public function __construct()
     if (!function_exists('gd_info')) {
         if (!$this->_isInternal()) {
         } else {
             // TODO: improve this
             Flash::set('error', 'Image - ' . __('GD Library is either not installed or not enabled, check your phpinfo().'));
     if ($this->_isInternal()) {
         $this->assignToLayout('sidebar', new View('../../plugins/image/views/sidebar'));
     // get setting from db
     $src = Plugin::getSetting('path', 'image');
     if ($src !== '/') {
         $src = '/' . $src;
     if (substr($src, strlen($src) - 1) !== '/') {
         $src = $src . '/';
     $this->_image_root = CMS_ROOT . $src;
 public function index($page = 0)
     $totalTags = Tagger::findAll();
     $CurPage = isset($page) ? $page : 0;
     $rowspage = Plugin::getSetting('rowspage', 'tagger');
     // New functions added in to make sorting tags easier on the backend.
     $sort_field = Plugin::getSetting('sort_field', 'tagger');
     $sort_order = Plugin::getSetting('sort_order', 'tagger');
     $order_by = Tagger::sortField($sort_field) . ' ' . $sort_order;
     $start = $CurPage * $rowspage;
     $totalrecords = count($totalTags);
     $lastpage = ceil($totalrecords / $rowspage);
     $lastpage = $totalrecords <= $rowspage ? 0 : abs($lastpage - 1);
     /* Get data. */
     $tags = Tagger::findAll(array('offset' => $start, 'limit' => $rowspage, 'order' => $order_by));
     $this->display('tagger/views/index', array('tags' => $tags, 'currentpage' => $CurPage, 'lastpage' => $lastpage));
function downloads_catch_click($args) {

	//	check for download
	if (preg_match('#^/download-file/(\d+)#i',$args,$matches)) {
		//	update the click count of the banner
		$id = (int)$matches[1];
		if (!$download = Download::findById($id)) return $args;
		//	redirect to the requested url
		header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently', true);
		header ('Location: /'.Plugin::getSetting('download_uri','downloads').'/'.$download->filename);

	//	check for download by name
	if (preg_match('#^/download-file/(.*)$#i',$args,$matches)) {
		//	update the click count of the banner
		$filename = $matches[1];
		if (!$download = Download::findByFilename($filename)) return $args;
		//	redirect to the requested url
		header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently', true);
		header ('Location: /'.Plugin::getSetting('download_uri','downloads').'/'.$download->filename);

