  * convert objects with user data to ldap data array
  * @param Tinebase_Model_FullUser  $_user
  * @param array                    $_ldapData  the data to be written to ldap
 protected function _group2ldap(Tinebase_Model_Group $_group, array &$_ldapData)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ENCRYPT ' . print_r($_ldapData, true));
     if (isset($_ldapData['objectclass'])) {
         $_ldapData['objectclass'] = array_unique(array_merge($_ldapData['objectclass'], $this->_requiredObjectClass));
     if (isset($_ldapData['gidnumber'])) {
         $gidNumber = $_ldapData['gidnumber'];
     } else {
         $gidNumber = $this->_getGidNumber($_group->getId());
     // when we try to add a group, $_group has no id which leads to Tinebase_Exception_InvalidArgument in $this->_getGroupMetaData
     try {
         $metaData = $this->_getGroupMetaData($_group);
     } catch (Tinebase_Exception_InvalidArgument $teia) {
         $metaData = array();
     if (!isset($metaData['sambasid'])) {
         $_ldapData['sambasid'] = $this->_options[Tinebase_Group_Ldap::PLUGIN_SAMBA]['sid'] . '-' . (2 * $gidNumber + 1001);
         $_ldapData['sambagrouptype'] = 2;
     $_ldapData['displayname'] = $_group->name;
  * update foreign key values
  * @param string $_mode create|update
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @todo support update mode
 protected function _updateForeignKeys($_mode, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     if ($_mode == 'create') {
         foreach ($this->_foreignTables as $key => $foreign) {
             if (!isset($_record->{$key}) || empty($_record->{$key})) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $key . ': ' . print_r($_record->{$key}, TRUE));
             foreach ($_record->{$key} as $data) {
                 if ($key == 'flags') {
                     $data = array('flag' => $data, 'folder_id' => $_record->folder_id);
                 } else {
                     // need to filter input as 'name' could contain invalid chars (emojis, ...) here
                     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
                         $data[$field] = Tinebase_Core::filterInputForDatabase($data[$field]);
                 $data['message_id'] = $_record->getId();
                 $this->_db->insert($this->_tablePrefix . $foreign['table'], $data);
  * Constructor
  * @param array  $options An array of arrays of IMAP options
  * @param string $username
  * @param string $password
 public function __construct(array $options = array(), $username = null, $password = null)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($options, true));
     parent::__construct($options, $username, $password);
  * factory function to return a selected account/imap backend class
  * @param   string|Felamimail_Model_Account $_accountId
  * @return  Felamimail_Backend_ImapProxy
  * @throws  Felamimail_Exception_IMAPInvalidCredentials
 public static function factory($_accountId)
     $accountId = $_accountId instanceof Felamimail_Model_Account ? $_accountId->getId() : $_accountId;
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Getting IMAP backend for account id ' . $accountId);
     if (!isset(self::$_backends[$accountId])) {
         // get imap config from account
         $account = $_accountId instanceof Felamimail_Model_Account ? $_accountId : Felamimail_Controller_Account::getInstance()->get($_accountId);
         $imapConfig = $account->getImapConfig();
         // we need to instantiate a new imap backend
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Connecting to server ' . $imapConfig['host'] . ':' . $imapConfig['port'] . ' (' . (array_key_exists('ssl', $imapConfig) ? $imapConfig['ssl'] : 'none') . ')' . ' with username ' . $imapConfig['user']);
         try {
             self::$_backends[$accountId] = new Felamimail_Backend_ImapProxy($imapConfig);
             Felamimail_Controller_Account::getInstance()->updateCapabilities($account, self::$_backends[$accountId]);
         } catch (Felamimail_Exception_IMAPInvalidCredentials $feiic) {
             // add account and username to Felamimail_Exception_IMAPInvalidCredentials
             throw $feiic;
     return self::$_backends[$accountId];
  * converts an array of tags names to a recordSet of Tinebase_Model_Tag
  * @param  iteratable           $tagNames
  * @param  bool                 $implicitAddMissingTags
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
 public static function resolveTagNameToTag($tagNames, $applicationName, $implicitAddMissingTags = true)
     if (empty($tagNames)) {
         return new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Tag');
     $resolvedTags = array();
     foreach ((array) $tagNames as $tagName) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Trying to allocate tag ' . $tagName);
         $tagName = trim($tagName);
         if (empty($tagName)) {
         $existingTags = Tinebase_Tags::getInstance()->searchTags(new Tinebase_Model_TagFilter(array('name' => $tagName, 'application' => $applicationName)), new Tinebase_Model_Pagination(array('sort' => 'type', 'dir' => 'DESC', 'limit' => 1)));
         if (count($existingTags) === 1) {
             $resolvedTags[] = $existingTags->getFirstRecord();
         } elseif ($implicitAddMissingTags === true) {
             // No tag found, lets create a personal tag
             $resolvedTag = Tinebase_Tags::GetInstance()->createTag(new Tinebase_Model_Tag(array('type' => Tinebase_Model_Tag::TYPE_PERSONAL, 'name' => $tagName)));
             $resolvedTags[] = $resolvedTag;
     return new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Tag', $resolvedTags);
  * download file
  * @param string $path
 public function downloadNode($path)
     try {
         $splittedPath = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
