  * Extract range values
  * @param    string       &$pRange    String based range representation
  * @param    Worksheet    $pSheet        Worksheet
  * @return   mixed        Array of values in range if range contains more than one element. Otherwise, a single value is returned.
  * @param    boolean      $resetLog    Flag indicating whether calculation log should be reset or not
  * @throws   Calculation\Exception
 public function extractNamedRange(&$pRange = 'A1', Worksheet $pSheet = null, $resetLog = true)
     // Return value
     $returnValue = array();
     //        echo 'extractNamedRange('.$pRange.')<br />';
     if ($pSheet !== null) {
         $pSheetName = $pSheet->getTitle();
         //            echo 'Current sheet name is '.$pSheetName.'<br />';
         //            echo 'Range reference is '.$pRange.'<br />';
         if (strpos($pRange, '!') !== false) {
             //                echo '$pRange reference includes sheet reference', PHP_EOL;
             list($pSheetName, $pRange) = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($pRange, true);
             //                echo 'New sheet name is '.$pSheetName, PHP_EOL;
             //                echo 'Adjusted Range reference is '.$pRange, PHP_EOL;
             $pSheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($pSheetName);
         // Named range?
         $namedRange = NamedRange::resolveRange($pRange, $pSheet);
         if ($namedRange !== null) {
             $pSheet = $namedRange->getWorksheet();
             //                echo 'Named Range '.$pRange.' (';
             $pRange = $namedRange->getRange();
             $splitRange = Cell::splitRange($pRange);
             //    Convert row and column references
             if (ctype_alpha($splitRange[0][0])) {
                 $pRange = $splitRange[0][0] . '1:' . $splitRange[0][1] . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestRow();
             } elseif (ctype_digit($splitRange[0][0])) {
                 $pRange = 'A' . $splitRange[0][0] . ':' . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestColumn() . $splitRange[0][1];
             //                echo $pRange.') is in sheet '.$namedRange->getWorksheet()->getTitle().'<br />';
             //                if ($pSheet->getTitle() != $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getTitle()) {
             //                    if (!$namedRange->getLocalOnly()) {
             //                        $pSheet = $namedRange->getWorksheet();
             //                    } else {
             //                        return $returnValue;
             //                    }
             //                }
         } else {
             return Calculation\Functions::REF();
         // Extract range
         $aReferences = Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange);
         //            var_dump($aReferences);
         if (!isset($aReferences[1])) {
             //    Single cell (or single column or row) in range
             list($currentCol, $currentRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($aReferences[0]);
             $cellValue = null;
             if ($pSheet->cellExists($aReferences[0])) {
                 $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($aReferences[0])->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
             } else {
                 $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
         } else {
             // Extract cell data for all cells in the range
             foreach ($aReferences as $reference) {
                 // Extract range
                 list($currentCol, $currentRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($reference);
                 //                    echo 'NAMED RANGE: $currentCol='.$currentCol.' $currentRow='.$currentRow.'<br />';
                 $cellValue = null;
                 if ($pSheet->cellExists($reference)) {
                     $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($reference)->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
                 } else {
                     $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
         //                print_r($returnValue);
         //            echo '<br />';
     return $returnValue;
  * Insert a new column or row, updating all possible related data
  * @param   string              $pBefore    Insert before this cell address (e.g. 'A1')
  * @param   integer             $pNumCols   Number of columns to insert/delete (negative values indicate deletion)
  * @param   integer             $pNumRows   Number of rows to insert/delete (negative values indicate deletion)
  * @param   Worksheet  $pSheet     The worksheet that we're editing
  * @throws  Exception
 public function insertNewBefore($pBefore = 'A1', $pNumCols = 0, $pNumRows = 0, Worksheet $pSheet = null)
     $remove = $pNumCols < 0 || $pNumRows < 0;
     $aCellCollection = $pSheet->getCellCollection();
     // Get coordinates of $pBefore
     $beforeColumn = 'A';
     $beforeRow = 1;
     list($beforeColumn, $beforeRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($pBefore);
     $beforeColumnIndex = Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn);
     // Clear cells if we are removing columns or rows
     $highestColumn = $pSheet->getHighestColumn();
     $highestRow = $pSheet->getHighestRow();
     // 1. Clear column strips if we are removing columns
     if ($pNumCols < 0 && $beforeColumnIndex - 2 + $pNumCols > 0) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $highestRow - 1; ++$i) {
             for ($j = $beforeColumnIndex - 1 + $pNumCols; $j <= $beforeColumnIndex - 2; ++$j) {
                 $coordinate = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($j) . $i;
                 if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