	//	no click so keep going
	return $args;
    function index() {
		//	cleanup old redirects
		$expireafter = Plugin::getSetting('expireafter', 'redirector');
		if ( $expireafter > 0 ) {
			Record::deleteWhere('RedirectorRedirects',"updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$expireafter} DAY) AND perm='0'");
			Record::deleteWhere('Redirector404s',"updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$expireafter} DAY)");
		$data['redirects'] = RedirectorRedirects::findAll( array(
			'order'=>'redirects.dest, redirects.url'
		) );
		$threshold = Plugin::getSetting('threshold', 'redirector');
		$data['errors'] = Redirector404s::findAll( array(
			'where'=>'error404s.hits >= ' . $threshold,
			'order'=>'error404s.hits DESC'
		) );
		$this->display( 'redirector/views/index', $data );
 private function _upload_file($origin, $dest, $tmp_name, $overwrite = false)
     if (!AuthUser::hasPermission('file_manager_upload')) {
         return false;
     $origin = basename($origin);
     $full_dest = $dest . $origin;
     $file_name = $origin;
     for ($i = 1; file_exists($full_dest); $i++) {
         if ($overwrite) {
         $file_ext = strpos($origin, '.') === false ? '' : '.' . substr(strrchr($origin, '.'), 1);
         $file_name = substr($origin, 0, strlen($origin) - strlen($file_ext)) . '_' . $i . $file_ext;
         $full_dest = $dest . $file_name;
     if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $full_dest)) {
         // change mode of the uploaded file
         $mode = Plugin::getSetting('filemode', 'file_manager');
         chmod($full_dest, octdec($mode));
         return $file_name;
     return false;
Exemple #6
  * Display tags on a page
  * @since 1.4.0
  * @param string booleon booleon
 public static function render($option = array())
     // Tag settings from database
     $tag_setting_type = Plugin::getSetting('tag_type', 'tagger');
     $tag_setting_case = Plugin::getSetting('case', 'tagger');
     // Tag display
     $tag_type = array_key_exists('type', $option) ? $option['type'] : $tag_setting_type;
     $tag_case = array_key_exists('case', $option) ? $option['case'] : $tag_setting_case;
     // Setting Sort order, Limit, Parent and Tagger page if selected
     $limit_set = array_key_exists('limit', $option) ? " LIMIT 0, {$option['limit']}" : NULL;
     $parent = array_key_exists('parent', $option) ? " AND page.parent_id = {$option['parent']}" : NULL;
     $tagger_page = array_key_exists('tagger_page', $option) ? $option['tagger_page'] : NULL;
     $tpl = array_key_exists('tagger_tpl', $option) ? $option['tagger_tpl'] : NULL;
     $order_by = array_key_exists('order_by', $option) && $option['order_by'] == 'count' ? ' ORDER BY count DESC' : NULL;
     $sql = 'SELECT name, count FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'tag AS tag, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'page AS page, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'page_tag AS page_tag' . ' WHERE = page_tag.tag_id AND page_tag.page_id = AND page.status_id != ' . Page::STATUS_HIDDEN . ' AND' . ' page.status_id != ' . Page::STATUS_DRAFT . $parent . ' GROUP BY' . $order_by . $limit_set;
     $stmt = Record::getConnection()->prepare($sql);
     // Putting Tags into a array
     while ($tag = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
         $tags[$tag->name] = $tag->count;
     if (isset($tags)) {
         // Sort array
         uksort($tags, 'cmpVals');
         switch ($tag_type) {
             case "cloud":
                 $max_size = 28;
                 // max font size in pixels
                 $min_size = 10;
                 // min font size in pixels
                 // largest and smallest array values
                 $max_qty = max(array_values($tags));
                 $min_qty = min(array_values($tags));
                 // find the range of values
                 $spread = $max_qty - $min_qty;
                 if ($spread == 0) {
                     $spread = 1;
                 // set the font-size increment
                 $step = ($max_size - $min_size) / $spread;
                 if ($tpl) {
                     eval('?>' . self::tpl($tpl));
                 } else {
                     echo '<ul class="tagger">';
                     foreach ($tags as $key => $value) {
                         // calculate font-size, find the $value in excess of $min_qty, multiply by the font-size increment ($size) and add the $min_size set above
                         $size = round($min_size + ($value - $min_qty) * $step);
                         $key_case = $tag_case == "1" ? ucfirst($key) : strtolower($key);
                         $url = self::tag_url($tagger_page) . slugify($key) . URL_SUFFIX;
                         echo sprintf('<li style="display: inline; border: none;"><a href="%s"  style="display: inline; border: none; font-size: %spx; padding: 2px" title="%s things tagged with %s">%s</a></li>' . "\r\n", $url, $size, $value, $key, htmlspecialchars_decode($key_case));
                     echo '</ul>';
             case "count":
                 if ($tpl) {
                     eval('?>' . self::tpl($tpl));
                 } else {
                     echo '<ul class="tagger">';
                     foreach ($tags as $key => $value) {
                         $key_case = $tag_case == "1" ? ucfirst($key) : strtolower($key);
                         $url = self::tag_url($tagger_page) . slugify($key) . URL_SUFFIX;
                         echo sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s things tagged with %s">%s (%s)</a></li>', $url, $value, $key, htmlspecialchars_decode($key_case), $value);
                     echo '</ul>';
                 if ($tpl) {
                     eval('?>' . self::tpl($tpl));
                 } else {
                     echo '<ul class="tagger">';
                     foreach ($tags as $key => $value) {
                         $key_case = $tag_case == 1 ? ucfirst($key) : strtolower($key);
                         $url = self::tag_url($tagger_page) . slugify($key) . URL_SUFFIX;
                         echo sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s things tagged with %s">%s</a></li>', $url, $value, $key, htmlspecialchars_decode($key_case));
                     echo '</ul>';
 * Downloads Plugin for WolfCMS <>
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Shannon Brooks <*****@*****.**>
 * This file is part of Downloads Plugin. Downloads Plugin is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
 * Please see license.txt for the full license text.

