/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI using cURL extension. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url The request URL. * @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'. A WP_Error instance upon error */ public function request($url, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array()); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } elseif (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set. WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); $handle = curl_init(); // cURL offers really easy proxy support. $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy(); if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy->host()); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $proxy->port()); if ($proxy->use_authentication()) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxy->authentication()); } } $is_local = isset($r['local']) && $r['local']; $ssl_verify = isset($r['sslverify']) && $r['sslverify']; if ($is_local) { /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-http.php */ $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } elseif (!$is_local) { /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-http.php */ $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } /* * CURLOPT_TIMEOUT and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT expect integers. Have to use ceil since. * a value of 0 will allow an unlimited timeout. */ $timeout = (int) ceil($r['timeout']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $ssl_verify === true ? 2 : false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $ssl_verify); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $r['sslcertificates']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $r['user-agent']); /* * The option doesn't work with safe mode or when open_basedir is set, and there's * a bug #17490 with redirected POST requests, so handle redirections outside Curl. */ curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); if (defined('CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS')) { // PHP 5.2.10 / cURL 7.19.4 curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS); } switch ($r['method']) { case 'HEAD': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); break; case 'POST': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; case 'PUT': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; default: curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $r['method']); if (!is_null($r['body'])) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); } break; } if (true === $r['blocking']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this, 'stream_headers')); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array($this, 'stream_body')); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); if (isset($r['limit_response_size'])) { $this->max_body_length = intval($r['limit_response_size']); } else { $this->max_body_length = false; } // If streaming to a file open a file handle, and setup our curl streaming handler. if ($r['stream']) { if (!WP_DEBUG) { $this->stream_handle = @fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } else { $this->stream_handle = fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } if (!$this->stream_handle) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', sprintf(__('Could not open handle for fopen() to %s'), $r['filename'])); } } else { $this->stream_handle = false; } if (!empty($r['headers'])) { // cURL expects full header strings in each element. $headers = array(); foreach ($r['headers'] as $name => $value) { $headers[] = "{$name}: {$value}"; } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } if ($r['httpversion'] == '1.0') { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); } /** * Fires before the cURL request is executed. * * Cookies are not currently handled by the HTTP API. This action allows * plugins to handle cookies themselves. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param resource &$handle The cURL handle returned by curl_init(). * @param array $r The HTTP request arguments. * @param string $url The request URL. */ do_action_ref_array('http_api_curl', array(&$handle, $r, $url)); // We don't need to return the body, so don't. Just execute request and return. if (!$r['blocking']) { curl_exec($handle); if ($curl_error = curl_error($handle)) { curl_close($handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $curl_error); } if (in_array(curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), array(301, 302))) { curl_close($handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } curl_close($handle); return array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array()); } curl_exec($handle); $theHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($this->headers, $url); $theBody = $this->body; $bytes_written_total = $this->bytes_written_total; $this->headers = ''; $this->body = ''; $this->bytes_written_total = 0; $curl_error = curl_errno($handle); // If an error occurred, or, no response. if ($curl_error || 0 == strlen($theBody) && empty($theHeaders['headers'])) { if (CURLE_WRITE_ERROR == $curl_error) { if (!$this->max_body_length || $this->max_body_length != $bytes_written_total) { if ($r['stream']) { curl_close($handle); fclose($this->stream_handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Failed to write request to temporary file.')); } else { curl_close($handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', curl_error($handle)); } } } else { if ($curl_error = curl_error($handle)) { curl_close($handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $curl_error); } } if (in_array(curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), array(301, 302))) { curl_close($handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } } curl_close($handle); if ($r['stream']) { fclose($this->stream_handle); } $response = array('headers' => $theHeaders['headers'], 'body' => null, 'response' => $theHeaders['response'], 'cookies' => $theHeaders['cookies'], 'filename' => $r['filename']); // Handle redirects. if (false !