Exemple #1
  * This function performs the validation work for complex object models.
  * In addition to checking the current object, all related objects will
  * also be validated.  If all pass then <code>true</code> is returned; otherwise
  * an aggregated array of ValidationFailed objects will be returned.
  * @param array $columns Array of column names to validate.
  * @return mixed <code>true</code> if all validations pass; array of <code>ValidationFailed</code> objects otherwise.
 protected function doValidate($columns = null)
     if (!$this->alreadyInValidation) {
         $this->alreadyInValidation = true;
         $retval = null;
         $failureMap = array();
         // We call the validate method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their corresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aTag !== null) {
             if (!$this->aTag->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aTag->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByCreatedBy !== null) {
             if (!$this->aUserRelatedByCreatedBy->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aUserRelatedByCreatedBy->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedBy !== null) {
             if (!$this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedBy->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedBy->getValidationFailures());
         if (($retval = TagInstancePeer::doValidate($this, $columns)) !== true) {
             $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $retval);
         $this->alreadyInValidation = false;
     return !empty($failureMap) ? $failureMap : true;
  * Update the specified tag in storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update($id)
     $tag = Tag::findOrFail($id);
     $validator = Tag::validate($data = Input::all());
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     return Redirect::route('admin.tags.index');
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * PUT /tags/{id}
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update($id)
     $validator = Tag::validate(Input::only('name'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('/createTag')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all());
     } else {
         $tag = Tag::find($id);
         $tag->name = Input::get('name');
         return Redirect::to('tags')->with('message', 'Tag was successfully Updated!');
 public function store()
     $validator = Tag::validate(Input::all());
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('tags/create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all());
     } else {
         $tag = new Tag();
         $tag->name = Input::get('name');
         $tag->description = Input::get('description');
         if ($tag->save()) {
             return Redirect::to('tags');
 public function test_validation_of_tag_with_valid_parameters()
     $tag_params = array("name" => "Computer science", "description" => "Some desc");
     $validator = Tag::validate($tag_params);
  * @covers pgn\tags\Tag::validate
 public function testValidate_DefaultDate_OK()
     $this->data = '????.??.??';
     $result = $this->object->validate($this->data);