// Security Measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

<p class="button"><a href="<?php echo get_url('plugin/downloads'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo PLUGINS_URI;?>/downloads/images/list.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('List'); ?></a></p>
<p class="button"><a href="<?php echo get_url('plugin/downloads/add'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo PLUGINS_URI;?>/downloads/images/new.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('Add New'); ?></a></p>
<p class="button"><a href="<?php echo get_url('plugin/downloads/documentation'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo PLUGINS_URI;?>/downloads/images/documentation.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('Documentation'); ?></a></p>
<div class="box">
<h2><?php echo __('Download Manager Plugin');?></h2>
<?php echo __('Plugin Version').': '.Plugin::getSetting('version', 'downloads'); ?>
<br />
<h2><?php echo __('Usage');?></h2>
<p><strong>Single Download</strong><br />
<code>&lt;?php echo downloadLinkById($id,$linktext); ?&gt;<br />
&lt;?php echo downloadBoxById($id); ?&gt;<br />
&lt;?php echo downloadPlayerById($id,$text); ?&gt;</code></p>
<p><strong>Multiple Downloads</strong><br />
<code>&lt;?php echo downloadListByTag($tags); ?&gt;<br />
&lt;?php echo downloadBoxesByTag($tags); ?&gt;
&lt;?php echo downloadBoxesAll(); ?&gt;</code></p>
function registered_users_page_found($page)
    $PDO = Record::getConnection();
    // If login is required for the page
    if ($page->getLoginNeeded() == Page::LOGIN_REQUIRED) {
        // Not Logged In
        if (!AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) {
            // Get the current page id
            $requested_page_id = $page->id();
            // Let's get the page that is set as the login page to prevent any loopbacks
            $getloginpage = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "page WHERE behavior_id='login_page'";
            $getloginpage = $PDO->prepare($getloginpage);
            while ($loginpage = $getloginpage->fetchObject()) {
                $slug = $loginpage->slug;
            if ($requested_page_id != $loginpage_id) {
                header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . $slug);
        } else {
            // We need to check if the user has permission to access the page
            // Get requested page id
            $requested_page_id = $page->id();
            // Get permissions that are required for this page
            $permissions_check = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "permission_page WHERE page_id='{$requested_page_id}'";
            $permissions_check = $PDO->prepare($permissions_check);
            $permission_array = array();
            while ($permission = $permissions_check->fetchObject()) {
                $page_permission = $permission->permission_id;
                array_push($permission_array, $page_permission);
            $permissions_count = count($permission_array);
            $userid = AuthUser::getRecord()->id;
            // Get permissions that this user has
            			$user_permissions_check = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user_permission WHERE user_id='$userid'";
            			$user_permissions_check = $__CMS_CONN__->prepare($user_permissions_check);
            			$user_permissions_array = array();
            			while ($user_permissions = $user_permissions_check->fetchObject()) {
            				$user_permission = $user_permissions->permission_id;
            				array_push($user_permissions_array, $user_permission);
            $roles = AuthUser::getRecord()->roles();
            foreach ($roles as $role) {
                $user_permissions_array[] = $role->id;
            $permission_result = array_intersect($permission_array, $user_permissions_array);
            $permission_result_count = count($permission_result);
            if ($permission_result_count < 1 && AuthUser::getId() != 1) {
                // Let's get the authorisation required page
                $auth_required_page = Plugin::getSetting("auth_required_page", "registered_users");
                header('Location: ' . URL_PUBLIC . '' . $auth_required_page . '');
Exemple #9
<div class="box">
echo __('Backup/Restore plugin');
echo __('The Backup/Restore plugin allows you to create complete backups of the Wolf CMS core database.');
<br />
echo __('Version');
 - <?php 
<br />
echo __('Designed for Wolf version') . ' ' . Plugin::getSetting('wolfversion', 'backup_restore');
echo __('and upwards.') . '<br />';

 * Project home

//	security measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

//	include the Installer helper

//	only support MySQL
$driver = Installer::getDriver();
if ( $driver != 'mysql' && $driver != 'sqlite' ) Installer::failInstall( 'redirector', __('Only MySQL and SQLite are supported!') );

