Exemple #1
 function onTicketCreated($answer)
     try {
         global $ost;
         if (!($ticket = Ticket::lookup($answer->object_id))) {
             die('Unknown or invalid ticket ID.');
         //Slack payload
         $payload = array('attachments' => array(array('pretext' => "New Ticket <" . $ost->getConfig()->getUrl() . "scp/tickets.php?id=" . $ticket->getId() . "|#" . $ticket->getId() . "> in " . Format::htmlchars($ticket->getDept() instanceof Dept ? $ticket->getDept()->getName() : '') . " via " . $ticket->getSource() . " (" . Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCreateDate()) . ")", 'fallback' => "New Ticket <" . $ost->getConfig()->getUrl() . "scp/tickets.php?id=" . $ticket->getId() . "|#" . $ticket->getId() . "> in " . Format::htmlchars($ticket->getDept() instanceof Dept ? $ticket->getDept()->getName() : '') . " via " . $ticket->getSource() . " (" . Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCreateDate()) . ")", 'color' => "#D00000", 'fields' => array(array('title' => "From: " . mb_convert_case(Format::htmlchars($ticket->getName()), MB_CASE_TITLE) . " (" . $ticket->getEmail() . ")", 'value' => '', 'short' => false)))));
         //Curl to webhook
         $data_string = utf8_encode(json_encode($payload));
         $url = $this->getConfig()->get('slack-webhook-url');
         if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
             error_log('osticket slackplugin error: cURL is not installed!');
         $ch = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
         $result = curl_exec($ch);
         if ($result === false) {
             error_log($url . ' - ' . curl_error($ch));
         } else {
             $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
             if ($statusCode != '200') {
                 error_log($url . ' Http code: ' . $statusCode);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log('Error posting to Slack. ' . $e->getMessage());
 function delete()
     if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($this->getId())) && @$ticket->delete()) {
         return true;
     return false;
 function cannedResp($id, $format = '')
     global $thisstaff, $_GET;
     include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.canned.php';
     if (!$id || !($canned = Canned::lookup($id)) || !$canned->isEnabled()) {
         Http::response(404, 'No such premade reply');
     //Load ticket.
     if ($_GET['tid']) {
         include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.ticket.php';
         $ticket = Ticket::lookup($_GET['tid']);
     switch ($format) {
         case 'json':
             $resp['id'] = $canned->getId();
             $resp['ticket'] = $canned->getTitle();
             $resp['response'] = $ticket ? $ticket->replaceVars($canned->getResponse()) : $canned->getResponse();
             $resp['files'] = $canned->getAttachments();
             $response = $this->json_encode($resp);
         case 'txt':
             $response = $ticket ? $ticket->replaceVars($canned->getResponse()) : $canned->getResponse();
     return $response;
 public function addByTicketAction($id = 0)
     $args = array();
     if (isset($id) && $id > 0) {
         $ticket = Ticket::lookup($id);
     $ticket_items = Equipment_Ticket::getAllTickets();
     $tickets = array();
     foreach ($ticket_items as $item) {
         $ti = array('id' => $item->getId(), 'number' => $item->getNumber(), 'subject' => $item->getSubject());
         $tickets[] = $ti;
     $equipment_items = Equipment_Ticket::getAllEquipment();
     $equipments = array();
     foreach ($equipment_items as $item) {
         $ti = array('id' => $item->id, 'asset_id' => $item->asset_id);
         $equipments[] = $ti;
     $title = 'New Recurring Ticket';
     $args['ticket'] = $ticket;
     $args['tickets'] = $tickets;
     $args['equipments'] = $equipments;
     $args['title'] = $title;
     $template_name = $this->getAddTemplateName();
     $this->render($template_name, $args);
 public function getTicket()
     if ($this->ticket_id > 0) {
         return \Ticket::lookup($this->ticket_id);
     return null;
 function acquireLock($tid)
     global $cfg, $thisstaff;
     if (!$tid or !is_numeric($tid) or !$thisstaff or !$cfg) {
         return 0;
     $ticket = Ticket::lookup($tid);
     if (!$ticket || !$ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff)) {
         return $this->json_encode(array('id' => 0, 'retry' => false, 'msg' => 'Lock denied!'));
     //is the ticket already locked?
