Exemple #1
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     //echo $this->argument('example');
     //echo $this->option('example');
     $app_name = $this->option('app_name');
     $app_id = $this->option('app_id');
     if ($app_name) {
         $plugins = \Plugin::whereHas('applications', function ($q) use($app_name) {
             $q->where('name', $app_name);
     } else {
         if ($app_id) {
             $plugins = \Plugin::whereHas('applications', function ($q) use($app_id) {
                 $q->where('id', $app_id);
         } else {
             $plugins = \Plugin::get();
     echo "\n";
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         //Register appliation service providers
         echo "Publishing for " . $plugin->name . "\n";
     //we now need to re asset publish?
     //TODO: do we really want to force this 100% of the time?
     \Artisan::call('vendor:publish', ['--force' => 1]);
  * Display the main page of the permission settings
 public function index()
     $permissionGroups = Permission::getAllGroupByPlugin();
     $example = isset($this->roleId) ? array('roleId' => $this->roleId) : array();
     $data = RolePermission::getListByExample(new DBExample($example));
     $values = array();
     foreach ($data as $value) {
         $values[$value->permissionId][$value->roleId] = $value->value;
     $roles = isset($this->roleId) ? array(Role::getById($this->roleId)) : Role::getAll(null, array(), array(), true);
     $param = array('id' => 'permissions-form', 'fieldsets' => array('form' => array(), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get('main.valid-button'))))));
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         foreach ($permissionGroups as $group => $permissions) {
             if (Plugin::get($group)) {
                 foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                     if ($role->id == Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID) {
                         $default = 1;
                     } elseif (isset($values[$permission->id][$role->id])) {
                         $default = $values[$permission->id][$role->id];
                     } else {
                         $default = 0;
                     $param['fieldsets']['form'][] = new CheckboxInput(array('name' => "permission-{$permission->id}-{$role->id}", 'disabled' => $role->id == Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID || $role->id == Role::GUEST_ROLE_ID && !$permission->availableForGuests, 'default' => $default, 'class' => $permission->id == Permission::ALL_PRIVILEGES_ID ? 'select-all' : '', 'nl' => false));
     $form = new Form($param);
     if (!$form->submitted()) {
         $page = View::make(Plugin::current()->getView("permissions.tpl"), array('permissions' => $permissionGroups, 'fields' => $form->inputs, 'roles' => $roles));
         return NoSidebarTab::make(array('icon' => 'unlock-alt', 'title' => Lang::get('permissions.page-title'), 'page' => $form->wrap($page)));
     } else {
         try {
             foreach ($form->inputs as $name => $field) {
                 if (preg_match('/^permission\\-(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)$/', $name, $match)) {
                     $permissionId = $match[1];
                     $roleId = $match[2];
                     $value = App::request()->getBody($name) ? 1 : 0;
                     if ($roleId != Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID && !($roleId == Role::GUEST_ROLE_ID && !$permission->availableForGuests)) {
                         $permission = new RolePermission();
                         $permission->set(array('roleId' => $roleId, 'permissionId' => $permissionId, 'value' => $value));
             App::logger()->info('Permissions were succesfully updated');
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get("roles.permissions-update-success"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             App::logger()->error('An error occured while updating permissions');
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, DEBUG_MODE ? $e->getMessage() : Lang::get("roles.permissions-update-error"));
Exemple #3
 public function index($plugin)
     $this->admin_only('plugin config');
     $data = $this->init_view_data();
     $plugin = Plugin::get($plugin);
     OpenVBX::$currentPlugin = $plugin;
     try {
         $data['info'] = $plugin->getInfo();
         $data['script'] = $plugin->getScript('config');
     } catch (PluginException $e) {
         $data['script'] = null;
     $this->respond('', 'page/config', $data);
Exemple #4
 public function plus_hook($module, $action, $data = NULL, $return = false)
