Exemple #1
 static function save_new_group($ccid, $uid, $title, $body, $picture, $group_tags, $group_category, $access = 0, $reg = 0, $is_mod = 0, $header_image = "", $header_image_action = NULL, $display_header_image = NULL)
     if (empty($title)) {
         throw new PAException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "Please fill in the name of the group");
     if ($group_category == 0) {
         throw new PAException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "Please select the category");
     $tags = Tag::split_tags($group_tags);
     $new = new Group();
     if ($ccid) {
         $new->collection_id = $ccid;
     $new->title = $title;
     $new->description = $body;
     $new->author_id = $uid;
     $new->allow_comments = 1;
     $new->access_type = $access;
     $new->reg_type = $reg;
     $new->is_moderated = $is_mod;
     $new->category_id = $group_category;
     $new->header_image_action = $header_image_action;
     $new->display_header_image = $display_header_image;
     $new->picture = $picture;
     $new->header_image = $header_image;
     //TODO; hard coded integers!
     $new->type = 1;
     $group_id = $new->save($uid);
     if ($tags) {
         Tag::add_tags_to_content_collection($new->collection_id, $tags);
     return $group_id;
        } else {
            $new_save->parent_collection_id = $_POST['album'];
        if (!$error) {
            $condition = array('content_id' => $new_save->content_id);
            $is_active = ACTIVE;
            if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES) {
                $content = Content::load_all_content_for_moderation(NULL, $condition);
                if (!empty($content)) {
                    $is_active = $content[0]['is_active'];
            $new_save->is_active = $is_active;
            if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) {
                $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($_POST['tags']);
                Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_save->content_id, $tag_array);
            $album_id = $_POST['album'];
            $album = "&album_id=" . $album_id;
            header("Location: media_gallery.php?msg_id=2007&uid=" . $_SESSION['user']['id'] . "&type=" . $module . $album);
$user = new User();
$user->load((int) $uid);
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)
    global $show_media, $users, $uid, $cc_info, $user, $_REQUEST;
    switch ($column) {
        case 'left':
function uihelper_upload_gallery_for_group($uid, $type, $k = 0)
    require_once "api/User/User.php";
    require_once "api/Tag/Tag.php";
    require_once "api/Album/Album.php";
    require_once "api/Image/Image.php";
    require_once "api/Audio/Audio.php";
    require_once "api/Video/Video.php";
    require_once "web/includes/classes/CNFileUploader.php";
    $logged_in_user = get_login_user();
    $user = new User();
    $media_count_no = $k;
    $error_file = NULL;
    $uploaded = False;
    if ($type == '') {
        $file_type = "image";
        $alb_type = IMAGE_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Image();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['image_perm'];
    } elseif ($type == '_audio') {
        $file_type = "audio";
        $alb_type = AUDIO_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Audio();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['audio_perm'];
    } elseif ($type == '_video') {
        $file_type = "video";
        $alb_type = VIDEO_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Video();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['video_perm'];
    //file uploading start
    $file_name_dynamic = "userfile{$type}" . "_" . "{$k}";
    $file_name_dynamic_type = $file_name_dynamic;
    $newname = $_FILES[$file_name_dynamic_type]['name'];
    $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES[$file_name_dynamic_type]['name']);
    $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
    //creating instance of file.
