 * Smarty plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File: function.oxscript.php
 * Type: string, html
 * Name: oxscript
 * Purpose: Collect given javascript includes/calls, but include/call them at the bottom of the page.
 * Add [{oxscript add="oxid.popup.load();"}] to add script call.
 * Add [{oxscript include="oxid.js"}] to include local javascript file.
 * Add [{oxscript include="oxid.js?20120413"}] to include local javascript file with query string part.
 * Add [{oxscript include="http://www.oxid-esales.com/oxid.js"}] to include external javascript file.
 * Do not forget to add plain [{oxscript}] tag before closing body tag, to output all collected script includes and calls.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param array  $params Params
 * @param Smarty $smarty Clever simulation of a method
 * @return string
function smarty_function_oxscript($params, &$smarty)
    $isDynamic = isset($smarty->_tpl_vars["__oxid_include_dynamic"]) ? (bool) $smarty->_tpl_vars["__oxid_include_dynamic"] : false;
    $priority = !empty($params['priority']) ? $params['priority'] : 3;
    $widget = !empty($params['widget']) ? $params['widget'] : '';
    $isInWidget = !empty($params['inWidget']) ? $params['inWidget'] : false;
    $output = '';
    if (isset($params['add'])) {
        if (empty($params['add'])) {
            $smarty->trigger_error("{oxscript} parameter 'add' can not be empty!");
            return '';
        $register = oxNew('OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ViewHelper\\JavaScriptRegistrator');
        $register->addSnippet($params['add'], $isDynamic);
    } elseif (isset($params['include'])) {
        if (empty($params['include'])) {
            $smarty->trigger_error("{oxscript} parameter 'include' can not be empty!");
            return '';
        $register = oxNew('OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ViewHelper\\JavaScriptRegistrator');
        $register->addFile($params['include'], $priority, $isDynamic);
    } else {
        $renderer = oxNew('OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\ViewHelper\\JavaScriptRenderer');
        $output = $renderer->render($widget, $isInWidget, $isDynamic);
    return $output;
 * Плагин для смарти
 * Позволяет получать данные о роутах
 * @param   array $aParams
 * @param   Smarty $oSmarty
 * @return  string
function smarty_function_router($aParams, &$oSmarty)
    if (empty($aParams['page'])) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Router: missing 'page' parametr");
    require_once Config::Get('path.root.engine') . '/classes/Router.class.php';
    if (!($sPath = Router::GetPath($aParams['page']))) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Router: unknown 'page' given");
     * Возвращаем полный адрес к указаному Action
    return isset($aParams['extend']) ? $sPath . $aParams['extend'] . "/" : $sPath;
 * Smarty {assign_adv} function plugin
 * Type:     function<br>
 * Name:     assign_adv<br>
 * Purpose:  Advanced assign variable to template
 * @param         $params
 * @param \Smarty $smarty
function smarty_function_assign_adv($params, &$smarty)
    if (empty($var)) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(gt("assign_adv: missing 'var' parameter"));
    if (!in_array('value', array_keys($params))) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(gt("assign_adv: missing 'value' parameter"));
    $value = isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : null;
    if (preg_match('/^\\s*array\\s*\\(\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)\\s*$/s', $value, $match)) {
        eval('$value=array(' . str_replace("\n", "", $match[1]) . ');');
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/^\\s*range\\s*\\(\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)\\s*$/s', $value, $match)) {
            eval('$value=range(' . str_replace("\n", "", $match[1]) . ');');
    $smarty->assign($var, $value);
 * Плагин для смарти
 * Запускает хуки из шаблона на выполнение
 * @param   array $aParams
 * @param   Smarty $oSmarty
 * @return  string
function smarty_function_hook($aParams, &$oSmarty)
    if (empty($aParams['run'])) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Hook: missing 'run' parametr");