//	get plugin version
$version = Plugin::getSetting('version', 'redirector');

switch ($version) {

	//	no version found so we do a clean install
		//	sanity check to make sure we are really dealing with a clean install
		if ($version !== false) Installer::failInstall( 'redirector', __('Unknown Version!') );
		//	make sure we aren't upgrading from a legacy version, if we are store legacy version for upgrade and fail install
		if ( Installer::$__CONN__->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'redirector_redirects') ) {
			$settings = array( 'version' => '0.2.1' );
			if ( ! Plugin::setAllSettings($settings, 'redirector') ) Installer::failInstall( 'redirector', __('Unable to store legacy version!') );
Exemple #11

$version = Plugin::getSetting('version', 'ckeditor');
if (!$version || $version == null) {
    $upgrade = checkOld();
    if ($upgrade) {
        $PDO = Record::getConnection();
        $tablename = TABLE_PREFIX . 'ckeditor';
        $sql_check = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablename}";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename}";
        $result = $PDO->query($sql_check);
        if ($result && $result->fetchColumn() != 1) {
            Flash::set('error', __('ckeditor - upgrade needed, but invalid upgrade scenario detected!'));
        if (!$result) {
            Flash::set('error', __('ckeditor - upgrade need detected earlier, but unable to retrieve table information!'));
        $result = $PDO->query($sql);
        if ($result && ($row = $result->fetchObject())) {
            $settings = array('version' => '1.1', 'fileBrowserEnable' => $row->fileBrowserEnable, 'fileBrowserRootDir' => $row->fileBrowserRootDir, 'fileBrowserRootUri' => $row->fileBrowserRootUri, 'urlBrowserEnable' => $row->urlBrowserEnable, 'urlBrowserListHidden' => $row->urlBrowserListHidden, 'editorContentsCss' => $row->editorContentsCss, 'editorToolbarSet' => $row->editorToolbarSet);
        } else {
            Flash::set('error', __('ckeditor - upgrade needed, but unable to retrieve old settings!'));
    } else {
        $defaultFileBrowserImagesdir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images';
        $settings = array('version' => '1.1', 'fileBrowserEnable' => 1, 'fileBrowserRootDir' => $defaultFileBrowserImagesdir, 'fileBrowserRootUri' => '/public/images', 'urlBrowserEnable' => 1, 'urlBrowserListHidden' => 0, 'editorContentsCss' => '', 'editorToolbarSet' => 'Full');
Exemple #12
 * Banner Plugin for WolfCMS <>
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Shannon Brooks <*****@*****.**>
 * This file is part of Banner Plugin. Banner Plugin is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
 * Please see license.txt for the full license text.

// Security Measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

<p class="button"><a href="<?=get_url('plugin/banner'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?>wolf/plugins/banner/images/list.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('List Banners'); ?></a></p>
<p class="button"><a href="<?=get_url('plugin/banner/banner_add'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?>wolf/plugins/banner/images/new.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('Add Banner'); ?></a></p>
<p class="button"><a href="<?=get_url('plugin/banner/documentation'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?>wolf/plugins/banner/images/documentation.png" align="middle" /><?php echo __('Documentation'); ?></a></p>
<div class="box">
<h2><?php echo __('Banners Plugin');?></h2>
<?php echo __('Plugin Version').': '.Plugin::getSetting('version', 'banner'); ?>
Exemple #13
  * Returns the current PageArchive object's url.
  * Note: overrides the Page::url() method.
  * @return string   A fully qualified url.
 public function url($suffix = false)
     $use_date = Plugin::getSetting('use_dates', 'archive');
     if ($use_date === '1') {
         return BASE_URL . trim($this->parent()->path() . date('/Y/m/d/', strtotime($this->created_on)) . $this->slug, '/') . ($this->path() != '' ? URL_SUFFIX : '');
     } elseif ($use_date === '0') {
         return BASE_URL . trim($this->parent()->path() . '/' . $this->slug, '/') . ($this->path() != '' ? URL_SUFFIX : '');
Exemple #14