         $downloadId = array_shift($splittedPath);
         $download = $this->_getDownloadLink($downloadId);
         $node = Filemanager_Controller_DownloadLink::getInstance()->getNode($download, $splittedPath);
         if ($node->type === Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FILE) {
             $nodeController = Filemanager_Controller_Node::getInstance();
             $pathRecord = Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node_Path::createFromPath($nodeController->addBasePath($node->path));
             $this->_downloadFileNode($node, $pathRecord->streamwrapperpath);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::CRIT)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->crit(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' exception: ' . $e->getTraceAsString());
         header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not found');
         $view = new Zend_View();
         header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
Exemple #7
  * handler for JSON api requests
  * @return JSON
 public function handle()
     try {
         // init server and request first
         $server = new Zend_Json_Server();
         $server->setClass('Setup_Frontend_Json', 'Setup');
         $server->setClass('Tinebase_Frontend_Json', 'Tinebase');
         $request = new Zend_Json_Server_Request_Http();
         $method = $request->getMethod();
         $jsonKey = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TINE20_JSONKEY']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TINE20_JSONKEY'] : '';
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' is JSON request. method: ' . $method);
         $anonymnousMethods = array('Setup.getAllRegistryData', 'Setup.login', 'Tinebase.getAvailableTranslations', 'Tinebase.getTranslations', 'Tinebase.setLocale');
         if (!Setup_Core::configFileExists()) {
             $anonymnousMethods = array_merge($anonymnousMethods, array('Setup.envCheck'));
         // check json key for all methods but some exceptoins
         if (!in_array($method, $anonymnousMethods) && Setup_Core::configFileExists() && (empty($jsonKey) || $jsonKey != Setup_Core::get('jsonKey') || !Setup_Core::isRegistered(Setup_Core::USER))) {
             if (!Setup_Core::isRegistered(Setup_Core::USER)) {
                 Setup_Core::getLogger()->INFO(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Attempt to request a privileged Json-API method without authorisation from "' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '". (session timeout?)');
                 throw new Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied('Not Authorised', 401);
             } else {
                 Setup_Core::getLogger()->WARN(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Fatal: got wrong json key! (' . $jsonKey . ') Possible CSRF attempt!' . ' affected account: ' . print_r(Setup_Core::getUser(), true) . ' request: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true));
                 throw new Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied('Not Authorised', 401);
         $response = $server->handle($request);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $response = $this->_handleException($server, $request, $exception);
     echo $response;
 public function validate($username, $password)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Options: ' . print_r($this->_options, true));
     $url = isset($this->_options['url']) ? $this->_options['url'] : 'https://localhost/validate/check';
     $adapter = new Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket();
     $adapter->setStreamContext($this->_options = array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => isset($this->_options['ignorePeerName']) ? false : true, 'allow_self_signed' => isset($this->_options['allowSelfSigned']) ? true : false)));
     $client = new Zend_Http_Client($url, array('maxredirects' => 0, 'timeout' => 30));
     $params = array('user' => $username, 'pass' => $password);
     try {
         $response = $client->request(Zend_Http_Client::POST);
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception $zhcae) {
         return Tinebase_Auth::FAILURE;
     $body = $response->getBody();
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Request: ' . $client->getLastRequest());
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Response: ' . $body);
     if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) {
         return Tinebase_Auth::FAILURE;
     $result = Tinebase_Helper::jsonDecode($body);
     if (isset($result['result']) && $result['result']['status'] === true && $result['result']['value'] === true) {
         return Tinebase_Auth::SUCCESS;
     } else {
         return Tinebase_Auth::FAILURE;
Exemple #9
  * handler for command line scripts
  * @return boolean
 public function handle()
     try {
         $opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt(array('help|h' => 'Display this help Message', 'verbose|v' => 'Output messages', 'config|c=s' => 'Path to config.inc.php file', 'setconfig' => 'Update config. To specify the key and value, append \' -- configKey="your_key" configValue="your config value"\'
                        setup.php --setconfig -- configkey=sample1 configvalue=value11
                        setup.php --setconfig -- configkey=sample2 configvalue=arrayKey1:Value1,arrayKey2:value2', 'check_requirements' => 'Check if all requirements are met to install and run tine20', 'create_admin' => 'Create new admin user (or reactivate if already exists)', 'install-s' => 'Install applications [All] or comma separated list;' . ' To specify the login name and login password of the admin user that is created during installation, append \' -- adminLoginName="admin" adminPassword="******"\'' . ' To add imap or smtp settings, append (for example) \' -- imap="host:mail.example.org,port:143,dbmail_host:localhost" smtp="ssl:tls"\'', 'update-s' => 'Update applications [All] or comma separated list', 'uninstall-s' => 'Uninstall application [All] or comma separated list', 'list-s' => 'List installed applications', 'sync_accounts_from_ldap' => 'Import user and groups from ldap', 'egw14import' => 'Import user and groups from egw14