     if ($ticket->isLocked() && ($lock = $ticket->getLock()) && !$lock->isExpired()) {
         /*Note: Ticket->acquireLock does the same logic...but we need it here since we need to know who owns the lock up front*/
         //Ticket is locked by someone else.??
         if ($lock->getStaffId() != $thisstaff->getId()) {
             return $this->json_encode(array('id' => 0, 'retry' => false, 'msg' => 'Unable to acquire lock.'));
         //Ticket already locked by staff...try renewing it.
         //New clock baby!
         return $this->json_encode(array('id' => $lock->getId(), 'time' => $lock->getTime()));
     //Ticket is not locked or the lock is expired...try locking it...
     if ($lock = $ticket->acquireLock($thisstaff->getId(), $cfg->getLockTime())) {
         //Set the lock.
         return $this->json_encode(array('id' => $lock->getId(), 'time' => $lock->getTime()));
     //unable to obtain the lock..for some really weired reason!
     //Client should watch for possible loop on retries. Max attempts?
     return $this->json_encode(array('id' => 0, 'retry' => true));
 function getTicket()
     if (!$this->ticket && $this->getTicketId()) {
         $this->ticket = Ticket::lookup($this->getTicketId());
     return $this->ticket;
Exemple #8
 function onThreadEntry($threadEntry)
     if ($threadEntry->getType() == "N") {
     //system entry
     $ticket = Ticket::lookup($threadEntry->ht['ticket_id']);
     $recip = $ticket->getRecipients();
     // conntact api for each recipient
     foreach ($recip as $user) {
         //skip thread entry creator
         if ($threadEntry->getUserId() == $user->getId()) {
         //$fields = $this->getConfig()->get('webapi-fields');
         try {
             //format Your payload as Your api need
             $payload = array('method' => 'addNotification', 'params' => array('ticketID' => $ticket->getId(), 'title' => $ticket->getSubject(), 'value' => $threadEntry->getBody(), 'poster' => $threadEntry->getPoster()));
             $data_string = utf8_encode(json_encode($payload));
             $url = $this->getConfig()->get('webapi-url');
             $ch = curl_init($url);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string)));
             $content = curl_exec($ch);
             if ($content === false) {
                 throw new Exception($url . ' - ' . curl_error($ch));
             } else {
                 $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
                 if ($statusCode != '200') {
                     throw new Exception($url . ' Http code: ' . $statusCode);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             error_log('Error posting to Web API. ' . $e->getMessage());


	echo ("not an available department");
    $count = count($_REQUEST['tids']);
    foreach ($_REQUEST['tids'] as $tid) {
        if (($ticket=Ticket::lookup($tid)))



	echo "Transferred ".$i." tickets successfully";
Exemple #10
  * Cooperates with the cron system to automatically find content that is
  * not index in the _search table and add it to the index.