     $action_name = 'hook_' . $module . '_' . $action;
     $list = $this->model->table('plugin')->where('status=1')->select();
     $plugin_list = Plugin::get();
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as $value) {
             $action_array = $plugin_list[$value['file']];
             if (!empty($action_array)) {
                 if (in_array($action_name, $action_array)) {
                     if ($return) {
                         return Plugin::run($value['file'], $action_name, $data, $return);
                     } else {
                         Plugin::run($value['file'], $action_name, $data);
Exemple #5
  * Display and treat application settings
 public function settings()
     $languages = array_map(function ($language) {
         return $language->label;
     }, Language::getAll('tag'));
     $roleObjects = Role::getListByExample(new DBExample(array('id' => array('$ne' => 0))), 'id');
     $roles = array();
     foreach ($roleObjects as $role) {
         $roles[$role->id] = Lang::get("roles.role-{$role->id}-label");
     $items = MenuItem::getAvailableItems();
     $menuItems = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if ($item->action && !preg_match('/^(javascript\\:|#)/', $item->action) && (!$item->target || $item->target == 'newtab')) {
             if ($item->label === 'user.username') {
                 $item->label = App::session()->getUser()->username;
             $menuItems[$item->action] = $item->label;
         } else {
             foreach ($item->visibleItems as $subitem) {
                 if ($item->label === 'user.username') {
                     $item->label = App::session()->getUser()->username;
                 if (!preg_match('/^(javascript\\:|#)/', $subitem->action) && (!$subitem->target || $subitem->target == 'newtab')) {
                     $menuItems[$subitem->action] = $item->label . " > " . $subitem->label;
     $api = new HawkApi();
     try {
         $updates = $api->getCoreAvailableUpdates();
     } catch (\Hawk\HawkApiException $e) {
         $updates = array();
     $param = array('id' => 'settings-form', 'upload' => true, 'fieldsets' => array('main' => array(new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_sitename', 'required' => true, 'default' => Option::get('main.sitename'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-sitename-label'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_language', 'required' => true, 'options' => $languages, 'default' => Option::get('main.language'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-language-label'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_timezone', 'required' => true, 'options' => array_combine(\DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(), \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()), 'default' => Option::get('main.timezone'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-timezone-label'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_currency', 'required' => true, 'options' => array('EUR' => 'Euro (€)', 'USD' => 'US Dollar ($)'), 'default' => Option::get('main.currency'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-currency-label'))), new FileInput(array('name' => 'logo', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-logo-label'), 'after' => Option::get('main.logo') ? '<img src="' . Plugin::get('main')->getUserfilesUrl(Option::get('main.logo')) . '" class="settings-logo-preview" />' : '', 'maxSize' => 200000, 'extensions' => array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'))), new FileInput(array('name' => 'favicon', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-favicon-label'), 'after' => Option::get('main.favicon') ? '<img src="' . Plugin::get('main')->getUserfilesUrl(Option::get('main.favicon')) . '" class="settings-favicon-preview" />' : '', 'maxSize' => 20000, 'extensions' => array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'ico')))), 'referencing' => call_user_func(function () use($languages) {
         $inputs = array();
         foreach ($languages as $tag => $language) {
             $inputs[] = new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_page-title-' . $tag, 'default' => Option::get('main.page-title-' . $tag)));
             $inputs[] = new TextareaInput(array('name' => 'main_page-description-' . $tag, 'default' => Option::get('main.page-description-' . $tag)));
             $inputs[] = new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_page-keywords-' . $tag, 'default' => Option::get('main.page-keywords-' . $tag)));
         return $inputs;