                       setup.php --egw14import egwdbhost egwdbuser egwdbpass egwdbname latin1
                       setup.php --egw14import egwdbhost egwdbuser egwdbpass egwdbname utf8'));
     } catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
         echo "Invalid usage: {$e->getMessage()}\n\n";
         echo $e->getUsageMessage();
     if (count($opts->toArray()) === 0 || $opts->h || empty($opts->install) && empty($opts->update) && empty($opts->uninstall) && empty($opts->list) && empty($opts->sync_accounts_from_ldap) && empty($opts->egw14import) && empty($opts->check_requirements) && empty($opts->create_admin) && empty($opts->setconfig)) {
         echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
     if ($opts->config) {
         // add path to config.inc.php to include path
         $path = strstr($opts->config, 'config.inc.php') !== false ? dirname($opts->config) : $opts->config;
         set_include_path($path . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Is cli request. method: ' . (isset($opts->mode) ? $opts->mode : 'EMPTY'));
     $setupServer = new Setup_Frontend_Cli();
     #$setupServer->authenticate($opts->username, $opts->password);
     return $setupServer->handle($opts);
  * repair groups
  * * add missing lists
  * * checks if list container has been deleted (and hides groups if that's the case)
  * @see 0010401: add repair script for groups without list_ids
 public function repairGroups()
     $count = 0;
     $be = new Tinebase_Group_Sql();
     $listBackend = new Addressbook_Backend_List();
     $groups = $be->getGroups();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         if ($group->list_id == null) {
             $list = Addressbook_Controller_List::getInstance()->createByGroup($group);
             $group->list_id = $list->getId();
             $group->visibility = Tinebase_Model_Group::VISIBILITY_DISPLAYED;
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Add missing list for group ' . $group->name);
         } else {
             if ($group->visibility === Tinebase_Model_Group::VISIBILITY_DISPLAYED) {
                 try {
                     $list = $listBackend->get($group->list_id);
                     $listContainer = Tinebase_Container::getInstance()->get($list->container_id);
                 } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $tenf) {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Hide group ' . $group->name . ' without list / list container.');
                     $group->visibility = Tinebase_Model_Group::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN;
     echo $count . " groups repaired!\n";
Exemple #11
 protected function _importRecord($_recordData, &$_result)
     //if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($_recordData, true));
     $record = new $this->_modelName($_recordData, TRUE);
     if ($record->isValid()) {
         if (!$this->_options['dryrun']) {
             if ($record->__get('change_sign') == 'A') {
                 $record = call_user_func(array($this->_controller, $this->_createMethod), $record);
             } else {
                 try {
                     $record = $this->_controller->getByRecordNumber((int) trim($record->__get('record_number')));
                     $record = $this->_controller->update($record);
                 } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $e) {
                     $record = call_user_func(array($this->_controller, $this->_createMethod), $record);
                 if ($record->__get('change_sign') == 'D') {
         } else {
     } else {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($record->toArray(), true));
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_Record_Validation('Imported record is invalid.');
  * adds a new relation
  * @param  Tinebase_Model_Relation $_relation 
  * @return Tinebase_Model_Relation the new relation
  * @todo    move check existance and update / modlog to controller?
 public function addRelation($_relation)
     if ($_relation->getId()) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_Record_NotAllowed('Could not add existing relation');
     $relId = $_relation->generateUID();
     // check if relation is already set (with is_deleted=1)
     if ($deletedRelId = $this->_checkExistance($_relation)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Removing existing relation (rel_id): ' . $deletedRelId);
         $where = array($this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('rel_id') . ' = ?', $deletedRelId));
     $data = $_relation->toArray();
     $data['rel_id'] = $data['id'];
     $data['id'] = $_relation->generateUID();
     if (isset($data['remark']) && is_array($data['remark'])) {
         $data['remark'] = Zend_Json::encode($data['remark']);
     $swappedData = $this->_swapRoles($data);
     $swappedData['id'] = $_relation->generateUID();
     return $this->getRelation($relId, $_relation['own_model'], $_relation['own_backend'], $_relation['own_id']);
  * appends sql to given select statement
  * @param Zend_Db_Select                $_select
  * @param Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Abstract $_backend
 public function appendFilterSql($_select, $_backend)
     $db = $_backend->getAdapter();
     // prepare value
     $value = $this->_value ? 1 : 0;
     if ($value) {
         // nothing to do -> show all contacts!
