Exemple #1
function main($crypted)
    $rsa = new Rsa();
    if ($crypted) {
        $crypted = base64_decode($crypted);
    } else {
        $crypted = $rsa->rsaEncrypt("*****@*****.**");
        echo "encrypt base64:" . base64_encode($crypted) . "\n";
    $decrypted = $rsa->rsaDecrypt($crypted);
    echo "encrypt and decrypt:" . $decrypted . "\n";
Exemple #2
 static function selloDigital($cadena, $archivo)
     $key = Rsa::cargarLlavePrivada($archivo);
     $private_key = Rsa::obtenerLlavePrivada($key);
     $sello = Rsa::generarSelloDigital($cadena, $private_key);
     return $sello;
Exemple #3
  * 生成签名结果
  * @param $para_sort 已排序要签名的数组
  * @return 签名结果字符串
 function buildRequestMysign($para_sort)
     $prestr = Core::createLinkstring($para_sort);
     $mysign = "";
     switch (strtoupper(trim($this->alipay_config['sign_type']))) {
         case "RSA":
             $mysign = Rsa::rsaSign($prestr, $this->alipay_config['private_key_path']);
             $mysign = "";
     return $mysign;
Exemple #4
  * 显示登录页(默认Action)
 function doDefault()
     $page = $this->app->page();
     $page->params['template'] = $base = dirname(__FILE__) . '/rsademo.tpl';
     $result = null;
     if ($_POST['en']) {
         $result = Rsa::decrypt($_POST['en']);
         $result = "The plain text is:" . $result;
     list($pwd, $ssid) = explode("\n", $result);
     $page->value("result", $result);
function DecryptString($sourceStr)
    $key = base64_encode(pack("H*", $sourceStr));
    return Rsa::privDecrypt($key, true);
Exemple #6
 public function verify($data)
     return Rsa::rsa_verify($data, $this->public_key, $this->modulus, $this->key_length);
Exemple #7

 * 支持各个分离系统的会员信息对接
 * @author winsen
 * @date 2014-11-20
include '../library/init.inc.php';
$data = isset($_POST['data']) ? $_POST['data'] : '';
$data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
$response = array();
$rsa = new Rsa();
if ($data) {
    $data = $rsa->public_key_decrypt($data, 'base64', 'key/outer_public_key.pem');
    if ($data) {
        $data = json_decode($data);
    if ($data->opera == 'get') {
        $code = $data->code;
        $publicAccount = $db->escape($data->account);
        $getInfo = 'select `appID`,`appsecret` from `' . $db_prefix . 'publicAccount` where `account`=\'' . $publicAccount . '\'';
        $info = $db->fetchRow($getInfo);
        $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid=%s&secret=%s&code=%s&grant_type=authorization_code';
        $url = sprintf($url, $info['appID'], $info['appsecret'], $code);
        $wechatInfo = get($url);
        $wechatInfo = json_decode($wechatInfo);
Exemple #8
     * 私匙加密
     * @param  [type] $data [description]
     * @return [type]       [description]
    public static function encrypt($data)
        if (openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, self::getPublicKey())) {
            $data = base64_encode($encrypted);
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt data. Perhaps it is bigger than the key size?');
        return $data;
$password = $_POST['password'];
echo "Password Source String:<br/>" . $password;
echo "<br/>";
$key = base64_encode(pack("H*", $password));
echo "Password Decrypt String:" . Rsa::privDecrypt($key, true);
echo "<br/>";
$username = $_POST['username'];
echo 'Username Source String:<br/>' . $username . '<br/>';
$key = base64_encode(pack("H*", $username));
echo "Username DecryptString:" . Rsa::privDecrypt($key, true);
//echo '<br>';
//PHP->PHP RSA加密解密测试
//$key = Rsa::encrypt('测试中文rsa加密');
//echo $key;
//echo '<br/>';
//echo Rsa::privDecrypt($key);
Exemple #9

 * Rsa 加密 解密 demo
 * @author Wang [BBG]
require_once 'Rsa.php';
try {
    $rsa = new Rsa();
    $str = '宝贝购 BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com BBG baobeigou.com 宝贝购BBG ';
    $data = $rsa->privateKeyEncode($str);
    echo $data . '<br><br><br>';
    $decode = $rsa->decodePrivateEncode($data);
    echo $decode . '<br><br><br>';
    $pdata = $rsa->publicKeyEncode('Hello World !, 世界 你好!');
    echo $pdata . '<br><br><br>';
    $pdecode = $rsa->decodePublicEncode($pdata);
    echo $pdecode . '<br><br><br>';
} catch (Exception $exc) {
    echo $exc->getMessage();
 public function testCreateSignerWithAutomaticType()
     $stub = new Rsa();
     $signer = $stub->signer();
     $this->assertInstanceOf(\Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256::class, $signer);