     }), 'home' => array(new RadioInput(array('name' => 'main_home-page-type', 'options' => array('default' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-type-default'), 'custom' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-type-custom'), 'page' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-type-page')), 'default' => Option::get('main.home-page-type') ? Option::get('main.home-page-type') : 'default', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-type-label'), 'layout' => 'vertical', 'attributes' => array('e-value' => 'homePage.type'))), new WysiwygInput(array('name' => 'main_home-page-html', 'id' => 'home-page-html', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-html-label'), 'default' => Option::get('main.home-page-html'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_home-page-item', 'id' => 'home-page-item', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-home-page-item-label'), 'options' => $menuItems, 'value' => Option::get('main.home-page-item'))), new CheckboxInput(array('name' => 'main_open-last-tabs', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-open-last-tabs'), 'default' => Option::get('main.open-last-tabs'), 'dataType' => 'int'))), 'users' => array(new RadioInput(array('name' => 'main_allow-guest', 'options' => array(0 => Lang::get('main.no-txt'), 1 => Lang::get('main.yes-txt')), 'default' => Option::get('main.allow-guest') ? Option::get('main.allow-guest') : 0, 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-allow-guest-label'))), new RadioInput(array('name' => 'main_open-register', 'options' => array(0 => Lang::get('admin.settings-open-register-off'), 1 => Lang::get('admin.settings-open-register-on')), 'layout' => 'vertical', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-open-registers-label'), 'default' => Option::get('main.open-register') ? Option::get('main.open-register') : 0, 'attributes' => array('e-value' => 'register.open'))), new CheckboxInput(array('name' => 'main_confirm-register-email', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-confirm-email-label'), 'default' => Option::get('main.confirm-register-email'), 'dataType' => 'int', 'attributes' => array('e-value' => 'register.checkEmail'))), new WysiwygInput(array('name' => 'main_confirm-email-content', 'id' => 'settings-confirm-email-content-input', 'default' => Option::get('main.confirm-email-content'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-confirm-email-content-label'), 'labelWidth' => 'auto')), new CheckboxInput(array('name' => 'main_confirm-register-terms', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-confirm-terms-label'), 'default' => Option::get('main.confirm-register-terms'), 'dataType' => 'int', 'labelWidth' => 'auto', 'attributes' => array('e-value' => 'register.checkTerms'))), new WysiwygInput(array('name' => 'main_terms', 'id' => 'settings-terms-input', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-terms-label'), 'labelWidth' => 'auto', 'default' => Option::get('main.terms'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'roles_default-role', 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-default-role-label'), 'options' => $roles, 'default' => Option::get('roles.default-role')))), 'email' => array(new EmailInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-from', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-from') ? Option::get('main.mailer-from') : App::session()->getUser()->email, 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-from-label'))), new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-from-name', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-from-name') ? Option::get('main.mailer-from-name') : App::session()->getUser()->getDisplayName(), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-from-name-label'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-type', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-type'), 'options' => array('mail' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-type-mail-value'), 'smtp' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-type-smtp-value'), 'pop3' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-type-pop3-value')), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-type-label'), 'attributes' => array('e-value' => 'mail.type'))), new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-host', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-host'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-host-label'))), new IntegerInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-port', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-port'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-port-label'), 'size' => 4)), new TextInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-username', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-username'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-username-label'))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'main_mailer-password', 'encrypt' => 'Crypto::aes256Encode', 'decrypt' => 'Crypto::aes256Decode', 'default' => Option::get('main.mailer-password'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-mailer-password-label'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'main_smtp-secured', 'options' => array('' => Lang::get('main.no-txt'), 'ssl' => 'SSL', 'tsl' => 'TSL'), 'label' => Lang::get('admin.settings-smtp-secured-label')))), '_submits' => array(empty($updates) ? new HtmlInput(array('value' => '<span class="btn btn-success">' . Lang::get('admin.hawk-version-up-to-date', array('version' => HAWK_VERSION)) . '</span>')) : new ButtonInput(array('name' => 'update-hawk', 'value' => Lang::get('admin.update-page-update-hawk-btn', array('version' => end($updates)['version'])), 'icon' => 'refresh', 'id' => 'update-hawk-btn', 'attributes' => array('e-click' => 'function(){ updateHawk("' . end($updates)['version'] . '"); }'), 'class' => 'btn-warning')), new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'save', 'value' => Lang::get('main.valid-button'), 'class' => 'pull-right')))));
     $form = new Form($param);
     if (!$form->submitted()) {
         // Display the form
         $page = View::make(Plugin::current()->getView('settings.tpl'), array('form' => $form, 'languages' => $languages));
         return NoSidebarTab::make(array('icon' => 'cogs', 'title' => Lang::get('admin.settings-page-name'), 'description' => Lang::get('admin.settings-page-description'), 'page' => $page));
     } else {
         // treat the form
         try {
             if ($form->check()) {
                 // register scalar values
                 foreach ($form->inputs as $name => $field) {
                     if (!$field instanceof \Hawk\FileInput && !$field instanceof \Hawk\ButtonInput && !$field instanceof \Hawk\HtmlInput) {
                         $value = $field->dbvalue();
                         if ($value === null) {
                             $value = '0';
                         $optionName = str_replace('_', '.', $name);
                         App::logger()->error("Option name =" . $optionName . 'X');
                         App::logger()->error("basename=" . $value . 'X');
                         Option::set($optionName, $value);
                     } elseif ($field instanceof \Hawk\FileInput) {
                         $upload = Upload::getInstance($name);
                         if ($upload) {
                             try {
                                 $file = $upload->getFile();
                                 $dir = Plugin::get('main')->getPublicUserfilesDir();
                                 if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                                     mkdir($dir, 0755);
                                 if ($name == 'favicon') {
                                     $basename = uniqid() . '.ico';
                                     $generator = new \PHPICO($file->tmpFile, array(array(16, 16), array(32, 32), array(48, 48), array(64, 64)));
                                     $generator->save_ico($dir . $basename);
                                 } else {
                                     $basename = uniqid() . '.' . $file->extension;
                                     $upload->move($file, $dir, $basename);
                                 // remove the old image
                                 @unlink($dir . Option::get("main.{$name}"));
                                 App::logger()->error("Option name = " . $name);
                                 App::logger()->error("basename=" . $basename);
                                 Option::set("main.{$name}", $basename);
                             } catch (ImageException $e) {
                                 $form->error($name, Lang::get('form.image-format'));
                                 throw $e;
                 // Register the favicon
                 App::logger()->info('The options of the application has been updated by ' . App::session()->getUser()->username);
                 return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get('admin.settings-save-success'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             App::logger()->error('An error occured while updating application options');
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, DEBUG_MODE ? $e->getMessage() : Lang::get('admin.settings-save-error'));
Exemple #6
    $project_wave = $objForm->getPost('project_wave');
    if (!empty($project_wave)) {