 * Wolf CMS - Content Management Simplified. <>
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Martijn van der Kleijn <*****@*****.**>
 * This file is part of Wolf CMS. Wolf CMS is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
 * Please see license.txt for the full license text.
/* Security measure */
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) {
 * The BackupRestore plugin provides administrators with the option of backing
 * up their pages and settings to an XML file.
 * @package Plugins
 * @subpackage backup_restore
 * @author Martijn van der Kleijn <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Martijn van der Kleijn, 2009-2011
 * @license GPLv3 license
// Check if the plugin's settings already exist and create them if not.
if (Plugin::getSetting('zip', 'backup_restore') === false) {
    // Store settings new style
    $settings = array('zip' => '1', 'pwd' => '1', 'default_pwd' => 'pswpsw123', 'stamp' => 'Ymd', 'extension' => 'xml', 'wolfversion' => '0.6.0');
    Plugin::setAllSettings($settings, 'backup_restore');
Exemple #15
function page_snippetslist_tab($page)
    $view = Plugin::getSetting('ui', 'easysnippet');
    echo new View(PLUGINS_ROOT . DS . 'easysnippet' . DS . 'views' . DS . $view, array('snippets' => grouped_snippets()));
	private function __upload($tagname,$filename,$overwrite=false) {
		//	if there is no uploaded file return false
		if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$tagname]['tmp_name'])) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('no file was uploaded'),self::LOG_ERROR);
			Flash::set('error',__('No file was uploaded!'));
			return false;
		//	if the uploaded file is not unique return false
		if (!$hash = $this->__unique($_FILES[$tagname]['tmp_name'])) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('the file was not unique; the file already exists'),self::LOG_ERROR );
			Flash::set('error',__('the file was not unique; the file already exists') . print_r($_FILES,1) );
			return false;
		//	determine the uploaded file extension
		$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($_FILES[$tagname]['name'],PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
		//	check to make sure uploaded filetype is ok
		$valid_exts = explode(',',Plugin::getSetting('filetypes','downloads'));
		if (!in_array($ext,$valid_exts)) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('file was not an allowed type'),self::LOG_ERROR);
			Flash::set('error',__('Uploaded file not an allowed file type.'));
			return false;
		//	setup the filename
		$filename = $this->__filename($filename,$ext);
		//	determine the destination directory
		$dstdir = CMS_ROOT."/{$this->settings['download_path']}/";
		//	if overwrite isn't allowed check to see if file exists
		if (!$overwrite && file_exists($dstdir.$filename)) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('file already exists'),self::LOG_ERROR);
			Flash::set('error',__('file already exists'));
			return false;
		//	set the umask and move the uploaded file
		//	if there is a problem set the error, put the old file back and set an error
		if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$tagname]['tmp_name'],$dstdir.$filename)) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('could not move uploaded file'),self::LOG_ERROR);
			Flash::set('error',__('Could not move uploaded file!'));
			return false;
		//	check to see if the file was uploaded and try to chmod the file
		//	if there is a problem with chmod output an error but don't stop since the
		//	file was already uploaded
		if (@!chmod($dstdir.$filename, octdec($this->settings['filemode']))) {
			$this->__log(__('error encountered uploading file').'; '.__('unable to change permissions'),self::LOG_WARNING);
			flash::set('error', __('File uploaded, however file permissions could not be changed.'));
		//	return the image name
		$this->__log(__('uploaded file').' - '.$filename);
		return array('filename'=>$filename,'hash'=>$hash);

Exemple #17
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
 * The TinyMCE plugin provides the TinyMCE editor to Wolf CMS users.
 * @package wolf
 * @subpackage plugin.tinymce
 * @author Martijn van der Kleijn <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 3.0.0
 * @since Wolf version 0.5.5
 * @license GPL License
 * @copyright Martijn van der Kleijn, 2008,2009
$version = Plugin::getSetting('version', 'tinymce');
// Check if settings were found for tinymce
if (!$version || $version == null) {
    // Check if we're upgrading from a previous version.
    $upgrade = checkForOldInstall();
    // Upgrading from previous installation
    if ($upgrade) {
        // Retrieve the old settings.
        $PDO = Record::getConnection();
        $tablename = TABLE_PREFIX . 'tinymce';
        $sql_check = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablename}";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename}";
        $result = $PDO->query($sql_check);
        // Checking if old tinymce table is OK
        if ($result && $result->fetchColumn() != 1) {
Exemple #18
 * Downloads Plugin for WolfCMS <>
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Shannon Brooks <*****@*****.**>
 * This file is part of Downloads Plugin. Downloads Plugin is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
 * Please see license.txt for the full license text.