 function IndexOldStuff()
     $class = get_class();
     $auto_create = function ($db_error) use($class) {
         if ($db_error != 1146) {
             // Perform the standard error handling
             return true;
         // Create the search table automatically
     // THREADS ----------------------------------
     $sql = "SELECT A1.`id`, A1.`title`, A1.`body`, A1.`format` FROM `" . TICKET_THREAD_TABLE . "` A1\n            LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_search` A2 ON (A1.`id` = A2.`object_id` AND A2.`object_type`='H')\n            WHERE A2.`object_id` IS NULL AND (A1.poster <> 'SYSTEM')\n            AND (LENGTH(A1.`title`) + LENGTH(A1.`body`) > 0)\n            ORDER BY A1.`id` DESC";
     if (!($res = db_query_unbuffered($sql, $auto_create))) {
         return false;
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $body = ThreadBody::fromFormattedText($row[2], $row[3]);
         $body = $body->getSearchable();
         $title = Format::searchable($row[1]);
         if (!$body && !$title) {
         $record = array('H', $row[0], $title, $body);
         if (!$this->__index($record)) {
     // TICKETS ----------------------------------
     $sql = "SELECT A1.`ticket_id` FROM `" . TICKET_TABLE . "` A1\n            LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_search` A2 ON (A1.`ticket_id` = A2.`object_id` AND A2.`object_type`='T')\n            WHERE A2.`object_id` IS NULL\n            ORDER BY A1.`ticket_id` DESC";
     if (!($res = db_query_unbuffered($sql, $auto_create))) {
         return false;
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $ticket = Ticket::lookup($row[0]);
         $cdata = $ticket->loadDynamicData();
         $content = array();
         foreach ($cdata as $k => $a) {
             if ($k != 'subject' && ($v = $a->getSearchable())) {
                 $content[] = $v;
         $record = array('T', $ticket->getId(), Format::searchable($ticket->getNumber() . ' ' . $ticket->getSubject()), implode("\n", $content));
         if (!$this->__index($record)) {
     // USERS ------------------------------------
     $sql = "SELECT A1.`id` FROM `" . USER_TABLE . "` A1\n            LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_search` A2 ON (A1.`id` = A2.`object_id` AND A2.`object_type`='U')\n            WHERE A2.`object_id` IS NULL\n            ORDER BY A1.`id` DESC";
     if (!($res = db_query_unbuffered($sql, $auto_create))) {
         return false;
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $user = User::lookup($row[0]);
         $cdata = $user->getDynamicData();
         $content = array();
         foreach ($user->emails as $e) {
             $content[] = $e->address;
         foreach ($cdata as $e) {
             foreach ($e->getAnswers() as $a) {
                 if ($c = $a->getSearchable()) {
                     $content[] = $c;
         $record = array('U', $user->getId(), Format::searchable($user->getFullName()), trim(implode("\n", $content)));
         if (!$this->__index($record)) {
     // ORGANIZATIONS ----------------------------
     $sql = "SELECT A1.`id` FROM `" . ORGANIZATION_TABLE . "` A1\n            LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_search` A2 ON (A1.`id` = A2.`object_id` AND A2.`object_type`='O')\n            WHERE A2.`object_id` IS NULL\n            ORDER BY A1.`id` DESC";
     if (!($res = db_query_unbuffered($sql, $auto_create))) {
         return false;
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $org = Organization::lookup($row[0]);
         $cdata = $org->getDynamicData();
         $content = array();
         foreach ($cdata as $e) {
             foreach ($e->getAnswers() as $a) {
                 if ($c = $a->getSearchable()) {
                     $content[] = $c;
         $record = array('O', $org->getId(), Format::searchable($org->getName()), trim(implode("\n", $content)));
         if (!$this->__index($record)) {
             return null;
     // KNOWLEDGEBASE ----------------------------
     require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.faq.php';
     $sql = "SELECT A1.`faq_id` FROM `" . FAQ_TABLE . "` A1\n            LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_search` A2 ON (A1.`faq_id` = A2.`object_id` AND A2.`object_type`='K')\n            WHERE A2.`object_id` IS NULL\n            ORDER BY A1.`faq_id` DESC";
     if (!($res = db_query_unbuffered($sql, $auto_create))) {
         return false;
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $faq = FAQ::lookup($row[0]);
         $q = $faq->getQuestion();
         if ($k = $faq->getKeywords()) {
             $q = $k . ' ' . $q;
         $record = array('K', $faq->getId(), Format::searchable($q), $faq->getSearchableAnswer());
         if (!$this->__index($record)) {
     // FILES ------------------------------------
     // Flush non-full batch of records
