Plugin::Trigger('flag.ajax.login_check'); // Verify valid ID was provided if (empty($_POST['id']) || !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) { App::Throw404(); } if (empty($_POST['type']) || !in_array($_POST['type'], array('video', 'member', 'comment'))) { App::Throw404(); } try { // Check if user is logged in if (!$logged_in) { throw new Exception(Language::GetText('error_flag_login')); } switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'video': $id = Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_POST['id'], 'status' => 'approved')); if (!$id) { App::Throw404(); } $video = new Video($_POST['id']); $member_id = $video->user_id; $url = $video->url; $name = "Title: {$video->title}"; $type = 'Video'; Plugin::Trigger('flag.ajax.flag_video'); break; case 'member': $id = User::Exist(array('user_id' => $_POST['id'], 'status' => 'active')); if (!$id) { App::Throw404(); }
<?php // Include required files include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config/bootstrap.php'; App::LoadClass('Video'); // Establish page variables, objects, arrays, etc View::InitView('mobile_play'); Plugin::Trigger('mobile_play.start'); // Verify a video was selected if (!isset($_GET['vid']) || !is_numeric($_GET['vid'])) { App::Throw404(); } // Verify video exists $data = array('video_id' => $_GET['vid'], 'status' => 'approved', 'private' => '0', 'gated' => '0'); $id = Video::Exist($data); if (!$id) { App::Throw404(); } // Retrieve video View::$vars->video = $video = new Video($id); View::$vars->meta->title = $video->title; // Output Page Plugin::Trigger('mobile_play.before_render'); View::Render('play.tpl');
<?php // Include required files include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config/bootstrap.php'; App::LoadClass('Video'); try { // Verify video is available if (empty($_GET['vid']) && !is_numeric($_GET['vid'])) { throw new Exception(); } // Validate given video if (!Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_GET['vid'], 'status' => 'approved', 'gated' => '0', 'private' => '0'))) { throw new Exception(); } // Load Video $video = new Video($_GET['vid']); } catch (Exception $e) { $video = null; } // Output player include $config->theme_path . '/embed.tpl';
// Validate disable embed if (!empty($_POST['disable_embed']) && $_POST['disable_embed'] == '1') { View::$vars->data['disable_embed'] = '1'; } else { View::$vars->data['disable_embed'] = '0'; } // Validate gated if (!empty($_POST['gated']) && $_POST['gated'] == '1') { View::$vars->data['gated'] = '1'; } else { View::$vars->data['gated'] = '0'; } // Validate private if (!empty($_POST['private']) && $_POST['private'] == '1') { View::$vars->data['private'] = '1'; if (!empty($_POST['private_url']) && strlen($_POST['private_url']) == 7 && !Video::Exist(array('private_url' => $_POST['private_url']))) { View::$vars->data['private_url'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['private_url'])); View::$vars->private_url = View::$vars->data['private_url']; } else { View::$vars->errors['private_url'] = Language::GetText('error_private_url'); } } else { View::$vars->data['private'] = '0'; } // Validate Video Upload last (only if other fields were valid) if (empty(View::$vars->errors)) { View::$vars->data['user_id'] = View::$vars->user->user_id; View::$vars->data['filename'] = Video::CreateFilename(); View::$vars->data['status'] = 'new'; Plugin::Trigger('upload.before_create_video'); $_SESSION['upload'] = Video::Create(View::$vars->data);
App::EnableUploadsCheck(); ### Retrieve video information if (!isset($_POST['token'], $_POST['timestamp'])) { App::Throw404(); } session_write_close(); session_id($_POST['token']); session_start(); // Validate upload key $upload_key = md5(md5($_POST['timestamp']) . SECRET_KEY); if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_key']) || $_SESSION['upload_key'] != $upload_key) { App::Throw404(); } Functions::RedirectIf($logged_in = User::LoginCheck(), HOST . '/login/'); $user = new User($logged_in); if (isset($_SESSION['upload']) && Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_SESSION['upload'], 'status' => 'new'))) { $video = new Video($_SESSION['upload']); Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.load_video'); } else { header('Location: ' . HOST . '/myaccount/upload/'); exit; } try { ### Verify upload was made if (empty($_FILES) || !isset($_FILES['upload']['name'])) { throw new Exception(Language::GetText('error_uploadify_empty')); } ### Check for upload errors if ($_FILES['upload']['error'] != 0) { App::Alert('Error During Video Upload', 'There was an HTTP FILE POST error (Error code #' . $_FILES['upload']['error'] . '). Video ID: ' . $video->video_id); throw new Exception(Language::GetText('error_uploadify_system', array('host' => HOST)));
