public function actionCreateZip()
     $thread_id = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
     $data = TicketThread::model()->findByPk($thread_id);
     $files = unserialize($data->attachments);
     $path = Utils::getAttachmentpath();
     $fileArr = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fileArr[] = $path . $file;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zipName = "comment_" . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . ".zip";
     $fizip = $path . $zipName;
     if ($zip->open($fizip, ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE) {
         foreach ($fileArr as $fl) {
             if (file_exists($fl)) {
                 $zip->addFile($fl, basename($fl)) or die("<p class='warning'>ERROR: Could not add file: " . $fl . "</p>");
     $resultArr = array();
     $resultArr[] = $zip;
     $zip = $resultArr[0];
     $size = filesize($zip->filename);
     if ($zip->filename) {
         header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
         header("Content-type: application/zip");
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $zipName . "\"");
         header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
 function actionEmailComments()
     $template = Template::getTemplate('comment_mail_template');
     $subject = $template->template_subject;
     $message = $template->template_content;
     $userdata['website_url'] = Utils::getBaseUrl();
     $results = TicketThread::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'send_mail = :send_mail', 'params' => array('send_mail' => 0)));
     foreach ($results as $users) {
         $ticket_id = $users->ticket_id;
         $comments = $users->descriptions;
         $files = unserialize($users->attachments);
         if (!empty($files)) {
             $doclink = '<a href="' . Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('ticket/createZip/' . base64_encode($users->thread_id)) . '"><i class="fa fa-file"></i> Attachments #' . count($files) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $doclink = 'No Attachments';
         $userdata['user_by'] = Users::model()->getUserName($users->user_id);
         $userdata['comment'] = $comments;
         $userdata['attachments'] = $doclink;
         $userdata['ticket_id'] = $ticket_id;
         $userdata['ticket_link'] = Utils::getBaseUrl() . "/ticket/view/" . base64_encode($ticket_id);
         $assignee = TicketAssign::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'ticket_id = :ticket_id AND fwd_to !=:user_id AND status=1 ', 'params' => array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, user_id => $users->user_id)));
         $assigneeby = TicketAssign::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'ticket_id = :ticket_id AND fwd_by !=:user_id AND status=1 ', 'params' => array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, user_id => $users->user_id), 'group' => "fwd_by"));
         // For Assignee mail
         foreach ($assignee as $user) {
             $userInfo = Users::model()->findByPk($user->fwd_to);
             $userdata['user_name'] = $userInfo->user_name;
             $subject = $this->replace($userdata, $subject);
             $message = $this->replace($userdata, $message);
             $this->SendMail($userInfo->user_email, $userInfo->user_name, $subject, $message);
         // this is fowwarded by
         foreach ($assigneeby as $user) {
             $userInfo = Users::model()->findByPk($user->fwd_by);
             $userdata['user_name'] = $userInfo->user_name;
             $subject = $this->replace($userdata, $subject);
             $message = $this->replace($userdata, $message);
             $this->SendMail($userInfo->user_email, $userInfo->user_name, $subject, $message);
         $model = TicketThread::model()->findByPk($users->thread_id);
         $model->send_mail = 1;