/** @return CommandLine */
    private function loadOptions()
        $cmd = new CommandLine(<<<XX
    DB Entities Generator

    Generate database entities for use with Nette Database.

    index.php [options]

    -s <path>             SQL file with schema to be parsed to entities.
    -n <namespace>        What namespace to put generated entities into. 
                          Will be used also as destination directory.
                            (default: DbEntity)
    -d <database name>    Used as part of namespace and directory for entities.
                            [optional] (default: none)
    -a                    Generate also absolute constants. This will generate: 
                            const __COLUMN_NAME = 'table.column_name';
                          Constant name is prefixed with (__) two underscores.
                            [optional] (default: true)
    -e                    Enquote table and column names. This will generate: 
                            const __COLUMN_NAME = '`table`.`column_name`';
                            [optional] (default: false)
    -f                    Remove destination directory if exists - use force.
                            [optional] (default: true)
    -h | --help           This help.

, array('-s' => array(CommandLine::REALPATH => TRUE), '-n' => array(CommandLine::VALUE => 'DbEntity'), '-d' => array(CommandLine::OPTIONAL => TRUE, CommandLine::VALUE => ''), '-a' => array(CommandLine::OPTIONAL => TRUE, CommandLine::VALUE => TRUE), '-e' => array(CommandLine::OPTIONAL => TRUE, CommandLine::VALUE => FALSE), '-f' => array(CommandLine::OPTIONAL => TRUE, CommandLine::VALUE => TRUE)));
        $this->options = $cmd->parse();
        return $cmd;
Exemple #2
    /** @return CommandLine */
    private function loadOptions()
        echo <<<'XX'
 _____ ___  ___ _____ ___  ___
|_   _/ __)( __/_   _/ __)| _ )
  |_| \___ /___) |_| \___ |_|_\  v1.3.2

        $cmd = new CommandLine(<<<XX
    tester.php [options] [<test file> | <directory>]...

    -p <path>              Specify PHP interpreter to run (default: php-cgi).
    -c <path>              Look for php.ini file (or look in directory) <path>.
    -l | --log <path>      Write log to file <path>.
    -d <key=value>...      Define INI entry 'key' with value 'val'.
    -s                     Show information about skipped tests.
    --stop-on-fail         Stop execution upon the first failure.
    -j <num>               Run <num> jobs in parallel (default: 8).
    -o <console|tap|none>  Specify output format.
    -w | --watch <path>    Watch directory.
    -i | --info            Show tests environment info and exit.
    --setup <path>         Script for runner setup.
    --colors [1|0]         Enable or disable colors.
    --coverage <path>      Generate code coverage report to file.
    --coverage-src <path>  Path to source code.
    -h | --help            This help.

, array('-c' => array(CommandLine::REALPATH => TRUE), '--watch' => array(CommandLine::REPEATABLE => TRUE, CommandLine::REALPATH => TRUE), '--setup' => array(CommandLine::REALPATH => TRUE), 'paths' => array(CommandLine::REPEATABLE => TRUE, CommandLine::VALUE => getcwd()), '--debug' => array(), '--coverage-src' => array(CommandLine::REALPATH => TRUE)));
        if (isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
            if ($tmp = array_search('-log', $_SERVER['argv'])) {
                $_SERVER['argv'][$tmp] = '--log';
            if ($tmp = array_search('--tap', $_SERVER['argv'])) {
                $_SERVER['argv'] = array_merge($_SERVER['argv'], array('-o', 'tap'));
        $this->options = $cmd->parse();
        return $cmd;
Exemple #3
  |_| \\___ /___) |_| \\___ |_|_\\  v1.2.0

$cmd = new Cmd(<<<XX
    tester.php [options] [<test file> | <directory>]...

    -p <path>              Specify PHP executable to run (default: php-cgi).
    -c <path>              Look for php.ini file (or look in directory) <path>.
    -l | --log <path>      Write log to file <path>.
    -d <key=value>...      Define INI entry 'key' with value 'val'.
    -s                     Show information about skipped tests.
    --stop-on-fail         Stop execution upon the first failure.
    --tap                  Generate Test Anything Protocol.
    -j <num>               Run <num> jobs in parallel (default: 33).
    -w | --watch <path>    Watch directory.
    -i | --info            Show tests environment info and exit.
    --setup <path>         Script for runner setup.
    --colors [1|0]         Enable or disable colors.
    --coverage <path>      Generate code coverage report to file.
    --coverage-src <path>  Path to source code.
    -h | --help            This help.

, array('-c' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), '--watch' => array(Cmd::REPEATABLE => TRUE, Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), '--setup' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), 'paths' => array(Cmd::REPEATABLE => TRUE, Cmd::VALUE => getcwd()), '--debug' => array(), '--coverage-src' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE)));
if (isset($_SERVER['argv']) && ($tmp = array_search('-log', $_SERVER['argv']))) {
    $_SERVER['argv'][$tmp] = '--log';
$options = $cmd->parse();
Exemple #4

 * Code coverage HTML report generator.
 * This file is part of the Nette Tester.
require __DIR__ . '/CodeCoverage/ReportGenerator.php';
require __DIR__ . '/Runner/CommandLine.php';
use Tester\Runner\CommandLine as Cmd;
$cmd = new Cmd("\nCode coverage HTML report generator\n-----------------------------------\n\nUsage:\n\tphp coverage-report.php [options]\n\nOptions:\n\t-c <path>    coverage.dat file (default: coverage.dat)\n\t-s <path>    directory with source code\n\t-o <path>    output file (default: coverage.html)\n\t-t <title>   title of generated documentation\n\t-h | --help  this help\n\n", array('-c' => array(Cmd::REALPATH), '-s' => array(Cmd::REALPATH)));
$options = $cmd->parse();
if ($cmd->isEmpty()) {
} elseif ($options['--help']) {
try {
    $generator = new ReportGenerator($options['-c'], $options['-s'], $options['-t']);
    if ($options['-o'] === '-') {
    } else {
        echo "Generating report to {$options['-o']}\n";
        echo "Done.\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";