     $this->__index(null, true);
     if (!$this->_reindexed) {
         // Stop rebuilding the index
         $this->getConfig()->set('reindex', 0);

// this is an ajax API to remove the collaborators for a ticket
	echo $tid;
	echo 'false';

Exemple #12
 function previewTicket($tid)
     global $thisstaff;
     if (!$thisstaff || !($ticket = Ticket::lookup($tid)) || !$ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff)) {
         Http::response(404, 'No such ticket');
     $staff = $ticket->getStaff();
     $lock = $ticket->getLock();
     $error = $msg = $warn = null;
     if ($lock && $lock->getStaffId() == $thisstaff->getId()) {
         $warn .= '&nbsp;<span class="Icon lockedTicket">Ticket is locked by ' . $lock->getStaffName() . '</span>';
     } elseif ($ticket->isOverdue()) {
         $warn .= '&nbsp;<span class="Icon overdueTicket">Marked overdue!</span>';
     echo sprintf('<div style="width:500px; padding: 2px 2px 0 5px;">
              <h2>%s</h2><br>', Format::htmlchars($ticket->getSubject()));
     if ($error) {
         echo sprintf('<div id="msg_error">%s</div>', $error);
     } elseif ($msg) {
         echo sprintf('<div id="msg_notice">%s</div>', $msg);
     } elseif ($warn) {
         echo sprintf('<div id="msg_warning">%s</div>', $warn);
     echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="" cellpadding="1" width="100%" class="ticket_info">';
     $ticket_state = sprintf('<span>%s</span>', ucfirst($ticket->getStatus()));
     if ($ticket->isOpen()) {
         if ($ticket->isOverdue()) {
             $ticket_state .= ' &mdash; <span>Overdue</span>';
         } else {
             $ticket_state .= sprintf(' &mdash; <span>%s</span>', $ticket->getPriority());
     echo sprintf('
                 <th width="100">Ticket State:</th>
                 <th>Create Date:</th>
             </tr>', $ticket_state, Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCreateDate()));
     if ($ticket->isClosed()) {
         echo sprintf('
                     <th>Close Date:</th>
                     <td>%s   <span class="faded">by %s</span></td>
                 </tr>', Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCloseDate()), $staff ? $staff->getName() : 'staff');
     } elseif ($ticket->getDueDate()) {
         echo sprintf('
                     <th>Due Date:</th>
                 </tr>', Format::db_datetime($ticket->getDueDate()));
     echo '</table>';
     echo '<hr>
         <table border="0" cellspacing="" cellpadding="1" width="100%" class="ticket_info">';
     if ($ticket->isOpen()) {
         echo sprintf('
                     <th width="100">Assigned To:</th>
                 </tr>', $ticket->isAssigned() ? implode('/', $ticket->getAssignees()) : ' <span class="faded">&mdash; Unassigned &mdash;</span>');
     echo sprintf('   <tr>
                 <th width="100">Department:</th>
                 <th>Help Topic:</th>
                 <td>%s <span class="faded">%s</span></td>
             </tr>', Format::htmlchars($ticket->getDeptName()), Format::htmlchars($ticket->getHelpTopic()), Format::htmlchars($ticket->getName()), $ticket->getEmail());
     echo '
     $options[] = array('action' => 'Thread (' . $ticket->getThreadCount() . ')', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}");
     if ($ticket->getNumNotes()) {
         $options[] = array('action' => 'Notes (' . $ticket->getNumNotes() . ')', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}#notes");
     if ($ticket->isOpen()) {
         $options[] = array('action' => 'Reply', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}#reply");
     if ($thisstaff->canAssignTickets()) {
         $options[] = array('action' => $ticket->isAssigned() ? 'Reassign' : 'Assign', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}#assign");
     if ($thisstaff->canTransferTickets()) {
         $options[] = array('action' => 'Transfer', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}#transfer");
     $options[] = array('action' => 'Post Note', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}#note");
     if ($thisstaff->canEditTickets()) {
         $options[] = array('action' => 'Edit Ticket', 'url' => "tickets.php?id={$tid}&a=edit");
     if ($options) {
         echo '<ul class="tip_menu">';
         foreach ($options as $option) {
             echo sprintf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', $option['url'], $option['action']);
         echo '</ul>';
     echo '</div>';
     $resp = ob_get_contents();
     return $resp;
Exemple #13
             $t->logNote('Ticket Marked Overdue', $note, $thisstaff);
     if ($i == $count) {
         $msg = "Selected tickets ({$i}) marked overdue";
     } elseif ($i) {
         $warn = "{$i} of {$count} selected tickets marked overdue";
     } else {
         $errors['err'] = 'Unable to flag selected tickets as overdue';
 case 'delete':