// Security Measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

$allowed_filetypes = str_replace(',',', ',Plugin::getSetting('filetypes','downloads'));

<h1><?php echo isset($id) ? __('Edit Download') . " (#$id): $name" : __('New Download');?></h1>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo isset($id) ? get_url('plugin/downloads/update/'.$id) : get_url('plugin/downloads/create'); ?>">
	<fieldset style="padding: 0.5em;">
		<legend style="padding: 0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em; font-weight: bold;"><?php echo __('File'); ?></legend>
		<?php if (isset($id)) echo "<a href=\"/download-file/{$id}/{$filename}\" target=\"_blank\">{$filename}</a>"; ?><br />
		<table class="fieldset" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
				<td class="label"><label for="download"><?php echo __('Download:');?> </label></td>
				<td class="field"><input name="download" id="download" type="file" /></td>
				<td class="help"><?php echo __('Allowed filetypes').': '.$allowed_filetypes; ?></td>
	<br />
	<fieldset style="padding: 0.5em;">
		<legend style="padding: 0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em; font-weight: bold;"><?php echo __('Information'); ?></legend>
Exemple #19
 * Displays a captcha when required by the settings.
 * @return none Nothing.
function captcha()
    // Initialize proper defaults
    $data = null;
    $captcha = 1;
    $approve = 0;
    // Check if comment is available
    if (isset($_POST['comment'])) {
        $data = $_POST['comment'];
        if (is_null($data)) {
    // Get settings
    $captcha = Plugin::getSetting('use_captcha', 'comment');
    $approve = Plugin::getSetting('auto_approve_comment', 'comment');
    // Display captcha if required
    if ($captcha && $captcha == '1') {
        if ($data && ($data['secure'] != $_SESSION['security_number'] && !empty($data['secure']))) {
            echo '<p class="comment-captcha-error">' . __('Incorrect result value. Please try again:') . '</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p>' . __('Please insert the result of the arithmetical operation from the following image:') . '</p>';
        echo '<img id="comment-captcha" src="' . URL_PUBLIC . 'wolf/plugins/comment/image.php" alt="' . __('Please insert the result of the arithmetical operation from this image.') . '" />';
        echo ' = <input id="comment-captcha-answer" class="input" type="text" name="comment[secure]" />';
    // Add a field with user's IP address.
    echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $ip . '" name="comment[author_ip]" />';
    // Display results
    if (isset($_POST['commit-comment'])) {
        if ($captcha && $captcha != '1' || $data['secure'] == $_SESSION['security_number']) {
            if ($approve && $approve == '1') {
                echo '<p class="comment-captcha-success">' . __('Thank you for your comment. It has been added.') . '</p>';
            } else {
                echo '<p class="comment-captcha-success">' . __('Thank you for your comment. It is waiting for approval.') . '</p>';
Exemple #20
function banner_catch_json_request($args) {

	//	check for banner json request
	if (preg_match('#^/banner-json-request/(\d+)x(\d+)$#i',$args,$matches)) {
		$width = (int)$matches[1];
		$height = (int)$matches[2];
		$imguri = Plugin::getSetting('imguri','banner');
		$cssclass = Plugin::getSetting('cssclass','banner');

		if (!$banner = Banner::findBySize($width,$height)) {
			echo json_encode(array('error'=>'could not find banner'));
		$banner->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
		$banner->image = "/{$imguri}/{$banner->image}";
		echo json_encode((array)$banner);

	//	no click so keep going
	return $args;