== ($redirect_response = WP_HTTP::handle_redirects($url, $r, $response))) { return $redirect_response; } if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($theHeaders['headers'])) { $theBody = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($theBody); } $response['body'] = $theBody; return $response; }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI using PHP Streams. * * @see WP_Http::request For default options descriptions. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 3.7.0 Combined with the fsockopen transport and switched to stream_socket_client(). * * @access public * @param string $url The request URL. * @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'. A WP_Error instance upon error */ public function request($url, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array()); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } elseif (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set. WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); $arrURL = parse_url($url); $connect_host = $arrURL['host']; $secure_transport = $arrURL['scheme'] == 'ssl' || $arrURL['scheme'] == 'https'; if (!isset($arrURL['port'])) { if ($arrURL['scheme'] == 'ssl' || $arrURL['scheme'] == 'https') { $arrURL['port'] = 443; $secure_transport = true; } else { $arrURL['port'] = 80; } } // Always pass a Path, defaulting to the root in cases such as http://example.com if (!isset($arrURL['path'])) { $arrURL['path'] = '/'; } if (isset($r['headers']['Host']) || isset($r['headers']['host'])) { if (isset($r['headers']['Host'])) { $arrURL['host'] = $r['headers']['Host']; } else { $arrURL['host'] = $r['headers']['host']; } unset($r['headers']['Host'], $r['headers']['host']); } /* * Certain versions of PHP have issues with 'localhost' and IPv6, It attempts to connect * to ::1, which fails when the server is not set up for it. For compatibility, always * connect to the IPv4 address. */ if ('localhost' == strtolower($connect_host)) { $connect_host = ''; } $connect_host = $secure_transport ? 'ssl://' . $connect_host : 'tcp://' . $connect_host; $is_local = isset($r['local']) && $r['local']; $ssl_verify = isset($r['sslverify']) && $r['sslverify']; if ($is_local) { /** * Filter whether SSL should be verified for local requests. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param bool $ssl_verify Whether to verify the SSL connection. Default true. */ $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } elseif (!$is_local) { /** * Filter whether SSL should be verified for non-local requests. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param bool $ssl_verify Whether to verify the SSL connection. Default true. */ $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy(); $context = stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => $ssl_verify, 'capture_peer_cert' => $ssl_verify, 'SNI_enabled' => true, 'cafile' => $r['sslcertificates'], 'allow_self_signed' => !$ssl_verify))); $timeout = (int) floor($r['timeout']); $utimeout = $timeout == $r['timeout'] ? 0 : 1000000 * $r['timeout'] % 1000000; $connect_timeout = max($timeout, 1); // Store error number. $connection_error = null; // Store error string. $connection_error_str = null; if (!WP_DEBUG) { // In the event that the SSL connection fails, silence the many PHP Warnings. if ($secure_transport) { $error_reporting = error_reporting(0); } if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { $handle = @stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $proxy->host() . ':' . $proxy->port(), $connection_error, $connection_error_str, $connect_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } else { $handle = @stream_socket_client($connect_host . ':' . $arrURL['port'], $connection_error, $connection_error_str, $connect_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } if ($secure_transport) { error_reporting($error_reporting); } } else { if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { $handle = stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $proxy->host() . ':' . $proxy->port(), $connection_error, $connection_error_str, $connect_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } else { $handle = stream_socket_client($connect_host . ':' . $arrURL['port'], $connection_error, $connection_error_str, $connect_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } } if (false === $handle) { // SSL connection failed due to expired/invalid cert, or, OpenSSL configuration is broken. if ($secure_transport && 0 === $connection_error && '' === $connection_error_str) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified.')); } return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $connection_error . ': ' . $connection_error_str); } // Verify that the SSL certificate is valid for this request. if ($secure_transport && $ssl_verify && !$proxy->is_enabled()) { if (!self::verify_ssl_certificate($handle, $arrURL['host'])) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified.')); } } stream_set_timeout($handle, $timeout, $utimeout); if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { //Some proxies require full URL in this field. $requestPath = $url; } else { $requestPath = $arrURL['path'] . (isset($arrURL['query']) ? '?' . $arrURL['query'] : ''); } $strHeaders = strtoupper($r['method']) . ' ' . $requestPath . ' HTTP/' . $r['httpversion'] . "\r\n"; $include_port_in_host_header = $proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url) || 'http' == $arrURL['scheme'] && 80 != $arrURL['port'] || 'https' == $arrURL['scheme'] && 443 != $arrURL['port']; if ($include_port_in_host_header) { $strHeaders .= 'Host: ' . $arrURL['host'] . ':' . $arrURL['port'] . "\r\n"; } else { $strHeaders .= 'Host: ' . $arrURL['host'] . "\r\n"; } if (isset($r['user-agent'])) { $strHeaders .= 'User-agent: ' . $r['user-agent'] . "\r\n"; } if (is_array($r['headers'])) { foreach ((array) $r['headers'] as $header => $headerValue) { $strHeaders .= $header . ': ' . $headerValue . "\r\n"; } } else { $strHeaders .= $r['headers']; } if ($proxy->use_authentication()) { $strHeaders .= $proxy->authentication_header() . "\r\n"; } $strHeaders .= "\r\n"; if (!is_null($r['body'])) { $strHeaders .= $r['body']; } fwrite($handle, $strHeaders); if (!