Generates: - namespace statement - variable amount of use statements - one or more class declarations
Inheritance: extends Nette\Object
  * @param Database $database
 public function generate(Database $database)
     foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
         // Create namespace and inner class
         $namespace = new PhpNamespace($this->resolver->resolveRepositoryNamespace($table));
         $class = $namespace->addClass($this->resolver->resolveRepositoryName($table));
         // Detect extends class
         if (($extends = $this->config->get('repository.extends')) !== NULL) {
         // Save file
         $this->generateFile($this->resolver->resolveRepositoryFilename($table), (string) $namespace);
     // Generate abstract base class
     if ($this->config->get('repository.extends') !== NULL) {
         // Create abstract class
         $namespace = new PhpNamespace($this->config->get('repository.namespace'));
         $class = $namespace->addClass(Helpers::extractShortName($this->config->get('repository.extends')));
         // Add extends from ORM/Repository
         $extends = $this->config->get('nextras.orm.class.repository');
         // Save file
         $this->generateFile($this->resolver->resolveFilename(Helpers::extractShortName($this->config->get('repository.extends')), $this->config->get('repository.folder')), (string) $namespace);
Exemple #2
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString()
     $parameters = array();
     foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
         $variadic = $this->variadic && $param === end($this->parameters);
         $hint = in_array($param->getTypeHint(), array('array', '')) ? $param->getTypeHint() : ($this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName($param->getTypeHint()) : $param->getTypeHint());
         $parameters[] = ($hint ? $hint . ' ' : '') . ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . ($variadic ? '...' : '') . '$' . $param->getName() . ($param->isOptional() && !$variadic ? ' = ' . Helpers::dump($param->defaultValue) : '');
     $uses = array();
     foreach ($this->uses as $param) {
         $uses[] = ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->getName();
     return ($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . ($this->visibility ? $this->visibility . ' ' : '') . ($this->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function' . ($this->returnReference ? ' &' : '') . ($this->name ? ' ' . $this->name : '') . '(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ')' . ($this->uses ? ' use (' . implode(', ', $uses) . ')' : '') . ($this->abstract || $this->body === FALSE ? ';' : ($this->name ? "\n" : ' ') . "{\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(trim($this->body), 1) . "\n}");
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $config = $this->getApplication()->getConfig();
     $dialog = $this->getHelper('dialog');
     $className = $input->getArgument('className');
     $modelName = $input->getArgument('modelName');
     $endPoint = $input->getArgument('endPoint');
     $model = $this->getModel($modelName);
     $buildDirectory = $config['build']['classes'];
     $buildPath = $buildDirectory . '/' . $className . '.php';
     if (file_exists($buildPath)) {
         if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, sprintf('<question>Class file "%s" exists, overwrite?</question>', $buildPath), false)) {
     $modelConfig = ['properties' => $model->properties];
     $configsDirectory = $config['build']['configs'];
     $configPath = realpath($configsDirectory . '/' . $modelName . '.json');
     if (file_exists($configPath)) {
         $modelConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($configPath), true);
     $namespace = new PhpNamespace($config['namespace']);
     $class = new ClassType($className, $namespace);
     if (!empty($endPoint)) {
         $class->addConst("ENDPOINT", $endPoint);
     foreach ($model->properties as $propertyName => $propertyDef) {
         if (in_array($propertyName, $modelConfig['properties'], true)) {
             $property = $class->addProperty($propertyName)->setVisibility('public');
             $accessorMethod = $class->addMethod($this->toCamelCase("get_" . $propertyName));
             $accessorMethod->setBody('return $this->' . $propertyName . ';');
             $mutatorMethod = $class->addMethod($this->toCamelCase("set_" . $propertyName));
             $mutatorMethod->setBody('$this->' . $propertyName . ' = $' . $propertyName . ';');
             if (is_string($propertyDef['type'])) {
                 $property->addDocument("@var {$propertyDef['type']}");
             } else {
                 $property->addDocument("@var mixed");
         } else {
             $output->writeln(sprintf("<info>Skipped property %s</info>", $propertyName));
     file_put_contents($buildPath, str_replace("\t", "    ", "<?php\n{$namespace}{$class}"));
     // TODO: replace with PHP_CodeSniffer library
     exec(sprintf('vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=PSR2 --encoding=utf-8 "%s"', $buildPath));
     $output->writeln(sprintf("<info>Class %s created</info>", $buildPath));
Exemple #4
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString() : string
     $parameters = [];
     foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
         $variadic = $this->variadic && $param === end($this->parameters);
         $hint = $this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName((string) $param->getTypeHint()) : $param->getTypeHint();