     if ($thisstaff->canDeleteTickets()) {
         foreach ($_POST['tids'] as $k => $v) {
             if (($t = Ticket::lookup($v)) && @$t->delete()) {
         //Log a warning
         if ($i) {
             $log = sprintf('%s (%s) just deleted %d ticket(s)', $thisstaff->getName(), $thisstaff->getUserName(), $i);
             $ost->logWarning('Tickets deleted', $log, false);
         if ($i == $count) {
             $msg = "Selected tickets ({$i}) deleted successfully";
         } elseif ($i) {
             $warn = "{$i} of {$count} selected tickets deleted";
         } else {
             $errors['err'] = 'Unable to delete selected tickets';
Exemple #14
 protected function validate($authkey)
     $regex = '/^(?P<type>\\w{1})(?P<id>\\d+)t(?P<tid>\\d+)h(?P<hash>.*)$/i';
     $matches = array();
     if (!preg_match($regex, $authkey, $matches)) {
         return false;
     $user = null;
     switch ($matches['type']) {
         case 'c':
             $criteria = array('userId' => $matches['id'], 'ticketId' => $matches['tid']);
             if (($c = Collaborator::lookup($criteria)) && $c->getTicketId() == $matches['tid']) {
                 $user = new ClientSession($c);
         case 'o':
             //Ticket owner
             if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($matches['tid'])) && ($o = $ticket->getOwner()) && $o->getId() == $matches['id']) {
                 $user = new ClientSession($o);
     //Make sure the authkey matches.
     if (!$user || strcmp($this->getAuthKey($user), $authkey)) {
         return null;
     return $user;
Exemple #15
 function cannedResponse($tid, $cid, $format = 'text')
     global $thisstaff, $cfg;
     if (!($ticket = Ticket::lookup($tid)) || !$ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff)) {
         Http::response(404, 'Unknown ticket ID');
     if ($cid && !is_numeric($cid)) {
         if (!($response = $ticket->getThread()->getVar($cid))) {
             Http::response(422, 'Unknown ticket variable');
         // Ticket thread variables are assumed to be quotes
         $response = "<br/><blockquote>{$response}</blockquote><br/>";
         //  Return text if html thread is not enabled
         if (!$cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) {
             $response = Format::html2text($response, 90);
         // XXX: assuming json format for now.
         return Format::json_encode(array('response' => $response));
     if (!$cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) {
         $format .= '.plain';
     $varReplacer = function (&$var) use($ticket) {
         return $ticket->replaceVars($var);
     include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.canned.php';
     if (!$cid || !($canned = Canned::lookup($cid)) || !$canned->isEnabled()) {
         Http::response(404, 'No such premade reply');
     return $canned->getFormattedResponse($format, $varReplacer);
Exemple #16
   <a class="Icon <?php echo strtolower($row['source']); ?>Ticket ticketPreview"
     title="<?php echo "tickets.php?id=".$row['ticket_id']; ?>"
     href="<?php echo $ticketUrl; ?>"><?php echo $tid; ?>
     <img src="/images/lock.jpg" style="height:16px;width:16px;">
     <?php } ?>
 <td align="center" nowrap><?php echo Format::db_datetime($row['effective_date']); ?></td>
 <td><a <?php if ($flag) { ?> class="Icon <?php echo $flag; ?>Ticket" title="<?php echo ucfirst($flag); ?> Ticket" <?php } ?>
     href="<?php echo $ticketUrl; ?>"><?php echo $subject; ?></a>
         $ticket = Ticket::lookup($row['ticket_id']);
         $threadcount = $ticket->getNumResponses() + $ticket->getNumMessages();
         $messageCount = 0;
         $responseCount = 0;
         $internalNoteCount = 0;
             $messageCount = $ticket->getNumMessages();
             $responseCount = $ticket->getNumResponses();
             $internalNoteCount = $ticket->getNumInternalNotes();
         if ($threadcount>0)
             echo "<small>M(".$messageCount.")</small>&nbsp;";
             echo "<small>R(".$responseCount.")</small>&nbsp;";
 public static function getAllTickets()
     $items = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(ticket_id) as ticket_id ' . ' FROM ' . EQUIPMENT_TICKET_TABLE;
     $res = db_query($sql);
     if ($res && ($num = db_num_rows($res))) {
         while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
             $item = \Ticket::lookup($row['ticket_id']);
             if (isset($item)) {
                 $items[] = $item;
     return $items;
Exemple #18
    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
require 'staff.inc.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.ticket.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.dept.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.filter.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.canned.php';
$page = '';
$ticket = null;
//clean start.