$r['blocking']) { stream_set_blocking($handle, 0); fclose($handle); return array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array()); } $strResponse = ''; $bodyStarted = false; $keep_reading = true; $block_size = 4096; if (isset($r['limit_response_size'])) { $block_size = min($block_size, $r['limit_response_size']); } // If streaming to a file setup the file handle. if ($r['stream']) { if (!WP_DEBUG) { $stream_handle = @fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } else { $stream_handle = fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } if (!$stream_handle) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', sprintf(__('Could not open handle for fopen() to %s'), $r['filename'])); } $bytes_written = 0; while (!feof($handle) && $keep_reading) { $block = fread($handle, $block_size); if (!$bodyStarted) { $strResponse .= $block; if (strpos($strResponse, "\r\n\r\n")) { $process = WP_Http::processResponse($strResponse); $bodyStarted = true; $block = $process['body']; unset($strResponse); $process['body'] = ''; } } $this_block_size = strlen($block); if (isset($r['limit_response_size']) && $bytes_written + $this_block_size > $r['limit_response_size']) { $this_block_size = $r['limit_response_size'] - $bytes_written; $block = substr($block, 0, $this_block_size); } $bytes_written_to_file = fwrite($stream_handle, $block); if ($bytes_written_to_file != $this_block_size) { fclose($handle); fclose($stream_handle); return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Failed to write request to temporary file.')); } $bytes_written += $bytes_written_to_file; $keep_reading = !isset($r['limit_response_size']) || $bytes_written < $r['limit_response_size']; } fclose($stream_handle); } else { $header_length = 0; while (!feof($handle) && $keep_reading) { $block = fread($handle, $block_size); $strResponse .= $block; if (!$bodyStarted && strpos($strResponse, "\r\n\r\n")) { $header_length = strpos($strResponse, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; $bodyStarted = true; } $keep_reading = !$bodyStarted || !isset($r['limit_response_size']) || strlen($strResponse) < $header_length + $r['limit_response_size']; } $process = WP_Http::processResponse($strResponse); unset($strResponse); } fclose($handle); $arrHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($process['headers'], $url); $response = array('headers' => $arrHeaders['headers'], 'body' => null, 'response' => $arrHeaders['response'], 'cookies' => $arrHeaders['cookies'], 'filename' => $r['filename']); // Handle redirects. if (false !== ($redirect_response = WP_Http::handle_redirects($url, $r, $response))) { return $redirect_response; } // If the body was chunk encoded, then decode it. if (!empty($process['body']) && isset($arrHeaders['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && 'chunked' == $arrHeaders['headers']['transfer-encoding']) { $process['body'] = WP_Http::chunkTransferDecode($process['body']); } if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($arrHeaders['headers'])) { $process['body'] = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($process['body']); } if (isset($r['limit_response_size']) && strlen($process['body']) > $r['limit_response_size']) { $process['body'] = substr($process['body'], 0, $r['limit_response_size']); } $response['body'] = $process['body']; return $response; }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI using cURL extension. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url * @param str|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array 'headers', 'body', 'cookies' and 'response' keys. */ function request($url, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array()); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } else { if (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set. WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); // cURL extension will sometimes fail when the timeout is less than 1 as it may round down // to 0, which gives it unlimited timeout. if ($r['timeout'] > 0 && $r['timeout'] < 1) { $r['timeout'] = 1; } $handle = curl_init(); // cURL offers really easy proxy support. $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy(); if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { $isPHP5 = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>='); if ($isPHP5) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy->host()); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $proxy->port()); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy->host() . ':' . $proxy->port()); } if ($proxy->use_authentication()) { if ($isPHP5) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxy->authentication()); } } $is_local = isset($args['local']) && $args['local']; $ssl_verify = isset($args['sslverify']) && $args['sslverify']; if ($is_local) { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } elseif (!$is_local) { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $ssl_verify); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $ssl_verify); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $r['user-agent']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $r['timeout']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $r['timeout']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $r['redirection']); switch ($r['method']) { case 'HEAD': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); break; case 'POST': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; case 'PUT': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; } if (true === $r['blocking']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); } // The option doesn't work with safe mode or when open_basedir is set. if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir')) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); } if (!empty($r['headers'])) { // cURL expects full header strings in each element $headers = array(); foreach ($r['headers'] as $name => $value) { $headers[] = "{$name}: {$value}"; } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } if ($r['httpversion'] == '1.0') { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); } // Cookies are not handled by the HTTP API currently. Allow for plugin authors to handle it // themselves... Although, it is somewhat pointless without some reference. do_action_ref_array('http_api_curl', array(&$handle)); // We don't need to return the body, so don't. Just execute request and return. if (!