// Establish page variables, objects, arrays, etc View::InitView('play'); Plugin::Trigger('play.start'); View::$vars->logged_in = User::LoginCheck(); View::$vars->tags = null; View::$vars->private = null; // Validate requested video if (!empty($_GET['vid']) && is_numeric($_GET['vid']) && Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_GET['vid'], 'status' => 'approved'))) { View::$vars->video = new Video($_GET['vid']); View::$vars->comments_url = HOST . '/videos/' . View::$vars->video->video_id . '/comments'; // Prevent direct access to video to all users except owner if (View::$vars->video->private == '1' && View::$vars->logged_in != View::$vars->video->user_id) { App::Throw404(); } } else { if (!empty($_GET['private']) && ($video_id = Video::Exist(array('status' => 'approved', 'private_url' => $_GET['private'])))) { View::$vars->video = new Video($video_id); View::$vars->private = true; View::$vars->comments_url = HOST . '/private/comments/' . View::$vars->video->private_url; } else { if (!empty($_GET['get_private'])) { exit(Video::GeneratePrivate()); } else { App::Throw404(); } } } // Load video data for page rendering View::$vars->member = new User(View::$vars->video->user_id); View::$vars->video->Update(array('views' => View::$vars->video->views + 1)); View::$vars->rating = Rating::GetRating(View::$vars->video->video_id);
View::$vars->data['gated'] = '1'; } else { View::$vars->data['gated'] = '0'; } // Validate private if (!empty($_POST['private']) && $_POST['private'] == '1') { View::$vars->data['private'] = '1'; try { // Validate private URL if (empty($_POST['private_url'])) { throw new Exception('error'); } if (strlen($_POST['private_url']) != 7) { throw new Exception('error'); } $vid = Video::Exist(array('private_url' => $_POST['private_url'])); if ($vid && $vid != View::$vars->video->video_id) { throw new Exception('error'); } // Set private URL View::$vars->data['private_url'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['private_url'])); View::$vars->private_url = View::$vars->data['private_url']; } catch (Exception $e) { View::$vars->errors['private_url'] = Language::GetText('error_private_url'); } } else { View::$vars->data['private'] = '0'; View::$vars->data['private_url'] = ''; View::$vars->private_url = Video::GeneratePrivate(); } // Update video if no errors were made
$message = 'Video has been approved and is now available'; $message_type = 'success'; } } else { if (!empty($_GET['unban']) && is_numeric($_GET['unban'])) { // Validate video id if (Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_GET['unban']))) { $video = new Video($_GET['unban']); $video->Approve('approve'); $message = 'Video has been unbanned'; $message_type = 'success'; } } else { if (!empty($_GET['ban']) && is_numeric($_GET['ban'])) { // Validate video id if (Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $_GET['ban']))) { $video = new Video($_GET['ban']); $video->Update(array('status' => 'banned')); Flag::FlagDecision($video->video_id, 'video', true); $message = 'Video has been banned'; $message_type = 'success'; } } } } } } } ### Determine which type (status) of video to display $query = "SELECT video_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "videos WHERE"; $status = !empty($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : 'approved';
App::LoadClass('Pagination'); App::LoadClass('Rating'); // Establish page variables, objects, arrays, etc View::InitView('myvideos'); Plugin::Trigger('myvideos.start'); Functions::RedirectIf(View::$vars->logged_in = User::LoginCheck(), HOST . '/login/'); View::$vars->user = new User(View::$vars->logged_in); $records_per_page = 9; $url = HOST . '/myaccount/myvideos'; View::$vars->message = null; /*********************** Handle Form if submitted ***********************/ if (isset($_GET['vid']) && is_numeric($_GET['vid'])) { $data = array('user_id' => View::$vars->user->user_id, 'video_id' => $_GET['vid']); $video_id = Video::Exist($data); if ($video_id) { Video::Delete($video_id); View::$vars->message = Language::GetText('success_video_deleted'); View::$vars->message_type = 'success'; Plugin::Trigger('myvideos.delete_video'); } } // Retrieve total count $query = "SELECT video_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "videos WHERE user_id = " . View::$vars->user->user_id . " AND status = 'approved'"; $result_count = $db->Query($query); $total = $db->Count($result_count); // Initialize pagination View::$vars->pagination = new Pagination($url, $total, $records_per_page); $start_record = View::$vars->pagination->GetStartRecord(); // Retrieve limited results
$db->Query("SET @@session.wait_timeout=36000"); // Debug Log if ($config->debug_conversion) { App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, "\n\n### Converter Called..."); App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, "Values passed to encoder:\n" . print_r($argv, TRUE)); } try { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 1 // // Validate Requested Video // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Validating requested video...') : null; ### Validate requested video $video = new Video($video_id); if (!Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $video_id, 'status' => 'pending conversion'))) { throw new Exception("An invalid video was passed to the video encoder."); } // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Establishing variables...') : null; ### Retrieve video information $video->Update(array('status' => 'processing')); $debug_log = LOG . '/' . $video->filename . '.log'; $raw_video = UPLOAD_PATH . '/temp/' . $video->filename . '.' . $video->original_extension; $flv = UPLOAD_PATH . '/flv/' . $video->filename . '.flv'; $mobile_temp = UPLOAD_PATH . '/mobile/' . $video->filename . '_temp.mp4'; $mobile = UPLOAD_PATH . '/mobile/' . $video->filename . '.mp4'; $thumb = UPLOAD_PATH . '/thumbs/' . $video->filename . '.jpg'; Plugin::Trigger('encode.load_video'); // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Verifying raw video exists...') : null;