//LOCKDOWN...See if the id provided is actually valid and if the user has access.
if ($_REQUEST['id']) {
    if (!($ticket = Ticket::lookup($_REQUEST['id']))) {
        $errors['err'] = 'Unknown or invalid ticket ID';
    } elseif (!$ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff)) {
        $errors['err'] = 'Access denied. Contact admin if you believe this is in error';
        $ticket = null;
        //Clear ticket obj.
//At this stage we know the access status. we can process the post.
if ($_POST && !$errors) {
    if ($ticket && $ticket->getId()) {
        //More coffee please.
        $errors = array();
        $lock = $ticket->getLock();
        //Ticket lock if any
        $statusKeys = array('open' => 'Open', 'Reopen' => 'Open', 'Close' => 'Closed');
 protected function ticketsAction($type, $ticket_id)
     $tickets = array();
     foreach ($ticket_id as $id) {
         $ticket = \Ticket::lookup($id['ticket_id']);
         $equipment = new \model\Equipment($id['equipment_id']);
         if (isset($ticket) && isset($equipment)) {
             $ticket_data = array('id' => $ticket->getId(), 'number' => $ticket->getNumber(), 'equipment' => $equipment->getAsset_id(), 'create_date' => \Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCreateDate()), 'subject' => $ticket->getSubject(), 'name' => $ticket->getName()->getFull(), 'priority' => $ticket->getPriority());
             if ($type == 'closed') {
                 $ts_open = strtotime($ticket->getCreateDate());
                 $ts_closed = strtotime($ticket->getCloseDate());
                 $ticket_data['close_date'] = \Format::db_datetime($ticket->getCloseDate());
                 $ticket_data['closed_by'] = $ticket->getStaff()->getUserName();
                 $ticket_data['elapsed'] = $this->elapsedTime($ts_closed - $ts_open);
             $tickets[] = $ticket_data;
     return $tickets;
 function setSelectedTicketsStatus($state)
     global $thisstaff, $ost;
     $errors = $info = array();
     if (!$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->canManageTickets()) {
         $errors['err'] = sprintf('%s %s', sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to mass manage tickets')), __('Contact admin for such access'));
     } elseif (!$_REQUEST['tids'] || !count($_REQUEST['tids'])) {
         $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You must select at least %s.'), __('one ticket'));
     } elseif (!($status = TicketStatus::lookup($_REQUEST['status_id']))) {
         $errors['status_id'] = sprintf('%s %s', __('Unknown or invalid'), __('status'));
     } elseif (!$errors) {
         // Make sure the agent has permission to set the status
         switch (mb_strtolower($status->getState())) {
             case 'open':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canCloseTickets() && !$thisstaff->canCreateTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to reopen tickets'));
             case 'closed':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canCloseTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to resolve/close tickets'));
             case 'deleted':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canDeleteTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to archive/delete tickets'));
                 $errors['err'] = sprintf('%s %s', __('Unknown or invalid'), __('status'));
     $count = count($_REQUEST['tids']);
     if (!$errors) {
         $i = 0;
         $comments = $_REQUEST['comments'];
         foreach ($_REQUEST['tids'] as $tid) {
             if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($tid)) && $ticket->getStatusId() != $status->getId() && $ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff) && $ticket->setStatus($status, $comments)) {
         if (!$i) {
             $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('Unable to change status for %s'), _N('the selected ticket', 'any of the selected tickets', $count));
         } else {
             // Assume success
             if ($i == $count) {
                 if (!strcasecmp($status->getState(), 'deleted')) {
                     $msg = sprintf(__('Successfully deleted %s.'), _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count));
                 } else {
                     $msg = sprintf(__('Successfully changed status of %1$s to %2$s'), _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count), $status->getName());