$r['blocking']) { curl_exec($handle); curl_close($handle); return array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array()); } $theResponse = curl_exec($handle); if (!empty($theResponse)) { $headerLength = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $theHeaders = trim(substr($theResponse, 0, $headerLength)); $theBody = substr($theResponse, $headerLength); if (false !== strrpos($theHeaders, "\r\n\r\n")) { $headerParts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $theHeaders); $theHeaders = $headerParts[count($headerParts) - 1]; } $theHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($theHeaders); } else { if ($curl_error = curl_error($handle)) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $curl_error); } if (in_array(curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), array(301, 302))) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } $theHeaders = array('headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array()); $theBody = ''; } $response = array(); $response['code'] = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $response['message'] = get_status_header_desc($response['code']); curl_close($handle); if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($theHeaders['headers'])) { $theBody = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($theBody); } return array('headers' => $theHeaders['headers'], 'body' => $theBody, 'response' => $response, 'cookies' => $theHeaders['cookies']); }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI using cURL extension. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url * @param str|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array 'headers', 'body', and 'response' keys. */ function request($url, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } else { if (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } } // cURL extension will sometimes fail when the timeout is less than 1 as // it may round down to 0, which gives it unlimited timeout. if ($r['timeout'] > 0 && $r['timeout'] < 1) { $r['timeout'] = 1; } $handle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // The cURL extension requires that the option be set for the HEAD to // work properly. if ('HEAD' === $r['method']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); } if (true === $r['blocking']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 0); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $r['user-agent']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $r['timeout']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $r['redirection']); // The option doesn't work with safe mode or when open_basedir is set. if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir')) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); } if (!is_null($r['headers'])) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $r['headers']); } if ($r['httpversion'] == '1.0') { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); } // Cookies are not handled by the HTTP API currently. Allow for plugin // authors to handle it themselves... Although, it is somewhat pointless // without some reference. do_action_ref_array('http_api_curl', array(&$handle)); // We don't need to return the body, so don't. Just execution request // and return. if (!$r['blocking']) { curl_exec($handle); curl_close($handle); return array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code', 'message')); } $theResponse = curl_exec($handle); if (!empty($theResponse)) { $headerLength = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $theHeaders = trim(substr($theResponse, 0, $headerLength)); $theBody = substr($theResponse, $headerLength); if (false !== strrpos($theHeaders, "\r\n\r\n")) { $headerParts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $theHeaders); $theHeaders = $headerParts[count($headerParts) - 1]; } $theHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($theHeaders); } else { if ($curl_error = curl_error($handle)) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $curl_error); } if (in_array(curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), array(301, 302))) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } $theHeaders = array('headers' => array()); $theBody = ''; } $response = array(); $response['code'] = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $response['message'] = get_status_header_desc($response['code']); curl_close($handle); if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($theHeaders)) { $theBody = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($theBody); } return array('headers' => $theHeaders['headers'], 'body' => $theBody, 'response' => $response); }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI using cURL extension. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url * @param str|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies' and 'filename' keys. */ function request($url, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array()); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } else { if (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set. WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); $handle = curl_init(); // cURL offers really easy proxy support. $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy(); if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy->host()); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $proxy->port()); if ($proxy->use_authentication()) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxy->authentication()); } } $is_local = isset($args['local']) && $args['local']; $ssl_verify = isset($args['sslverify']) && $args['sslverify']; if ($is_local) { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } elseif (!$is_local) { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } // CURLOPT_TIMEOUT and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT expect integers. Have to use ceil since // a value of 0 will allow an ulimited timeout. $timeout = (int) ceil($r['timeout']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $ssl_verify === true ? 