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Query all account contacts.');
     } else {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Only query visible and enabled account contacts.');
         if (Tinebase_Core::getUser() instanceof Tinebase_Model_FullUser) {
             $where = '/* is no user */ ' . Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Command::getIfIsNull($db, $db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.id'), 'true', 'false') . ' OR /* is user */ (' . Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Command::getIfIsNull($db, $db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.id'), 'false', 'true') . ' AND ' . $db->quoteInto($db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.status') . ' = ?', 'enabled') . " AND " . '(' . $db->quoteInto($db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.visibility') . ' = ?', 'displayed') . ' OR ' . $db->quoteInto($db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.id') . ' = ?', Tinebase_Core::getUser()->getId()) . ')' . ")";
         } else {
             $where = '/* is no user */ ' . Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Command::getIfIsNull($db, $db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.id'), 'true', 'false') . ' OR /* is user */ (' . Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Command::getIfIsNull($db, $db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.id'), 'false', 'true') . ' AND ' . $db->quoteInto($db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.status') . ' = ?', 'enabled') . " AND " . $db->quoteInto($db->quoteIdentifier('accounts.visibility') . ' = ?', 'displayed') . ")";
         $select = $_select instanceof Zend_Db_Select ? $_select : $_select->getSelect();
         $select = Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Abstract::traitGroup($db, $_backend->getTablePrefix(), $select);
         $_select instanceof Zend_Db_Select ? $_select = $select : $_select->setSelect($select);
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' contacts query ' . $_select->assemble());
  * get grants for records
  * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $records
 public function getGrantsForRecords(Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $records)
     $recordIds = $records->getArrayOfIds();
     if (empty($recordIds)) {
     $select = $this->_getAclSelectByRecordIds($recordIds)->group(array('record_id', 'account_type', 'account_id'));
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $select);
     $stmt = $this->_db->query($select);
     $grantsData = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' grantsData: ' . print_r($grantsData, true));
     foreach ($grantsData as $grantData) {
         $givenGrants = explode(',', $grantData['account_grants']);
         foreach ($givenGrants as $grant) {
             $grantData[$grant] = TRUE;
         $recordGrant = new $this->_modelName($grantData, true);
         $record = $records->getById($recordGrant->record_id);
         if (!$record->grants instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
             $record->grants = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet($this->_modelName);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Records with grants: ' . print_r($records->toArray(), true));
Exemple #15
  * appends sql to given select statement
  * @param  Zend_Db_Select                $_select
  * @param  Tinebase_Backend_Sql_Abstract $_backend
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_UnexpectedValue
 public function appendFilterSql($_select, $_backend)
     // don't take empty filter into account
     if (empty($this->_value) || !is_array($this->_value) || !isset($this->_value['cfId']) || empty($this->_value['cfId']) || !isset($this->_value['value'])) {
     } else {
         if ($this->_operator == 'in') {
             throw new Tinebase_Exception_UnexpectedValue('Operator "in" not supported.');
     // make sure $correlationName is a string
     $correlationName = Tinebase_Record_Abstract::generateUID() . $this->_value['cfId'] . 'cf';
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Adding custom field filter: ' . print_r($this->_value, true));
     $db = Tinebase_Core::getDb();
     $idProperty = $db->quoteIdentifier($this->_options['idProperty']);
     // per left join we add a customfield column named as the customfield and filter this joined column
     // NOTE: we name the column we join like the customfield, to be able to join multiple customfield criteria (multiple invocations of this function)
     $what = array($correlationName => SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'customfield');
     $on = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$correlationName}.record_id") . " = {$idProperty} AND " . $db->quoteIdentifier("{$correlationName}.customfield_id") . " = " . $db->quote($this->_value['cfId']);
     $_select->joinLeft($what, $on, array());
     $valueIdentifier = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$correlationName}.value");
     if ($this->_value['value'] === '') {
         $where = $db->quoteInto($valueIdentifier . ' IS NULL OR ' . $valueIdentifier . ' = ?', $this->_value['value']);
     } else {
         $value = $this->_replaceWildcards($this->_value['value']);
         $where = $db->quoteInto($valueIdentifier . $this->_opSqlMap[$this->_operator]['sqlop'], $value);
     $_select->where($where . ' /* add cf filter */');
  * send notifications to a list a recipients
  * @param Tinebase_Model_FullUser   $_updater
  * @param array                     $_recipients array of int|Addressbook_Model_Contact
  * @param string                    $_subject
  * @param string                    $_messagePlain
  * @param string                    $_messageHtml
  * @param string|array              $_attachments
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception
  * @todo improve exception handling: collect all messages / exceptions / failed email addresses / ...