Exemple #21
"><img src="<?php 
/plugins/tinymce/images/settings.png" align="middle" /><?php 
echo __('Settings');
<div class="box">
echo __('TinyMCE Editor plugin');
echo __('Plugin') . ': ' . Plugin::getSetting('version', 'tinymce');
TinyMCE: v3.3.4 (2010-04-27)
    The TinyMCE editor plugin consists of a stock (unchanged) version of TinyMCE, except for the addition of the codeprotect plugin,
    packaged with a number of supporting files.
    This allows TinyMCE to be used or updated quickly in an easy manner for Fresh CMS users without needing to change TinyMCE itself.
    <a href="">Fresh CMS TinyMCE plugin</a><br/>
    <a href="">TinyMCE Homepage</a>
Exemple #22
echo __('Modify');
global $__CMS_CONN__;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comment WHERE is_approved = 1";
$stmt = $__CMS_CONN__->query($sql);
$comments_count = $stmt->fetchColumn();
if (isset($page)) {
    $CurPage = $page;
} else {
    $CurPage = 0;
$rowspage = Plugin::getSetting('rowspage', 'comment');
$start = $CurPage * $rowspage;
$totalrecords = $comments_count;
$sql = "SELECT comment.is_approved,, comment.page_id, comment.author_name, comment.author_email, comment.author_link, comment.body, comment.created_on, page.title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comment AS comment, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "page AS page WHERE comment.is_approved = 1 AND comment.page_id = ORDER BY comment.created_on DESC LIMIT " . $rowspage . " OFFSET " . $start;
$stmt = $__CMS_CONN__->prepare($sql);
$lastpage = ceil($totalrecords / $rowspage);
if ($comments_count <= $rowspage) {
    $lastpage = 0;
} else {
    $lastpage = abs($lastpage - 1);
if ($comments_count > 0) {
<ol id="comments">
Exemple #23
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Shannon Brooks <*****@*****.**>
 * This file is part of Banner Plugin. Banner Plugin is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.
 * Please see license.txt for the full license text.

// Security Measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

<h1><?=isset($id) ? __('Edit Banner') . " #{$id}: {$name} ({$width}x{$height})" : __('New Banner');?></h1>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?=isset($id) ? get_url('plugin/banner/banner_update/'.$id) : get_url('plugin/banner/banner_new'); ?>">
	<fieldset style="padding: 0.5em;">
		<legend style="padding: 0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em; font-weight: bold;"><?php echo __('Banner Image'); ?></legend>
		<? if (isset($id)) : ?>
		<img src="<?=URI_PUBLIC.Plugin::getSetting('imguri','banner').'/'.$image;?>" alt="<?=$alttext;?>" width="<?=$width;?>" height="<?=$height;?>" /><br />
		<? else : ?>
		<table class="fieldset" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
				<td class="label"><label for="banner"><?php echo __('Banner Image:');?> </label></td>
				<td class="field"><input name="banner" id="banner" type="file" /></td>
				<td class="help"><?php echo __('Only jpg, png and gif files are accepted'); ?></td>
		<? endif; ?>
	<br />
	<fieldset style="padding: 0.5em;">
		<legend style="padding: 0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em; font-weight: bold;"><?php echo __('Banner Information'); ?></legend>
		<table class="fieldset" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
 function password_reset()
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $email = trim($_POST['email']);
         $reset_no_email = Plugin::getSetting('reset_no_email', "registered_users");
         if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
             echo $reset_no_email;
         } else {
             $common = new RUCommon();
     } else {
         $reset_form = new View('../../plugins/registered_users/views/reset');
         $reset_page = Plugin::getSetting('reset_page', "registered_users");
         $reset_text = Plugin::getSetting('reset_text', "registered_users");
         echo $reset_text;
         echo '<form action="' . URL_PUBLIC . '' . $reset_page . '' . URL_SUFFIX . '" method="post">';
         echo $reset_form;
         echo '</form>';
Exemple #25
function funky_cache_folder()
    $folder = '/' . Plugin::getSetting('funky_cache_folder', 'funky_cache') . '/';
    $folder = preg_replace('#//*#', '/', $folder);
    return $folder;
Exemple #26
/images/settings.png" align="middle" alt="settings icon" /> <?php 
echo __('Settings');
<div class="box">
echo __('Backup/Restore plugin');
echo __('The Backup/Restore plugin allows you to create complete backups of the Fresh CMS core database.');
<br />
echo __('Version');
 - <?php 
<br />
echo __('Designed for Fresh CMS version') . ' ' . Plugin::getSetting('cmsversion', 'backup_restore');
<br />
Exemple #27
 protected function setUrl()
     $use_date = Plugin::getSetting('use_dates', 'archive');
     if ($use_date === '1') {
         $this->url = trim($this->parent->url . date('/Y/m/d/', strtotime($this->created_on)) . $this->slug, '/');
     } elseif ($use_date === '0') {
         $this->url = trim($this->parent->url . '/' . $this->slug, '/');
Exemple #28
 * Facts Plugin for WolfCMS <>
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Shannon Brooks <*****@*****.**>

//	security measure
if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit(); }

