/** * Function called from {@link PHP_Beautifier::process()} to process the tokens. * * If the received token is one of the keys of {@link $aFilterTokenFunctions} * a function with the same name of the value of that key is called. * If the method doesn't exists, {@link __call()} is called, and return * {@link PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS}. PHP_Beautifier, now, call the next Filter is its list. * If the method exists, it can return true or {@link PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS}. * * @param array $token Token to be handled * * @access public * @return bool true if the token is processed, false bypass to the next Filter * @see PHP_Beautifier::process() */ public function handleToken($token) { $this->aToken = $token; if (!$this->bOn) { return false; } $sMethod = $sValue = false; if (array_key_exists($token[0], $this->aFilterTokenFunctions)) { $sMethod = $this->aFilterTokenFunctions[$token[0]]; //$sValue = $token[1]; } elseif ($this->oBeaut->getTokenFunction($token[0])) { $sMethod = $this->oBeaut->getTokenFunction($token[0]); } $sValue = $token[1]; if ($sMethod) { PHP_Beautifier_Common::getLog()->log($this->getName() . "->" . $sMethod . "(" . trim($sValue) . ")", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); // return false if PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS $result = $this->{$sMethod}($sValue) !== PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS; if ($result) { PHP_Beautifier_Common::getLog()->log($this->getName() . "->" . $sMethod . " done", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } return $result; } else { // WEIRD!!! -> Add the same received $this->oBeaut->add($token[1]); PHP_Beautifier_Common::getLog()->log("Add same received:" . trim($token[1]), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return true; } // never go here return false; }
/** * Function called from {@link PHP_Beautifier::process()} to process the tokens. * * If the received token is one of the keys of {@link $aFilterTokenFunctions} * a function with the same name of the value of that key is called. * If the method doesn't exists, {@link __call()} is called, and return * {@link PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS}. PHP_Beautifier, now, call the next Filter is its list. * If the method exists, it can return true or {@link PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS}. * @param array token * @return bool true if the token is processed, false bypass to the next Filter * @see PHP_Beautifier::process() */ public function handleToken($token) { $this->aToken = $token; if (!$this->bOn) { return false; } $sMethod = $sValue = false; if (array_key_exists($token[0], $this->aFilterTokenFunctions)) { $sMethod = $this->aFilterTokenFunctions[$token[0]]; $sValue = $token[1]; } elseif ($this->oBeaut->getTokenFunction($token[0])) { $sMethod = $this->oBeaut->getTokenFunction($token[0]); } $sValue = $token[1]; if ($sMethod) { if ($this->oBeaut->iVerbose > 5) { echo $sMethod . ":" . trim($sValue) . "\n"; } // return false if PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS return $this->{$sMethod}($sValue) !== PHP_Beautifier_Filter::BYPASS; } else { // WEIRD!!! -> Add the same received $this->oBeaut->add($token[1]); if ($this->oBeaut->iVerbose > 5) { echo trim($token) . "\n"; } return true; } // never go here return false; }
private function __write_php_file($lang, $file, $content) { $content = (string) $content; require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; $oBeautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); $oBeautifier->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $oBeautifier->setIndentChar("\t"); $oBeautifier->setIndentNumber(1); $oBeautifier->setNewLine("\n"); $oBeautifier->setInputString($content); $oBeautifier->process(); // required $content = $oBeautifier->get(); $content = mb_convert_encoding((string) $content, 'UTF-8'); $dir = APPPATH . "i18n/{$lang}/"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE); } // Write the contents to the file $file = "{$dir}{$file}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { // Load old file and compare $old_contents = file_get_contents($file); // If array text is identical, don't change the file if (substr($old_contents, strpos($old_contents, '$lang')) == substr($content, strpos($content, '$lang'))) { echo ".. unchanged, skipping\n"; return; } } file_put_contents($file, $content); //chmod($file, 