 public function send($_updater, $_recipients, $_subject, $_messagePlain, $_messageHtml = NULL, $_attachments = NULL)
     $contactsBackend = Addressbook_Backend_Factory::factory(Addressbook_Backend_Factory::SQL);
     $exception = NULL;
     $sentContactIds = array();
     foreach ($_recipients as $recipient) {
         try {
             if (!$recipient instanceof Addressbook_Model_Contact) {
                 $recipient = $contactsBackend->get($recipient);
             if (!in_array($recipient->getId(), $sentContactIds)) {
                 $this->_smtpBackend->send($_updater, $recipient, $_subject, $_messagePlain, $_messageHtml, $_attachments);
                 $sentContactIds[] = $recipient->getId();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $exception = $e;
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::NOTICE)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->notice(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Failed to send notification message (recipient: ' . ($recipient instanceof Addressbook_Model_Contact ? $recipient->email : $recipient) . '. Exception: ' . $e);
     if ($exception !== NULL) {
         // throw exception in the end when all recipients have been processed
         throw $exception;
Exemple #17
  * handler for command line scripts
  * @return boolean
 public function handle()
     #if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ .' is Asterisk curl request: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true));
     if (Tinebase_Controller::getInstance()->login($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'TineAsterisk') === true) {
         $server = new Tinebase_Http_Server();
         $server->setClass('Voipmanager_Frontend_Asterisk_SipPeers', 'Voipmanager_SipPeers');
         $server->setClass('Voipmanager_Frontend_Asterisk_SipRegs', 'Voipmanager_SipRegs');
         $server->setClass('Voipmanager_Frontend_Asterisk_CallForward', 'Voipmanager_CallForward');
         $server->setClass('Voipmanager_Frontend_Asterisk_MeetMe', 'Voipmanager_MeetMe');
         list($class, $method) = explode('.', $_REQUEST['method']);
         // ugly hack to parse requests from res_config_curl
         if ($method == 'handleResConfig') {
             // set method to a usefull value
             $pos = strpos($_REQUEST['action'], '?');
             if ($pos !== false) {
                 $action = substr($_REQUEST['action'], 0, $pos);
                 list($key, $value) = explode('=', substr($_REQUEST['action'], $pos + 1));
                 $_REQUEST[$key] = $value;
             } else {
                 $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
             #if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ .' action: ' . $action);
             $method = ucfirst(substr($action, 1));
             $_REQUEST['method'] = $class . '.handle' . $method;
         #if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ .' action: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true));
     } else {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' auth failed ');
  * run multiple async jobs parallel
 public static function triggerAsyncEvents($numOfParallels = 5)
     $cmd = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../tine20/tine20.php") . ' --method Tinebase.triggerAsyncEvents';
     $cmd = TestServer::assembleCliCommand($cmd);
     // start multiple cronruns at the same time
     // NOTE: we don't use pnctl as we don't need it here and it's not always available
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $tempNames[] = $fileName = tempnam(Tinebase_Core::getTempDir(), 'asynctest');
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Starting async job: ' . $cmd);
         $result = exec("{$cmd} > {$fileName} 2> /dev/null &");
     // wait for processes to complete
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($tempNames) * 5; $i++) {
         $allJobsDone = TRUE;
         foreach ($tempNames as $fileName) {
             $output = file_get_contents($fileName);
             $allJobsDone &= (bool) preg_match('/complete.$/m', $output);
         if ($allJobsDone) {
     // cleanup
     foreach ($tempNames as $fileName) {
         //echo 'removing ' . $fileName . "\n";
     if (!$allJobsDone) {
         throw new Exception('jobs did not complete');
  * resetCache() - resets the cache
 public function resetCache()
     setcookie(self::COOKIE_KEY, '', time() - 3600);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Reset credential cache cookie.');
Exemple #20
  * parse iseragent and return backend and version
  * @return array
 public static function parseUserAgent($_userAgent)
     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' user agent: ' . $_userAgent);
     // MacOS X
     if (preg_match(Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_MacOSX::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Factory::CLIENT_MACOSX;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // Thunderbird with Sogo Connector
     } elseif (preg_match(Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Sogo::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Factory::CLIENT_SOGO;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // iOS addressbook
     } elseif (preg_match(Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_IOS::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Factory::CLIENT_IOS;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // KDE addressbook