                     $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->setValueExplicit('', Cell\DataType::TYPE_NULL);
     // 2. Clear row strips if we are removing rows
     if ($pNumRows < 0 && $beforeRow - 1 + $pNumRows > 0) {
         for ($i = $beforeColumnIndex - 1; $i <= Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn) - 1; ++$i) {
             for ($j = $beforeRow + $pNumRows; $j <= $beforeRow - 1; ++$j) {
                 $coordinate = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . $j;
                 if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
                     $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->setValueExplicit('', Cell\DataType::TYPE_NULL);
     // Loop through cells, bottom-up, and change cell coordinates
     if ($remove) {
         // It's faster to reverse and pop than to use unshift, especially with large cell collections
         $aCellCollection = array_reverse($aCellCollection);
     while ($cellID = array_pop($aCellCollection)) {
         $cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID);
         $cellIndex = Cell::columnIndexFromString($cell->getColumn());
         if ($cellIndex - 1 + $pNumCols < 0) {
         // New coordinates
         $newCoordinates = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($cellIndex - 1 + $pNumCols) . ($cell->getRow() + $pNumRows);
         // Should the cell be updated? Move value and cellXf index from one cell to another.
         if ($cellIndex >= $beforeColumnIndex && $cell->getRow() >= $beforeRow) {
             // Update cell styles
             // Insert this cell at its new location
             if ($cell->getDataType() == Cell\DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
                 // Formula should be adjusted
                 $pSheet->getCell($newCoordinates)->setValue($this->updateFormulaReferences($cell->getValue(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows, $pSheet->getTitle()));
             } else {
                 // Formula should not be adjusted
             // Clear the original cell
         } else {
             /*    We don't need to update styles for rows/columns before our insertion position,
                   but we do still need to adjust any formulae    in those cells                    */
             if ($cell->getDataType() == Cell\DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
                 // Formula should be adjusted
                 $cell->setValue($this->updateFormulaReferences($cell->getValue(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows, $pSheet->getTitle()));
     // Duplicate styles for the newly inserted cells
     $highestColumn = $pSheet->getHighestColumn();
     $highestRow = $pSheet->getHighestRow();
     if ($pNumCols > 0 && $beforeColumnIndex - 2 > 0) {
         for ($i = $beforeRow; $i <= $highestRow - 1; ++$i) {
             // Style
             $coordinate = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($beforeColumnIndex - 2) . $i;
             if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
                 $xfIndex = $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getXfIndex();
                 $conditionalStyles = $pSheet->conditionalStylesExists($coordinate) ? $pSheet->getConditionalStyles($coordinate) : false;
                 for ($j = $beforeColumnIndex - 1; $j <= $beforeColumnIndex - 2 + $pNumCols; ++$j) {
                     $pSheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($j, $i)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
                     if ($conditionalStyles) {
                         $cloned = array();
                         foreach ($conditionalStyles as $conditionalStyle) {
                             $cloned[] = clone $conditionalStyle;
                         $pSheet->setConditionalStyles(Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($j) . $i, $cloned);
     if ($pNumRows > 0 && $beforeRow - 1 > 0) {
         for ($i = $beforeColumnIndex - 1; $i <= Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn) - 1; ++$i) {
             // Style
             $coordinate = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . ($beforeRow - 1);
             if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
                 $xfIndex = $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getXfIndex();
                 $conditionalStyles = $pSheet->conditionalStylesExists($coordinate) ? $pSheet->getConditionalStyles($coordinate) : false;
                 for ($j = $beforeRow; $j <= $beforeRow - 1 + $pNumRows; ++$j) {
                     $pSheet->getCell(Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . $j)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
                     if ($conditionalStyles) {
                         $cloned = array();
                         foreach ($conditionalStyles as $conditionalStyle) {
                             $cloned[] = clone $conditionalStyle;
                         $pSheet->setConditionalStyles(Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . $j, $cloned);
     // Update worksheet: column dimensions
     $this->adjustColumnDimensions($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: row dimensions
     $this->adjustRowDimensions($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     //    Update worksheet: page breaks
     $this->adjustPageBreaks($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     //    Update worksheet: comments
     $this->adjustComments($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: hyperlinks
     $this->adjustHyperlinks($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: data validations
     $this->adjustDataValidations($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: merge cells