0755); }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; // Create the instance $oBeautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); echo "Filter Directory: " . dirname(__FILE__) . '/beautifier_filters' . "\n"; $oBeautifier->addFilterDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/beautifier_filters'); // Add a filter, without any parameter $oBeautifier->addFilter('TTDefault'); // Set the indent char, number of chars to indent and newline char $oBeautifier->setIndentChar(' '); $oBeautifier->setIndentNumber(4); $oBeautifier->setNewLine("\n"); // Define the input file $oBeautifier->setInputFile($argv[1]); // Define an output file. //$oBeautifier->setOutputFile( $argv[1] .'.beautified.php'); $oBeautifier->setOutputFile($argv[1]); // Process the file. DONT FORGET TO USE IT $oBeautifier->process(); // Show the file (echo to screen) //$oBeautifier->show(); // Save the file $oBeautifier->save();
private function __write_php_file($lang, $file, $content) { $content = (string) $content; require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; $oBeautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); $oBeautifier->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $oBeautifier->setIndentChar("\t"); $oBeautifier->setIndentNumber(1); $oBeautifier->setNewLine("\n"); $oBeautifier->setInputString($content); $oBeautifier->process(); // required $content = $oBeautifier->get(); $content = mb_convert_encoding((string) $content, 'UTF-8'); $dir = APPPATH . "i18n/{$lang}/"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE); } // Write the contents to the file $file = "{$dir}{$file}.php"; file_put_contents($file, $content); //chmod($file, 0755); }
private function ___beautify___($ugly_source, $params = array()) { require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; $oBeautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); $default_params = array_merge(array('indent_char' => ' ', 'indent_number' => 4, 'new_line' => PHP_EOL, 'style' => 'allman'), $params); // add some filters if not exist already $oBeautifier->addFilterDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Filter'); // Add filters for array and code indentation style $oBeautifier->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $oBeautifier->addFilter('IndentStyles', array('style' => $default_params['style'])); // Set the indent char, number of chars to indent and newline char $oBeautifier->setIndentChar($default_params['indent_char']); $oBeautifier->setIndentNumber($default_params['indent_number']); $oBeautifier->setNewLine($default_params['new_line']); // Define the input file $oBeautifier->setInputString($ugly_source); // Process the file. DON'T FORGET TO USE IT $oBeautifier->process(); // return beautiful source return $oBeautifier->get(); }
public function beautifyString($str) { if ($this->beautify) { if (!@(include_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php')) { return $str; } $o_b = new \PHP_Beautifier(); $o_b->setBeautify(true); $o_b->addFilter('ListClassFunction'); $o_b->setIndentChar(' '); $o_b->setIndentNumber(2); $o_b->setNewLine("\n"); $o_b->setInputString("<? {$str} ?>"); $o_b->process(); $res = $o_b->get(); $res = preg_replace('/^\\<\\?\\s+/', '', $res); $res = preg_replace('/\\s+\\?\\>$/', '', $res); return $res; } else { return $str; } }
$data = $smarty->fetch('civicrm_acl.tpl'); $filename = 'civicrm_acl'; if ($locale != 'en_US') { $filename .= ".{$locale}"; } $filename .= '.mysql'; $fd = fopen($sqlCodePath . $filename, "w"); fputs($fd, $data); fclose($fd); } echo "\ncivicrm_domain.version := {$db_version}\n\n"; $tsLocale = 'en_US'; $sample = $smarty->fetch('civicrm_sample.tpl'); $sample .= $smarty->fetch('civicrm_acl.tpl'); file_put_contents($sqlCodePath . 'civicrm_sample.mysql', $sample); $beautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); // create a instance $beautifier->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $beautifier->addFilter('Pear'); // add one or more filters $beautifier->addFilter('NewLines', array('after' => 'class, public, require, comment')); // add one or more filters $beautifier->setIndentChar(' '); $beautifier->setIndentNumber(4); $beautifier->setNewLine("\n"); foreach (array_keys($tables) as $name) { $smarty->clear_all_cache(); echo "Generating {$name} as " . $tables[$name]['fileName'] . "\n"; $smarty->clear_all_assign(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('table', $tables[$name]); $php = $smarty->fetch('dao.tpl');