     } elseif (preg_match(Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_KDE::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Factory::CLIENT_KDE;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // generic client
     } else {
         $backend = Addressbook_Convert_Contact_VCard_Factory::CLIENT_GENERIC;
         $version = null;
     return array($backend, $version);
  * resolves all virtual fields for the address
  * @param array $address
  * @return array with property => value
 public function resolveVirtualFields($address)
     if (!isset($address['type'])) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::WARN)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Invalid address for resolving: ' . print_r($address, true));
         return $address;
     $ft = '';
     $i18n = Tinebase_Translation::getTranslation($this->_applicationName)->getAdapter();
     $type = $address['type'];
     $ft .= !empty($address['prefix1']) ? $address['prefix1'] : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['prefix1']) && !empty($address['prefix2']) ? ' ' : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['prefix2']) ? $address['prefix2'] : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['prefix1']) || !empty($address['prefix2']) ? ', ' : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['postbox']) ? $address['postbox'] : (!empty($address['street']) ? $address['street'] : '');
     $ft .= !empty($address['postbox']) || !empty($address['street']) ? ', ' : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['postalcode']) ? $address['postalcode'] . ' ' : '';
     $ft .= !empty($address['locality']) ? $address['locality'] : '';
     $ft .= ' (';
     $ft .= $i18n->_($type);
     if ($type == 'billing') {
         $ft .= ' - ' . $address['custom1'];
     $ft .= ')';
     $address['fulltext'] = $ft;
     return $address;
  * inspect set password
  * @param string   $_userId
  * @param string   $_password
  * @param boolean  $_encrypt
  * @param boolean  $_mustChange
  * @param array    $_ldapData    the data to be written to ldap
 public function inspectSetPassword($_userId, $_password, $_encrypt, $_mustChange, array &$_ldapData)
     if ($_encrypt !== true) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->crit(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' can not transform crypted password into nt/lm samba password. Make sure to reset password for user ' . $_userId);
     } else {
         $_ldapData['sambantpassword'] = Tinebase_User_Abstract::encryptPassword($_password, Tinebase_User_Abstract::ENCRYPT_NTPASSWORD);
         $_ldapData['sambalmpassword'] = array();
         if ($_mustChange === true) {
             $_ldapData['sambapwdmustchange'] = '1';
             $_ldapData['sambapwdcanchange'] = '1';
             $_ldapData['sambapwdlastset'] = array();
         } else {
             if ($_mustChange === false) {
                 $_ldapData['sambapwdmustchange'] = '2147483647';
                 $_ldapData['sambapwdcanchange'] = '1';
                 $_ldapData['sambapwdlastset'] = Tinebase_DateTime::now()->getTimestamp();
             } else {
                 if ($_mustChange === null && $_userId instanceof Tinebase_Model_FullUser && isset($_userId->sambaSAM) && isset($_userId->sambaSAM->pwdMustChange) && isset($_userId->sambaSAM->pwdCanChange)) {
                     $_ldapData['sambapwdmustchange'] = $_userId->sambaSAM->pwdMustChange->getTimestamp();
                     $_ldapData['sambapwdcanchange'] = $_userId->sambaSAM->pwdCanChange->getTimestamp();
                     $_ldapData['sambapwdlastset'] = array();
Exemple #23
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_observable 
  * @param Tinebase_Event_Abstract $_event 
 public function fireEvent($_observable, $_event)
     $observers = $this->getObserversByEvent($_observable, $_event);
     foreach ($observers as $observer) {
         $controllerName = $observer->observer_application . '_Controller';
         if (!class_exists($controllerName)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " No such application controller: '{$controllerName}'");
         if (!class_exists($_event)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " No such event: '{$_event}'");
         try {
             $controller = call_user_func(array($controllerName, 'getInstance'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // application has no controller or is not useable at all
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Can't get instance of {$controllerName} : {$e}");
         $eventObject = new $_event();
         // Tinebase_Model_PersistentObserver holds observer and observable
         $eventObject->observable = $observer;
  * event handler function
  * all events get routed through this function
  * @param Tinebase_Event_Abstract $_eventObject the eventObject
  * @todo    write test
 protected function _handleEvent(Tinebase_Event_Abstract $_eventObject)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . ' (' . __LINE__ . ') handle event of type ' . get_class($_eventObject));
     switch (get_class($_eventObject)) {
         case 'Admin_Event_AddAccount':
         case 'Tinebase_Event_User_DeleteAccount':
              * @var Tinebase_Event_User_DeleteAccount $_eventObject
             if ($_eventObject->deletePersonalContainers()) {
             //make to be deleted accounts (user) contact a normal contact
             if ($_eventObject->keepAsContact()) {
