public function init()
     if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
         $user = Yii::$app->user;
     } else {
         $user = false;
     if ($this->type == 'recent') {
         if ($user) {
             $this->_games = Games::getAllRecentGamesWithForecast($user->id);
             $this->_view = 'recentGamesUser';
         } else {
             $this->_games = Games::getAllRecentGames();
             $this->_view = 'recentGamesGuest';
     } else {
         if ($user) {
             $this->_games = Games::getAllFutureGamesWithForecast($user->id);
             $this->_view = 'futureGamesUser';
         } else {
             $this->_games = Games::getAllFutureGames();
             $this->_view = 'futureGamesGuest';
 public function getForecastersListNew()
     $forecasters = UsersTournaments::find()->where(['id_tournament' => $this->id_tournament])->with('idUser')->asArray()->all();
     $tours = Games::getNumberOfGamesPerTour($this->id_tournament);
     foreach ($forecasters as &$one) {
         $one['tours'] = Forecasts::getUserForecastTour($one['id_user'], $this->id_tournament, $tours);
     return $forecasters;
 public function actionDetails($id)
     $user = Yii::$app->user;
     Yii::$app->user->returnUrl = Yii::$app->request->url;
     $tournament = Tournaments::findOne($id);
     if ($tournament === null) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('Запрашиваемая страница не найдена.');
     $teamParticipants = new ArrayDataProvider(['allModels' => Result::getStandings($id), 'pagination' => false]);
     //games list prep
     if (Yii::$app->request->post('tours')) {
         $tours = Yii::$app->request->post('tours');
     } else {
         $tours = range(1, $tournament->num_tours, 1);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $tournament->num_tours; $i++) {
         $tour_list[$i] = "{$i} тур";
     $forecasters = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => UsersTournaments::find()->forecastersStandings($id), 'pagination' => false]);
     //if guest or not participating in the tournament
     if ($user->isGuest || !$user->identity->isUserParticipatesInTournament($id)) {
         $tourGames = Games::getGamesGroupedByTour($id, $tours);
         $viewFile = 'tournamentDetailsGuest';
         $winners = [];
         $forecastedStandings = [];
     } else {
         $forecastedStandings = new ArrayDataProvider(['allModels' => Result::getForecastedStandings($id, $user->id), 'pagination' => false]);
         $tourGames = Games::getGamesGroupedByTourWithForecast($id, $tours, $user->id);
         $viewFile = 'tournamentDetailsUser';
         //preparing tournament winners forecast form
         $winners = new TopTeamsForm($user->id, $id);
         if ($winners->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $winners->validate()) {
             if (time() < $tournament->wfDueTo) {
                 Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Прогноз на призеров турнира успешно сохранен');
             } else {
                 Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Не нужно пытаться обмануть :)');
             return $this->refresh();
     $data = compact('tournament', 'teamParticipants', 'forecasters', 'tour_list', 'tourGames', 'winners', 'forecastedStandings');
     if ($tournament->is_active == Tournaments::FINISHED) {
         $data['additionalPoints'] = implode('</br>', Top3TeamsForecast::getClarifications($user->id, $id));
         $userTournamentsModel = UsersTournaments::find()->where(['id_tournament' => $id])->andWhere(['id_user' => $user->id])->with('winnersForecast')->one();
         if (!empty($userTournamentsModel)) {
             $data['totalAdditionalPoints'] = $userTournamentsModel->calculateAdditionalPoints();
     } else {
         $data['additionalPoints'] = '';
         $data['totalAdditionalPoints'] = '';
     return $this->render($viewFile, $data);
 public static function getAutoReminderRecipients($tournament, $tour)
     $candidates = self::find()->joinWith('idUser')->where(['id_tournament' => $tournament, 'notification' => self::NOTIFICATION_ENABLED, 'active' => Users::STATUS_ACTIVE])->all();
     $recipients = [];
     $tours = Games::getNumberOfGamesPerTour($tournament);
     foreach ($candidates as $one) {
         if (Forecasts::getUserForecastTour($one['id_user'], $tournament, $tours)[$tour] != '2' && Reminders::ifEligible($tournament, $tour, $one['id_user'])) {
             $recipients[] = Users::find()->where(['id' => $one['id_user']])->one();
     return $recipients;
Exemple #5
 protected function addNewGames()
     foreach ($this->gamesFromWeb as $gameWeb) {
         $newGame = new Games();
         foreach ($gameWeb as $k => $attribute) {
