/** * Add sidebars to project overview page * * @param array $sidebars * @param Project $project * @param User $user * @return null */ function system_handle_on_project_overview_sidebars(&$sidebars, &$project, &$user) { // only project leader, system administrators and project manages can see last activity $can_see_last_activity = $user->isProjectLeader($project) || $user->isAdministrator() || $user->isProjectManager(); $project_users = $project->getUsers(); if (is_foreachable($project_users)) { $smarty =& Smarty::instance(); require_once SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH . '/helpers/function.user_link.php'; require_once SMARTY_PATH . '/plugins/modifier.ago.php'; $output = ''; $sorted_users = Users::groupByCompany($project_users); foreach ($sorted_users as $sorted_user) { $company = $sorted_user['company']; $users = $sorted_user['users']; if (is_foreachable($users)) { $output .= '<h3><a href="' . $company->getViewUrl() . '">' . clean($company->getName()) . '</a></h3>'; $output .= '<ul class="company_users">'; foreach ($users as $current_user) { $last_seen = ''; if ($can_see_last_activity && $user->getId() != $current_user->getId()) { $last_seen = smarty_modifier_ago($current_user->getLastActivityOn()); } // if $output .= '<li><span class="icon_holder"><img src="' . $current_user->getAvatarUrl() . '" /></span> ' . smarty_function_user_link(array('user' => $current_user), $smarty) . ' ' . $last_seen . '</li>'; } // foreach $output .= '</ul>'; } // if } // foreach $sidebars[] = array('label' => lang('People on This Project'), 'is_important' => false, 'id' => 'project_people', 'body' => $output); } // if }
/** * Render specific template * * @param string $resource_name * @param string $cache_id * @param string $compile_id * @return null */ function tpl_display($resource_name, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null) { static $instance; if ($instance === null) { $instance =& Smarty::instance(); } // if $instance->display($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id); }
/** * Render project object details * * @param ProjectObject $object * @param array $languages * @return string */ function renderProjectObjectDetails($object, $languages = null) { static $smarty = null; if ($smarty === null) { $smarty =& Smarty::instance(); } // if $smarty->assign(array('_object' => $object, '_language' => null)); if (is_foreachable($languages)) { $result = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $smarty->assign('_language', $language); $result[$language->getLocale()] = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('_notification_details', null, SYSTEM_MODULE)); } // forech return $result; } else { return $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('_notification_details', null, SYSTEM_MODULE)); } // if }
/** * Constructor * * @param Request $request * @return ApplicationController */ function __construct($request) { parent::__construct($request); // Set detault layout for application pages $this->setLayout(array('module' => SYSTEM_MODULE, 'layout' => 'wireframe')); // Get Smarty instance... We need it $this->smarty =& Smarty::instance(); // Load and init owner company $this->owner_company = get_owner_company(); if (instance_of($this->owner_company, 'Company')) { cache_set('owner_company', $this->owner_company); } else { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, 'Owner company is not defined'); } // if $this->application =& application(); $this->authentication =& Authentication::instance(); $this->logged_user =& $this->authentication->provider->getUser(); $this->wireframe =& Wireframe::instance(); $this->wireframe->page_company = $this->owner_company; $this->theme_name = instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') ? UserConfigOptions::getValue('theme', $this->logged_user) : ConfigOptions::getValue('theme'); $this->smarty->assign(array('root_url' => ROOT_URL, 'assets_url' => ASSETS_URL)); // Maintenance mode if (ConfigOptions::getValue('maintenance_enabled')) { if (instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') && $this->logged_user->isAdministrator()) { $this->wireframe->addPageMessage(lang('System is in maintenance mode and can be used by administrators only. <a href=":url">Click here</a> to turn off maintenance mode', array('url' => assemble_url('admin_settings_maintenance'))), 'warning'); } else { $additional_error_info = ConfigOptions::getValue('maintenance_message'); if ($additional_error_info) { $additional_error_info .= "\n\n"; } // if $additional_error_info .= lang('When system is in maintenance mode, administrators can log in and access the system') . ": " . assemble_url('login'); $this->smarty->assign('additional_error_info', $additional_error_info); if ($this->restrict_access_in_maintenance_mode) { $this->httpError(503); } // if } // if } // if // Check permissions if ($this->login_required && !instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User')) { // If async don't redirect to loging, just server proper HTTP code if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_UNAUTHORIZED, null, true, true); // Not async? Redirect to login with extracted route data... } else { $params = array(); if ($request->matched_route != 'login') { $params['re_route'] = $request->matched_route; foreach ($this->request->url_params as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'module' || $k == 'controller' || $k == 'action') { continue; } // if $params["re_{$k}"] = $v; } // foreach } // if $this->redirectTo($this->login_route, $params); } // if } // if if (instance_of($this->logged_user, 'User') && !$this->logged_user->getSystemPermission('system_access')) { $this->authentication->provider->logUserOut(); $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } // if $loaded_modules = $this->application->getModules(); $assets_query_string = 'v=' . $this->application->version . '&modules='; foreach ($loaded_modules as $loaded_module) { $assets_query_string .