         $parameters[] = ($hint ? $hint . ' ' : '') . ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . ($variadic ? '...' : '') . '$' . $param->getName() . ($param->isOptional() && !$variadic ? ' = ' . Helpers::dump($param->defaultValue) : '');
     $uses = [];
     foreach ($this->uses as $param) {
         $uses[] = ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->getName();
     $returnType = $this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName((string) $this->returnType) : $this->returnType;
     return ($this->comment ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . $this->comment) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . ($this->visibility ? $this->visibility . ' ' : '') . ($this->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function' . ($this->returnReference ? ' &' : '') . ' ' . $this->name . '(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ')' . ($this->uses ? ' use (' . implode(', ', $uses) . ')' : '') . ($returnType ? ': ' . $returnType : '') . ($this->abstract || $this->body === FALSE ? ';' : ($this->name ? "\n" : ' ') . "{\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(ltrim(rtrim($this->body) . "\n"), 1) . '}');
Exemple #5
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString()
     $consts = array();
     foreach ($this->consts as $name => $value) {
         $consts[] = "const {$name} = " . Helpers::dump($value) . ";\n";
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
         $doc = str_replace("\n", "\n * ", implode("\n", (array) $property->getDocuments()));
         $properties[] = ($property->getDocuments() ? strpos($doc, "\n") === FALSE ? "/** {$doc} */\n" : "/**\n * {$doc}\n */\n" : '') . $property->getVisibility() . ($property->isStatic() ? ' static' : '') . ' $' . $property->getName() . ($property->value === NULL ? '' : ' = ' . Helpers::dump($property->value)) . ";\n";
     $extends = $implements = $traits = array();
     if ($this->namespace) {
         foreach ((array) $this->extends as $name) {
             $extends[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
         foreach ((array) $this->implements as $name) {
             $implements[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
         foreach ((array) $this->traits as $name) {
             $traits[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
     } else {
         $extends = (array) $this->extends;
         $implements = (array) $this->implements;
         $traits = (array) $this->traits;
     foreach ($this->methods as $method) {
     return Strings::normalize(($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . $this->type . ' ' . $this->name . ' ' . ($this->extends ? 'extends ' . implode(', ', $extends) . ' ' : '') . ($this->implements ? 'implements ' . implode(', ', $implements) . ' ' : '') . "\n{\n\n" . Strings::indent(($this->traits ? 'use ' . implode(', ', $traits) . ";\n\n" : '') . ($this->consts ? implode('', $consts) . "\n\n" : '') . ($this->properties ? implode("\n", $properties) . "\n\n" : '') . implode("\n\n\n", $this->methods), 1) . "\n\n}") . "\n";
Exemple #6
  * @param string $className
  * @return string
 public function generate($className)
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown class {$className}. Check for typos in class name and make sure" . " that given class is properly loaded.");
     $origin = new ReflectionClass($className);
     $interface = ClassType::from(self::ACCESSOR_INTERFACE);
     $namespace = new PhpNamespace($this->naming->getNamespace());
     $class = $namespace->addClass($this->naming->deriveClassName($className));
     $class->addDocument("This class was automatically generated by Markatom/Accessor library.");
     $class->addConst('TARGET', $origin->getName());
     return (string) $namespace;
Exemple #7
  * @param Database $database
 public function generate(Database $database)
     foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
         // Create namespace and inner class
         $namespace = new PhpNamespace($this->resolver->resolveEntityNamespace($table));
         $class = $namespace->addClass($this->resolver->resolveEntityName($table));
         // Detect extends class
         if (($extends = $this->config->get('entity.extends')) === NULL) {
             $extends = $this->config->get('nextras.orm.class.entity');
         // Add namespace and extends class
         // Add table columns
         foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) {
             if ($this->config->get('generator.entity.exclude.primary')) {
                 if ($column->isPrimary()) {
             foreach ($this->decorators as $decorator) {
                 $decorator->doDecorate($column, $class, $namespace);
         // Save file
         $this->generateFile($this->resolver->resolveEntityFilename($table), (string) $namespace);
     // Generate abstract base class
     if ($this->config->get('entity.extends') !== NULL) {
         // Create abstract class
         $namespace = new PhpNamespace($this->config->get('entity.namespace'));
         $class = $namespace->addClass(Helpers::extractShortName($this->config->get('entity.extends')));
         // Add extends from ORM/Entity
         $extends = $this->config->get('nextras.orm.class.entity');
         // Save file
         $this->generateFile($this->resolver->resolveFilename(Helpers::extractShortName($this->config->get('entity.extends')), $this->config->get('entity.folder')), (string) $namespace);
Exemple #8
  * @param PhpNamespace $namespace
  * @param string       $class_name