    $image_type = "{$file_type}";
    $value = $file_name_dynamic_type;
    $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, $value, true, true, $image_type);
    if ($file == false) {
        $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
        $error = TRUE;
    } else {
        $new_img->file_name = "{$file}";
        $error_file = FALSE;
    // file uploading end
    if (empty($error)) {
        try {
            $user->load((int) $uid);
            $action = !empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'upload';
            $colls = Album::load_all($uid, $alb_type);
            if (isset($_POST['submit' . $type]) && $action != 'delete' && $error_file == FALSE) {
                $new_img->author_id = $uid;
                if ($type == '_audio') {
                    $new_img->type = AUDIO;
                } elseif ($type == '_video') {
                    $new_img->type = VIDEO;
                } else {
                    $new_img->type = IMAGE;
                if (empty($_POST['caption' . $type][$k])) {
                    $ext = explode(".", $newname);
                    $_POST['caption' . $type][$k] = $ext[0];
                $new_img->title = stripslashes(trim($_POST['caption' . $type][$k]));
                $new_img->title = strip_tags($new_img->title);
                $new_img->file_perm = ANYONE;
                $new_img->excerpt = stripslashes(trim($_POST['caption' . $type][$k]));
                $new_img->excerpt = strip_tags($new_img->excerpt);
                if (empty($_POST['body' . $type][$k])) {
                    $new_img->body = '';
                    $new_img->body = strip_tags($new_img->body);
                } else {
                    $new_img->body = stripslashes(trim($_POST['body' . $type][$k]));
                    $new_img->body = strip_tags($new_img->body);
                $new_img->allow_comments = 1;
                $new_img->parent_collection_id = $_POST['group_id'];
                if (!empty($_POST['tags' . $type][$media_count_no])) {
                    $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($_POST['tags' . $type][$media_count_no]);
                    Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_img->content_id, $tag_array);
            } else {
                throw new CNException(USER_NOT_FOUND, 'unable to upload file.');
            if (!empty($msg)) {
                $uploaded = FALSE;
            } else {
                $uploaded = TRUE;
                if (isset($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
                    $mail_type = "group_media_uploaded";
                    $new_img->group_id = $_REQUEST['gid'];
                } else {
                    $mail_type = "media_uploaded";
                PANotify::send($mail_type, PA::$network_info, PA::$login_user, $new_img);
        } catch (CNException $e) {
            $msg = "{$e->message}";
            $error = TRUE;
    $array_of_error_message = array(@$error, @$msg, @$error_file, @$uploaded, 'collection_id' => $new_img->parent_collection_id, 'content_id' => $new_img->content_id);
    return $array_of_error_message;
function add_tags_to_content($cid, $tag_string)
    if (!empty($tag_string)) {
        $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($tag_string);
        Tag::add_tags_to_content($cid, $tag_array);
function peopleaggregator_newFile($args)
    $user = User::from_auth_token($args['authToken']);
    $title = strip_tags($args['title']);
    $body = strip_tags($args['content']);
    $file_type = $args['type'];
    $tags = $args['tags'];
    $access = $args['access'];
    $context = $args['context'];
    // URL or file?
    if (!empty($args['url'])) {
        $upload_type = 'url';
        $url = $args['url'];
    } else {
        $upload_type = 'file';
        $filename = api_sanitize_filename($args['filename']);
        // strip attempts to ascend the directory tree
        $data = $args['data'];
    $alb_type = API::$album_type_to_id[$file_type];
    switch ($alb_type) {
        case IMAGE_ALBUM:
            $new_img = new Image();
            $new_img->type = IMAGE;
        case AUDIO_ALBUM:
            $new_img = new Audio();
            $new_img->type = AUDIO;
        case VIDEO_ALBUM:
            $new_img = new Video();
            $new_img->type = VIDEO;
            throw new PAException(INVALID_ID, "file type must be 'image', 'audio' or 'video' (not {$file_type})");
    // When uploading a file, we can use the special 'default album' context: 'user:123:album:default'
    if (preg_match("/^user:\\d+:album:default:([a-z]+)\$/", $context, $m)) {
        $default_alb_type = API::$album_type_to_id[$m[1]];
        $collection = Album::get_or_create_default($user->user_id, $default_alb_type);
        $collection_id = $collection->collection_id;
    } else {
        list($collection_id, $collection) = api_validate_album_context($context, $user, "write");
    if ($collection instanceof Album) {
        $album_file_type = API::$album_type_from_id[(int) $collection->album_type];
        if ($album_file_type != $file_type) {
            throw new PAException(OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED, "Attempting to upload a file of type '{$file_type}' into an album that can only contain '{$album_file_type}' files");
    try {
        switch ($upload_type) {
            case 'url':
                // just supplying a URL; no upload to handle
                $new_img->file_name = $url;
            case 'file':
                // we're uploading a file - figure out where to put it
                $upload_path = realpath(PA::$upload_path);
                // make a filename that isn't already used
                $fn_munge = "";
                $munge_serial = 0;
                while (1) {
                    $fn = "{$upload_path}/" . $user->user_id . "_" . $fn_munge . $filename;
                    if (!file_exists($fn)) {
                    // we have our filename!