     $this->adjustMergeCells($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: protected cells
     $this->adjustProtectedCells($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows);
     // Update worksheet: autofilter
     $autoFilter = $pSheet->getAutoFilter();
     $autoFilterRange = $autoFilter->getRange();
     if (!empty($autoFilterRange)) {
         if ($pNumCols != 0) {
             $autoFilterColumns = array_keys($autoFilter->getColumns());
             if (count($autoFilterColumns) > 0) {
                 sscanf($pBefore, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row);
                 $columnIndex = Cell::columnIndexFromString($column);
                 list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = Cell::rangeBoundaries($autoFilterRange);
                 if ($columnIndex <= $rangeEnd[0]) {
                     if ($pNumCols < 0) {
                         //    If we're actually deleting any columns that fall within the autofilter range,
                         //        then we delete any rules for those columns
                         $deleteColumn = $columnIndex + $pNumCols - 1;
                         $deleteCount = abs($pNumCols);
                         for ($i = 1; $i <= $deleteCount; ++$i) {
                             if (in_array(Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($deleteColumn), $autoFilterColumns)) {
                     $startCol = $columnIndex > $rangeStart[0] ? $columnIndex : $rangeStart[0];
                     //    Shuffle columns in autofilter range
                     if ($pNumCols > 0) {
                         //    For insert, we shuffle from end to beginning to avoid overwriting
                         $startColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($startCol - 1);
                         $toColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($startCol + $pNumCols - 1);
                         $endColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($rangeEnd[0]);
                         $startColRef = $startCol;
                         $endColRef = $rangeEnd[0];
                         $toColRef = $rangeEnd[0] + $pNumCols;
                         do {
                             $autoFilter->shiftColumn(Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($endColRef - 1), Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($toColRef - 1));
                         } while ($startColRef <= $endColRef);
                     } else {
                         //    For delete, we shuffle from beginning to end to avoid overwriting
                         $startColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($startCol - 1);
                         $toColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($startCol + $pNumCols - 1);
                         $endColID = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($rangeEnd[0]);
                         do {
                             $autoFilter->shiftColumn($startColID, $toColID);
                         } while ($startColID != $endColID);
         $pSheet->setAutoFilter($this->updateCellReference($autoFilterRange, $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
     // Update worksheet: freeze pane
     if ($pSheet->getFreezePane() != '') {
         $pSheet->freezePane($this->updateCellReference($pSheet->getFreezePane(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
     // Page setup
     if ($pSheet->getPageSetup()->isPrintAreaSet()) {
         $pSheet->getPageSetup()->setPrintArea($this->updateCellReference($pSheet->getPageSetup()->getPrintArea(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
     // Update worksheet: drawings
     $aDrawings = $pSheet->getDrawingCollection();
     foreach ($aDrawings as $objDrawing) {
         $newReference = $this->updateCellReference($objDrawing->getCoordinates(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows);
         if ($objDrawing->getCoordinates() != $newReference) {
     // Update workbook: named ranges
     if (count($pSheet->getParent()->getNamedRanges()) > 0) {
         foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getNamedRanges() as $namedRange) {
             if ($namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHashCode() == $pSheet->getHashCode()) {
                 $namedRange->setRange($this->updateCellReference($namedRange->getRange(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
     // Garbage collect
Exemple #3
  * Read BLANK record
 private function _readBlank()
     $length = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $this->_pos + 2);
     $recordData = substr($this->_data, $this->_pos + 4, $length);
     // move stream pointer to next record
     $this->_pos += 4 + $length;
     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
     $row = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
     // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
     $col = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
     $columnString = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col);
     // Read cell?
     if (!is_null($this->getReadFilter()) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->_phpSheet->getTitle())) {
         // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
         $xfIndex = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);
         // add style information
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
             $this->_phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1))->setXfIndex($this->_mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
Exemple #4
  * Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by
  * formulas. A formula references a sheet name via an index. Since we store a
  * reference to all of the external worksheets the EXTERNSHEET index is the same
  * as the worksheet index.