  * @param object       $object
 public function object($namespace, $class_name, $object)
     $class_name = ucfirst($class_name);
     $class = $namespace->addClass($class_name);
     $class->addDocument('Class ' . $class_name);
     foreach (get_object_vars($object) as $name => $value) {
         $property = $class->addProperty($name);
         switch (gettype($value)) {
             case 'object':
                 $class_name = ucfirst($name);
                 $property->addDocument('@var ' . $class_name . PHP_EOL);
                 $this->object($namespace, $class_name, $value);
             case 'array':
                 $type_doc = isset($value[0]) ? gettype($value[0]) . '[]' : 'array';
                 $property->addDocument('@var ' . $type_doc . PHP_EOL);
                 $property->addDocument('@var ' . gettype($value) . PHP_EOL);
Exemple #9
  * @param PhpNamespace $namespace
  * @param ClassType $class
  * @param Column $column
  * @return void
 public function doDecorate(Column $column, ClassType $class, PhpNamespace $namespace)
     switch ($column->getType()) {
         // Map: DateTime
         case ColumnTypes::TYPE_DATETIME:
             if ($column->getDefault() !== NULL) {
             // Map: Enum
         // Map: Enum
         case ColumnTypes::TYPE_ENUM:
             foreach ($column->getEnum() as $enum) {
                 $name = Strings::upper($column->getName()) . '_' . $enum;
                 $class->addConst($name, $enum);
             if ($column->getDefault() !== NULL) {
                 $column->setDefault(Strings::upper($column->getName()) . '_' . $column->getDefault());
Exemple #10
  * @param Table $table
  * @param PhpNamespace $namespace
  * @return mixed
 protected function getRealUse(Table $table, PhpNamespace $namespace)
     $use = $namespace->unresolveName($this->resolver->resolveEntityNamespace($table) . Helpers::NS . $this->resolver->resolveEntityName($table));
     if (Strings::compare($use, $table->getName())) {
         return NULL;
     return $use;
Exemple #11
 private function writeGeneratedCode(Code\PhpFile $file, Code\PhpNamespace $namespace)
     $builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();
     if (!is_dir($tempDir = $builder->expand('%tempDir%/cache/_Kdyby.Aop'))) {
         mkdir($tempDir, 0777, TRUE);
     $key = md5(serialize($builder->parameters) . serialize(array_keys($namespace->getClasses())));
     file_put_contents($cached = $tempDir . '/' . $key . '.php', (string) $file);
     return $cached;
Exemple #12
 public function build()
     foreach ($this->metaDataFactory->getAllMetaData() as $meta_data) {
         $class_name = $meta_data->getName();
         $space_name = $this->parseNamespace($class_name);
         printf('Generated classes related to %s\\%s' . PHP_EOL, $space_name, $class_name);
         $base_space = new PhpNamespace(ltrim($space_name . '\\' . $this->baseNamespace, '\\'));
         $base_class = $base_space->addClass($class_name);
         $constructor = $base_class->addMethod('__construct')->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Instantiate a new " . $base_class->getName());
         if ($this->entityParent) {
         foreach ($meta_data->getFieldNames() as $field) {
             $type = $this->translateType($meta_data->getTypeOfField($field));
             $base_class->addProperty($field)->setVisibility("protected")->addComment("")->addComment("@access protected")->addComment("@var {$type}");
             $base_class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Get the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@return {$type} The value of {$field}")->addBody("return \$this->{$field};");
             $base_class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Set the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@param {$type} \$value The value to set to {$field}")->addComment("@return " . $base_class->getName() . " The object instance for method chaining")->addBody("\$this->{$field} = \$value;")->addBody("")->addBody("return \$this;")->addParameter("value");
         foreach ($meta_data->getAssociationMappings() as $mapping) {
             $field = $mapping['fieldName'];
             $type = in_array($mapping['type'], $this->toOneTypes) ? $mapping['targetEntity'] : 'ArrayCollection';
             $base_class->addProperty($field)->setVisibility("protected")->addComment("")->addComment("@access protected")->addComment("@var {$type}");
             $base_class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Get the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@return {$type} The value of {$field}")->addBody("return \$this->{$field};");
             if ($type == 'ArrayCollection') {
                 $constructor->addBody("\$this->{$field} = new ArrayCollection();");
                 // hasRelatedEntities()
                 // addRelatedEntities()
                 // removeRelatedEntities()
             } else {
                 // hasRelatedEntity()
                 // On set, if value is set to null, check if bi-directional and remove
                 $parameter = $base_class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Set the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@param {$type} \$value The value to set to {$field}")->addComment("@return " . $base_class->getName() . " The object instance for method chaining")->addBody("\$this->{$field} = \$value;")->addBody("")->addBody("return \$this;")->addParameter("value")->setTypeHint($type);
                 if ($mapping['inversedBy']) {
