public function getVideo() { return Video::exists($this->video_id) ? Video::find($this->video_id) : false; }
public static function generateId($length) { $idExists = true; while ($idExists) { $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $id = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $id .= $chars[rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1)]; } $idExists = Video::exists(array('id' => $id)); } return $id; }
/** * * Return a Json Response. The most important index for js are and data.hd.status : * values can be : * 'ok' => everything is okay, * 'doing' => a file is being converted, * 'no' => There is no file availlable in this resolution */ public function status($id, $request) { if (Video::exists($id)) { $video = Video::find($id); $data = []; $sizes = ['sd' => '640x360p', 'hd' => '1280x720p']; //Arrays of sizes and formats $formats = ['mp4', 'webm']; foreach ($sizes as $k => $size) { //For each size foreach ($formats as $format) { //And each format $file_name = $video->url . '_' . $size . '.' . $format; //File name = <url of the video>_<size>.<format> if (Utils::stringStartsWith($file_name, 'http')) { //If stocked on an external server : absoulute path. $data[$k][$format] = Utils::getHTTPStatusCodeFromURL($file_name); } else { $data[$k][$format] = Utils::getHTTPStatusCodeFromURL('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $file_name); //Ressource is directly on the same server with relative path } } } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($v['mp4'] < 400 && $v['webm'] < 400) { $data[$k]['status'] = 'ok'; } elseif ($v['mp4'] < 400 xor $v['webm'] < 400) { $data[$k]['status'] = 'doing'; } else { $data[$k]['status'] = 'no'; } } return new JsonResponse($data); //Return as JSON } else { return new JsonResponse([null]); } }
if (!$user->exists()) { Redirect::to('../index.php'); } else { if (!$user->isLoggedIn() || !$user->hasPermission('admin')) { Redirect::to('../index.php'); } else { foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($value == "") { Redirect::to('../index.php'); } } if (Input::exists('get')) { $video_entry = new Video(); $video_entry_id = $video_entry->safe_string(Input::get('id')); $video_entry->find($video_entry_id); if (!$video_entry->exists()) { Redirect::to('../index.php'); } else { $video_entry_title = $video_entry->data()->video_title; try { $video_entry->delete(['id', '=', Input::get('id')]); Session::flash('delete', 'Video for entry "' . $video_entry_title . '" has been deleted from the database.'); Redirect::to('../index.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } } else { Redirect::to('../index.php'); } }
public function video($id, $request) { $video = Video::exists($id) ? Video::find($id) : false; if (!$request->acceptsJson()) { return new RedirectResponse(WEBROOT . 'watch/' . $id); } if (is_object($video)) { $comments = $video->getComments(); $commentsData = array(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $commentsData[] = array('id' => $comment->id, 'author' => UserChannel::find($comment->poster_id)->name, 'video_id' => $comment->video_id, 'comment' => $comment->comment, 'relativeTime' => Utils::relative_time($comment->timestamp), 'timestamp' => $comment->timestamp, 'likes' => $comment->likes, 'dislikes' => $comment->dislikes); } return new JsonResponse($commentsData); } return new Response(500); }
?> "> <div class="thumbnail bg-loader" data-background-load-in-view data-background=""></div> <p><?php echo $phrase; ?> </p> </a> <i><?php echo Utils::relative_time($action->timestamp); ?> </i> </div> <?php } else { if ($action->type == 'comment' && Video::exists($action->target)) { $comment = Comment::getByChannelAction($action); $video = Utils::secureActiveRecordModel(Video::find($action->target)); ?> <div class="card<?php echo $supp_class; ?> comment"> <a href="<?php echo WEBROOT . 'watch/' . $action->target; ?> "> <p><b><?php echo Utils::secure($channel_action->name); ?> </b> a commenté votre vidéo "<b><?php