             $newGame->{$k} = $attribute;
         if (!Games::find()->where(['tour' => $newGame->tour])->andWhere(['id_team_home' => $newGame->id_team_home])->andWhere(['id_team_guest' => $newGame->id_team_guest])->exists()) {
Exemple #6
 public static function getForecastedStandings($id_tournament, $id_user)
     //getting list of games for the tournament
     $games = Games::getGamesForTournament($id_tournament);
     $gameIDs = array_map(function ($item) {
         return $item->id_game;
     }, $games);
     //getting forecasts for the user for the tournament
     $forecasts = Forecasts::find()->where(['id_game' => $gameIDs, 'id_user' => $id_user])->indexBy('id_game')->asArray()->all();
     //if there's a forecast for the game -> put forecast score as a game score + recalculating points
     foreach ($games as &$game) {
         if (isset($forecasts[$game->id_game])) {
             $game->score_home = $forecasts[$game->id_game]['fscore_home'];
             $game->score_guest = $forecasts[$game->id_game]['fscore_guest'];
     $games = ArrayHelper::toArray($games);
     $teams = array_unique(array_merge(array_map(function ($value) {
         return $value['id_team_home'];
     }, $games), array_map(function ($value) {
         return $value['id_team_guest'];
     }, $games)));
     $teamObjects = TeamTournaments::find()->where(['id' => $teams])->joinWith('idTeam')->indexBy('id')->all();
     $result = array_map(function ($item) use($games, $teamObjects) {
         $row['pts'] = 0;
         $row['participant'] = $item;
         $row['id'] = $item;
         $row['team_logo'] = $teamObjects[$item]->idTeam->team_logo;
         $row['team_name'] = $teamObjects[$item]->idTeam->team_name;
         $row['games_played'] = 0;
         foreach ($games as $game) {
             if ($game['id_team_home'] == $item) {
                 $row['pts'] += $game['points_home'];
                 if (isset($game['points_home'])) {
                     $row['games_played'] += 1;
             if ($game['id_team_guest'] == $item) {
                 $row['pts'] += $game['points_guest'];
                 if (isset($game['points_guest'])) {
                     $row['games_played'] += 1;
         return $row;
     }, $teams);
     usort($result, function ($a, $b) {
         return $b['pts'] - $a['pts'];
     return $result;
 private static function sendReminder($tour, $tournament, $users)
     $subject = "Напоминание: сделайте прогноз на матчи {$tour} тура турнира " . Tournaments::findOne($tournament)->tournament_name;
     $firstGameStarts = date('d-m-Y в H:i', ArrayHelper::getValue(Result::find()->select(['min(dtime) as dtime'])->where(['id_tournament' => $tournament, 'tour' => $tour])->all()[0], 'dtime'));
     $tours = Games::getNumberOfGamesPerTour($tournament);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (Forecasts::getUserForecastTour($user->id, $tournament, $tours)[$tour] == 0) {
             $description = "Вы не сделали прогноз на матчи {$tour} тура турнира " . Tournaments::findOne($tournament)->tournament_name . ". Поторопитесь, первая игра тура начинается <strong>{$firstGameStarts}</strong>";
         } else {
             $description = "Вы сделали прогноз не на все матчи: {$tour} тура турнира " . Tournaments::findOne($tournament)->tournament_name . ". Поторопитесь, первая игра тура начинается {$firstGameStarts}";
         $content = new ArrayDataProvider(['allModels' => Forecasts::getTourUserForecastStatus($tour, $tournament, $user->id), 'sort' => false, 'pagination' => false]);
         $messages[] = Yii::$app->mailer->compose('reminder', ['content' => $content, 'description' => $description, 'user' => $user])->setFrom([Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'] => 'Sportforecast'])->setTo($user->email)->setSubject($subject);
         //adding a record to the DB
         $reminder = self::getReminder($user->id, $tournament, $tour);
     if (!empty($messages)) {
     return true;
        <div class="form-group col-xs-12">
echo Html::submitButton('Выбрать', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']);


$count = 0;

$unfinishedTours = Games::listOfUnfinishedTours($tournament->id_tournament);
foreach ($tourGames as $tour => $games) {
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-lg-6">
    if (!in_array($tour, $unfinishedTours)) {
        echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $tourGames[$tour], 'responsive' => false, 'hover' => true, 'showPageSummary' => true, 'responsiveWrap' => false, 'export' => false, 'bordered' => false, 'showHeader' => false, 'caption' => "Тур {$tour}", 'summary' => '', 'columns' => [['attribute' => 'date_time_game', 'content' => function ($model) {