                     $inverse = $this->metaDataFactory->getMetadataFor($mapping['targetEntity'])->getAssociationMapping($mapping['inversedBy']);
                     if ($inverse['orphanRemoval']) {
                 if (isset($mapping['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']) && $mapping['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']) {
         $this->write($this->entityRoot, $base_space, $base_class, TRUE);
         $space = new PhpNamespace($space_name);
         $class = $space->addClass($class_name)->setExtends(ltrim($space_name . '\\' . $this->baseNamespace . '\\' . $class_name, '\\'));
         $class->addMethod('__construct')->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Instantiate a new " . $class->getName())->addBody("return parent::__construct();");
         $this->write($this->entityRoot, $space, $class);
         if ($meta_data->customRepositoryClassName) {
             $repo_class_name = $meta_data->customRepositoryClassName;
             $repo_space_name = $this->parseNamespace($repo_class_name);
             $repo_space = new PhpNamespace($repo_space_name);
             $repo_class = $repo_space->addClass($repo_class_name);
             $this->write($this->repositoryRoot, $repo_space, $repo_class);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $root_class = $this->app['engine']->fetch('doctrine/entities', 'root_class');
     $base_namespace = $this->app['engine']->fetch('doctrine/entities', 'base_namespace');
     $entity_root = $this->app['engine']->fetch('doctrine/entities', 'entity_root');
     $entity_root = $this->app->getDirectory($entity_root);
     $repo_root = $this->app['engine']->fetch('doctrine/entities', 'repository_root');
     $repo_root = $this->app->getDirectory($repo_root);
     foreach ($this->metaData as $meta_data) {
         $class_name = $meta_data->getName();
         $space_name = $this->parseNamespace($class_name);
         printf('Generated classes related to %s\\%s', $space_name, $class_name);
         $base_space = new PhpNamespace(ltrim($space_name . '\\' . $base_namespace, '\\'));
         $base_class = $base_space->addClass($class_name);
         $constructor = $base_class->addMethod('__construct')->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Instantiate a new " . $base_class->getName());
         if ($root_class) {
         foreach ($meta_data->getFieldNames() as $field) {
             $type = $this->translateType($meta_data->getTypeOfField($field));
             $base_class->addProperty($field)->setVisibility("protected")->addComment("")->addComment("@access protected")->addComment("@var {$type}");
             $base_class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Get the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@return {$type} The value of {$field}")->addBody("return \$this->{$field};");
             $base_class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Set the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@param {$type} \$value The value to set to {$field}")->addComment("@return " . $base_class->getName() . " The object instance for method chaining")->addBody("\$this->{$field} = \$value;")->addBody("")->addBody("return \$this;")->addParameter("value");
         foreach ($meta_data->getAssociationMappings() as $mapping) {
             $field = $mapping['fieldName'];
             $type = in_array($mapping['type'], $this->toOneTypes) ? $mapping['targetEntity'] : 'ArrayCollection';
             $base_class->addProperty($field)->setVisibility("protected")->addComment("")->addComment("@access protected")->addComment("@var {$type}");
             $base_class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Get the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@return {$type} The value of {$field}")->addBody("return \$this->{$field};");
             if ($type == 'ArrayCollection') {
                 $constructor->addBody("\$this->{$field} = new ArrayCollection();");
                 // hasRelatedEntities()
                 // addRelatedEntities()
                 // removeRelatedEntities()
             } else {
                 // hasRelatedEntity()
                 // On set, if value is set to null, check if bi-directional and remove
                 $base_class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($field))->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Set the value of {$field}")->addComment("")->addComment("@access public")->addComment("@param {$type} \$value The value to set to {$field}")->addComment("@return " . $base_class->getName() . " The object instance for method chaining")->addBody("\$this->{$field} = \$value;")->addBody("")->addBody("return \$this;")->addParameter("value")->setTypeHint($type);
         $this->write($entity_root, $base_space, $base_class, TRUE);
         $space = new PhpNamespace($space_name);
         $class = $space->addClass($class_name)->setExtends($space_name . '\\' . $base_namespace . '\\' . $class_name);
         $class->addMethod('__construct')->setVisibility("public")->addComment("Instantiate a new " . $class->getName())->addBody("return parent::__construct();");
         $this->write($entity_root, $space, $class);
         if ($meta_data->customRepositoryClassName) {
             $repo_class_name = $meta_data->customRepositoryClassName;
             $repo_space_name = $this->parseNamespace($repo_class_name);
             $repo_space = new PhpNamespace($repo_space_name);
             $repo_class = $repo_space->addClass($repo_class_name);
             $this->write($repo_root, $repo_space, $repo_class);
         echo PHP_EOL;