2 : false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $ssl_verify); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $r['user-agent']); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $r['redirection']); switch ($r['method']) { case 'HEAD': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); break; case 'POST': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; case 'PUT': curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r['body']); break; } if (true === $r['blocking']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'stream_headers')); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // If streaming to a file open a file handle, and setup our curl streaming handler if ($r['stream']) { if (!WP_DEBUG) { $stream_handle = @fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } else { $stream_handle = fopen($r['filename'], 'w+'); } if (!$stream_handle) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', sprintf(__('Could not open handle for fopen() to %s'), $r['filename'])); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FILE, $stream_handle); } // The option doesn't work with safe mode or when open_basedir is set. if (!ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir') && 0 !== $r['_redirection']) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); } if (!empty($r['headers'])) { // cURL expects full header strings in each element $headers = array(); foreach ($r['headers'] as $name => $value) { $headers[] = "{$name}: {$value}"; } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } if ($r['httpversion'] == '1.0') { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); } // Cookies are not handled by the HTTP API currently. Allow for plugin authors to handle it // themselves... Although, it is somewhat pointless without some reference. do_action_ref_array('http_api_curl', array(&$handle)); // We don't need to return the body, so don't. Just execute request and return. if (!$r['blocking']) { curl_exec($handle); curl_close($handle); return array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array()); } $theResponse = curl_exec($handle); $theBody = ''; $theHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($this->headers); if (strlen($theResponse) > 0 && !is_bool($theResponse)) { // is_bool: when using $args['stream'], curl_exec will return (bool)true $theBody = $theResponse; } // If no response, and It's not a HEAD request with valid headers returned if (0 == strlen($theResponse) && ('HEAD' != $args['method'] || empty($this->headers))) { if ($curl_error = curl_error($handle)) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', $curl_error); } if (in_array(curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), array(301, 302))) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } } unset($this->headers); $response = array(); $response['code'] = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $response['message'] = get_status_header_desc($response['code']); curl_close($handle); if ($r['stream']) { fclose($stream_handle); } // See #11305 - When running under safe mode, redirection is disabled above. Handle it manually. if (!empty($theHeaders['headers']['location']) && (ini_get('safe_mode') || ini_get('open_basedir')) && 0 !== $r['_redirection']) { if ($r['redirection']-- > 0) { return $this->request($theHeaders['headers']['location'], $r); } else { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Too many redirects.')); } } if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($theHeaders['headers'])) { $theBody = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($theBody); } return array('headers' => $theHeaders['headers'], 'body' => $theBody, 'response' => $response, 'cookies' => $theHeaders['cookies'], 'filename' => $r['filename']); }
/** * Make a HTTP request to a supplied URL. * * Much of the logic here is plagiarized from the WP_Http_Curl as to avoid * trying to re-invent the wheel. * * @param $url * @param $args * @return bool */ public function request($url, $args) { $r = wp_parse_args($args, self::$request_defaults); // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set. WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); $is_local = isset($r['local']) && $r['local']; $ssl_verify = isset($r['sslverify']) && $r['sslverify']; if ($is_local) { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } else { $ssl_verify = apply_filters('https_ssl_verify', $ssl_verify); } // For now, lets not support streaming into a file and see what breaks if (isset($r['filename'])) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('Saving to a file is not currently supported.')); } $req = new \google\appengine\URLFetchRequest(); $req->setUrl($url); $req->setMethod(self::$request_map[$r['method']]); $req->setMustValidateServerCertificate($ssl_verify); if (isset($r['body'])) { $req->setPayload($r['body']); } if (isset($r['timeout'])) { $req->setDeadline($r['timeout']); } // App Engine does not allow setting the number of redirects, only if we // follow redirects or not. $req->setFollowRedirects(isset($r['redirection']) && $r['redirection'] != 0); foreach ($r['headers'] as $key => $value) { $header = $req->addHeader(); $header->setKey($key); $header->setValue($value); } $resp = new \google\appengine\URLFetchResponse(); try { ApiProxy::makeSyncCall('urlfetch', 'Fetch', $req, $resp); } catch (ApplicationError $e) { syslog(LOG_ERR, sprintf("Call to URLFetch failed with application error %d for url %s.", $e->getApplicationError(), $url)); return new \WP_Error('http_request_failed', $e->getMessage()); } $response = []; $response['code'] = $resp->getStatusCode(); $response['message'] = \get_status_header_desc($resp->getStatusCode()); $headers = []; $cookies = []; foreach ($resp->getHeaderList() as $header) { $key = strtolower($header->getKey()); $value = trim($header->getValue()); // If a header has multiple values then it is stored in an array if (isset($headers[$key])) { if (!is_array($headers[$key])) { $headers[$key] = [$headers[$key]]; } $headers[$key][] = $value; } else { $headers[$key] = $value; } if ('set-cookie' == $key) { $cookies[] = new \WP_Http_Cookie($value, $url); } } $theBody = $resp->getContent(); if (true === $r['decompress'] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::should_decode($headers)) { $theBody = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress($theBody); } if (isset($r['limit_response_size']) && strlen($theBody) > $r['limit_response_size']) { $theBody = substr($theBody, 0, $r['limit_response_size']); } $response = ['response' => $response, 'body' => $theBody, 'cookies' => $cookies, 'headers' => $headers]; return $response; }