") {
        $oThumb = new canvas();
        $oThumb->carrega($pasta . $fileName);
        $oThumb->redimensiona($thumbW, $thumbH, $thumbCorte);
        $oThumb->grava($pasta . "thumb-" . $fileName, $qualidade);
    insert(array("cond", "foto"), array($cond, $fileName), "site_static_fotos");

		sweetRedir("Sucesso", "Fotos enviadas com sucesso.", "success", "<?php 
echo CP;
echo $cond;

/*error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', true);*/
include "../../../inc/";
include "../../../lib/canvas/canvas.php";
include "inc/";
include "../../sistema/home/inc/";
if (isset($_GET["MDP_ID"])) {
    //consulta o objeto, se ja estiver preenchido a variavel nã atualiza mais..
    $arrConsulta["MDP_ID"] = $_GET["MDP_ID"];
    $arrObjRegistroEmail = NegMalaDiretaPessoa::getInstance()->consultar($arrConsulta);
    $arrObjRegistroEmail = $arrObjRegistroEmail["objects"];
    $objMalaPessoa = new MalaDiretaPessoa();
    $objMalaPessoa = $arrObjRegistroEmail[0];
    if ($objMalaPessoa->getDataVisualizacao() == null) {
        $_GET["MDP_DataHoraLeitura"] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
        $arrObjMalaPessoa = NegMalaDiretaPessoa::getInstance()->registrarVisualizacaoEmail($_GET);
$can = new canvas();
$can->create_empty_image(1, 1);