        $criteria['project_wave'] = $project_wave;
    $team = $objForm->getPost('team');
    if (!empty($team)) {
        $criteria['team_id'] = $team;
    $position = $objForm->getPost('position');
    if (!empty($position)) {
        $criteria['position_id'] = $position;
    if (!empty($criteria)) {
        $rows = $objRecruitment->getRecruitmentByCriteria($criteria);
        echo Plugin::get('recruitment_search', array('rows' => $rows));
    } else {
        echo '';
$header = 'Recruitment :: Search';
require_once '_header.php';
echo $header;
        <a class="h2rightlink" id="clearSearch"><u>Clear search</u></a>   
Exemple #7
 private function applet_headers($applet, $plugin_dir_name)
     $plugin = Plugin::get($plugin_dir_name);
     $plugin_info = $plugin ? $plugin->getInfo() : false;
     header("X-OpenVBX-Applet-Version: {$applet->version}");
     if ($plugin_info) {
         header("X-OpenVBX-Plugin: {$plugin_info['name']}");
         header("X-OpenVBX-Plugin-Version: {$plugin_info['version']}");
     header("X-OpenVBX-Applet: {$applet->name}");
Exemple #8

namespace Hawk;

try {
    /*** Initialize the application ***/
    define('SCRIPT_START_TIME', microtime(true));
    define('ROOT_DIR', __DIR__ . '/');
    define('INCLUDES_DIR', ROOT_DIR . 'includes/');
    include ROOT_DIR . 'start.php';
    App::logger()->debug('script has been Initialized');
    (new Event('process-start'))->trigger();
    /*** Initialize the plugins ***/
    $plugins = App::conf()->has('db') ? Plugin::getActivePlugins() : array(Plugin::get('main'), Plugin::get('install'));
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        if (is_file($plugin->getStartFile())) {
            include $plugin->getStartFile();
    /*** Initialize the theme ***/
    if (is_file(Theme::getSelected()->getStartFile())) {
        include Theme::getSelected()->getStartFile();
    (new Event('before-routing'))->trigger();
    /*** Execute action just after routing ***/
    Event::on('after-routing', function ($event) {
        $route = $event->getData('route');
        if (!App::conf()->has('db') && App::request()->getUri() == App::router()->getUri('index')) {
            // The application is not installed yet
            App::logger()->notice('Hawk is not installed yet, redirect to install process page');

$objPage = new Page();
$groups = $objPage->getGroups('', array('order' => 'asc'));
require_once '_header.php';

echo $header;
    <div class="fl_l">
        <h2>Page Groups</h2>
        <div data-plugin="page_groups" class="reloadSection" data-current="1" >
echo Plugin::get('page_groups', array('groups' => $groups));
    <div style="margin-left:45%;">
        <div data-plugin="pages_in_group" class="reloadSection" style="overflow-y:hidden;">      
            <h1>Group Details</h1>
            Click a group to see the pages in it.
    <div style="height:25px;clear:both;"></div>
Exemple #10
    $team = $objForm->getPost('team');
    if (!empty($team)) {
        $criteria['involvements']['team_id'] = $team;
    $position = $objForm->getPost('position');
    if (!empty($position)) {
        $criteria['involvements']['position_id'] = $position;
    if (!empty($criteria['personal']) || !empty($criteria['involvements'])) {
        if ($return_null) {
            $rows = array();
        } else {
            $rows = $objMember->getMemberByCrit($criteria);
        echo Plugin::get('member_search', array('profile' => $current_user, 'rows' => $rows, 'objMember' => $objMember));
    } else {
        echo '';
$header = 'Member :: Search';
require_once '_header.php';
    <h1>Member :: Search
        <span style="float:right;font-size:12px;cursor:pointer;">
    <a id="clearFields"><u>Clear all fields</u></a> |
            <a id="clearSearch"><u>Clear search</u></a>
 public function __construct(Plugin $plugin)
     $this->plugin = $plugin;
     $this->validatorBuilder = $plugin->get('validatorBuilder');
Exemple #12

$objTeam = new Team();
$teams = $objTeam->getAllTeams();
$teamsProject = $objTeam->getAllTeamsInProject(6);
$teamsEXCO = $objTeam->getAllTeamsInProject(5);
require_once '_header.php';
echo $header;
        <div data-plugin="team_categories" class="reloadSection" style="display:inline-block; float: left;" 
echo Plugin::get('team_categories', array('teams' => $teams, 'objTeam' => $objTeam));
        <div data-plugin="team_order" class="reloadSection" style="display:inline-block;float:right;" >        
echo Plugin::get('team_order', array('teamsEXCO' => $teamsEXCO, 'teamsProject' => $teamsProject));
require_once '_footer.php';
Exemple #13
$positionsProject = $objPosition->getAllPositionsInProject(6);
$objTeam = new Team();
