  * Compiles the phrase call.
  * @param XenForo_Template_Compiler The invoking compiler
  * @param string                 Name of the function called
  * @param array                  Arguments to the function (should have at least 1)
  * @param array                  Compilation options
  * @return string
 public function compile(XenForo_Template_Compiler $compiler, $function, array $arguments, array $options)
     $argc = count($arguments);
     if ($argc < 1) {
         throw $compiler->getNewCompilerArgumentException();
     $phraseName = $compiler->getArgumentLiteralValue(array_shift($arguments));
     if ($phraseName === false) {
         throw $compiler->getNewCompilerException(new XenForo_Phrase('phrase_name_must_be_literal'));
     $phraseValue = $compiler->getPhraseValue($phraseName);
     if ($phraseValue === false) {
         return "'" . $compiler->escapeSingleQuotedString($phraseName) . "'";
     $this->_params = $compiler->compileNamedParams($compiler->parseNamedArguments($arguments), $options);
     $phraseValueEscaped = $compiler->escapeSingleQuotedString($phraseValue);
     $phraseValueEscaped = preg_replace_callback('/\\{([a-z0-9_-]+)\\}/i', array($this, '_replaceParam'), $phraseValueEscaped);
     if ($phraseValueEscaped === '') {
         return '';
     $this->_params = array();
     return "'" . $phraseValueEscaped . "'";
Exemple #2
  * Helper to compile the standard row options with the default options.
  * @param XenForo_Template_Compiler $compiler
  * @param array $rowOptions
  * @param array $compilerOptions
  * @return string
 protected function _compileRowOptions(XenForo_Template_Compiler $compiler, array $rowOptions, array $compilerOptions, &$htmlCode = '', &$htmlOutputVar = '')
     if (isset($rowOptions['html'])) {
         $htmlCode = $compiler->compileIntoVariable($rowOptions['html'], $htmlOutputVar, $compilerOptions);
     } else {
         $htmlCode = '';
         $htmlOutputVar = '';
     $params = $compiler->compileNamedParams($rowOptions, $compilerOptions, array('labelHidden'));
     if ($htmlCode !== '' && !empty($htmlOutputVar)) {
         $params["html"] = '$' . $htmlOutputVar;
     return $compiler->buildNamedParamCode($params);