function can_process()
    global $wo_details;
    if (!check_num('costs', 0)) {
        display_error(_("The amount entered is not a valid number or less then zero."));
        return false;
    if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) {
        display_error(_("The entered date is invalid."));
        return false;
    } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) {
        display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year."));
        return false;
    if (date_diff2(sql2date($wo_details["released_date"]), $_POST['date_'], "d") > 0) {
        display_error(_("The additional cost date cannot be before the release date of the work order."));
        return false;
    return true;
function check_overdue($row)
    return !$row["closed"] && date_diff2(Today(), sql2date($row["required_by"]), "d") > 0;
function can_process()
    global $wo_details, $SysPrefs, $Refs;
    if (!$Refs->is_valid($_POST['ref'])) {
        display_error(_("You must enter a reference."));
        return false;
    if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], 29)) {
        display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use."));
        return false;
    if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) {
        display_error(_("The quantity entered is not a valid number or less then zero."));
        return false;
    if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) {
        display_error(_("The entered date is invalid."));
        return false;
    } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) {
        display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year."));
        return false;
    if (date_diff2(sql2date($wo_details["released_date"]), $_POST['date_'], "d") > 0) {
        display_error(_("The production date cannot be before the release date of the work order."));
        return false;
    // don't produce more that required. Otherwise change the Work Order.
    if (input_num('quantity') > $wo_details["units_reqd"] - $wo_details["units_issued"]) {
        display_error(_("The production exceeds the quantity needed. Please change the Work Order."));
        return false;
    // if unassembling we need to check the qoh
    if ($_POST['ProductionType'] == 0 && !$SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock()) {
        $wo_details = get_work_order($_POST['selected_id']);
        $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($wo_details["stock_id"], $wo_details["loc_code"], $_POST['date_']);
        if (-input_num('quantity') + $qoh < 0) {
            display_error(_("The unassembling cannot be processed because there is insufficient stock."));
            return false;
    // if production we need to check the qoh of the wo requirements
    if ($_POST['ProductionType'] == 1 && !$SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock()) {
        $err = false;
        $result = get_wo_requirements($_POST['selected_id']);
        while ($row = db_fetch($result)) {
            if ($row['mb_flag'] == 'D') {
                // service, non stock
            $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($row["stock_id"], $row["loc_code"], $_POST['date_']);
            if ($qoh - $row['units_req'] * input_num('quantity') < 0) {
                display_error(_("The production cannot be processed because a required item would cause a negative inventory balance :") . " " . $row['stock_id'] . " - " . $row['description']);
                $err = true;
        if ($err) {
            return false;
    return true;
function is_overdue($row)
    return date_diff2(Today(), sql2date($row["due_date"]), "d") > 0;
function lignSearchExercices($cr1, $cr2, $cr3, $cr4)
    $ret = '';
    $table1 = "stocks_exercice";
    //Connection to Database server
    mysql_connect(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPWD) or header('location:errorPage.php&code=');
    //Select Database
    mysql_select_db(DB) or header('location:errorPage.php&code=');
    $where = '';
    isset($cr1) and $cr1 != '' ? $where .= " ID_EXERCICE = '{$cr1}' AND " : ($where .= "");
    isset($cr2) and $cr2 != '' ? $where .= " LIBELLE_EXERCICE LIKE '%{$cr2}%' AND " : ($where .= "");
    isset($cr3) and $cr3 != '' ? $where .= " DEBUT = '" . mysqlFormat($cr3) . "' AND " : ($where .= "");
    isset($cr4) and $cr4 != '' ? $where .= " FIN = '" . mysqlFormat($cr4) . "' AND " : ($where .= "");
    if ($where != '') {
        $where = substr(" WHERE {$where}", 0, strlen(" WHERE {$where}") - 4);
    $order = '';
    isset($ord) and $ord != '' ? $order = " ORDER BY {$ord} {$sens}" : ($order = " ORDER BY {$table1}.ID_EXERCICE ASC");
    $SQL = "SELECT * FROM {$table1} {$where} {$order};";
    $result = mysql_query($SQL);
    $i = 0;
    $j = 5;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $i % 2 == 0 ? $col = "tableOddRow" : ($col = "tableEvenRow");
        $row['STATUS'] == '0' ? $status = 'Non cl&ocirc;turé' : ($status = 'Cl&ocirc;turé');
        $row['FIN'] >= date('Y-m-d') ? $tps = '(jj-' . date_diff2(date('Y-m-d'), $row['FIN']) . ')' : ($tps = '');
        $ret .= '<tr align="left" valign="middle" class="' . $col . '">
	               	<td width="3%"><input type="checkbox" name="rowSelection[]" value="' . $row['ID_EXERCICE'] . '" onClick="go(' . $row['ID_EXERCICE'] . ',' . $j . ');"></td>
                    <td width="6%" height="22" class="text" align="center">' . $row['ID_EXERCICE'] . '</td>
                    <td width="30%" class="text" >' . stripslashes($row['LIBELLE_EXERCICE']) . '</td>
					<td width="20%" class="text" align="center">' . frFormat($row['DEBUT']) . '</td>
					<td width="20%" class="text" align="center">' . frFormat($row['FIN']) . '</td>
					<td width="20%" class="text" align="center">' . $status . ' <font color="#066">' . $tps . '</font></td>
    return $ret;