$teamsProject = $objTeam->getAllTeamsInProject(6);
$teamsEXCO = $objTeam->getAllTeamsInProject(5);
require_once '_header.php';
echo $header;
        <div data-plugin="position_categories" style="display:inline-block; float: left;" class="reloadSection">
echo Plugin::get('position_categories', array('positions' => $positions, 'objPosition' => $objPosition));
        <div data-plugin="position_order" style="display:inline-block;float:right;" class="reloadSection">        
echo Plugin::get('position_order', array('positionsEXCO' => $positionsEXCO, 'positionsProject' => $positionsProject));
        <div data-plugin="position_team" style="clear:both;display:block;" class="reloadSection">        
echo Plugin::get('position_team', array('positionsEXCO' => $positionsEXCO, 'positionsProject' => $positionsProject, 'teamsEXCO' => $teamsEXCO, 'teamsProject' => $teamsProject, 'objPosition' => $objPosition));
        <div style="height:25px;clear:both;"></div>
require_once '_footer.php';
Exemple #14
  * Prepare the content to send in the email
 private function prepareContent()
     if ($this->useDefaultTemplate) {
         // Create the email content
         $cssVariables = Theme::getSelected()->getEditableVariables();
         $values = Theme::getSelected()->getVariablesCustomValues();
         $css = array();
         foreach ($cssVariables as $var) {
             $css[$var['name']] = isset($values[$var['name']]) ? $values[$var['name']] : $var['default'];
         // Format the email
         $emailHtml = View::make(Theme::getSelected()->getView('email.tpl'), array('css' => $css, 'title' => $this->title, 'content' => $this->content, 'logo' => Option::get('main.logo') ? Plugin::get('main')->getUserfilesUrl(Option::get('main.logo')) : Plugin::get('main')->getStaticUrl('img/hawk-logo.png')));
Exemple #15
  * Check if plugin exist and if it is active
  * @param string $name The plugin name to test
  * @return bool True if the plugin exists and is active, else False
 public static function existAndIsActive($name)
     $class = self::getNamespaceByName($name) . "\\Installer";
     if (class_exists($class)) {
         $plugin = Plugin::get($name);
         if ($plugin != null && $plugin->isActive()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #16
 private function installOrupdateDependencies(Plugin $plugin)
     // Check if the plugin has dependencies
     $dependencies = $plugin->getDefinition('dependencies');
     if (!empty($dependencies)) {
         foreach ($dependencies as $name => $param) {
             $dependentPlugin = Plugin::get($name);
             if (!$dependentPlugin) {
                 // The plugin does not exist yet, download it
                 $controller = self::getInstance(array('plugin' => $name));
             } else {
                 // The plugin already exists. Check if it needs to be updated
                 if (!empty($param['version'])) {
                     $installedVersion = Utils::getSerializedVersion($dependentPlugin->getDefinition('version'));
                     $expectedVersion = Utils::getSerializedVersion($param['version']);
                     if ($installedVersion < $expectedVersion) {
                         // The dependency needs to be updated
                         $controller = $controller = self::getInstance(array('plugin' => $name));
Exemple #17
            <div id="tabs">
                    <li><a href="#organizers">Organizers (<?php 
    echo $objProject->_total;
                    <li><a href="#volunteers">Volunteers (<?php 
    echo $objProject->_total_volunteer;
                <div id="organizers">
    echo Plugin::get('project_view_member_list', array('teams' => $teams, 'can_view' => $can_view));
                <div id="volunteers">
    echo Plugin::get('project_view_member_list', array('teams' => $volunteers, 'can_view' => $can_view));
        <div style="height:25px;"></div>
require_once '_footer.php';
Exemple #18
 public function ownsPlugin(Plugin $plugin)
     return $this->isAuthenticated() && $this->getUserId() == $plugin->get('created_by');

$objSchool = new School();
$schools = $objSchool->getAllUni();
require_once '_header.php';
echo $header;
        <div data-plugin="universities" class="reloadSection">
echo Plugin::get('universities', array('schools' => $schools, 'objSchool' => $objSchool));
        <div style="height:25px;"></div>
require_once '_footer.php';
Exemple #20

namespace FakerPress;

$fields[] = new Field('text', array('id' => 'erase_phrase', 'placeholder' => 'The cold never bothered me anyway!'), array('label' => __('Erase faked data', 'fakerpress'), 'description' => __('To erase all data generated type "<b>Let it Go!</b>".', 'fakerpress'), 'actions' => array('delete' => __('Delete!', 'fakerpress'))));