$constructorcode .= " \$directory = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;\n"; $constructorcode .= " foreach(\$options['classmap'] as \$key => \$value) if(file_exists('{\$directory}../structures/{\$value}.php')) include_once('{\$directory}../structures/{\$value}.php');\n"; $constructorcode .= " parent::__construct(\$wsdl, \$options);"; $aliascode = <<<EOD class_alias("{$serviceName}", "{$oldServiceName}"); ?> EOD; $file = str_replace($oldServiceName, $serviceName, $file); $file = str_replace("parent::__construct(\$wsdl, \$options);", $constructorcode, $file); $file = str_replace("?>", $aliascode, $file); file_put_contents($serviceFile, $file); rename($serviceFile, "splitteroutput/services/{$serviceName}.php"); file_put_contents("splitteroutput/services/{$oldServiceName}.php", "<?php include_once(\"{$serviceName}.php\"); ?>\n"); } foreach (glob("splitteroutput/*.php") as $structureFile) { rename($structureFile, "splitteroutput/structures/" . basename($structureFile)); } include_once "PHP/Beautifier.php"; if (class_exists('PHP_Beautifier')) { $beautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); $beautifier->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $beautifier->setIndentChar("\t"); $beautifier->setIndentNumber(1); foreach (glob("splitteroutput/*/*.php") as $file) { $beautifier->setInputFile($file); $beautifier->setOutputFile($file); $beautifier->process(); $beautifier->save(); } }
* PHP version 5 * * @category Coda Plugins * @package Pear PHP * @subpackage PHP_Beautifier * @author Sofia Cardita <*****@*****.**> * */ chdir('/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/share/pear/'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $path = 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) { echo 'File not found: ' . $path . '. Pear must be in your path. If not you need to set the correct path to Pear\'s Beautifier.php. ' . 'Included paths: ' . get_include_path() . '. Change it in this file: ' . __FILE__; die; } require $path; $source = ''; while ($inp = fread(STDIN, 8192)) { $source .= $inp; } $oToken = new PHP_Beautifier(); $oToken->addFilter('Pear'); $oToken->addFilter('DocBlock'); $oToken->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $oToken->addFilter('EqualsAlign'); //add other filters here $oToken->setInputString($source); $oToken->process(); // required echo $oToken->show();
</HEAD> <BODY> <h1 id='header'>Demo for PHP_Beautifier</h1> <FORM action="" method="POST"> Enter your code: <TEXTAREA name='text' rows='10' style='width:100%'><?php if (isset($_POST['text'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['text']); } ?> </TEXTAREA> <input type='submit' value='Beautify!' /> <?php if (isset($_POST['text'])) { include 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; $oBeautify = new PHP_Beautifier(); $oBeautify->setInputString($_POST['text']); $oBeautify->process(); ?> <h2>Beautified text</h2> <code> <?php highlight_string(preg_replace("/\r\n|\n|\r/", "\n", $oBeautify->get())); ?> </code> <?php if ($db = sqlite_open('../contadores', 0666, $sqliteerror)) { //sqlite_query($db, 'CREATE TABLE contadores (pagina varchar(255),numero int(11))'); $result = sqlite_query($db, "select * from contadores where pagina='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "'"); if (!($aRow = sqlite_fetch_array($result))) { sqlite_query($db, "INSERT INTO contadores (pagina,numero) VALUES ('" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "',1)");
/** * Beautifies PHP code with the PHP_Beautify library. * * @since 1.2.0 * @see http://beautifyphp.sourceforge.net/docs/ * @see http://beautifyphp.sourceforge.net/docs/PHP_Beautifier/tutorial_PHP_Beautifier.howtouse.script.pkg.html */ private function _getBeautifiedPHPCode($sCode) { // Create the instance $_oBeautifier = new PHP_Beautifier(); // Set the indent char, number of chars to indent and newline char $_oBeautifier->setIndentChar(' '); $_oBeautifier->setIndentNumber(4); $_oBeautifier->setNewLine("\n"); // Set the code $_oBeautifier->setInputString($sCode); // Process the file. DON'T FORGET TO USE IT $_oBeautifier->process(); return $_oBeautifier->get(); }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php require 'PHP/Beautifier.php'; error_reporting(1); $source = file_get_contents($argv[1]); $oToken = new PHP_Beautifier(); $oToken->addFilter('Pear'); $oToken->addFilter('DocBlock'); $oToken->addFilter('ArrayNested'); $oToken->setInputString($source); $oToken->process(); // required $oToken->show();