    $sHookName = 'template_' . strtolower($aParams['run']);
    $aResultHook = Engine::getInstance()->Hook_Run($sHookName, $aParams);
    if (array_key_exists('template_result', $aResultHook)) {
        return join('', $aResultHook['template_result']);
    return '';
 * Плагин для смарти
 * Позволяет получать данные из конфига
 * @param   array $aParams
 * @param   Smarty $oSmarty
 * @return  string
function smarty_function_cfg($aParams, &$oSmarty)
    if (empty($aParams['name'])) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Config: missing 'name' parametr");
    require_once Config::Get('path.root.engine') . '/lib/internal/ConfigSimple/Config.class.php';
    if (!isset($aParams['instance'])) {
        $aParams['instance'] = Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG_INSTANCE;
     * Возвращаем значение из конфигурации
    return Config::Get($aParams['name'], $aParams['instance']);
Exemple #6
 * Плагин для смарти
 * Подключает обработчик блоков шаблона
 * @param array $aParams
 * @param Smarty $oSmarty
 * @return string
function smarty_insert_block($aParams, &$oSmarty)
     * Устанавливаем шаблон
    $sBlock = ucfirst(basename($aParams['block']));
     * Проверяем наличие шаблона. Определяем значения параметров работы в зависимости от того, 
     * принадлежит ли блок одному из плагинов, или является пользовательским классом движка
    if (isset($aParams['params']) and isset($aParams['params']['plugin'])) {
        require_once Config::Get('path.root.server') . '/engine/classes/ActionPlugin.class.php';
        $sBlockTemplate = Plugin::GetTemplatePath($aParams['params']['plugin']) . '/block.' . $aParams['block'] . '.tpl';
        $sBlockClass = Config::Get('path.root.server') . '/plugins/' . $aParams['params']['plugin'] . '/classes/blocks/Block' . $sBlock . '.class.php';
        $sCmd = '$oBlock=new Plugin' . ucfirst($aParams['params']['plugin']) . '_Block' . $sBlock . '($aParamsBlock);';
    } else {
        $sBlockTemplate = Engine::getInstance()->Plugin_GetDelegate('template', 'block.' . $aParams['block'] . '.tpl');
        $sBlockClass = Config::Get('path.root.server') . '/classes/blocks/Block' . $sBlock . '.class.php';
        $sCmd = '$oBlock=new Block' . $sBlock . '($aParamsBlock);';
    if (!isset($aParams['block']) or !$oSmarty->template_exists($sBlockTemplate)) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Not found template for block: " . $sBlockTemplate);
     * параметры
    $aParamsBlock = array();
    if (isset($aParams['params'])) {
        $aParamsBlock = $aParams['params'];
     * Подключаем необходимый обработчик
    require_once $sBlockClass;
     * Запускаем обработчик
     * Возвращаем результат в виде обработанного шаблона блока
    return $oSmarty->fetch($sBlockTemplate);
Exemple #7
 * Плагин для смарти
 * Запускает блочные хуки из шаблона на выполнение
 * @param array $aParams
 * @param string $sContent
 * @param Smarty $oSmarty
 * @param bool $bRepeat
 * @return string
function smarty_block_hookb($aParams, $sContent, &$oSmarty, &$bRepeat)
    if (empty($aParams['run'])) {
        $oSmarty->trigger_error("Hook: missing 'run' parametr");
    if ($sContent) {
        $sHookName = 'template_block_' . strtolower($aParams['run']);
        $aParams['content'] = $sContent;
        $aResultHook = Engine::getInstance()->Hook_Run($sHookName, $aParams);
        if (array_key_exists('template_result', $aResultHook)) {
            echo join('', $aResultHook['template_result']);
        echo $sContent;
 * Zikula_View function to display a drop down list of languages
 * Available parameters:
 *   - assign:   If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out
 *   - name:     Name for the control
 *   - id:       ID for the control
 *   - selected: Selected value
 *   - installed: if set only show languages existing in languages folder
 *   - all:      show dummy entry '_ALL' on top of the list with empty value
 * Example
 *   {html_select_locales name=locale selected=en}
 * @param array  $params All attributes passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Smarty $view   Reference to the Zikula_View object.