= $loaded_module->getName() . ','; } // foreach $this->smarty->assign(array('api_status' => API_STATUS, 'application' => $this->application, 'owner_company' => $this->owner_company, 'authentication' => $this->authentication, 'logged_user' => $this->logged_user, 'request' => $this->request, 'theme_name' => $this->theme_name, 'request_time' => $this->request_time, 'loaded_modules' => $this->application->getModules(), 'captcha_url' => ROOT_URL . '/captcha.php?id=' . md5(time()), 'assets_query_string' => $assets_query_string, 'js_disabled_url' => assemble_url('js_disabled'))); $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('wireframe', $this->wireframe); js_assign(array('homepage_url' => ROOT_URL, 'assets_url' => ASSETS_URL, 'indicator_url' => get_image_url('indicator.gif'), 'big_indicator_url' => get_image_url('indicator_big.gif'), 'ok_indicator_url' => get_image_url('ok_indicator.gif'), 'warning_indicator_url' => get_image_url('warning_indicator.gif'), 'error_indicator_url' => get_image_url('error_indicator.gif'), 'pending_indicator_url' => get_image_url('pending_indicator.gif'), 'url_base' => URL_BASE, 'keep_alive_interval' => KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL, 'refresh_session_url' => assemble_url('refresh_session'), 'jump_to_project_url' => assemble_url('jump_to_project_widget'), 'quick_add_url' => assemble_url('quick_add'), 'path_info_through_query_string' => PATH_INFO_THROUGH_QUERY_STRING, 'image_picker_url' => assemble_url('image_picker'), 'copyright_removed' => LICENSE_COPYRIGHT_REMOVED, 'custom_tabs_manager' => assemble_url('custom_tabs_manager'), 'add_milestone_url' => assemble_url('project_milestones_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_checklist_url' => assemble_url('project_checklists_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_discussion_url' => assemble_url('project_discussions_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_file_url' => assemble_url('project_files_upload', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_page_url' => assemble_url('project_pages_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_ticket_url' => assemble_url('project_tickets_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'add_timerecord_url' => assemble_url('project_time_add', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--')), 'attachment_rename_url' => assemble_url('attachment_rename', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'attachment_copy_to_url' => assemble_url('attachment_copy_to', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'attachment_move_to_url' => assemble_url('attachment_move_to', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'attachment_id' => '--ATTACHMENT_ID--')), 'image_uploader_url' => assemble_url('image_uploader'), 'render_comments_url' => assemble_url('render_comments'), 'move_task_url' => assemble_url('project_task_move', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')), 'get_collection_url' => assemble_url('collection'), 'quick_task_reminder_url' => assemble_url('project_task_quickreminder', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')), 'convert_to_ticket_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_ticket', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'convert_to_milestone_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_milestone', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'convert_to_page_url' => assemble_url('project_object_convert_to_page', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'object_id' => '--OBJECT_ID--')), 'snooze_task_url' => assemble_url('project_task_snooze', array('project_id' => '--PROJECT_ID--', 'task_id' => '--TASK_ID--')))); if ($this->logged_user) { $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); if (!empty($_SESSION['pg_ttl'])) { mysql_query("update healingcrystals_user_visited_pages set title='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['pg_ttl']) . "' where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and access_time='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SESSION['temp_time']) . "'"); } $current_url = (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pos = strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '%2F'); if ($pos !== false) { $max_pages_count_per_user = 50; //require_once SMARTY_PATH . '/plugins/function.page_title.php'; //$current_page_title = smarty_function_page_title(array('default' => 'Projects')); //$current_page_title = PageConstruction::getPageTitle(); $_SESSION['temp_time'] = time(); mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_user_visited_pages (user_id, page_url, title, access_time) values ('" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $current_url . "', '', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SESSION['temp_time']) . "')"); //mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_user_visited_pages (user_id, page_url, title, access_time) values ('" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $current_url . "', '', now())"); $query = "select count(*) as count from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $current_count = $info['count']; if ($current_count > $max_pages_count_per_user) { $querries = array(); $query = "select * from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' order by access_time limit 0, " . ($current_count - $max_pages_count_per_user); $result = mysql_query($query); while ($info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $querries[] = "delete from healingcrystals_user_visited_pages where user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and page_url='" . $info['page_url'] . "' and access_time='" . $info['access_time'] . "'"; } } foreach ($querries as $query) { mysql_query($query); } } $_SESSION['pg_ttl'] = ''; mysql_close($link); } }
/** * Render calendar using Smarty * * @param void * @return string */ function render() { $this->smarty =& Smarty::instance(); return parent::render(); }
/** * Construct and set up main Smarty instance * * @param void * @return null */ function initialize_smarty() { $smarty_instance =& Smarty::instance(); $smarty_instance->compile_dir = ENVIRONMENT_PATH . '/compile/'; $smarty_instance->cache_dir = ENVIRONMENT_PATH . '/cache/templates/'; $smarty_instance->debugging = false; $smarty_instance->compile_check = true; $smarty_instance->force_compile = false; }