Exemple #11
    $cadena_original .= "|{$cantidad2}|{$unidad2}|{$d2}|" . number_format($precio2, 2, '.', '') . "|" . number_format($monto2, 2, '.', '');
if ($d3 != "") {
    $cadena_original .= "|{$cantidad3}|{$unidad3}|{$d3}|" . number_format($precio3, 2, '.', '') . "|" . number_format($monto3, 2, '.', '');
if ($d4 != "") {
    $cadena_original .= "|{$cantidad4}|{$unidad4}|{$d4}|" . number_format($precio4, 2, '.', '') . "|" . number_format($monto4, 2, '.', '');
if ($d5 != "") {
    $cadena_original .= "|{$cantidad5}|{$unidad5}|{$d5}|" . number_format($precio5, 2, '.', '') . "|" . number_format($monto5, 2, '.', '');
//detalle de impuestos
$cadena_original .= "|IVA|" . $_REQUEST['iva'] . "|" . number_format($iva, 2, '.', '') . "|" . number_format($iva, 2, '.', '') . "||";
$cadena_original = str_replace("  ", " ", $cadena_original);
//Digestion SHA1, firmamos con nuestra clave y pasamos a base 64, requiere de openssl instalado
$sello = Rsa::selloDigital($cadena_original, $archivo_key);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 5);
$pdf->Cell(42, 3, "", 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, utf8_decode("Cadena Original"), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 4);
$pdf->Cell(42, 3, "", 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, utf8_decode($cadena_original), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 5);
$pdf->Cell(42, 3, "", 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, utf8_decode("Sello Digital"), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 4);
$pdf->Cell(42, 3, "", 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, utf8_decode($sello), 0, 'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 5);
Exemple #12
        $crypted = base64_decode($crypted);
        $r = openssl_public_decrypt($crypted, $decrypted, $this->_pubKey);
        if ($r) {
            return $decrypted;
        return null;
    public function __destruct()
$rsa = new Rsa('sslkey');
//$rsa->createKey(); //创建一对密钥,如果密钥对已经存在,不需调用
echo 'source:我是老鳖<br />';
$pre = $rsa->privEncrypt("我是老鳖");
echo 'private encrypted:<br />' . $pre . '<br />';
$pud = $rsa->pubDecrypt($pre);
echo 'public decrypted:' . $pud . '<br />';
echo 'source:干IT的<br />';
$pue = $rsa->pubEncrypt('干IT的');
echo 'public encrypt:<br />' . $pue . '<br />';
$prd = $rsa->privDecrypt($pue);
echo 'private decrypt:' . $prd;
$p = "BHh8quzSlewEJQ6ZiYOsBRDxUVcSh+fVboVI0YXK2LJNH9v/PRG4VpbmroiJtn9Gp55kVAVHLBgTCwnrd0N2FJE+0M5+n6TzkOul1tSgzo+WZVJWXOFlw0S3m8LMLP0ZtMrfQxj8JtgNbewoFIQ2M3ReYCpLTQ4D1EwxzwT/b88=";
Exemple #13
     * 私匙加密
     * @param  [type] $data [description]
     * @return [type]       [description]
    public static function encrypt($data)
        if (openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, self::getPublicKey())) {
            $data = base64_encode($encrypted);
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt data. Perhaps it is bigger than the key size?');
        return $data;
$password = $_POST['password'];
echo "需要解密字符串(password):<br/>" . $password;
echo "<br/>";
$key = base64_encode(pack("H*", $password));
echo "解密后原密码:" . Rsa::privDecrypt($key, true);
echo "<br/>";
$username = $_POST['username'];
echo '需要解密字符串(username):<br/>' . $username . '<br/>';
$key = base64_encode(pack("H*", $username));
echo "解密后原用户名:" . Rsa::privDecrypt($key, true);
//echo '<br>';
//PHP->PHP RSA加密解密测试
//$key = Rsa::encrypt('测试中文rsa加密');
//echo $key;
//echo '<br/>';
//echo Rsa::privDecrypt($key);
Exemple #14
  * 获取返回时的签名验证结果
  * @param $para_temp 通知返回来的参数数组
  * @param $sign 返回的签名结果
  * @return 签名验证结果
 function getSignVeryfy($para_temp, $sign)
     $para_filter = Core::paraFilter($para_temp);
     $para_sort = Core::argSort($para_filter);
     $prestr = Core::createLinkstring($para_sort);
     $isSgin = false;
     switch (strtoupper(trim($this->alipay_config['sign_type']))) {
         case "RSA":
             $isSgin = Rsa::rsaVerify($prestr, trim($this->alipay_config['ali_public_key_path']), $sign);
             $isSgin = false;
     return $isSgin;
 function sign($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength)
     $padded = Rsa::add_PKCS1_padding($message, false, $keylength / 8);
     $number = Rsa::binary_to_number($padded);
     $signed = Rsa::pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus);
     $result = Rsa::number_to_binary($signed, $keylength / 8);
     return $result;