 * @return string The value of the last status message posted, or void if no status message exists.
function smarty_function_html_select_locales($params, Smarty $view)
    if (!isset($params['name']) || empty($params['name'])) {
        $view->trigger_error(__f('Error! in %1$s: the %2$s parameter must be specified.', array('html_select_locales', 'name')));
        return false;
    require_once $view->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_options');
    $values = $output = array();
    if (isset($params['all']) && $params['all']) {
        $values[] = '';
        $output[] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(__('All'));
    $installed = ZLanguage::getInstalledLanguageNames();
    $output = array_merge($output, DataUtil::formatForDisplay(array_values($installed)));
    $values = array_merge($values, DataUtil::formatForDisplay(array_keys($installed)));
    $html_result = smarty_function_html_options(array('output' => $output, 'values' => $values, 'selected' => isset($params['selected']) ? $params['selected'] : null, 'id' => isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : null, 'name' => $params['name']), $view);
    if (isset($params['assign']) && !empty($params['assign'])) {
        $view->assign($params['assign'], $html_result);
    } else {
        return $html_result;
 * 处理分页导航模板
 * 输出的模板变量
 * $pagenav {array}
 * {{$pagenav.~}}
 * nums: {array} 页码列表
 * currpage: {int} 当前页面
 * recordcount: {int} 记录数
 * pagecount: {int} 总页数
 * query: {array} 页面传递参数
 * next: {int} 下一页的页码
 * prev: {int} 前一页页码
 * @param array $params
 *      currpage:当前分页
 *      recordcount: 记录总数
 *      pagecount: 分页总数
 *      template: 模板文件
 *      numcount: 分页数字的个数
 *      url: 跳转url
 *      query: 页面跳转传递的参数
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return void
function smarty_function_pagenavigator($params, &$smarty)
    if (empty($params['template'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error('Undefined pagenavigator template file');
    if (!isset($params['recordcount'])) {
        //$smarty->trigger_error('Undefined recordcount');
    if (!isset($params['pagecount'])) {
        //$smarty->trigger_error('Undefined pagecount');
    $currpage = max(1, (int) @$params['currpage']);
    $pagecount = (int) $params['pagecount'];
    $recordcount = (int) $params['recordcount'];
    $numcount = (int) @$params['numcount'];
    // 模板变量
    $tplvar = array('pagecount' => $pagecount, 'recordcount' => $recordcount, 'currpage' => $currpage, 'next' => $currpage < $pagecount ? $currpage + 1 : null, 'prev' => $currpage > 1 ? $currpage - 1 : null, 'url' => empty($params['url']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : $params['url'], 'jsfunc' => @$params['jsfunc']);
    // 输出页码
    if ($numcount > 0) {
        $lbound = $currpage > intval($numcount / 2) ? $currpage - intval($numcount / 2) : 1;
        $ubound = $lbound + $numcount - 1 > $pagecount ? $pagecount : $lbound + $numcount - 1;
        $nums = array();
        for ($i = $lbound; $i <= $ubound; $i++) {
            $nums[] = $i;
        $tplvar['nums'] = $nums;
    if (!empty($params['query']) && is_array($params['query'])) {
        $tplvar['query'] = $params['query'];
    $array = array('smarty_include_vars' => array('pagenav' => $tplvar), 'smarty_include_tpl_file' => $params['template']);
    $smarty->register_function('page_url', 'smarty_function_pagenavigator_buildurl');
    $smarty->register_function('page_jsfunc', 'smarty_function_pagenavigator_buildjsfunc');
Exemple #10
 * Smarty menu block to parse recursive menu
 * @param array   $params  All attributes passed to this function from the template.
 * @param string  $content The content between the block tags.
 * @param Smarty  $smarty  Reference to the {@link Zikula_View} object.
 * @param boolean $repeat  Controls block repetition. See {@link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/plugins.block.functions.php Smarty - Block Functions}.
 * @return void|string The content of the matching case.