  * @param string $sheetname The name of a external worksheet
 private function _writeExternsheet($sheetname)
     $record = 0x17;
     // Record identifier
     // References to the current sheet are encoded differently to references to
     // external sheets.
     if ($this->_phpSheet->getTitle() == $sheetname) {
         $sheetname = '';
         $length = 0x2;
         // The following 2 bytes
         $cch = 1;
         // The following byte
         $rgch = 0x2;
         // Self reference
     } else {
         $length = 0x2 + strlen($sheetname);
         $cch = strlen($sheetname);
         $rgch = 0x3;
         // Reference to a sheet in the current workbook
     $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
     $data = pack("CC", $cch, $rgch);
     $this->_append($header . $data . $sheetname);
Exemple #5
  * Add external sheet
  * @param Worksheet $pSheet External sheet to add
  * @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Worksheet
 public function addExternalSheet(Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null)
     if (!is_null($this->getSheetByName($pSheet->getTitle()))) {
         throw new Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename the external sheet first.");
     // count how many cellXfs there are in this workbook currently, we will need this below
     $countCellXfs = count($this->_cellXfCollection);
     // copy all the shared cellXfs from the external workbook and append them to the current
     foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) {
         $this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf);
     // move sheet to this workbook
     // update the cellXfs
     foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
         $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID);
         $cell->setXfIndex($cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs);
     return $this->addSheet($pSheet, $iSheetIndex);
Exemple #6
  * Write Defined Name for PrintTitles
  * @param 	Shared_XMLWriter	$objWriter 		XML Writer
  * @param 	Worksheet			$pSheet
  * @param 	int							$pSheetId
  * @throws 	Exception
 private function _writeDefinedNameForPrintArea(Shared_XMLWriter $objWriter = null, Worksheet $pSheet = null, $pSheetId = 0)
     // definedName for PrintArea
     if ($pSheet->getPageSetup()->isPrintAreaSet()) {
         $objWriter->writeAttribute('name', '_xlnm.Print_Area');
         $objWriter->writeAttribute('localSheetId', $pSheetId);
         // Setting string
         $settingString = '';
         // Print area
         $printArea = Cell::splitRange($pSheet->getPageSetup()->getPrintArea());
         $chunks = array();
         foreach ($printArea as $printAreaRect) {
             $printAreaRect[0] = Cell::absoluteCoordinate($printAreaRect[0]);
             $printAreaRect[1] = Cell::absoluteCoordinate($printAreaRect[1]);
             $chunks[] = '\'' . str_replace("'", "''", $pSheet->getTitle()) . '\'!' . implode(':', $printAreaRect);
         $objWriter->writeRaw(implode(',', $chunks));
  * Remove named range
  * @param  string  $namedRange
  * @param  Worksheet|null  $pSheet  Scope: use null for global scope.
  * @return PHPExcel
 public function removeNamedRange($namedRange, Worksheet $pSheet = null)
     if ($pSheet === null) {
         if (isset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange])) {
     } else {
         if (isset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange])) {
             unset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange]);
     return $this;
Exemple #8
  * Writes Excel BIFF BOUNDSHEET record.
  * @param Worksheet  $sheet Worksheet name
  * @param integer $offset    Location of worksheet BOF
 private function _writeBoundsheet($sheet, $offset)
     $sheetname = $sheet->getTitle();
     $record = 0x85;
     // Record identifier
     // sheet state
     switch ($sheet->getSheetState()) {
         case Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE:
             $ss = 0x0;
         case Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_HIDDEN:
             $ss = 0x1;
         case Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_VERYHIDDEN:
             $ss = 0x2;
             $ss = 0x0;
     // sheet type
     $st = 0x0;
     $grbit = 0x0;
     // Visibility and sheet type
     if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x600) {
         $data = pack("VCC", $offset, $ss, $st);
         $data .= Shared_String::UTF8toBIFF8UnicodeShort($sheetname);
     } else {
         $cch = strlen($sheetname);
         // Length of sheet name
         $data = pack("VCCC", $offset, $ss, $st, $cch);
         $data .= $sheetname;
     $length = strlen($data);
     $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
     $this->_append($header . $data);