//	include the Installer helper

//	only support MySQL
$driver = Installer::getDriver();
if ( $driver != 'mysql' ) Installer::failInstall( 'facts', __('Only MySQL is supported!') );

//	get plugin version
$version = Plugin::getSetting('version', 'facts');

switch ($version) {

	//	no version found so we do a clean install
		//	sanity check to make sure we are really dealing with a clean install
		if ($version !== false) Installer::failInstall( 'facts', __('Unknown Version!') );
		//	create tables
		$facts_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'facts';
		$facts_table_sql =<<<SQL
			CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$facts_table}  (
 function validateaccount($email, $rand_key_confirm)
     $rand_key = $rand_key_confirm;
     $PDO = Record::getConnection();
     $check_validated = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email='{$email}'";
     $result = $PDO->prepare($check_validated);
     $count = $result->rowCount();
     if ($count > 0) {
         $settings = Plugin::getAllSettings("registered_users");
         $met = $settings["message_error_technical"];
         $message_empty_name = $settings["message_empty_name"];
         $message_empty_email = $settings["message_empty_email"];
         $message_empty_username = $settings["message_empty_username"];
         $message_empty_password = $settings["message_empty_password"];
         $message_empty_password_confirm = $settings["message_empty_password_confirm"];
         $message_notvalid_password = $settings["message_notvalid_password"];
         $message_notvalid_username = $settings["message_notvalid_username"];
         $message_notvalid_email = $settings["message_notvalid_email"];
         $message_error_already_validated = $settings["message_error_already_validated"];
         echo $message_error_already_validated;
     } else {
         $today = date('Y-m-d G:i:s');
         $registration_temp = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "registered_users_temp WHERE email='{$email}'";
         foreach ($PDO->query($registration_temp) as $row) {
             $name = $row['name'];
             $email = $row['email'];
             $username = $row['username'];
             $password = $row['password'];
             $rand_key = $row['rand_key'];
             $reg_date = $row['reg_date'];
             $welcome_message = $row['welcome_message'];
             $message_notvalid_password = $row['message_notvalid_password'];
         if ($rand_key_confirm == $rand_key) {
             // Let's transfer the user from the temp table to the user table
             //$update_user_table = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."user (`id`,`name`,`email`,`username`,`password`,`created_on`,`updated_on`,`created_by_id`,`updated_by_id`) VALUES	('','$name','$email','$username','$password','$reg_date','$today','','');";
             //$stmt = $__CMS_CONN__->prepare($update_user_table);
             $user = new User();
             $user->name = $name;
             $user->email = $email;
             $user->username = $username;
             $user->salt = AuthUser::generateSalt();
             $user->password = AuthUser::generateHashedPassword($password, $user->salt);
             $user->created_on = $reg_date;
             $user->updated_on = $today;
             // We don't need them in the temp table anymore
             $delete_temp_user = "******" . TABLE_PREFIX . "registered_users_temp WHERE email='{$email}'";
             $stmt = $PDO->prepare($delete_temp_user);
             // And let's make sure we have some permissions set so that user can then do something!
             // First we need the default permssion ID
             $def_permission = Plugin::getSetting("default_permissions", "registered_users");
             // Then we need the correct user ID
             /*$user = "******".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE email='$email'";
               foreach ($__CMS_CONN__->query($user) as $row) {
                   $id = $row['id'];
             $id = $user->id;
             $set_permissions = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_role (`user_id`,`role_id`) VALUES ('{$id}','{$permission_id}');";
             $stmt = $PDO->prepare($set_permissions);
             // We also need to add the profile settings into DB
             $addprofile = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_profile (`id`,`firstlogin`,`subscribe`,`sysnotifications`,`haspic`,`profile_blurb`) VALUES ({$id},'1','1','1','0','your public profile...');";
             $addprofile = $PDO->prepare($addprofile);
             echo $welcome_message;
             $loadloginclass = new RegisteredUser();
         } else {
             echo $message_notvalid_password;
Exemple #30
function replaceContentByUri($page)
    $source = Plugin::getSetting('langsource', 'multi_lang');
    if (!$source) {
    global $urilang;
    if ($source == 'uri' && $urilang !== false) {
        if (isset($page->part->{$urilang}) && !empty($page->part->{$urilang}->content_html) && $page->part->{$urilang}->content_html != '') {
            $page->part->body->content_html = $page->part->{$urilang}->content_html;