public function testRejectItemsSync() { $queue = new Queue($this->redis, 'test', [Base::OPT_SLAVES_SYNC_ENABLED => true, Base::OPT_SLAVES_SYNC_REQUIRED_COUNT => 5], $this->getTimeMock()); $processingQueue = sprintf('test-processing-%s[%d][%d]', gethostname(), getmypid(), self::TIME_MOCK); $this->redis->lpush($processingQueue, [1, 5, 5, 3, 6, 7]); $this->redis->hset('test-timeouts', $processingQueue, self::MICRO_TIME_MOCK); try { $queue->rejectItems([1, 5]); } catch (\PhpRQ\Exception\NotEnoughSlavesSynced $e) { } // order of the items is preserved with Queue:rejectItems only if there is a reject on all the remaining // items at once. Consecutive calls of this method causes the lost of the items order. $this->assertSame(['5', '1'], $this->redis->lrange('test', 0, 5)); $this->assertSame(['7', '6', '3', '5'], $this->redis->lrange($processingQueue, 0, 5)); $this->assertSame([$processingQueue => (string) self::MICRO_TIME_MOCK], $this->redis->hgetall('test-timeouts')); $this->assertKeys(['test', $processingQueue, 'test-timeouts']); }
public function testRejectItems() { $time = time(); $queue = new Queue($this->redis, 'test'); $processingQueue = sprintf('test-processing-%s[%d][%d]', gethostname(), getmypid(), $time); $this->redis->lpush($processingQueue, [1, 5, 5, 3, 6, 7]); $uTime = microtime(true); $this->redis->hset('test-timeouts', $processingQueue, $uTime); $queue->rejectItems([1, 5]); $queue->rejectItems([5]); $queue->rejectItems([9]); // order of the items is preserved with Queue:rejectItems only if there is a reject on all the remaining // items at once. Consecutive calls of this method causes the lost of the items order. $this->assertSame(['5', '1', '5'], $this->redis->lrange('test', 0, 5)); $this->assertSame(['7', '6', '3'], $this->redis->lrange($processingQueue, 0, 5)); $this->assertSame([$processingQueue => (string) $uTime], $this->redis->hgetall('test-timeouts')); $this->assertKeys(['test', $processingQueue, 'test-timeouts']); $queue->rejectItems([3, 6, 7]); // order of the items is preserved with Queue:rejectItems only if there is a reject on all the remaining // items at once. Consecutive calls of this method causes the lost of the items order. $this->assertSame(['5', '1', '5', '7', '6', '3'], $this->redis->lrange('test', 0, 10)); $this->assertKeys(['test']); $this->redis->lpush($processingQueue, 1); $uTime = microtime(true); $this->redis->hset('test-timeouts', $processingQueue, $uTime); $queue->rejectItems([1]); // order of the items is preserved with Queue:rejectItems only if there is a reject on all the remaining // items at once. Consecutive calls of this method causes the lost of the items order. $this->assertSame(['5', '1', '5', '7', '6', '3', '1'], $this->redis->lrange('test', 0, 10)); $this->assertKeys(['test']); }