            return '<strong>' . date('d.m.y H:i', $model['date_time_game']) . '</strong>';
        }, 'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'reduceDateFont'], 'options' => ['class' => 'col-xs-1'], 'hAlign' => 'center', 'vAlign' => 'middle'], ['content' => function ($model) {
            return "<row>" . "<div class = 'text-right col-xs-4'>" . $model['idTeamHome']['idTeam']['team_name'] . " " . "</div>" . "<div class = 'text-center col-xs-4'>" . "<strong>" . $model['score_home'] . " - " . $model['score_guest'] . "</strong>" . "</div>" . "<div class = 'text-left col-xs-4'>" . " " . $model['idTeamGuest']['idTeam']['team_name'] . "</div>" . "</row>" . "<div class='clearfix visible-xs-block visible-sm-block visible-md-block visible-lg-block'></div>" . "<row>" . "<div class = 'col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-4 col-sm-2 col-sm-offset-5 text-center'>" . Html::tag('div', isset($model['f_id']) ? $model['fscore_home'] . ' - ' . $model['fscore_guest'] : " - ", ['class' => !isset($model['f_id']) ? '' : ($model['fpoints'] == 0 ? 'bg-danger' : ($model['fpoints'] == 1 ? 'bg-info' : ($model['fpoints'] == 3 ? 'bg-success' : ($model['fpoints'] == 2 ? 'bg-warning' : ''))))]) . "</div>" . "<div class = 'col-xs-4 col-sm-2 col-sm-offset-3 text-right'>" . Html::tag('span', isset($model['f_id']) ? "Очки: " . $model['fpoints'] : '', []) . "</div>" . "</row>";
        }, 'options' => ['class' => 'col-xs-11'], 'attribute' => 'fpoints', 'pageSummary' => function ($summary, $data, $widget) {
            return "<div class = 'row'>" . "<div class = 'col-xs-10'>" . "<p class = 'pull-left'>Всего очков в туре:</p>" . "</div>" . "<div class = 'col-xs-2'>" . "<p class = 'pull-left'>{$summary}</p>" . "</div>" . "</div>";
        }, 'hAlign' => 'right', 'vAlign' => 'middle']]]);
  * Finds the games model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return games the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = Games::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
Exemple #10
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getIdGame()
     return $this->hasOne(Games::className(), ['id_game' => 'id_game']);
Exemple #11
  * @param $file
  * @return mixed
 public static function uploadExcel($file)
     $excel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file);
     $workSheet = $excel->getActiveSheet();
     $success = 0;
     $failure = '';
     foreach ($workSheet->getRowIterator(2) as $row) {
         $cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
         foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {
             $cellData[] = $cell->getValue();
         if (isset($cellData[0]) && isset($cellData[1])) {
             $game = new Games();
             $game->id_team_home = $cellData[0];
             $game->id_team_guest = $cellData[1];
             $game->tour = $cellData[2];
             //getting time difference between local place and greenwich to enable correct time offset with PHPExcel
             $tz = new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get());
             $d = new \DateTime("now");
             $offset = $tz->getOffset($d);
             $game->date_time_game = \PHPExcel_Shared_date::ExcelToPHP($cellData[3]) - $offset;
             $game->score_home = $cellData[4];
             $game->score_guest = $cellData[5];
             if ($game->save()) {
                 $success += 1;
             } else {
                 $failure .= "При загрузке игры {$game->competitors} произошла ошибка " . $game->getFirstError('id_team_home') . "<br>";
     if (empty($failure)) {
         $return['success'] = "Все {$success} записей успешно загружены";
     } else {
         $return['failure'] = $failure;
     return $return;
  * Finds games with empty points but with not empty score
  * @return int
 public function actionGetNull()
     $tournaments = Tournaments::getAutoprocessTournaments();
     $games = [];
     foreach ($tournaments as $one) {
         $teamTournament = TeamTournaments::find()->where(['id_tournament' => $one->id_tournament])->all();
         //getting Participant IDs for the tournament
         $teamIDs = ArrayHelper::getColumn($teamTournament, 'id');
         $games = ArrayHelper::merge($games, Games::find()->where(['or', ['in', 'id_team_home', $teamIDs], ['in', 'id_team_guest', $teamIDs]])->andWhere(['and', ['or', ['not', ['score_home' => null]], ['not', ['score_guest' => null]]], ['or', ['points_home' => null], ['points_guest' => null]]])->all());
     if (!empty($games)) {
     } else {
         Yii::info('No games with score but with no points', 'console');
     return 0;
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getGames()
     return $this->hasMany(Games::className(), ['id_team_home' => 'id']);