function smarty_block_menu($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat)
    if (!isset($params['from'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(__f('Error! in %1$s: the %2$s parameter must be specified.', array('smarty_block_menu', 'from')));
        return false;
    if (!isset($params['item'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(__f('Error! in %1$s: the %2$s parameter must be specified.', array('smarty_block_menu', 'item')));
        return false;
    // find this block in smarty tag stack
    foreach ($smarty->_tag_stack as $key => $tag_stack) {
        if ($tag_stack[0] == 'menu') {
            $menuTagStackKey = $key;
    if (is_null($content)) {
        $smarty->_tag_stack[$menuTagStackKey][1]['_content'] = array();
    $from = $params['from'];
    $item = $params['item'];
    $key = isset($params['key']) ? $params['key'] : null;
    $index = isset($params['_index']) ? $params['_index'] : 0;
    $total = count($from);
    $repeat = $index < $total;
    $iterator = new ArrayIterator($from);
    try {
        $currentKey = $iterator->key();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $currentKey = null;
    try {
        $iterator->seek($index - 1);
        $lastKey = $iterator->key();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $lastKey = null;
    if (isset($params['name'])) {
        $menuProps = array('index' => $index, 'iteration' => $index + 1, 'total' => $total, 'first' => (bool) is_null($content), 'last' => $index + 1 >= $total);
    if ($repeat || empty($from) && is_null($content)) {
        $smarty->assign($item, isset($from[$currentKey]) ? $from[$currentKey] : null);
        $smarty->assign('index', $index);
        $smarty->assign('total', $total);
        if (isset($menuProps)) {
            $smarty->assign($params['name'], $menuProps);
        if (isset($key)) {
            $smarty->assign($key, $currentKey);
        $smarty->_tag_stack[$menuTagStackKey][1]['_index'] = $index + 1;
        if (!is_null($content)) {
            $smarty->_tag_stack[$menuTagStackKey][1]['_content'][$lastKey] = $content;
        if (empty($from) && is_null($content)) {
            $repeat = true;
    } else {
        if (empty($from)) {
            $params['_content'] = $content;
            $result = _smarty_block_menu_parseheader($params);
        } else {
            $params['_content'][$lastKey] = $content;
            $result = _smarty_block_menu_parsemenu($params);
        if (isset($params['assign'])) {
            $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $result);
        } else {
            return $result;
  * Smarty wrapper for Helpers
  * @param mixed $params params from Smarty template call
  * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object
  * @return mixed
 public function wrapper($params, &$smarty)
     App::uses('Inflector', 'Utility');
     $helperName = 'Smarty' . Inflector::camelize($this->name);
     $className = Inflector::camelize($this->name);
     // sanity check for php version
     if (!class_exists('ReflectionClass')) {
         $smarty->trigger_error($helperName . ": Error - requires php 5.0 or above", E_USER_NOTICE);
     $functionName = $params['func'];
     $assign = array_key_exists('assign', $params) ? $params['assign'] : null;
     $showCall = array_key_exists('__show_call', $params) ? $params['__show_call'] : false;
     $parameters = array();
     // our final array of function parameters
     if (empty($functionName)) {
         $smarty->trigger_error($helperName . ": missing 'func' parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
     // process our params array to look for array representations
     // based on key names separated by underscores
     $processedParams = $this->_processParams($params);
     $arrayParams = array();
     $classReflector = new ReflectionClass($this->{$className});
     if ($classReflector->hasMethod($functionName)) {
         // quick sanity check
         $funcReflector = $classReflector->getMethod($functionName);
         $funcParams = $funcReflector->getParameters();
         // returns an array of parameter names
         foreach ($funcParams as $param) {
             $paramName = $param->getName();
             if (isset($processedParams[$paramName])) {
                 $parameters[$paramName] = $processedParams[$paramName];
             } else {
                 if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                     $parameters[$paramName] = $param->getDefaultValue();
                     // mark the index of array parameters for potential later population
                     if (is_array($parameters[$paramName])) {
                         $arrayParams[] = $paramName;
                 } else {
                     if (!$param->isOptional()) {
                         $smarty->trigger_error($helperName . ": Error " . $paramName . " parameter is required for method " . $functionName, E_USER_NOTICE);
                     } else {
                         $parameters[$paramName] = null;
         // check for unfilled array parameters and populate the first with remaining $params
         if (count($arrayParams)) {
             $parameters[$arrayParams[0]] = $processedParams;
     } else {
         $smarty->trigger_error($helperName . ": Error " . $classReflector->name . "::" . $functionName . " is not defined", E_USER_NOTICE);
     if ($showCall) {
         echo '<pre>' . $helperName . ' calling $this->' . $className . '->' . $functionName . ' with these parameters: <br />';
         echo '</pre>';
     $result = call_user_func_array(array($this->{$className}, $functionName), $parameters);
     if (!empty($assign)) {
         $smarty->assign($assign, $result);
     } else {
         return $result;