$fields[] = new Field('heading', array('id' => 'heading-500px', 'title' => __('API: <i>500px</i>', 'fakerpress'), 'description' => __('Setting up 500px API connection is fully optional.', 'fakerpress')));
$fields[] = new Field('text', array('id' => '500px-key', 'placeholder' => __('E.g.: fU3TlASxi2uL76TcP5PAd946fYGZTVsfle6v13No', 'fakerpress'), 'value' => Plugin::get(array('500px', 'key'))), array('label' => __('Consumer Key', 'fakerpress'), 'description' => __('Application Consumer Key — <a href="https://500px.com/settings/applications" target="_blank">500px Applications</a>', 'fakerpress'), 'actions' => array('save_500px' => __('Save', 'fakerpress'))));
<div class='wrap'>
echo esc_attr(Admin::$view->title);

	<form method='post'>
wp_nonce_field(Plugin::$slug . '.request.' . Admin::$view->slug . (isset(Admin::$view->action) ? '.' . Admin::$view->action : ''));
		<table class="form-table" style="display: table;">
foreach ($fields as $field) {
Exemple #21
  * Display the list
  * @return string The HTML result of displaying
 public function display()
     try {
         $pages = 1;
         $data = array();
         $param = array();
         $this->recordNumber = 0;
         if ($this->refresh) {
             // Get the data to display
             // Get the total number of pages
             $pages = ceil($this->recordNumber / $this->lines) > 0 ? ceil($this->recordNumber / $this->lines) : 1;
             // At least one result to display
             $data = array();
             $param = array();
             if (is_array($this->results)) {
                 foreach ($this->results as $id => $line) {
                     $data[$id] = array();
                     $param[$id] = array('class' => '');
                     if ($this->lineClass) {
                         $function = $this->lineClass;
                         $param[$id]['class'] .= $function($line);
                     foreach ($this->fields as $name => $field) {
                         $data[$id][$name] = $field->displayCell($id);
         // Get the list views files
         return View::make($this->refresh ? $this->resultTpl : $this->tpl, array('list' => $this, 'data' => $data, 'linesParameters' => $param, 'pages' => $pages)) . View::make(Plugin::get('main')->getView('list.js.tpl'), array('list' => $this, 'pages' => $pages));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Exemple #22
    <h2>Current Recruitment</h2>          

        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;" data-object="recruitment">
                <th colspan="2">Action</th>
            <tbody class="recruitmentList reloadSection" data-plugin="recruitment_current">
echo Plugin::get('recruitment_current');



    <form class="addPositionForm" action="" method="">            
Exemple #23
            <div id="questions">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;">
                        <td style="width:45%;" class="alignTop">
                            <div class="reloadSection questionListSection" data-plugin="recruitment_question_list">
echo Plugin::get('recruitment_question_list', array('id' => $id));
                        <td style="width:0%;"></td>
                        <td class="alignTop" style="width:50%;"> 
                            <div class="reloadSection editQuestionSection" data-plugin="recruitment_question_edit">
echo Plugin::get('recruitment_question_edit', array('params' => array('recruitment_id' => $id)));

$header = 'High Schools :: Manage';
$objSchool = new School();
$schools = $objSchool->getAllHighSchools();
require_once '_header.php';
echo $header;
        <div data-plugin="high_schools" class="reloadSection">
echo Plugin::get('high_schools', array('schools' => $schools, 'objSchool' => $objSchool));
        <div style="height:25px;"></div>
require_once '_footer.php';

require_once '../inc/config.php';
if (isset($_POST['plugin'])) {
    $plugin = $_POST['plugin'];
    $params = isset($_POST['params']) ? $_POST['params'] : '';
    echo Plugin::get($plugin, array('params' => $params));
Exemple #26
    echo $objProject->_total;
                        <li><a href="#volunteers">Volunteers (<?php 
    echo $objProject->_total_volunteer;
                    <div id="organizers">
    echo Plugin::get('project_edit_member', array('teams' => $teams, 'project' => $project));
                    <div id="volunteers" style="display:none;">
    echo Plugin::get('project_edit_member', array('teams' => $volunteers, 'project' => $project));

require_once '_footer.php';
Exemple #27
  * This method is used when you define your own template for displaying the form content.