                 $contact = Addressbook_Controller_Contact::getInstance()->get($_eventObject->account->contact_id);
                 $contact->type = Addressbook_Model_Contact::CONTACTTYPE_CONTACT;
             } else {
                 //or just delete it
                 $contactsBackend = Addressbook_Backend_Factory::factory(Addressbook_Backend_Factory::SQL);
  * converts Addressbook_Model_Contact to vcard
  * @param  Addressbook_Model_Contact  $_record
  * @return \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard
 public function fromTine20Model(Tinebase_Record_Abstract $_record)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' contact ' . print_r($_record->toArray(), true));
     // initialize vcard object
     $card = $this->_fromTine20ModelRequiredFields($_record);
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_work, array('TYPE' => array('WORK', 'VOICE')));
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_home, array('TYPE' => array('HOME', 'VOICE')));
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_cell, array('TYPE' => 'CELL'));
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_cell_private, array('TYPE' => 'OTHER'));
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_fax, array('TYPE' => array('FAX', 'WORK')));
     $card->add('TEL', $_record->tel_fax_home, array('TYPE' => array('FAX', 'HOME')));
     $card->add('ADR', array(null, $_record->adr_one_street2, $_record->adr_one_street, $_record->adr_one_locality, $_record->adr_one_region, $_record->adr_one_postalcode, $_record->adr_one_countryname), array('TYPE' => 'WORK'));
     $card->add('ADR', array(null, $_record->adr_two_street2, $_record->adr_two_street, $_record->adr_two_locality, $_record->adr_two_region, $_record->adr_two_postalcode, $_record->adr_two_countryname), array('TYPE' => 'HOME'));
     $card->add('EMAIL', $_record->email, array('TYPE' => 'PREF'));
     $card->add('EMAIL', $_record->email_home);
     $card->add('URL', $_record->url, array('TYPE' => 'WORK'));
     $card->add('URL', $_record->url_home, array('TYPE' => 'HOME'));
     $card->add('NOTE', $_record->note);
     $this->_fromTine20ModelAddBirthday($_record, $card);
     $this->_fromTine20ModelAddPhoto($_record, $card);
     $this->_fromTine20ModelAddGeoData($_record, $card);
     $this->_fromTine20ModelAddCategories($_record, $card);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' card ' . $card->serialize());
     return $card;
  * the constructor
 public function __construct()
     if (Sales_Config::getInstance()->featureEnabled(Sales_Config::FEATURE_INVOICES_MODULE)) {
         $this->_relatableModels[] = 'Sales_Model_Invoice';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'InvoicePosition';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'Invoice';
     } else {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Invoices module disabled');
     if (Sales_Config::getInstance()->featureEnabled(Sales_Config::FEATURE_OFFERS_MODULE)) {
         $this->_relatableModels[] = 'Sales_Model_Offer';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'Offer';
     if (Sales_Config::getInstance()->featureEnabled(Sales_Config::FEATURE_SUPPLIERS_MODULE)) {
         $this->_relatableModels[] = 'Sales_Model_Supplier';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'Supplier';
     if (Sales_Config::getInstance()->featureEnabled(Sales_Config::FEATURE_PURCHASE_INVOICES_MODULE)) {
         $this->_relatableModels[] = 'Sales_Model_PurchaseInvoice';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'PurchaseInvoice';
     if (Sales_Config::getInstance()->featureEnabled(Sales_Config::FEATURE_ORDERCONFIRMATIONS_MODULE)) {
         $this->_relatableModels[] = 'Sales_Model_OrderConfirmation';
         $this->_configuredModels[] = 'OrderConfirmation';
  * update to 5.1
  *  - move task status to key field config
 public function update_0()
     $tasksAppId = Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationByName('Tasks')->getId();
     // remove status_id keys
     $this->_backend->dropForeignKey('tasks', 'tasks::status_id--tasks_status::id');
     $this->_backend->dropIndex('tasks', 'status_id');
     // need to replace all NULL values first
     $this->_db->update(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'tasks', array('status_id' => 1), "`status_id` IS NULL");
     // alter status_id -> status
     $declaration = new Setup_Backend_Schema_Field_Xml('
     $this->_backend->alterCol('tasks', $declaration, 'status_id');
     // get all current status datas and drop old status table
     $stmt = $this->_db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "tasks_status`");
     $statusDatas = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $this->_backend->dropTable('tasks_status', $tasksAppId);
     // update task table
     $statusMap = array();
     // oldId => newId
     foreach ($statusDatas as $statusData) {
         $statusMap[$statusData['id']] = $statusData['status_name'];
         $this->_db->update(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'tasks', array('status' => $statusData['status_name']), "`status` = '{$statusData['id']}'");
     // create status config
     $cb = new Tinebase_Backend_Sql(array('modelName' => 'Tinebase_Model_Config', 'tableName' => 'config'));
