  * Update cell comments when inserting/deleting rows/columns
  * @param   Worksheet  $pSheet             The worksheet that we're editing
  * @param   string              $pBefore            Insert/Delete before this cell address (e.g. 'A1')
  * @param   integer             $beforeColumnIndex  Index number of the column we're inserting/deleting before
  * @param   integer             $pNumCols           Number of columns to insert/delete (negative values indicate deletion)
  * @param   integer             $beforeRow          Number of the row we're inserting/deleting before
  * @param   integer             $pNumRows           Number of rows to insert/delete (negative values indicate deletion)
 protected function adjustComments($pSheet, $pBefore, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols, $beforeRow, $pNumRows)
     $aComments = $pSheet->getComments();
     $aNewComments = array();
     // the new array of all comments
     foreach ($aComments as $key => &$value) {
         // Any comments inside a deleted range will be ignored
         if (!self::cellAddressInDeleteRange($key, $beforeRow, $pNumRows, $beforeColumnIndex, $pNumCols)) {
             // Otherwise build a new array of comments indexed by the adjusted cell reference
             $newReference = $this->updateCellReference($key, $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows);
             $aNewComments[$newReference] = $value;
     //    Replace the comments array with the new set of comments
Exemple #2
  * Write worksheet relationships to XML format
  * Numbering is as follows:
  * 	rId1 				- Drawings
  *  rId_hyperlink_x 	- Hyperlinks
  * @param 	Worksheet		$pWorksheet
  * @param 	int						$pWorksheetId
  * @return 	string 					XML Output
  * @throws 	Exception
 public function writeWorksheetRelationships(Worksheet $pWorksheet = null, $pWorksheetId = 1)
     // Create XML writer
     $objWriter = null;
     if ($this->getParentWriter()->getUseDiskCaching()) {
         $objWriter = new Shared_XMLWriter(Shared_XMLWriter::STORAGE_DISK, $this->getParentWriter()->getDiskCachingDirectory());
     } else {
         $objWriter = new Shared_XMLWriter(Shared_XMLWriter::STORAGE_MEMORY);
     // XML header
     $objWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8', 'yes');
     // Relationships
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns', 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships');
     // Write drawing relationships?
     if ($pWorksheet->getDrawingCollection()->count() > 0) {
         $this->_writeRelationship($objWriter, 1, 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing', '../drawings/drawing' . $pWorksheetId . '.xml');
     // Write hyperlink relationships?
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($pWorksheet->getHyperlinkCollection() as $hyperlink) {
         if (!$hyperlink->isInternal()) {
             $this->_writeRelationship($objWriter, '_hyperlink_' . $i, 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink', $hyperlink->getUrl(), 'External');
     // Write comments relationship?
     $i = 1;
     if (count($pWorksheet->getComments()) > 0) {
         $this->_writeRelationship($objWriter, '_comments_vml' . $i, 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/vmlDrawing', '../drawings/vmlDrawing' . $pWorksheetId . '.vml');
         $this->_writeRelationship($objWriter, '_comments' . $i, 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/comments', '../comments' . $pWorksheetId . '.xml');
     // Write header/footer relationship?
     $i = 1;
     if (count($pWorksheet->getHeaderFooter()->getImages()) > 0) {
         $this->_writeRelationship($objWriter, '_headerfooter_vml' . $i, 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/vmlDrawing', '../drawings/vmlDrawingHF' . $pWorksheetId . '.vml');
     // Return
     return $objWriter->getData();
Exemple #3
  * Write VML comments to XML format
  * @param 	Worksheet				$pWorksheet
  * @return 	string 								XML Output
  * @throws 	Exception
 public function writeVMLComments(Worksheet $pWorksheet = null)
     // Create XML writer
     $objWriter = null;
     if ($this->getParentWriter()->getUseDiskCaching()) {
         $objWriter = new Shared_XMLWriter(Shared_XMLWriter::STORAGE_DISK, $this->getParentWriter()->getDiskCachingDirectory());
     } else {
         $objWriter = new Shared_XMLWriter(Shared_XMLWriter::STORAGE_MEMORY);
     // XML header
     $objWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8', 'yes');
     // Comments cache
     $comments = $pWorksheet->getComments();
     // xml
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:v', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:o', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:x', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel');
     // o:shapelayout
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('v:ext', 'edit');
     // o:idmap
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('v:ext', 'edit');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('data', '1');
     // v:shapetype
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('id', '_x0000_t202');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('coordsize', '21600,21600');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('o:spt', '202');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('path', 'm,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe');
     // v:stroke
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('joinstyle', 'miter');
     // v:path
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('gradientshapeok', 't');
     $objWriter->writeAttribute('o:connecttype', 'rect');
     // Loop through comments
     foreach ($comments as $key => $value) {
         $this->_writeVMLComment($objWriter, $key, $value);
     // Return
     return $objWriter->getData();
Exemple #4
  * Write LegacyDrawing
  * @param	Shared_XMLWriter		$objWriter		XML Writer
  * @param	Worksheet				$pSheet			Worksheet
  * @throws	Exception
 private function _writeLegacyDrawing(Shared_XMLWriter $objWriter = null, Worksheet $pSheet = null)
     // If sheet contains comments, add the relationships
     if (count($pSheet->getComments()) > 0) {
         $objWriter->writeAttribute('r:id', 'rId_comments_vml1');