                 $_SESSION['::sysmsgs']['msg'] = $msg;
             } else {
                 if (!strcasecmp($status->getState(), 'deleted')) {
                     $warn = sprintf(__('Successfully deleted %s.'), sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d selected tickets'), $i, $count));
                 } else {
                     $warn = sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d %3$s status changed to %4$s'), $i, $count, _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count), $status->getName());
                 $_SESSION['::sysmsgs']['warn'] = $warn;
             Http::response(201, 'Successfully processed');
     return self::_changeSelectedTicketsStatus($state, $info, $errors);
 function processEmail()
     $data = $this->getEmailRequest();
     if ($data['ticketId'] && ($ticket = Ticket::lookup($data['ticketId']))) {
         if ($msgid = $ticket->postMessage($data, 'Email')) {
             return $ticket;
     if (($thread = ThreadEntry::lookupByEmailHeaders($data)) && $thread->postEmail($data)) {
         return $thread->getTicket();
     return $this->createTicket($data);
Exemple #22
 function checkOverdue()
     $sql = 'SELECT ticket_id FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' T1 ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . TICKET_STATUS_TABLE . ' status
             ON (status.id=T1.status_id AND status.state="open") ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . SLA_TABLE . ' T2 ON (T1.sla_id=T2.id AND T2.isactive=1) ' . ' WHERE isoverdue=0 ' . ' AND ((reopened is NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),T1.created))>=T2.grace_period*3600) ' . ' OR (reopened is NOT NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),reopened))>=T2.grace_period*3600) ' . ' OR (duedate is NOT NULL AND duedate<NOW()) ' . ' ) ORDER BY T1.created LIMIT 50';
     //Age upto 50 tickets at a time?
     if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
         while (list($id) = db_fetch_row($res)) {
             if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($id)) && $ticket->markOverdue()) {
                 $ticket->logActivity(_S('Ticket Marked Overdue'), _S('Ticket flagged as overdue by the system.'));
     } else {
         //TODO: Trigger escalation on already overdue tickets - make sure last overdue event > grace_period.
Exemple #23
 static function lookupByToken($token)
     //Expecting well formatted token see getAuthToken routine for details.
     $matches = array();
     if (!preg_match(static::$token_regex, $token, $matches)) {
         return null;
     //Unpack the user and ticket ids
     $matches += unpack('Vuid/Vtid', Base32::decode(strtolower(substr($matches['hash'], 0, 13))));
     $user = null;
     switch ($matches['type']) {
         case 'c':
             //Collaborator c
             if (($user = Collaborator::lookup($matches['uid'])) && $user->getTicketId() != $matches['tid']) {
                 $user = null;
         case 'o':
             //Ticket owner
             if ($ticket = Ticket::lookup($matches['tid'])) {
                 if (($user = $ticket->getOwner()) && $user->getId() != $matches['uid']) {
                     $user = null;
     if (!$user || !$user instanceof TicketUser || strcasecmp($user->getAuthToken($matches['algo']), $token)) {
         return false;
     return $user;
 function checkOverdue()
     $sql = 'SELECT ticket_id FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' T1 JOIN ' . SLA_TABLE . ' T2 ON T1.sla_id=T2.id ' . 'WHERE status=\'open\' AND isoverdue=0 ' . ' AND ((reopened is NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),T1.created))>=grace_period*3600)' . ' OR (reopened is NOT NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),reopened))>=grace_period*3600)' . ' OR (duedate is NOT NULL AND duedate<NOW()) ' . ') ORDER BY T1.created LIMIT 50';
     //Age upto 50 tickets at a time?
     //echo $sql;
     if (($stale = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($stale)) {
         while (list($id) = db_fetch_row($stale)) {
             if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($id)) && $ticket->markOverdue()) {
                 $ticket->logActivity('Ticket Marked Overdue', 'Ticket flagged as overdue by the system.');
             # TODO: Send out notifications about the now-overdue
             # ticket XXX: markOverdue sends out notifications.