     $tasksStatusConfig = array('name' => Tasks_Config::TASK_STATUS, 'records' => array(array('id' => 'NEEDS-ACTION', 'value' => 'No response', 'is_open' => 1, 'icon' => 'images/oxygen/16x16/actions/mail-mark-unread-new.png', 'system' => true), array('id' => 'COMPLETED', 'value' => 'Completed', 'is_open' => 0, 'icon' => 'images/oxygen/16x16/actions/ok.png', 'system' => true), array('id' => 'CANCELLED', 'value' => 'Cancelled', 'is_open' => 0, 'icon' => 'images/oxygen/16x16/actions/dialog-cancel.png', 'system' => true), array('id' => 'IN-PROCESS', 'value' => 'In process', 'is_open' => 1, 'icon' => 'images/oxygen/16x16/actions/view-refresh.png', 'system' => true)));
     // add non system custom status
     foreach ($statusDatas as $statusData) {
         if (!in_array($statusData['status_name'], array('NEEDS-ACTION', 'COMPLETED', 'CANCELLED', 'IN-PROCESS'))) {
             $tasksStatusConfig['records'][] = array('id' => $statusData['status_name'], 'value' => $statusData['status_name'], 'is_open' => $statusData['status_is_open'], 'icon' => $statusData['status_icon']);
     $cb->create(new Tinebase_Model_Config(array('application_id' => $tasksAppId, 'name' => Tasks_Config::TASK_STATUS, 'value' => json_encode($tasksStatusConfig))));
     // update persistent filters
     $stmt = $this->_db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . "filter` WHERE " . "`application_id` = '" . $tasksAppId . "' AND " . "`model` = 'Tasks_Model_TaskFilter'");
     $pfiltersDatas = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($pfiltersDatas as $pfilterData) {
         $filtersData = Zend_Json::decode($pfilterData['filters']);
         foreach ($filtersData as &$filterData) {
             if (array_key_exists('field', $filterData) && $filterData['field'] == 'status_id') {
                 $filterData['field'] = 'status';
                 $newStatusIds = array();
                 foreach ((array) $filterData['value'] as $oldStatusId) {
                     $newStatusIds[] = $statusMap[$oldStatusId];
                 $filterData['value'] = is_array($filterData['value']) ? $newStatusIds : $newStatusIds[0];
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->ERR(print_r($filterData, TRUE));
         $this->_db->update(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'filter', array('filters' => Zend_Json::encode($filtersData)), "`id` LIKE '{$pfilterData['id']}'");
     $this->setTableVersion('tasks', '4');
     $this->setApplicationVersion('Tasks', '5.1');
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Tinebase_Server_Interface::handle()
 public function handle(\Zend\Http\Request $request = null, $body = null)
     $method = $this->getRequestMethod();
     if (!in_array($method, array('Tinebase.monitoringCheckDB', 'Tinebase.monitoringCheckConfig'))) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Is cli request. method: ' . $method);
     // prevents problems with missing request uri (@see Sabre\HTTP\Request->getUri())
     if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '';
     $tinebaseServer = new Tinebase_Frontend_Cli();
     $opts = Tinebase_Core::get('opts');
     if (!in_array($method, self::getAnonymousMethods($method))) {
         $tinebaseServer->authenticate($opts->username, $opts->password);
     $result = $tinebaseServer->handle($opts);
     //@todo remove cli session path
     // convert function result to shell return code
     if ($result === NULL || $result === TRUE || !is_int($result)) {
         $result = 0;
     } else {
         if ($result === FALSE) {
             $result = 1;
     // finish profiling here - we won't run in Tinebase_Core again
Exemple #29
  * parse iseragent and return backend and version
  * @return array
 public static function parseUserAgent($_userAgent)
     // MacOS X
     if (preg_match(Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_MacOSX::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Factory::CLIENT_MACOSX;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // iPhone
     } elseif (preg_match(Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Iphone::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Factory::CLIENT_IPHONE;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // KDE
     } elseif (preg_match(Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_KDE::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Factory::CLIENT_KDE;
         $version = $matches['version'];
         // Thunderbird
     } elseif (preg_match(Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Thunderbird::HEADER_MATCH, $_userAgent, $matches)) {
         $backend = Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Factory::CLIENT_THUNDERBIRD;
         $version = $matches['version'];
     } else {
         $backend = Calendar_Convert_Event_VCalendar_Factory::CLIENT_GENERIC;
         $version = null;
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " backend: {$backend} version: {$version}");
     return array($backend, $version);
  * delete all stored contentId's for given device and class
  * @param ActiveSync_Model_Device $_deviceId
  * @param string $_class
 public function resetState(ActiveSync_Model_Device $_deviceId, $_class, $_collectionId)
     $where = array($this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('device_id') . ' = ?', $_deviceId->getId()), $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('class') . ' = ?', $_class), $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('collectionid') . ' = ?', $_collectionId));
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " reset content state");
     $this->_db->delete(SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . $this->_tableName, $where);