  * It will wrap the form content with the <form> tag, and all the parameters defined for this form
  * @param string $content The form content to wrap
  * @return string The HTML result
 public function wrap($content)
     App::logger()->info('display form ' . $this->id);
     // Filter input data that can be sent to the client
     $clientVars = array('id', 'type', 'name', 'required', 'emptyValue', 'pattern', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'compare', 'errorAt', 'label', 'invitation');
     $clientInputs = array();
     foreach ($this->inputs as $field) {
         $clientInputs[$field->name] = array_filter(get_object_vars($field), function ($key) use($clientVars) {
             return in_array($key, $clientVars);
         }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
         $clientInputs[$field->name]['type'] = $field::TYPE;
     // Generate the script to include the form in the application, client side
     $inputs = json_encode($clientInputs, JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
     $errors = json_encode($this->errors, JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
     return View::make(Theme::getSelected()->getView(Form::VIEWS_DIR . 'form.tpl'), array('form' => $this, 'content' => $content)) . View::make(Plugin::get('main')->getView('form.js.tpl'), array('form' => $this, 'inputs' => $inputs, 'errors' => $errors));
  * @brief __get 魔术方法,用于获取注册的钩子
  * @param $name 钩子名
  * @return array
 public function __get($name)
     return Plugin::get($name);
Exemple #29
 * Autoload components
 * If there are any components set to be autoloaded, do so now.
 * This step is the glue that holds everything together. While
 * some "Plugins" are simply additions that you want autoloaded,
 * others are ciritcal for the system to function correctly.
 * These critical components are located in the core/extends
 * directory, and are built this way to allow any tweaking
 * desired.
foreach ($config->getSection('autoload') as $loader => $component) {
    // Build a "Plugin" array as used by the Plugin/DynamicLoader
    // component loading system.
    $component_data = array();
    $component_data['name'] = $config->get('plugin.' . $component, 'name');
    $component_data['class'] = preg_replace_callback('/\\%([A-Z]+)\\%/', 'replace_with_constant', $config->get('plugin.' . $component, 'class'));
    $snforge->profiler->log('Loading class ' . $component_data['name'] . ' from ' . $component_data['class']);
    foreach ($config->getSection('plugin.' . $component) as $key => $value) {
        // Some components can pre-set variables prior to
        // constructing the object.
        if (preg_match('/^var\\.(.*)/', $key, $matches)) {
            $component_data['var_set'][$matches[1]] = preg_replace_callback('/\\%([A-Z]+)\\%/', 'replace_with_constant', $value);
        // Some components require an immediate call - this
        // acts as the constructor for the component.
        if (preg_match('/^call\\.(.*)/', $key, $matches)) {
            $component_data['pre_run'][$matches[1]] = $value;
    // Build the object as a new snForge plugin.
 public function removeplugin()
     if ($_REQUEST['rmid']) {
         $Plugin = new Plugin($_REQUEST['rmid']);
     if ($Plugin) {
         if ($this->getClass(ucfirst($Plugin->get('name')) . 'Manager')->uninstall()) {
             if ($Plugin->destroy()) {
                 $this->FOGCore->setMessage('Plugin Removed');
                 $this->FOGCore->redirect('?node=' . $_REQUEST['node'] . '&sub=activate');