                    $fn_munge = ++$munge_serial . "_";
                // and try to save the file, then put it in the database,
                // removing the file if an exception occurs at any point.
                if (file_put_contents($fn, $data) != strlen($data)) {
                    global $php_errormsg;
                    throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_UPLOADED, "An error occurred when saving the file: {$php_errormsg}");
                $new_img->file_name = basename($fn);
        $access_map = array('nobody' => 0, 'everybody' => 1, 'relations' => 2);
        $new_img->file_perm = $access_map[$access];
        $new_img->author_id = $user->user_id;
        $new_img->title = $new_img->excerpt = $title;
        $new_img->body = $body;
        $new_img->allow_comments = 1;
        $new_img->parent_collection_id = $collection_id;
        if ($tags) {
            Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_img->content_id, Tag::split_tags($tags));
    } catch (PAException $e) {
        if ($upload_type == 'file') {
            // delete file
        throw $e;
    return array('success' => TRUE, 'id' => "file:{$new_img->content_id}", 'url' => api_get_url_of_file($new_img->file_name));
     $new_video->parent_collection_id = $new_im_al->collection_id;
 } else {
     $new_video->parent_collection_id = $_GET['album_video'];
 $new_video->allow_comments = 1;
 if (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) {
     $perm = 1;
 } else {
     $perm = !empty($_GET['video_perm']) ? $_GET['video_perm'] : 1;
 $new_video->video_perm = $new_video->file_perm = $perm;
 $tag_array = NULL;
 if (!empty($_GET['tag'])) {
     $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($_GET['tag']);
     Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_video->content_id, $tag_array);
 global $config_site_name;
 $uploaded = TRUE;
 $media_owner_image = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img(PA::$user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . PA::$user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
 $params['first_name'] = PA::$user->first_name;
 $params['user_id'] = PA::$login_uid;
 $params['user_image'] = $media_owner_image;
 $params['cid'] = $new_video->content_id;
 $params['media_title'] = $new_video->title;
 $params['content_url'] = $redirect_url . '/' . FILE_CONTENT . '?cid=' . $new_video->content_id;
 $params['config_site_name'] = $config_site_name;
 $params['media_full_view_url'] = $redirect_url . '/' . FILE_MEDIA_FULL_VIEW . '?cid=' . $new_video->content_id;
 $params['content_moderation_url'] = $redirect_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_CONTENT;
 $params['network_name'] = PA::$network_info->name;
        if (!$error) {
            $condition = array('content_id' => $new_save->content_id);
            $is_active = ACTIVE;
            if ($extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES) {
                $content = Content::load_all_content_for_moderation(NULL, $condition);
                if (!empty($content)) {
                    $is_active = $content[0]['is_active'];
            $new_save->is_active = $is_active;
            if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) {
                $_tags = explode(',', strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['tags'])));
                $_tags = implode(',', array_unique($_tags));
                $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($_tags);
            } else {
                $tag_array = array();
            Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_save->content_id, $tag_array);
            $album_id = $_POST['album'];
            $album = "&album_id=" . $album_id;
            $msg = __(substr($module, 0, 5) . " updated successfully");
            header("Location: " . $ret_url . $album . "&msg={$msg}");
$user = new User();
$user->load((int) $uid);
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)